Four years and my thanks to everyone.

Living the real life under lock and key
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Mr Pickle
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Four years and my thanks to everyone.

Post by Mr Pickle »

It's my four year chastiversary.. Or our three year depending on how you look at it.
It dawned on me recently that although it feels like little has changed in the last year or two, this just isn't the case.
Things are moving along at C's pace so at the right pace. What will happen I have no idea, but I look forward to it. We are in a better place now as a family and a couple, as friends and as Man and wife.
I don't feel dominated or abused or any of the 'textbook' things one might think I should feel. I do feel like a devoted loving and very much loved husband. I feel blessed, lucky, high on life.
When I first looked into this stuff and found some actual real people living it.. (thanks Tom and Thumper btw (TnT).
Well I wasn't looking for what they had kink or journey_wise. What they had to me was a solid relationship. One that was obviously growing. They were getting closer, and although this is how all couples should be it isn't usually the case.
My journey is totally different and I don't have any goals in mind these days. I push, I'm cheeky and it either pays off or its painful. My character hasn't changed, I am if anything more 'Me' than I have ever been, and the great thing is. That's the guy C fell in love with..

Today I recieved a text from C out of the blue
"I love you, I'd be completely lost without you. Thank you for loving me too. See you later 😘❤️💋💕🗝️🔒💋💕❤️xxxx

Wow! nuf said.
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Re: Four years and my thanks to everyone.

Post by sirmebane »

Interesting that the hearts are integrated with the lock and key. Speaks to her mindset. What a great message to get from her!
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Re: Four years and my thanks to everyone.

Post by Xileh »


We are in our fifth year.

Prior to chastity and FLR, our long marriage was in trouble. Now, we talk more, we talk openly about subjects that we never talked about. We talk more, period. We are now closer than ever and as deeply in love as when we first met. Chastity was never a kink for us, it happened organically, and changed our lives.

It is great to hear how well you are getting along!
3 x
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