[Nosaint] Finally locked

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Re: [Nosaint] Finally locked

Post by nosaint »

A couple of weeks ago, she commented that I had not taken her hint to do a little cleaning before we romped. Being the smart ass that I am, i said something along the lines of Lord it will be 3 or 4 months before I get to that point. Her response "you said it" :shock:

She has really gotten into denying me any PIV. To the point where I am doubting my birthday (this week) PIV. We may wait until her birthday next month, or "maybe there's no reason to unlock you at all" :shock: She's getting quite good at letting me know the Vixskin is better and she doesn't need my little dick... So, fewer than 7 orgasms in 2021 and limited (perhaps severely) PIV, where could she have goten these ideas:?:

I had to spend the week heling family 200 miles away. She left me uncaged for the week. She is more concerned with someone accidently discovering the cage than anything I might do. After 5 weeks of denial, maybe she should be more concerned :D

On the day I left, the steel cage I ordered from China came in :evil: So I had to wait to try it. I put it on Friday when I returned, she didn't mention it, but I was fairly wiped out. So I'm sure she was being nice. The magic lock is a bit difficult to insert, so not made to great tolerances, but it's comfortable. It has a larger ball gap than the cherry keeper, but I'm in no danger of slipping out. For $25, very reasonable. It has some cover over the head of my penis, but a few slots along the top. It's an attempt to compromise with her, she wants something that is very cleanable, I want something that really reduces any sensation to my penis. We'll see if it works out. I've looked at Mature Metal cages, but they all require an external lock, which we both hate. Bad Ass designs (in China) makes a custom cage with the magic lock. Any one know of a US based maker of steel cages that uses the magic lock? I've looked, but haven't found any.
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Re: [Nosaint] Finally locked

Post by Tessasissy »

I have been waiting for my Lori's 16 found out yesterday that Lori's maker Mike (her nephew) and Lori have had a falling out and at t hut e moment production has stopped.

I am not pierced and realy liked the idea of there unique retainer ring for security. But unless things change I will have to look elsewhere!

Have you looked at :
https://info.steelworxx.de/en/chastity- ... -titanium/

I am thinking about that though not sure about urethral insert, but many pepole say its OK.

There is also Matue metal whock I have herd good things about. None are cheap though.
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Re: [Nosaint] Finally locked

Post by nosaint »

Tessasissy wrote: Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:43 pm Have you looked at :
https://info.steelworxx.de/en/chastity- ... -titanium/

I am thinking about that though not sure about urethral insert, but many pepole say its OK.

There is also Matue metal whock I have herd good things about. None are cheap though.
Yikes!! Interesting, but urethral inserts are a hard no for me, I only have one kidney, and it ain't working at 100%. I have zero tolerance for anything that could cause a UTI which could spread to my kidney...
But thank you, It could probably be used without the insert, but peeing would be messy.
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Re: [Nosaint] Finally locked

Post by nosaint »

Well I did talk her into a bit of PIV this weekend, but talked her into it is the operative phrase. I think she felt she had promised me a bit of fun for my birthday so she gave in. But it was close... Next possible chance is her birthday next month, but she has made no promises... So going from about 52 PIV per year to 12 or less, that was fast :shock:

She likes the cheap steel device from China, unfortunately, my smaller testicle slipped out last night while I was asleep. There is no way to adjust the ball gap. So it looks like a failed experiment. Once one testicle is out, the rest is easy to get out. So I'll ask her what she liked about it and see if I can replicate it with something.
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Re: [Nosaint] Finally locked

Post by nosaint »

Well, not knowing exactly what cage would satisfy her, I decided to order a cherry keeper small, with small headlock, but without the total touchstop my other cherry keeper devices have. I thought that at least this would give me something until we could figure out a better solution. It came in Jan. 29. I refused to open the box, told her it was her device. I think she liked that, she grinned.

Any way, the thing is a hit. It has removed her (unfounded, imo) fear that I can not get properly clean. The space between the bars easily allows water and soap to get to the head of my penis. My concern of increased sensation, due to less coverage has proven to be a bit unfounded as well. Yes, there is a bit more, a very small bit, but it's not like I can fondle the head and get any sort of pleasure. So it looks like this might finally be our long term solution.

Now that we have decided on something I can wear indefinitely, I sent her a few pics I downloaded from @Tom Allen's Mrs. edge page. One said "I don't see the need to unlock you often, or ever" The other "birthdays and anniversaries come too often, you should be think leap years or comet sightings" (paraphrased) I have to be careful with what I save and what I send to her, I really don't want to put the idea of permanent chastity in her head, but I really do like her restricting me...so she said I might get out again during our vacation the last week of March/first of April. That's a schedule I like, and since I'm really the driving force in this, my opinion matters.
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Re: [Nosaint] Finally locked

Post by timmyboy38 »

Great post!

And thanks for the Cherry Keeper advice, I have ordered one. Not too expensive to try, eh? My HT v4 does not allow my skin to breathe properly, preventing long-term use. This Cherry Keeper thing seems to be better. I hope my current cylinder lock will fit, though!
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Locked 24/7 in a cherry.. no a PA-28.. I mean a Penica.. well, I don't know.
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Re: [Nosaint] Finally locked

Post by nosaint »

Well after 10 days or two weeks of continual wear, the new cage left two blood blisters and a bit of irritation to the skin of my penis, so more days out to heal. shit! I swear I've spent more time out of the cage than in the last month or two. So I took a close look at what might be happening. Basically, I *really* want as short a cage as possible, but the skin of my shaft bunches up against the headlock and abrasion/sores occur. So I decided to try a slightly longer cage, the Cherry Keeper regular is all of 15/32 of an inch longer, but it seems to have resolved the issue. So of course, another issue popped up. My 40.5 mm ring which worked fine with the shorter cage, was loose with the new longer cage. One Saturday night, while half asleep, I popped my penis out of the cage. Shit!

Now as much as we might think that we can be easily replaced by a Vixskin, this is not true for all women. I honestly think my wife misses me. Rather it's a function of emotional intimacy or physical sensation or a mixture, she likes PIV. For her, there appears to be a true cost for keeping me locked. :? I truly did not anticipate that. So after I popped out, she left me out for our normal romp, and failed to mention putting it back on for a week or so. I want her to be in the lead on keeping me caged, I think she expects me to ask to be caged... :?

Anyway, to solve the issue with the ring, I went from the 40.5MM ring to the 39MM ring, with the longer length of the cage, it seems to be working. There is almost zero pinching around the scrotum, when I wore the 39MM ring with the shorter cage, I often had to lube my scrotum to prevent painful pinching. It's amazing what small changes in one direction can result in changes in another area. So here's hoping one more time that I have a workable long term solution. I want something I can wear for weeks or months at a time without painful skin abrasions. If this doesn't work, I'm not sure what my next attempt would be.
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Re: [Nosaint] Finally locked

Post by Mr Pickle »

It takes time to find the right combination, and to adjust. I'm on my 14th cage setup and could honestly wear this 24/7/365 but that isnt something we want thank goodness.
Keep trying, you're doing better than you realise.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Nosaint] Finally locked

Post by nosaint »

We've talked a bit over the last week, Thursday, she was going to keep me locked for a long time...Saturday, she wanted to fool around and "because of her clean fetish" want to unlock me...I kept saying if you take off the cage, I may not be able to get back in for awhile. If you take the ring off, I certainly can't get it back on. She kept going, took the ring off. Now, I think this "clean fetish" is a completely made up objection. I compromised and got a cage with an open design, very similar to any metal cage. There simply is not a real issue. Anyway, I was upset because she was letting me out (strange kink, isn't it) I felt she was going back on her word to keep me locked for a long time.

So a bit more conversation, lately I've been telling her that I know she prefers me to the Vixskin (why else does she keep uncaging me?) So I finally asked her seriously about it. And yes, I've been correct. In some ways she does prefer me to the Vixskin, in others, she likes the big one :) So there is a real cost to her in limiting our PIV. So I asked if she would be upset or feel she was missing out if we limited PIV to twice a month or every other week. She admitted she didn't know. I think her desire for PIV has both a physical and emotional component. Her whole life, everyone (mother, friends, society) has told her that to keep a man happy, give him sex. She's just having a bit of a difficult time with a man who defines "sex" as being caged for extended periods of time :mrgreen:

So we have an agreement going forward, limit PIV to about twice a month and two months between orgasms at a minimum. And she is encouraged to make either a less frequent occurrence. Hopefully this will work for both of us.
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Re: [Nosaint] Finally locked

Post by nosaint »

I managed to break the original standard cherry keeper, so I had to reorder. They have always shipped much faster than their estimate, so I didn't bother to pay the extra $10 for fast shipping. Big mistake. It slowed down the process at every step. 2 days in pre production instead of 1 or less. 2 days in packing, a category I had never noticed before. Then 4 days!!! to get from the major sorting center 40 miles south of me to my door. Which meant it arrived in the middle of our trip to Florida instead of just before we left :x

But I've been wearing it now for most of a week, while some abrasions may occur, there is enough space so that the same area of skin is not always rubbing against the same part of the cage, so any irritations can heal. I really think I've finally got something that I can wear for months at a time. The smaller, 39 MM, ring is snug, and it does not rotate like the 40.5 MM ring did. Another advantage, a few nights ago I half awoke around midnight. It seems that is when I am most flaccid. I *really* wanted to scratch, just blissfully scratch my penis. In other configurations, when this happened, I was able to simply pop my penis out in my half awake state, before realizing what I was doing. With the smaller ring and longer cage, I might have been able to work it out, but the effort would have fully awakened me.

So, now that I have something I can wear for weeks at a time...now I just have to convince her to keep me locked up :roll: I'd really like it if she kept me locked until my Dr. appointment in early June, then lock me back up :) just don't know if I can convince her of that. I appear to have negotiated the rest of April at least, maybe longer, so I'll just have to wait and see what she does.
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