Emma & Jacob's Saga Parts 1-5

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Emma & Jacob's Saga Parts 1-5

Post by femdomlover11 »

Please let me know what you think---if you enjoy I'll continue with new chapters.

Jacob and Emma

Jacob Null- an outgoing, single 35-year-old college professor, who meets a woman from a kink dating site that transforms his life more than he could have envisioned.

Emma Smithton- a vivacious, single 28-year-old nurse, who is highly sought after in the dating world.

Chapter 1: The Match
It seemed like any other Friday evening for Jacob. He had taught his two courses for the day at the university: The History of Russia and World Civilization. After work ended, he grabbed dinner and a drinks with a few colleagues who he had struck up casual friendships with in the past year or so. At dinner, they discussed mostly politics and history which usually led to Jacob dominating the conversation. No one knew those subjects better than he, and he loved upstaging his friends with his superior grasp of knowledge and his ability to debate his stances. This was one of the main reasons Jacob had gained a reputation as being one of the very best professors at his university. His classes each semester were usually full or near capacity. However, that was Jacob’s very professionalized, public, and some would say even say even “dominant” personality. These traits had recently led to Jacob being promoted to the head of the History & Political Science Department.

In stark contrast to his public persona, however, Jacob harbored many sexually submissive desires and tendencies that he kept hidden from nearly everyone. In fact, many wondered why this highly successful, driven, financially secure man, had not been married or in a serious relationship. His friends had often tried to “set him up” with various women in recent times. He would normally accept the invite, go on a few dates, and sometimes even have sex with a girl but it never went further than that. Others just figured he was sort of a bachelor “playboy” who wasn’t ready to settle down yet. Jacob rarely discouraged others from drawing these types of inferences. As a matter of fact, he sometimes encouraged them, preferring for people to think such things rather than know the truth.

The truth was that he never really felt complete within the confines of a normal relationship. He wasn’t sure if this was because he had very few serious, long-term relationships, or just because he needed an outlet to let his submissive side show. Jacob’s small dick size undoubtedly contributed to these feelings. At only 3.5 inches when hard, he developed a penis inferiority complex that made him very hesitant to engage in “normal” sex. Instead, he would often spend his time, just like he did on this particular Friday evening, scrolling his through his anonymous Femdom Twitter feed, FetLife page, and occasionally switching over to searching for Femdom related porn. His favorite things to search out usually involved, chastity, ass worship, pegging, toilet slavery, or cuckolding. He then would usually jerk off fantasizing about what he’d probably never have the opportunity to experience, at least on a consistent basis.

He had met at various times with women who would dominate him from the online world. However, they often wanted money, and distance was almost always an issue. Causing Jacob to have to drive several hours just to play with someone. Jacob would also “flake out” on occasion when he could have potentially found a deeper relationship with someone in a Femdom context. This led him to have infrequent in person encounters and enabled him to simply delve deeper down the online rabbit whole of female domination.

While exploring the online world this Friday night, he came upon what appeared to be a new profile on Fet Life that he had not seen before. Its username was simply Jen1. He clicked it to see a faceless profile picture, sort of like his profile was. The picture did, however, show her body from the front. She was slender with what appeared to be blonde hair below the shoulders. She has ample sized breasts, maybe D-Cups Jacob thought. He clicked on the next photo which revealed her backside. She had on a firm fitting pair of jeans that likely concealed a fairly large, but firm ass. Jacob immediately thought how much he would love to put his face in it and reached down to feel his little dick already hardening up. Upon further examination, he read that she was 28, new to the area, and looking for a long-term female led relationship. Her profile emphasized that she wanted a sub who was consistent, open to chastity usage, and not flakey. Jacob was a little disappointed that it didn’t say any more about her fetishes. Although it did say that she was not a kink dispenser and that she wouldn’t responded to overtly sexual messages.

Jacob typed out his best message introducing himself, attached a photo, and then jerked off for 15 minutes or so before falling asleep. Thinking that nothing would probably even come of his message, just like so many others he had sent.

Chapter 2: Planning The Meeting
Jacob slept in on Saturday until around 11am. While lying in bed, he started scrolling through his Femdom Twitter feed and then remembered that he sent a message the previous night on Fet Life. He opened his profile to discover a red message notification. He clicked on it and to his surprise it was from Jen1. Jacob was esthetic that he actually got a response from what appeared to be a really attractive dominant girl in his area.

He read it over a few times. It was unlike anything he had ever received before. It was two paragraphs long with a couple of specific instructions. She asked him to only reply if he was serious about meeting in person because she was not interested in “online fantasy wank material.” She also confirmed that she was new to the area, attached a picture in response to his which revealed her beautiful face with seemingly perfect teeth, dimples, and long blonde hair. She lastly stated that she had been in a long-term relationship with a sub before she moved here but had to break it off because he was disloyal. Jacob wondered what “disloyal” meant. She didn’t say cheating, although he thought it could mean that but not necessarily. Most importantly she asked if he would be up to meeting tonight at a local Starbucks for coffee and if so to respond ASAP.

“Wow” Jacob thought. This is so awesome. But simultaneously he also felt a tinge of nervousness. The Starbucks she mentioned was literally 5 minutes away from his condo. What if it didn’t work out and she “outed” him as being a sub to the entire world. What about his job? He caught himself and reasoned that he might be overreacting. Maybe this is why I don’t meet anyone local? He had become so lost in thought he realized he hadn’t replied to the message yet. He typed out a response trying not to sound too eager. “Jen” he wrote, “I would be able to meet this evening at Starbucks as you suggested at 5pm, thank you for responding to my message and the picture. You look stunningly beautiful, and I can’t wait for us to connect in person.” He pushed send. Jacob thought this is too good to be true if this girl is real.

Jacob laid in bed a few minutes longer resisting the urge to touch his dick. He got almost an immediate reply from Jen1: “thank you for the compliments. I’m so happy to see that you appear to be serious about actually meeting, I will see you at 5pm.” Just as he was about to type a response, another message came in asking him a question: “do you have a chastity cage? Based on your profile I think you do, let me know…”
‘Oh my God’ Jacob thought she actually read my profile which had a complete listing of all his fetishes. He wondered if he had too information much listed. However, he responded “Yes I am serious about meeting, and I do have two chastity devices, a metal one & a pink holy trainer version.”

Jacob could see that she was typing a response as he waited in anticipation. “That’s great, go ahead and wear the one of your choice and bring the keys with you, I am going to jump off here now but at exactly 3 today I want you to text me to confirm that you are coming tonight and are caged in anticipation as I have instructed.” As she left him her number.

Jacob couldn’t wait until 3pm to text her from his phone and was so excited that he knew he had to do one of two things: either cage himself now or jerk off. He figured that if he jerked off, he might flake out like he had before and he might miss out on a great opportunity. So, he immediately went and got the pink holy trainer chastity cage, which was only 1.5 inches in length, grabbed some lotion and quickly used it to slide the cage on comfortably before he got too hard.

At exactly 3pm he texted as instructed saying that he was touching base to confirm their 5pm meeting and that he had locked himself up. “Very good, see you at 5” she said with a smiley face. Jacob thought that was sort of short but reasoned that she probably needed a lot of time to get ready, so he resisted the temptation to reply further and anxiously waited, trying to occupy himself for the next few hours.

Chapter 3: The First Meeting & Night
Jacob drove to Starbucks with great anticipation and nervousness. Keenly aware of his cage locked on his dick, as he felt that the almost indescribable feeling of frustration mixed with a little bit of uncomfortableness that occurs when you try to get erect but can’t because of what you are wearing. He was also thinking that this was the first time he’d worn it outside of his condo for months.

He arrived seven minutes early. Walked up to the entrance and anxiously paced for a few minutes looking for someone that resembled the woman in the picture from Fet Life. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans, polo shirt, American Eagle Underwear, and of course his cage. He contemplated how his male friends would react if they knew he was doing this and how shocked they might be.

He saw a red BMW Convertible pull into the parking lot and was almost certain that the driver was the woman he was supposed to be meeting. He watched her from a distance get out of the vehicle and started walking towards him. He was so nervous, butterflies in his stomach, with so many thoughts running through his head at this moment.

Jacob was relieved when she walked up to him, stuck out her hand, and said let’s dispense with the fake names, “I’m Emma, you may address me like that for now.” Jacob laughed and replied, “I agree, I’m Jacob, and it’s wonderful to meet you in person.”

As they entered and ordered, Jacob visually examined Emma. He thought she was stunningly beautiful, about 5’5 maybe one inch or so shorter than he was, she had worn a bright red sundress that make her curves visible but not too flashy. Jacob could, however, see clearly the outline of a thong as he we was standing behind her almost gawking for a few seconds at her ample ass.

After ordering, they sat down, and a brief awkward silence seemed to sit in. Nothing unusual, just the kind of thing that almost always happens at some point during first dates. Emma broke it by asking Jacob what he did in ‘real life.’ He responded by talking about his college professor courses he taught. Emma seemed genuinely interested in his subjects and said she would love to learn more about history, and especially in relation to how it impacts art because that was one of her minors in college. Jacob asked Emma about her work, and she explained that she was critical care nurse and loved her job. They chatted for about 45 minutes about their work, previous places lived, and music.

Finally, Emma asked, almost casually, “are you wearing a cage like I instructed?” Jacob gulped nervously and responded simply, “yes.” Emma smiled and said, sensing perhaps his unease “that’s wonderful, I really appreciate that you followed my instructions, that tells me that you have potential, and I can tell from our conversation today that we have chemistry and some common interests which is really important to me when looking for a potential sub-boyfriend.” Jacob really liked the label “sub-boyfriend.” Unsure of what to do or say next, Jacob smiled and responded, “I totally agree.”

Emma then said she was ready to go. Jacob stood up, followed her out, and they went into the parking lot to her car. Emma turned around and said, “I need the keys to your cage now.” Jacob reached into his pocket and silently handed them to her. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, “get in your car and follow me to my apartment.” Jacob smiled and replied nervously, “Yes Emma.” She responded by saying, “good, now once we are inside my apartment, you will address me as Mistress Emma, understood?” “Yes Emma” he managed to feebly reply. He got in his car and followed as instructed, being very careful not to get too far behind her, as he didn’t know exactly where he was going, only that it was not far away.

After only a short 10-minute drive, they had arrived. Those 10 minutes had seemed like an eternity to Jacob. Pulling into what appeared to be an upscale, private condo complex, Jacob watched Emma put in a code to open the gate. Emma then called him on his phone to say “park right beside of my vehicle that’s my visitors spot” before abruptly hanging up.

After parking, Jacob got out of his car and walked over to Emma’s. Opening the car door for her. She appeared to be delighted that he did that and said “you’re gonna work out great.” He watched as she got out and motioned for him to follow her. They walked three flights of stairs to her condo; she made some small talk by saying that she always prefers taking the stairs as it’s good exercise. Jacob stood behind her as he watched her unlock her apartment door and wondered what lay in store for him.

Chapter 4: Her World
As soon as they entered, Emma said, “Jacob I’m so glad you are here but we have to get some things straight before we go any further.” Jacob nodded as she paused for a moment and told him “Kneel in front me.”

“Number one” she continued, “for me to consider you, you must accept that I am your God, and you will treat me accordingly, I want you to become obsessed with me and want me continually can you do that? Are you attracted enough to me physically?” Jacob replied that, “I am really attracted to you, and I can definitely do it.” “Very good” Emma replied. She went on, “number two chastity is mandatory, you will be wearing it 24/7, I will occasionally allow you to cum by taking it off but It won’t be the norm, your orgasms are never going to be our primary focus, just like today, it will come off briefly because I want to see the size of your dick but you will not cum so don’t even ask, in fact I’d prefer if don’t ever ask to cum, you are only permitted to say it if I ask you first, understood?.” Jacob gulped and said, “yes Mistress Emma.” She continued by asking, “what’s the longest you’ve worn it before continuously?” He thought for a moment and replied, “maybe a week for an online key-holder once.” Emma laughed and added “we will be breaking that record very soon.” She continued, kneeling and removing the chastity keys from her cleavage, “I wanna see what size my property is here, because that matters in determining what all I might do with it.”

Jacob blushed bright red, knowing how small he was and wondering what that was going to mean in the dynamic of this relationship.

Immediately after removing the cage, he grew fully erect. Emma firmly grabbed his balls and asked, “who’s do these belong to now?” “Yours Mistress Emma.” Jacob replied. “Very good babe.” She said. Emma grabbed his dick, giving it a light tug, “hmm” she said, “well, you are very small Jacob.” “Yes” was all he could manage to reply. “Do you think this penis could ever please me?” Emma asked. “No” Jacob said. “Right answer.” She continued, “this means that eventually I will need to cuck you, because I do occasionally require a hard traditional pounding from a well hung male.” “Yes, Mistress Emma, I totally understand.” He replied. “Don’t worry though, I’ll usually do it in front of you and you’ll get to participate and clean me up afterwards, do you think you’d like that?” “Yes, very much Mistress Emma.” “Mhhhmm” she replied, “I can tell you do because that little dick is completely hard right now as we discuss it, thank me for allowing you to be hard, as it won’t happen anymore unless I explicitly allow you to take the cage off, you’re going to long for those rare opportunities to be hard, so don’t ever take it for granted.”

Jacob, so flushed from emotion and hormones raging, probably would’ve agreed to almost anything Emma asked in that moment. She said, “let’s take care of this little dick right now so it won’t be in our way this evening. Stand right here and don’t touch yourself, I’ll be right back.” Jacob waited, unable to envision what she was about to return with. Would it be some type of toy or dildo, or maybe she was going to let him cum after all before locking him back up. Much to Jacob’s surprise it was a bag full of ice. She motioned for him to lay down on her living room couch. “Babe, since you haven’t even come close to earning an orgasm, we have to get this locked back up, I wouldn’t want you to have an accident, and me have to punish you so soon.” Emma took the ice and held it on his balls and dick. “Now she said, tell me about your favorite class to teach.” Jacob, taken back slightly, took a moment to formulate his words to discuss his Napoleonic era history class for a few minutes. Emma listened intently making a few comments while keeping the ice applied. In a few minutes she lifted it off to Jacob’s gladness, as it was quite cold and uncomfortable. She quickly took the cage, wrapped the ring around his balls and attached the cage to it, locking it on. She took the keys dangled them and said, “you have no idea how much you’re going to long to have this off in a few minutes.”

With that done, Emma offered Jacob a mixed drink and a shot of crown liquor. He gladly accepted both. She then told him “Strip entirely.” Now, she said “grab the bottle and follow me upstairs to my room.”

Jacob felt like he was in a trance, a dream, or a fantasy. As he followed behind her, his eyes were glued to her lacy thong underwear that he could now see clearly as she climbed the stairs.

Entering her room, she said “pour me another shot” crown is my favorite she added. Pouring another shot, he looked up to discover her removing her red dress.

She came over to him, his chastity keys now dangling around her neck before she slid them into her D-cup bra, and said “pour it into my mouth.” Jacob took the shot glass and followed instructions. “Mhhmm, such a good boy for me” She replied, sitting down on the bed. “Now” Emma said, “I want you to start by kissing my feet, then my legs.” Jacob eagerly began kissing her feet, alternating between right & left. “Slow down” she said, adding “we have all night, and I want to make sure you appreciate every inch of my body because that’s going to basically become your sex, do you understand Jacob?” She paused and continued “worshiping my body is your outlet now, it’s where you will pour out your own sexual frustration, your wants, and desires. Understood?” “Yes Mistress Emma” he replied in between switching between kissing her feet. “Mhhhmm good, you are giving up your small, worthless dick for this privilege.” “Yes Mistress Emma.” She further explained, as she finally said, “you can move up to my legs now, if you are disobedient, I will withhold my body from you, especially between my legs, do you understand?” “Yes Emma” was all he could reply as he was lost in sub space. “Very good” Emma replied, rolling over on her stomach, “now, since you’ve been so good this evening, I am going to allow you to worship my ass, but first get me another shot.” Jacob fixed her another shot and started to hand it to her when Emma tiled her head back a little said “you know how I want it.” With that Jacob poured it into her open mouth. “Good job Jacob, you’re learning so quick.” Emma reached over and grabbed Jacob’s caged dick, “how’s my property feeling now?” “It’s soooooo frustrated Mistress Emma” he replied. “Mhhhmm, that’s how’s it’s going to stay tonight too” Emma replied. “Now” she continued, get back to work on my ass and thank me for the privilege”. Jacob started by kissing each cheek all over. “Mhhmm get every inch Jacob, remember this is your throne you are worshiping.” “Yes Mistress” Jacob managed to reply between kisses. Jacob truly loved ass worship, he wanted to taste Emma’s ass but knew not to go between her cheeks without her permission. He decided to ask her, “Mistress may I please lick your ass?” “It depends” Emma replied, “are you really willing sacrifice control of your small dick for the privilege?” “Yes Mistress” Jacob replied. “Mhhmmm” Emma said “beg for it like a bitch.” “Please Mistress I’ll give up complete control of my Dick, I’ll do whatever you say, I’ll become your cuck, I’ll do anything.” Emma slightly laughed and said “ok you’ve convinced me, it’s so funny how a guy will agree to almost anything when you are caged and frustrated, you may lick, make sure you go deep, I like it like that.” With her permission granted, Jacob took his face and put it in her ass like he had been thinking about since the first time he saw her. He took her pink thong and moved it to the side. Her ass tasted heavenly to him. He licked in-between her cheeks and then went for her beautiful asshole itself. Emma moaned slightly and said “you’re doing such a good job, I could get used to this, do you love worshipping where I just shit from 3 hours ago?” “Yes” Jacob took a second to reply. “I’m sure you do” Emma said, halfway laughing. After a few more minutes, Emma said “that’s enough of that for now.” Motioning for him to get up and turning over to stand up from the bed, at this point only wearing her bra, Jacob having removed her panties so he could fully focus on her backside. She poured Jacob another shot and told him to open his mouth, pouring it in down his throat. “Thank you Mistress” Jacob said. “You’re welcome, I need to get off now, and I want you to learn how to do it for me, ok?” “Yes Mistress Emma, it’s a honor to help you get off.” “It truly is Jacob, I want you to always remember this fact, now I’m going to lay down, I want you to start by kissing my neck, making your way down to my breasts, my stomach, and finally my you’ll get your reward for being so good today by tasting me.” “Yes Mistress.” Jacob replied, while watching her get into position, his little cock throbbing in the cage like he had never felt before. He wondered if he could live with this level of frustration permanently.

He climbed back onto the bed, and began kissing her neck. She moved her head and gave him a passionate kiss, saying, “I really like how into me you are.” She reached around to unfasten her bra. “Take it off” she said. Jacob removed the bra and threw it on the bed. “Do you like what you see?” Emma asked. “Oh my god yes” Jacob replied, memorized by her D cup sized breasts. “Do you like it well enough to give up that little Dick for me?” Emma asked, as Jacob gently sat right above her stomach, his caged cock touching the upper half of her midriff. “Yes Mistress Emma.” Jacob responded. “Mhhm it’s so hot to hear you say it” Emma responded, adding “this is what sex is for you, you will almost always be caged while I get off, sometimes you’ll just eat me out like you’re going to do today, sometimes I’ll ride your face like it’s a dick, sometimes I’ll fuck you in the ass with a strap on, and if I can’t find a guy with a superior big dick when I’m craving intercourse, you’ll wear a strap on and pretend like it’s your dick fucking me.” Emma kept playing with Jacob’s caged cock as she talked, wearing nothing except his chastity keys on a necklace. Jacob was ready to explode out of the cage and parts of his dick were bulging out of it. “Do you understand” she asked before continuing, “Yes Mistress” he replied. “One more thing I think we should talk about tonight.” “Yes Mistress Emma” Jacob said inquisitively. “Do you know what the term pussy-free means?” “Yes” Jacob replied, feeling a sense of fear because he knew that he had read online about mistress keeping their slaves that way and never allowing them to have penetrative sex. She continued, “well, there is a good chance that based on your size, I will want to keep you that way.” Jacob didn’t say anything at first, processing this new reality. “That doesn’t mean that you won’t get to taste me, in fact you will taste me almost daily if you are good, but it does mean that it is highly unlikely that I will ever want to actually allow your small cock to enter my pussy.” “Mistress” Jacob started to say, before pausing and then continuing “I know I deserve that but that is humiliating to think about never having real sex again.” “Mhhhm” Emma replied, “well, if you don’t think you can handle it then you can stop right now, put your clothes on, and leave because it’s what I expect of you, I’ve never allowed a sub with a cock as small as yours enter me and I’m not going to start now.” She said before continuing, “besides, you know that you could never please me with it anyway.” “Yes Mistress” he replied. Emma said to sooth him, “I really want you to stay and worship me and get me off, I just wanted you to know going into this that I’m not in this to fuck you, and for you not to expect it.” “Thank you Mistress and I fully understand” Jacob replied. Emma responded by grabbing his caged balls and moaning saying, “you’ve made me so fucking wet, show me what you can do with your tongue.”

With that instruction, Jacob got into position between her legs, knelt, and began by licking around her pussy. Emma was clearly aroused and wet. He loved her taste and smell. Jacob starting licking up and down her crack and then made his way towards her clit. He had licked enough pussy to at least have some understanding of how to do it correctly, unlike most guys who simply rushed through it as a formality of for-play. Emma was moaning and grabbed his hair pulling in closer. “Keep going” she said through her moans, “that’s it.” After 10 minutes or so at this pace, she clearly was close to cuming. “Don’t stop Jacob” she screamed, in her pleasure. She violently shook, screamed, moaned, and gently pushed him away from her pussy. Looking down at the sheets, Jacob saw that they were soaked and thought to himself I did a really good job.

Emma turned over on her side and motioned for Jacob to lay in the bed behind her. Jacob gladly obeyed, crawling behind her like a happy servant. His cage was resting on her ass cheeks clearly still trying to burst out of its confines. Emma felt it immediately, and asked “Jacob are you leaking like a girl from your cage for me?” “Mhhhmm yes Emma I’m so frustrated for you I’ve been leaking for a while now.” She turned the light out and reached over to tease Jacob’s locked cock more, pulling the sheet up over them. “Jacob, did you enjoy this tonight?” “So much, I can’t even describe it, I hope it pleases you” he replied. “It did very much please me, which is why I’ll allow to sleep in this bed with me tonight, which is a privilege that you will have to earn normally.” Jacob thought he would love sleeping with Emma, but doubted he would get much rest with her naked and him caged spooning her. He felt so horny at the moment, but also content knowing that he had helped get this beautiful girl off. Emma said, “I love the feel of your cage against me.” Jacob responded that “thank you for allowing me sleep with you mistress.” Emma laughed and said, “you’re welcome sub, by the way two things you need to know before at least one of us goes to sleep, under no circumstances are you to leave this bed without my permission and in the morning, I will expect your oral service to start my day off right.” “Yes Emma” he replied. “Perfect, we understand each other” Emma continued, “now try to get some sleep.”

Jacob looked at the clock, it was nearly midnight. He was tired, exhausted, but still frustrated from his lack of relief. He knew he needed to try to sleep, or he’d be in misery till morning. He closed his eyes to try and think of anything except this beautiful woman whose ass his caged cock was pressed against. He finally fell asleep an or so later.

At around 4am he awoke to Emma getting out of the bed. She was heading to the bathroom to pee, he assumed. While she was gone, He realized his own need to piss as well. He started to get out of bed and ran into Emma as he was walking out of her room. She seemed irritated “why are you out of bed?” She asked. Jacob had forgotten her instructions. He replied that he needed to use the bathroom. Emma said in an irritated tone, “didn’t I tell you not to leave the bed?” “Yes” he replied. “Then get back in bed right now”. He turned around and followed instructions. She laid back down, saying nothing. He did likewise. Finally, he said “Mistress may I please leave to bed to use the restroom?” Emma replied by asking, “on a scale of 1-10 how bad do you need to go?” Jacob thought for a second and said, “probably about a 6.” “Hmm” Emma said, “well you broke the rules, so if it’s only a 6 you can wait till morning, it’s only another two hours, this will teach you that being in my bed chamber is a serious privilege and you never leave without asking, now try to go back to sleep and obviously do not piss my bed, if you find you can’t wait, you can go but there will be consequences, now go back to sleep.” Jacob was slightly annoyed but accepted Emma’s instructions without comment and tried to go back to sleep.

Part 4: The Morning After
The sun was shining through the curtains, Jacob rubbed his eyes, to focus on the clock on the wall. It was 8:43. He looked over at Emma. She was still asleep. He stared at her for a few long seconds, noticing that she must’ve put her panties and bra back on when she got up earlier in the night to use the bathroom. He felt a sharp pain from his bladder, he was reminded of his own desperate need to piss which she has nod permitted a few hours ago because he broke the rules.

For what seemed like an eternity he silently waited for her to wake up. In reality it was only maybe 10 minutes. Finally, about 9 o’clock she was awake. “Good morning, Mistress” Jacob quickly said. “Morning” Emma replied. “Ughhh Mistress May I please go and piss, I’m literally about to burst!” Emma appeared to contemplate for a moment, “Question” she said, “what rule did you learn not to break?” Jacob hurriedly replied, “to never leave your bed without your permission.” Emma chuckled and said, “yes you may go and pee now, don’t put any clothes on, I like you roaming around my house nude & caged.” Jacob quickly made his way to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet to relieve himself. He remembered that when wearing the cage, that it was almost impossible to pee standing up. He felt so relieved and let out an audible sigh. Emma walked in as was finishing causing him to blush. “Don’t be embarrassed, you have no privacy or dignity as my sub, do you feel better now?” Emma asked, “Yes” Jacob replied. Emma continued, “I love when a guy has to sit to pee, it reinforces his loss of manhood, make sure you always piss this way, understood?” “Yes Mistress, I understand.” “Now” Emma said, “thank me for allowing you to empty your bladder, you always need to ask permission when you’re in my house, do you understand?” “Yes, Mistress Emma, I understand completely and thank you for allowing me to empty myself.” He replied. “Remember” Emma said, “I’m a nurse, nothing disgusts me so, I will control all your bodily exercises when you are here.”

Emma went into the kitchen, showing Jacob where the coffee, eggs, and toast were located. “Now, I’m going to lay back down, I want breakfast in bed ASAP.”

Jacob hurriedly fixed coffee, scrambled eggs, bacon, & toast for Emma. She yelled that she liked her bacon well done. He found a tray that he could put everything on and carried it into her room. His caged was beginning to feel very strained again. Having prepared breakfast totally nude and now being back in her room was just too much of a turn on to conceal, he was straining again and starting to bulge in it.

Emma sat up in her bed, her bra on but still showing much of her well-endowed breasts. Jacob couldn’t help but notice that the chastity keys were still there hanging.

“Thank you” Emma said, “did you fix enough for yourself too?” Jacob responded that “yes there’s enough left for me.” Emma continued, “go fix yourself a plate and coffee then come back in here.” Jacob quickly complied and returned. Emma was already eating. “You did a good job with fixing everything” Emma stated. “Thank you, Mistress,” Jacob replied still standing there nude and awkwardly, holding his plate and coffee. “You can sit on the floor and eat.” Emma said as if she were reading his mind.

As they ate the conversation switched to something almost “normal.” They discussed her work, and she recounted some of the craziest patients she had seen recently, especially on her ER rotations. When both were finished eating, Emma said “I want another cup of coffee, two sugars this time.” Jacob dutifully jumped up, taking their dirty dishes to the kitchen on the way. Emma told him to go ahead and wash them while he waited for the coffee to finish.

Jacob noticed that it was ready right as he was putting the last plate away. He poured Emma’s coffee into a new cup and mixed two tablespoons of sugar in as ordered.

Jacob kneeled beside Emma’s bed and handed her the fresh coffee. “You’re so sweet” Emma said, Jacob smiled back, clearly affected anytime she praised him, before she continued “you know your little bathroom incident messed up the planned routine, right? Do you remember what I told you the first thing I wanted in the morning to start my day?” Jacob thought for moment and then recalled almost instantaneously what she had said. He was supposed to be ready to give her worship first thing in the morning. “Yes, I remember now” Jacob said. “Hmmm” Emma replied, “since you’ve been so good for me, I’ll let it slide this time.” “Thank you so much Mistress” Jacob said. “Now” she said, “I do need to get off quickly, because I have some lunch plans and need to run some errands today, so you better be getting to it.” Jacob didn’t need any further instructions, he immediately dropped to his knees and gently pulled Emma’s panties off as she lay on the side of the bed. She was already wet in anticipation. His cage felt so tight, confining, & all his feelings of pent of frustration came roaring back.

As he started with his work, Emma asked him “do you love putting your face between my legs sub?” “It’s the best experience I could ever have” Jacob gushingly replied. “I love hearing that” Emma said, before letting out a moan from feeling his tongue begin licking her. He was so into her and obviously really turned on as he worked his way towards her clit with his tongue. Emma was very verbal with her reactions, which he loved because it told him he was doing it right. Once she came, Emma gently pushed Jacob’s head away and told grabbed his caged dick. “How’s my property doing in there?” She asked. “It’s really frustrated right now; you have no idea how much I need relief Mistress.” Jacob said. Emma laughing said, “oh that’s too bad, did you jerk off yesterday?” Jacob blushed but admitted that he had. Emma said, “so it’s only been one day, and you already think you’re entitled to cum?” “Sorry goddess, I didn’t say I was entitled too” Jacob replied. “But I guess I’m just feeling pretty desperate and frustrated at this moment.” Emma simply replied by saying, “that sucks for you, but you really must get used to it, as it will be your normal state of being, now I’ve got stuff to do today, so you can get dressed and head home, I’ll text you later” she said as she gave him a peck on the cheek goodbye.

Part 5: Saturday Evening
After leaving Emma’s Jacob was in a state of frustration and felt a burning desire to just be in her presence again as soon as he could. He went home and tried to occupy himself with some mundane activities such as laundry, cleaning, and then started watching Netflix. However, these were at best temporary diversions. Finally, about 6:30pm his phone dinged. It was a message from Emma, asking what his address was and if he was going to be home around 9 tonight. Jacob thought for a moment before replying. Maybe he shouldn’t be so eager, or it may seem desperate by replying that he would be home, lest she think that he had no other life or social plans on a Saturday night. On the other hand, she had locked his dick in a cage and kept the keys, so she probably liked him being desperate. So, he replied “Yes Mistress Emma, I’ll be home and would love to see you.” She responded almost instantly, “Great I’ll be coming home from the gym, and I’ll stop at your place on my way.” “I can’t wait” Jacob replied.

Around 9pm, Emma texted Jacob and said “I’ll be there in 5, strip and be waiting, kneeling in your living room by the door, make sure you unlock it.” Jacob jumped out of bed and raced downstairs to make sure he was in position as instructed.

Jacob heard the door turn and saw it opening as he waited on his knees. Emma didn’t even knock first. When she walked in, Jacob admired her nearly perfect form, showcased in her skintight gym clothes and sleeveless top. He could see why she looked so perfect; she was clearly drenched in sweat. Jacob, on the hand, had a rather average physical appearance. He was somewhat short, not particularly muscular, but did have nice legs & caves from a previous college career in track.

Jacob couldn’t contain himself and said, “Mistress Emma I’m so happy to see you again.” Emma reached down cupping his caged balls and cock in her left hand. “Tell me” She said, who owns these?” Jacob replied simply “you do.” “That’s right.” She said smiling slightly at him. Emma continued by saying “you know what I’ve been doing?” “Working out” Jacob quickly replied. “Yea I just did almost 2 hours of cardio and I feel like I just got out of the pool, I’m so sweaty.” “Yes” Jacob replied, somewhat unsure of where this was going. “You know” Emma said very casually, “I require complete devotion from my subs, last night you got to worship my body when I was at my best, now you will clean my body to prove that you’ll take it anyway that I give it to you. Understand?” “I totally understand Mistress Emma” Jacob replied.

Emma turned around and pointed her finger towards her ass, still fully clothed and said, “prove it.” Jacob quickly put his face into her fully clothed sweaty behind without hesitation and began kissing it. “Mhhmm that’s it” she said. Jacob felt & smelled sweat and musk. She’s really wet from this workout he thought. But he didn’t mind it necessary, in fact he told himself that he would soon learn to love doing this for Emma. He peeled her nearly drenched pants off and soon, they were on the floor. Jacob’s own cock was hard by this point, well, at least as hard as it could possibly get in confines of the chastity cage that had not been off for almost two days now. Emma directed him, “remove my panties with your teeth.” Jacob sort of awkwardly started trying to grab them and once accidentally bit Emma doing it. “No biting” Emma laughingly said, “I need your tongue between my sweaty crack right now to clean it out, who needs a shower when you have a sub after all.”

Finally, Jacob got them off. He took his tongue and licked the salty sweat off her ass. Jacob had a mix of emotions swirling around in his head. He thought about what his guy friends would think. I am liking a girl’s ass, actually literally cleaning her ass after she’s worked out for hours. My cock is in a cage without any hope of getting out anytime soon. I am naked in my own apartment being dominated. As if Emma sensed that she needed to reinforce his inferior position, she in almost a dismissive tone added, “I just took a shit before I came over here after my workout, cardio will do that to ya.” For a moment he felt a real sense of embarrassment. He was licking from where Emma just shit from less than 30 minutes ago. However, he felt that familiar sense of frustration building in his cage. He briefly reached down to touch it. He was leaking pre-cum. I am really turned on; he thought despite the circumstances. After a few more minutes, Emma moved to brace herself against the back of his living room couch and bent over. “Just think Jacob, if you were a real man you’d be fucking me in this position, it’s my favorite for sex” Emma said. “Yes, if my cock wasn’t so small Mistress Emma.” “Go on Emma said, get your face in their and finish cleaning my ass before I go home.” Jacob quickly kneeled and started by kissing each ass cheek to show his appreciation. “Hmm, that good Jacob” Emma said as he began to use his tongue to lick every inch of her ass, still tasting like sweat. “Jacob you’re doing such a good job, the fact that you can do so easily under these circumstances tells me a lot about you.” “Really” Jacob said, lifting his head out from between her ass cheeks briefly. “Yes” Emma continued, “you are really attracted to me, and you’re really submissive, not many men would eat my ass after a tour hour workout and shitting, in fact I wouldn’t want an alpha that I’d fuck to do it, thank me for allowing you Jacob.” “Thank you so much Mistress Emma.” “That’s a good boy, I’d kiss you bye but you know, your mouth and face probably smells like ass and sweat” Emma said while laughing. Jacob, sensing that Emma was ready to leave, stood up, thanked her again and asked when he could see her again. “Very soon” she said, as she blew him a kiss bye and left his apartment.
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Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:57 pm

Re: Emma & Jacob's Saga Parts 1-5

Post by pdw1234pdw »

Good story. hope to see it continue.