[tomsub] Mind altering benefits

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[tomsub] Mind altering benefits

Post by Tomsub »

I had met my Dom master on Recon after many failed attempts at meeting other so called Doms. It wasn’t without its bumps in the road. We sent texts, tgrn voice mails, photo’s, phone calls and then finally a meeting.

The preamble consisted of me feeling like it was an interview, I could tell he had experienced his fair share of dreamers and wannabe’s. He was polite, direct, clear on his desires and his non-monogamous lifestyle. I too was clear and explicit about my limits; hard, soft and don’t yet know’s.

It became very clear that some of his absolute needs and desires clashed with my hard limits. This was clarified many times and I understood that he would find satisfaction for those desires elsewhere. We were compatible for many other hard limits such as no drugs, needles, blood, breath play or bareback unprotected sex as neither of us where giving total devotion to each other.

One of my not knowns was chastity. I had heard of it, dabbled with wearing one for a lady friend when I visited her (another story in its own right). But I had never owned one and the thought of orgasm denial was alien to me even as a sub it seemed a god-given human right for any sexual relationship to include orgasm for each party. I would say that there had been occasions where I had guys cum and run leaving me unsatisfied but I dealt with that myself.

So we met for a coffee in a Wetherspoons near his place. We had lunch, he was even more dominant in his nature than I think he realised. There was one testing moment that I thought was staged but transpired was spontaneous. He was heading to the bathroom when he noticed a shoe lace was undone. He just looked at me and had a half-smile. I looked at his shoe, then his face and got to my knees, resting his foot at an angle against my knee, I tied it carefully, placed his foot back flat on the floor and went to stand up but he put his hand on my head. I bowed my head u der his pressure. I can’t explain the control I felt emanating through that one gesture. I had blocked out the murmur and noise of 30 other people. He moved his hand and I looked up at him, he gestured “up” with his head, smiled, said nothing and went to the bathroom. I looked around nervously as I was sure someone would have noticed. Nothing, everyone just carrying on about their business. He returned and asked if I was ready. Not would I like to visit, “was I ready.”

The emotional feelings of being a full time chastised dominated man has been mentally stimulating for me. To find other men with whom I can be myself has been relaxing, enlightening and so rewarding in a “I am finally being me” type of way.

There was one weekend that sticks in my memory, a showery but damp weekend in spring, some warmth to the sun when it was out. He loved being outdoors naked or him dressed and me naked.

The Friday greeting had been the normal strip at the gate, all belongings in a plastic bag greeting but unusually he got me into the house quickly. He was excited to talk to me about two friends who were going to be visiting on Saturday; one, Steve I already had met several times, a guy who came for an occasional caning but was a non-sexual friend. They had a Thursday night steak every week. Steve was bringing one of his elderly gentlemen friend with him and he was the guest he was excited to show me off to.

You see Steve met with several older gentlemen and serviced their every sexual need. He it himself, by finding other willing men to join them or finding them women, Steve was well known in the BDSM circle that he moved in. He was a gentle soul himself and a man whom everyone liked and respected, his respected older men friends very rarely met others but the man he was bringing on Saturday wanted to see a real submissive man being co trolled in his natural environment and wanted to see if he would then look for one. Steve was his “companion” whenever they met. The man’s name was Joe except to his subs for whom he was just Sir.

He gave me the rundown on his known preferences. Men of any age but with BDSM experience, shaved, submissive men who liked to be restrained and naked in his company. He said that was enough for now and I just needed to show him respect as I did him.

I was intrigued but thought that it would be fun too to show off my devotion to my dom in front of someone especially Steve whom I had only seen occasionally as he normally only visited midweek.

He said that I should eat a small high fibre meal now but then get clean and drink energy drinks only from Then until after he arrived. He said he would probably be with us all day and have evening meal with us before they left.

I hadn’t seen him in this sort of mood before. He said I must just behave as I always do but be prepared to do it for him too.

He said that I must have a deep enema this evening before I eat then he would administer another one in the morning before they arrived around 10. He said that he would wax my back, arms and legs this evening and use depilating cream on my cock balls and ass. This was not unusual in itself but that he wanted to do it on the Friday night instead of just taking his pleasure with his normal urgency was a surprise but I complied. He said that I needed to show that I had been used by him in my behaviour at all times.

His apprehension but pride at how I would serve him felt really good for me and I really wanted to show him how well I could respond for him.

He said that he would take my cage of for the evening so Jo could put me in it tomorrow. I fretted a little but he said very matter of factual “don’t worry you won’t cum this weekend.”That came as a stunning realisation of what I was becoming or had become, so very willingly, so much so that I didn’t want an orgasm. I didn’t want to stop feeling this obedient, euphoric celibate high.

He inspected me like you would a second hand car, seeing what work was needed. He was particularly pleased that there were still cane marks and some bruising evident on my ass and one rogue mark on my leg. I flinched when he delivered that one that’s for sure!

I sat on my short stool eating my high bran cereal from my dog dish contemplating why this was so important to him. Trying to figure out if it was a personal thing, pride perhaps, maybe just wanted to show off but that wasn’t his style normally. He was sat at the table eating his meal when he stopped, patted my head and then gave me all the reason I needed to make sure his weekend went well.

The visitor he said, he was my mentor as a young dom. He taught me most of the important things about being a dom. He is a retired factory owner, he used to make engine parts. He is married, his wife is very much aware of his behaviour and is part of his lifestyle, she may also visit but she is far more private and would not want to be identified by you, so if she does visit, you won’t see her at all or not in this environment anyway.

I washed up, and as I was putting the crockery away I felt him watching me, I turned to see him smiling at me. I smiled back, such a wonderful moment between us.
Last edited by Tomsub on Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Tom Allen
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Re: Mind altering benefits

Post by Tom Allen »


It looks like this is your first post in the Journey forum. Please make sure that you have read the sticky posts and that you understand how it works.

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Re: Mind altering benefits

Post by Tomsub »

I hope this is the right way to continue my blog.

I am still explaining the first encounter with a device but just want to say that chaste behaviour and orgasm denial has been a part of my sex life since a young adult when a girlfriend very clearly told me that any sexual relief when I was not with her was cheating and whilst flattering if I was thinking of her she was astute enough to say that o was probably using other stimulation such as a magazine or “dreaming” of someone else. She was right of course.

Back to my blog and the historical bit that I want to blog about and get right up to date as quickly as possible.

I had parked in a multi-storey car park, he had walked to the pub from his home about a mile and a half away. I agreed that I was ready and he agreed to be my passenger. The control started at that point. At the car he stood next to the passenger door and said that I needed to open doors for him. I felt a tinge of reluctance but walked around and opened the door, he smiled as he sat down and thanked me. I felt appreciated and got into the car. I asked for directions as we defended to the exit. He commented that I kept my car neat and clean and that he liked that. He said that he liked a tidy and clean home too. I should have understood that better but I was concentrating on driving. Arriving at his home, a large semi-detached house with a tall fence around a large garden I parked as instructed at the end of the driveway.. I walked around and opened the door for him and offered my hand to assist him alighting my car such he took. That touch was electric, he was a strong powerful man and I felt that power through that simple touch to my soul, almost reminiscent of a love sensation.

On arrival we went through the side garden door, full height built into a 10 foot brick wall. He locked the door behind us. A large paved area with hanging baskets with a lawn visible just past a large garden shed.

You can strip now Tom, you won’t need your clothes, put all belongings in the box and bring it down to the shed. He turned and walked away to the shed.

This wasn’t a garden shed as you imagine it. It had stocks, a cage, a sling, floor and ceiling eyebolts and a stack of boxes similar to the one I was carrying. I put it down and stood. I couldn’t help it I had an erection. He asked why I was excited and I said that he and the surroundings excited me. Well that’s a good thing he said and told me to start masturbating until he said stop. I started slowly and he touched my nipples and I stroked faster, he took my balls in his hand and pulled them down, I went even faster. Stop! I stopped, my cock twitched, he took some lube and grasped my cock and rubbed the palm of his hand over my cock head and went in circles with a moderate amount of force. I squirmed at the sensation, not pleasant but not totally unbearable but then I started to go soft.

He stopped and worked my nipples and I was hard again. Start wanking again Tom, take yourself close but not too close. He got a riding crop and held my balls and tapped them gently as I wanked, I stopped after only a few seconds, again he said, Concentrate on not cuming, I want you to really think hard about the sensations in your body and mind. I lasted about a minute befor I thought I would lose control. He polished my cock again and it felt even more uncomfortable this time but I softened too.

Ok Tom, now grab that brush and sweep the floor, I was confused but complied, it was spotless already and there was very little but I got into every inch swept. I was totally flaccid now. I stopped and said I was finished. Well done Tom, now start wanking again, this time stop when I tell you too. I thought he was going to let me cum, I was getting close then he said ok think about not cuming, you really don’t want to do you Tom? I slowed down and tried to concentrate on not cuming then I just slowed even more. Well done Tom, we are making progress
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Re: [tomsub] Mind altering benefits

Post by Tomsub »


Enough detail now I think so to move forward a few days. Well a bit more about the fitting first I suppose. It was a ring cage, curved, hinged base ring with a rubber bit over the hinge, a simple post with a hole for the padlock. The padlock whilst small was sturdy with a proper key. It had no space at the end for my flaccid cock and wasn’t that a struggle to try to stay soft! Once on I pulled my balks around a bit to get comfy. Now he said get dressed we are going shopping after we have had a coffee. I have one of the two keys with me, just in case.

Coffee drunk and lots washed we get to Tesco superstore and I am very very aware of what I perceive as being a definite bulge, I wander to the clothing and check out my reflection and you can’t actually tell unless you really look closely and only if I’m standing still. But what I feel is a real sense of being controlled, I push the trolley and look at him with renewed and deeper love and respect that he has decided to do this for me. Half way round I need a pee. It dawns on me tgat I need the key to go pee. I ask saying why I want it thinking he would give it to me but no, no key, you need to sit to piss now Tom, it’s who you are ok? Yiu will get used to it. Now that little exchange gave me a bit of a twitch in my cage but off I went and sat to pee, what a strange sensation but I looked at myself and took stock of my predicament; this was wonderful and I felt very relaxed about it. I even used toilet paper to clear up the drips.
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