[MrCage] the beginning of a new lifestyle

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Re: [MrCage] the beginning of a new lifestyle

Post by wishful4 »

My feelings are almost a carbon copy of yours. Having been unlocked most of the Summer, my spouse had said she was going to lock me back up after my urologist visit last month, but she didn't. We went on a short vacation and she said to expect to be locked up after we return home but it hasn't happened yet. It is really a mindfuck of sorts. I am masturbating like a rabbit and enjoying it but at the same time wishing she would become a Keyholder again and put a stop to it. The rare orgasms she allows when I am locked are mind blowing compared to the self-pleasuring ones I am having all too frequently. Sounds like you and I need the same thing and we both know what that is. This male chastity lifestyle has rewired our brains!!
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Re: [MrCage] the beginning of a new lifestyle

Post by MrCage »

Will the freedom ride end?
So I am still uncaged. I have been uncaged for September through now. I asked to be locked up last week and Mrs Cage said, "No, I will tell you when I want that on. " So this is from the KH who for the past two years has vowed to keep me locked forever. So what is going on? It's a mystery. When I find out, you will be the first to know.
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Re: [MrCage] the beginning of a new lifestyle

Post by MrCage »

Mysterious Merriment?

So now I wonder,"Hmmnn, what is the KH plan? "
Will Mrs Cage leave chastity forever, leaving the cage to rust in its black velvet bag?
Will Mrs Cage reveal her next evil plan of chastity in the new year?
Or will she move to a more sinister plot, telling me that I have had four months of carefree freedom, and now,"du...du...duuun..music"... you will have four months of constantly caged cruelty!!!

We won't know the answer to these curious and sinister questions until the evil KH, Mrs Cage shares her devilish plan!!

Stay tuned cage lovers!
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Re: [MrCage] the beginning of a new lifestyle

Post by MrCage »

Back in the Cage for the QUEEN KEYHOLDER

And I'm back at in the cage. After a "cagecation", Mrs Cage has placed me back into "active" chastity. The break was about two months and in that time I was not allowed to masturbate. We had plenty of incredible sex. She is the most beautiful and sexy woman in the world and I am so lucky to have her love me.Then one morning, as I was in the shower, Mrs Cage came into the bathroom and placed the black velvet bag on the counter. "It's time. I want you to put this on when you get out.

I had to go away to a conference out of town. Having the cage on makes her feel safe. She told me that when she went to sleep while I was gone, she was so happy knowing that I was locked up. It just makes her feel good. She's not worried about me cheating on her, we both know I would never do that, she just likes to have the security. My cage has two lock holes, one for the security screw and the other is for a numbered tag or additional lock.

When I got home, she checked the number and ensured the match.she said take it off and go get the "chokee". So I went to the bedroom got the "chokee" and she removed the jailbird and put the "chokee" on. The Chokee is the spiked cage that we bought a few years ago. It was on a thread on the forum and she liked it and we bought it now she puts it on whenever she feels like it or if she feels that I need to have some additional discipline time. It doesn't go on too often but when it does certainly memorable. So last night, I slept in the Chokee and I awoke early this morning several times to an erection which was painful. The first one had me confused. I didn't know what was going on in my half awake state. It was a painful reminder of last nights craziness.When she awoke she held the cage , I was suffering from morning wood in the spikes, and she said "don't worry it'll pass you'll be fine." I said,"you like it when the chokee is on don't you?" She smiled and said,"that's how I get things done." Since I've been gone for a few days and there are things to do, I will be in this chokee alll day,I'm sure. As long as I keep my mind off of it and stay busy with the chores, I will be fine. But surely, she will interrupt me in the course of the day and "inspect" her caged cock just to get me a little hard, this will be a good reminder that SHE IS THE QUEEN KEYHOLDER ! Wish me luck.
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Re: [MrCage] the beginning of a new lifestyle

Post by MrCage »


ON MARCH 29 this will be the THIRD YEAR of chastity. We can't believe it. Sometimes we laugh at our situation because it has become so natural. I re-read the first couple of posts just now. My initial question was whether this would become a "permanent" lifestyle. The answer is an obvious and unequivocal "YES". Mrs Cage is quite happy having me locked. Although lately I have been in and out of the cage between days and a week or so, I am petty much locked up. Unlike others who post of days until release, our lifestyle is always locked so a release date is not in the equation.

In addition, our collection of devices has grown. We have quite a few now. My jailbird is the everyday device. I haven't worn the CB curve in a long time. It's one that will be used for travel. But when we travel now, the jailbird is always in the suitcase or in her purse.

So last weekend I was locked in our new spiked device for a trial. It was horrible! It is the new Iron Maiden from Hot Steel Toys. I spent the night with it on. I was sore for two days as a result. This is definitely the "upper hand" of enforcement for Mrs Cage! From now on the threat of its use will be all that I need to get things done for her. I hope I don't have to wear it ever again. Perhaps it will be on for an hour or so during a playtime evening. But other than that, no thank you!

I have the day off today and Mrs Cage has to work. I have had the midweek to recover. Before she left she told me to put on my cage. I asked, " Which one of your FOUR cages do you want me in?" We giggled as placed the Jailbird on. With security screw in place and the numbered tag clicked into the second hole,I am locked. I wrote down the number and handed her the key and number. "Let me see it.", she said. She checked the screw, confirmed the number, gave me a kiss, said, "You have a lot to do today and I want you to get it done." Then she was out the door with the coffee in hand which I prepared for her commute.

So, I must go now and get things done, lest I get placed in the Iron Maiden upon her return!
Three years has been fast. This is our normal life.
Sleep soft my friends!
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Re: [MrCage] the beginning of a new lifestyle

Post by LockedByBD »

Quite the story.
My wife and I have only played a few times in the past. She hasn't seemed interested, though I was locked all of last October. Then it was off again until mid February. One Friday morning, since our sex life seemed to be slacking off, I suggested she might want to cage me again. She hardly responded at all. She must have noticed something in my look or attitude because later that day she called me from work to apologize. Then she said "I want to see that cage locked on you when I get home!" A few days later, out of the blue she said "It's not coming off until you lose 15 pounds." Wow, what a surprise! She's usually not assertive at all. Later she clarified her statement: once I lose the weight she may consider letting me out. So now I find my mind is always on her. It's like I'm wearing the world's best hearing aid: she asks for something done, I do it! It's just that losing the weight is difficult, but I'm better for it. :D
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Re: [MrCage] the beginning of a new lifestyle

Post by MrCage »


WELL WELL WELL, it has been awhile since my last post. Basically life has been hectic around here- kids, work, vacations,etc. With that, chastity has continued without much excitement or eventful affects. I am caged and uncaged periodically. But mostly, I am caged. We have a great sex life. Caged sex IS incredible. To be with Mrs Cage while caged and having her orgasm while I am bursting through the jailbird is a rush to say the least. Then, to have PIV spontaneously really is an emotional and physical high. I think it is great to live in chastity. She has all the control of the cage. It's horrible to want to be caged and have her say "no", it's actually just as frustrating as being caged and wanting sex and her saying "NO".Wow, she has the "win,win" going on for her. I am hoping for a crazy weekend here. Stay tuned and I will update Sunday.
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Re: [MrCage] the beginning of a new lifestyle

Post by MrCage »

still in the cage

What? It’s a year to the day since I made a post. OMG! So sorry for all you waiting.
Well,thank you for the 29,000+ views! I can't believe that.

So the update is that presently Mrs Cage and I are locked and awaiting an incredible island vacation. She has decided that I will be caged until we arrive at our destination. That’s all fine and dandy, with the unbelievable exception that she has me locked until.... the fucking middle of OCTOBER!
To boot, I have already been locked for a month!!
So it will be an incredible 85 days of unreleased chastity my friends. I’m kind of “all in” for it. Well I was for the first 32 days, and tonight I had to watch her orgasm twice to her vibrator while she told me that it turns her on to know that I’m watching and can’t do anything about it. It’s a weird psychology. I like being locked but I want to have her (PIV) so badly. What a crazy life we lead.

So I will be released the day we leave for this tropical getaway. I told her, after her vibratory massage, that I am going to fuck her all night long every day of our vacation! I said, “ I’m going to take two viagra just to split you in two.” She laughed and said, “ well have fun in the emergency room with that swollen cock!” She is so funny.

So I have a frustrating time ahead. Send me your sympathies. I need them.
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Re: [MrCage] the beginning of a new lifestyle

Post by MrCage »


Wow, FIVE years ?..WTF
I can’t even believe that it has been five years of this lifestyle, that’s what it is, a lifestyle. We don’t even think twice about it anymore. It’s our NORMAL. If you would have asked me how it would be in five years, I might have said,” Well, the thrill is gone and so is the cage,” But, the truth is that the cage is still on and Mrs Cage could not be happier or more satisfied about this lifestyle. She gives me some time “off” and it’s really a power play. You see, when I’m out of the cage I get comfortable and then she puts me back in. It’s a reminder that she is in control and that I should appreciate her letting me out. The behavior modification which has developed over the chastity lifestyle is really quite interesting. I would say that you have to have this lifestyle for at least two to three years to understand where I’m coming from. My attraction to her is unrelenting as is my devotion and love. Granted, I would love her anyway, but I know that being caged has made a positive difference in our relationship and my attention to her. I mentioned to her that it would be five years next week. She said, “ Well, I don’t know why you want to make a big deal about it. You are going to be in that cage the rest of your life.” So she has gone from curiosity, sexual fun,and doubt, to control and certainty. Additionally, she will not have it any other way. So read my first post. Then you can see the change in her. The caged life is our NORMAL. For me, well it is my normal as well. When I’m out of the cage, it’s like taking off my wedding ring. I feel like something is missing and need to put it back on. It works for us and I hope it works for you.
Such is our life. Sleep soft my friends
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