[tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

Finally Mrs. G is able to go back to work. When she got the call last night that her building was open again she was actually happy about it. As a result she said we would indulge in celebration treats. I don’t even inquire as to what treats are anymore. It’s quite simple, she’s going to abuse my tongue with her groove. And she did, several times.

Before we got started I put my artificial penis in warm water, just in case. I have to call it that because she can’t stand the word dildo. She caught me warming it and said I was wasting my time. She’s pretty insistent on keeping things real. Oh well maybe someday I will get to do the foxing deed with her.

After she was done I rolled over to get the music remote to turn it off. She told me to let it play. Then she snuggled up behind me, reached under my neck and grabbed my off hand and pulled it around me tight. With her other hand she started a ball massage. Since my penis is crammed up tight inside it’s not in her way anymore. I sometimes wonder if it’s still there. As she was reliving her recent treats in my ear I simply melted. Then she went into a serious series of nipple twisting and pinching. She told me I had done so well that I deserved a little orgasm.

After an exhausting round of neo’s I was turned loose. I don’t even remember the music being turned off. I just went to sleep asking myself if I could still get hard or not. I never had any sign of an erection the whole evening, even while indulging in her fountain of youth.

When I woke this morning it was there. My first morning wood since this micro-nub was installed 3 days ago. Not much showing mostly backed up inside.

As she was leaving for work she asked if mr. Wanky was doing ok. I said just pretty snug for several days now, he hasn’t seen the light of day.

But is he ok? Is he in pain or in an unhealthy situation.

He’s all safe and sound.

Good then he stay where he is for now.

There was a time she was genuinely worried about small cages. Then came the nub and she fell in love with it. And now I’m locked even smaller. I’m convinced that keyholders in general like balls more than the penis.

Why else do they prefer it hidden away and out of sight?
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

It’s just me and little dog for a few days. After having Mrs. G here for four weeks solid it’s a bit of an adjustment for both of us.

Mrs. G has baby brain again. She is gone to our daughters to make more preparations for the new one coming this summer.
Which means lots of shopping and spending. I don’t know on what. Mrs. G took a car load of things she had made. Baby blankets, changing pads, burp pads and who knows what ever else her thread could sew together. She is quite the seamstress, just stay away from her sewing room. I’m not sure how she finds anything in there anyway.

With baby brain her attention is different. No ball rubs or penis concerns. Apparently they are the cause of babies and are of no concern after the deed has been done. She informed me a day or two ago that the only ones welcome in the delivery room are the husband and Mrs. G. ‘G?’ Hah! How ironic I guess it no longer stands for groove but now for grandma. :lol:

Any way she was worried that I might take offense to having to wait in the waiting room. I assured her that I had no desire to witness my beloved daughter in the birthing of my grandchild. I witnessed my son arrive by C-section and then my daughter naturally. I have also assisted many cows with birth. Watching my daughter is not on my bucket list.

Mrs G has had many discussions with me about her staying at their house to help with the baby in order to avoid child care. I have a feeling that her retirement is not going to include more time with her. And in all honesty I’m glad she is available to help out.

Hmm. Could make for some long lockups. Oh well, what’s one less ball massage. Grandkids are the best. And to think Mr. Wanky’s responsible for getting it all started. And now he’s bound up tight.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by denied_one »

Tongue+groove wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:52 am And oh boy do I love to drink from it. She has definitely been blessed with a sweet nectar.

That’s the one thing I’m not confused about.

Yes sir, I know this feeling. Sweet nectar indeed! This is a treat to read....back i go...
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by denied_one »

Tongue+groove wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:59 am ...while I had one of those full body shaking orgasms. Then another when she was finishing up. No leaking though, not sure why.

The girly orgasm as I come to identify it is really quite odd and exhausting. How can the male body convulse in such a way and not even leak a drop. Not sure how I got to this point.

Mind boggling.
I know exactly what you mean and I get these, as well. @MrsLockNkey refers to them as 'gasms ❤️
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by denied_one »

waki86 wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2024 10:08 am That's nice, isn't it?

That a cage changes your entire sexual feelings.
And that there is enough to give your woman the orgasm or orgasms she desires.
And ultimately you don't need one to be satisfied.
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

. know exactly what you mean and I get these, as well. @MrsLockNkey refers to them as 'gasms ❤️
Since the post you referenced I have learned that these are legitimate. The proper name is a non ejaculatory orgasm or neo as you may see in later posts.

I will also add that Mrs. G has become very effective with bringing these on. She goes through spells where she feels this is enough excitement for me. If you have several back to back they can be exhausting. This will ease your horniness and allow you an excellent nights rest. You will have an energetic day following.

Horniness will return quickly and no drop. I’ve wonder how many consecutive days I could do these. But I’m not about to ask for fear of being cut off.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by denied_one »

Tongue+groove wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:42 pm
. know exactly what you mean and I get these, as well. @MrsLockNkey refers to them as 'gasms ❤️
Since the post you referenced I have learned that these are legitimate. The proper name is a non ejaculatory orgasm or neo as you may see in later posts.

I will also add that Mrs. G has become very effective with bringing these on. She goes through spells where she feels this is enough excitement for me. If you have several back to back they can be exhausting. This will ease your horniness and allow you an excellent nights rest. You will have an energetic day following.

Horniness will return quickly and no drop. I’ve wonder how many consecutive days I could do these. But I’m not about to ask for fear of being cut off.
That's it! NEO's I forgot the term. Yeah I've been getting them since last July. First one happened as we parked in a spot at Walmart and She rubbed my thigh...wow!!!

These can happen any given day for me. Day after day after day.

They are all you say! For sure
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

I haven’t posted fresh for some time. Kinda been down in the dumps a bit. When she was gone to our daughters I realized I had some skin issues so I took the liberty of unlocking and tending to it.

When she got home I managed 24 hours without her noticing I was still out. When it all came to a head she was more than disappointed that I was unlocked without permission. She was even more disappointed that I let my health deteriorate.

Not sure how many demerits that is but she said I will find out when she decides to deliver my swats. In her words I will be receiving all that she would dare deliver. Which basically means one swat shy of bruising. She hates bruising as she sees it as a sign of abuse.

Finally back in lockup before bed yesterday. Of course she picked the smallest. While deciding she talked through all the pros and cons of each, after which I was pretty near a full erection. Then she left me to install. I had to go outside in the 5degree F temps to shrink down and still had a good 3 inches left to cram into about a half inch.

She said all I had to do was text her for permission. Seriously when will I ever learn. I have felt like crap for betraying her on this. No need to say but both keys are hidden away she didn’t even take one to work with her. I would fear that she has abandoned this project but she has told me she forgives me and that I’m not getting out of this lifestyle anytime soon.

This stubby nub leaves only my balls exposed. Last night when she came to bed she said , spoon me and hold me. When I did she snuggled in deep and said the following.

I like it when you spoon me. Did you know that with this cage your balls feel like a spoon against me? Isn’t that ironic? And there’s nothing hard trying to poke my but, this is really comfortable.

I feel all has been resolved and I will simply wait until she wants me for more than spooning. In the meantime here’s to better health care and tending to her.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

Brutally cold temperatures still. So I’ve been warming her car before she leaves in the morning. Then little dog and I walk her out.

This morning she was getting the leash for me . When I met her she was teasingly snapping the spring latch at my nipples then at my dick. She said maybe she ought to leash my cage so she could lead me around. My knees literally buckled a bit on that comment and she noticed. Her eyes lit up and she cooed saying oh my someone liked that idea. Then she says I told you there was a monster in me somewhere.

I told her I am her toy she can play with as she chooses. She replied: well then I need to get some really soft ribbon from my sewing supplies and tie it to your cage. That way I can lead you when and where I choose. And then you will have something dangling between your legs again since nothing else dangles anymore.

Mr. Wanky started drooling a lot.

I told her she made my undies wet. Her reply: now you know why I don’t like morning sex. Especially when I have to go to work and it’s so cold out. Good luck with that today.

When I kissed her goodbye outside she reiterated that her primary concern this evening would be properly fitting me with that ribbon.

Sometimes I wonder what she has become. I do love it though. 8-)
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Chosen_Jackal »

It sounds like you’re in for a very interesting evening!
I’m locked and kept by Redraven, my life partner, soulmate and loving key holder. When life is hard, she’s keeps me feeling loved.