[Luv2belocked] she likes it locked...

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She’s taking the next step

Post by Luv2belocked »

Well let me start by saying I’ve been with my wife 18 years and she’s wonderfully sexy to say the least. She’s very curvy with very large boobs that she loves to show off with tight tops. We’ve had always had a great sex life and then came the kids and things slowed down for us as we got caught up in everyday life. We struggled a bit and drifted apart from one another emotionally as well as physically. Now I should say that I’ve always had an interest in male chastity but I never had the courage to tell anyone. I found myself surfing porn and masterbating all the time. My wife didn’t really like that too much when she found out. So ... was now the time to try and explain to her my fantasy of being locked in chastity.... holy crap... nervous as hell and afraid she’d think I was messed up. I decided to try and talk to her about it while we were in bed fooling around one morning. She was receptive to the idea but wasn’t overly comfortable with it... She didn’t understand why I would want that but agreed to give it a try. I bought a cb6000 and we began to experiment with it. As time went along she was getting more comfortable with it ,, to the point that she began looking at different chastity cages on her own. (Wow!! What a turn on and a huge surprise!!) that was 7 years ago.
So over that time we slowly evolved and learned what each other wanted and how we both felt about what we were doing.( it takes time to build a good strong trust and understanding with this chastity lifestyle)
We always just played when we’d go away ... we’d go to Vancouver for a concert and she’s lock me up and dress all sexy. We’d go out and see how many men were Checking her out! That always turned me on and she knew that ... ( it also turned her on like crazy when she knew I had my cage on and other men were looking at her! We would go back to the hotel after the concert and many many drinks and have playtime in the hotel where she’d tell me about all the men that she noticed checking her out. (Makes my cock hard every time!) I would make her cum and then she’d unlock me and let me fuck the hell out of her!! This was becoming our new game that we played as often as w could. We both loved it!
Like I said this was a game that we played and wasnt an everyday thing. Over time I began to masterbate more and more and she wasn’t aware of how often it was happening but could see my attitude change because I was so spent all the time. This brings us to our latest crossroad ...she got a job where she works in a production shop and 80% of the employees are men...I’ve always fantasized about other men checking her out and it always turned me on but this was different ... she’d be around them all the time. We have great trust with each other but it was the fact that it was my wife that they’d be checking out everyday. That took some getting used to...(I lost my job due to the covid pandemic so I’m at home with lots of time on my hands... and began to masterbate again causing my mood to change ... I was bitchy and jealous and knew it wasn’t good for us, so I began locking up before she left for work in the morning and would put the keys in the trunk of her car without her knowing I was doing it. I’d unlock when she got home and not have jerked off that day. I kept doing this and my moods were good and we began getting along like old times , reconnecting emotionally! I finally decided to tell her what I had been doing and asked if she was ok with it... well she was absolutely ok with it and decided that from now on that I would be locked in my chastity cage everyday while she was at work! She finally took the step and has decided that this being locked up is working for our marriage and is going to stay this way until I’m back to work. I love her for it and she likes the fact that the only time I’m cumming is when she gets me off!
I went from sex 6/7 days a week to having only 4 orgasms this month. She’s so happy and I guess that’s what matters most! I’ll keep you posted on how things change. It’s taken a long time to get this far but has been worth every second!
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[Luv2belocked] she likes it locked...

Post by Luv2belocked »

Like I mentioned before my wife and I have been progressing down this road of chastity for many years now and it for the most part has always been a game and not as much a lifestyle. There were many times where there were gaps in our playtime longer than I wanted but she hadn’t really discovered the true benefits of chastity yet. Recently with covid going on she had told me that she wanted me locked up while she was at work... well... that’s seems to have struck a cord with her🙂 because last night she just told me how happy she was with my mood and the way that I’ve been treating her. I was giving her the emotional connection she’s been needing. This has been the first time where we’ve had a degree of regularity with chastity. Turns out I won’t be getting out as often as I used to. She said that she’s noticed the difference and likes it!
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Re: [Luv2belocked] she likes it locked...

Post by Tom Allen »

@Luv2belocked , please use this thread as your blog. When you want to add new material, just hit the Reply button.
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Re: [Luv2belocked] she likes it locked...

Post by Luv2belocked »

I have never really had the courage or desire to talk to anybody about chastity outside of my wife. So finding this forum and such a great community of people that all share similar or the same interests is very exciting! I’m new to the site and want to thank everyone for taking the time to share my experiences. I truly enjoy reading others experiences and appreciate all the input and advice. Just wanted to say thanks!
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Re: [Luv2belocked] she likes it locked...

Post by Luv2belocked »

Well after a week of my wife being on holidays and her feeling generous enough to not have me locked up the whole time we’ve had crazy sex everyday!! So I decided that I would take her out for dinner tonight. She asked me ... where would we go ?? I told her that I wanted to take her somewhere that she could dress herself up all sexy and feel good. Somewhere where we could dance! That excited her... she said she knew just the place! She also said that because of where we were going that I’d have to be locked, and that she’d be making sure before we went out. I asked why? Mistake! She just said that there were a lot of good looking women that like to pick up men there and she’d have none of it... but it’s a place she’s always wanted to go to.(smirking)
Recently I had ordered her some black lace crotchless panties to wear when she was feeling naughty...along witha lower cut top that really shows her boobs off! She made a point of telling me that she’d be wearing them tonight... my cock tingled when she told me that! I’m really not sure what her plans are for tonight once we’re there but she’s going to look stunning! I wonder if she is going to unlock me later for sex or just use her dildo. Usually when I’m locked she has me watch her have orgasm after orgasm and then asks me if I liked watching her cum. I always say yes!! And she smiles and says Good, that’s all I get for tonight. I don’t think she minds at all making me wait for her pussy. Earlier this morning we were lying in bed and I was told that I was spoiled this week while she’s been off ... in my head I agreed but never said it out loud. I’m kinda thinking she’s not going to unlock me for a couple weeks now.. she said last time that my time locked up will be getting doubled next time. (I think she’s been reading up on this chastity thing because that’s not something that I ever told her. Kinda exciting.... 🙂
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Re: [Luv2belocked] she likes it locked...

Post by Luv2belocked »

My wife’s holidays ended yesterday and today is her first day back to work. True to her word she had me lockup before she left... it was a very real feeling this morning that she actually will follow through with keeping me locked while she is at work. ( pretty exciting!!) I will say that after not being in my cage for a week it felt really good to have it back on again. She never said whether she’d be unlocking me tonight. 😊
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Re: [Luv2belocked] she likes it locked...

Post by Luv2belocked »

Well as I said , I wasn’t sure if my wife was going to unlock me ... she didn’t until last night. My evening started by giving her a nice long leg and foot massage. She made a comment about how she could really get used to this pampering. (Smirking)... I made her a really nice rib dinner and then did all the dishes along with the rest of the cleanup.
It was time for bed and she unlocked me and allowed to sleep with it off. This morning I was greeted with a handjob that was combined with a blowjob which felt amazing. She decided to just edge me... it was intense! I wasn’t allowed to cum and she would stop every time I got close😳. I was then told to lock back up. I did so, she inspected it ... told me I was a good boy and headed off to work.(I love hearing that!!)
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Re: [Luv2belocked] she likes it locked...

Post by Luv2belocked »

Well with our arrangement I’m to be locked during the day while my wife is at work then let out for the evening while she’s home. (That’s what she wanted until I was back to work) Well she’s liking this arrangement so much that she decided to not unlock me.... she let me out 2 times in the last 2 weeks and has let me cum once,the other was a tease and denial session where she locked me back up without letting me cum. She’s getting much better at this keyholding lifestyle. It feels like just recently a switch flipped in her head and she is all about making this work for us. That’s huge!! I got hard in my cage just telling you that! I told her the other night that I would love to cum... she said ...”I bet”.
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Re: [Luv2belocked] she likes it locked...

Post by Luv2belocked »

Earlier this year I had a shop built on my property and asked my wife many times if we could go have a quickie in it and she has always said no ... I’ve tried to reason with her about it but she just isn’t interested in doing it. So I changed gears and thought well maybe just a blowjob??? I approached her again and she again said no... I don’t think that it’s ever going to happen... but then we began to take our chastity arrangement more seriously and it’s been amazing!! Our sex life with all the tease and denial has been much more intimate and passionate and she’s enjoyed our time much more... this brings me back to my shop. I had come to terms with the fact that sex in my shop wasn’t going to happen until yesterday when she came home from work and asked me what I had done during the day... I had made sure that all the housework or at least 90% of it was done before she got home. Apparently that made her happy because she took me by the hand and walked me to my shop , we went inside and she shut the door. I said what’s up?? It was then that she took my key from around her neck and unlocked my cage... she started stroking my cock and I was hard instantly!! (First off.. this was the very first time I’d ever seen her wear my key on a necklace out! And to make things a little more intense she works with 80% male employees. How many men saw that key hanging there? How many of them have an idea of what it might be for? A little humiliation turns me in like mad and she knows that. I said to her “did you wear that to work today?“ She said yes... does that bother you? I said no that I’d just never seen her do that before... she smiled and said that she was feeling naughty this morning and thought about my key...)
Okay back to where I was ... she was stroking my cock telling me what a good boy I had been lately and that I should get a reward... I was so surprised that she decided to take me to the shop. She asked me if I liked what she was doing and I said yes... “do you want me to continue?” I said YES!! She then took 2 zip ties off my bench and said that I had to have my hands tied before she’d continue... I had my hands behind my back so fast just so I could feel her touch! She asked me if I wanted to cum and I replied pleeeaassee yes! As she stroked me I could feel the build up happening then she stopped... gahhh... I was so close... she started again and precum was beginning to ooze out the top of my cock... she stopped again... OMG!! I thought for sure she was going to let me cum this time... but nope... She was clearly enjoying this... I was beginning to lose my erection and it was then she reached for my cage and put it back on me .... she said maybe next time. Gave me a sexy kiss and cut the ties on my hands. I can count on 2 fingers how many times I’ve cum this month.
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Re: [Luv2belocked] she likes it locked...

Post by Luv2belocked »

Well my wife and I have our shopping game arrangement where I get locked for 1 day for every $10 she spends.... old news... but... she had her last week of holidays last week and in that time she didn’t have me locked... (that felt weird). I haven’t been able to masterbate being locked up so when she unlocked me last week I made the mistake of indulging and she caught me. Not a good conversation.. she was mad and hurt.. I felt awful.... a couple days passed and we were lying in bed and she said to me ... “you know there’s consequences right??” I said” to what?” She said “For masterbating... “ I said “ Ok...” (I thought we had just moved past this incident but I guess she was trying to figure out what she was going to do about it... well she did..... “ I went shopping last night online and you now owe me 9 days...” . That made me very horny hearing her say that .. as it always does, but then she added annnnd were also going to do Locktober! (Okay that caught me a bit by surprise) soooo that’s like 40 days locked... Damn that’s a long time! I’ve only ever gone that long 1 time before with no release... 5 weeks was her record for me being locked and denied. She told me that it was going to be longer this time because I hurt her and went against our agreement. I can understand that ... At the earliest it looks like it’ll be November before I get a release. Pretty sure I’m going to rethink my personal choices next time I get an urge. I sure love her!!
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