[tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Mr Pickle »

KnownAsHerbert wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 7:24 am Oh no! what a let down!

As for making a point about chastity, well, it's a possibility I suppose.

I wonder if we'll get a chastiversary?
There is saying something about "Beware of somebody's bearing gifts".

Ill assume the somebody is Keyholders

Chastiversay gift for me this year was Not to be let out for my birthday. And it wasnt even wrapped.
Another gift this weekend also came with a beware attatched.

Try to forget it is your chastiversay is my advice. ;)
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

. Try to forget it is your chastiversay is my advice. ;)
Point well taken. I suppose it’s just another day in solitary. Funny how I never saw us getting to this point.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Tongue+groove wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 11:30 am
. Try to forget it is your chastiversay is my advice. ;)
Funny how I never saw us getting to this point.
Funny how reality differs from expectation really too.

Fair to say that what I've got now isn't really how I assumed it would be!
Hang on a minute... . This is FLR! We've been living a FLR!
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Spaceman »

Tongue+groove wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 11:30 am
. Try to forget it is your chastiversay is my advice. ;)
Point well taken. I suppose it’s just another day in solitary. Funny how I never saw us getting to this point.
You're not alone, I never thought we'd be were we are now or that I'd be feeling like I am. I hope you're liking it though.
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

We’ve been out of power for 4 days. And now we’re preparing for 6 inches of snow. It should stick nicely to our ice covered trees. It hasn’t been above freezing in a week. I’m looking forward to catching up with the forum after dark. Until then I’ll post what I would’ve a day or two ago.

If you choose to read I apologize for its length, I was bored one morning waiting on daylight and started working offline.

Ice of all things why ice. Been out of power for three days now, and temps below freezing this whole time. I really can’t complain, we are more fortunate than so many others. We have food, water, heat, health and each other. I do complain about what’s not getting done. It seems to take all our energies just to keep the basics running. Mrs. G and I are good about one of us always being upbeat when the other one is down. I have gotten most of the trim work done in the house that I have been avoiding. I need the electric back on to make the last pieces. We have been spending a lot of time together playing cards and other games. I have made supper on the bbq grill the past two nights. As much as I enjoy a pot of her soup off the wood stove it can get old. I grilled a pizza last night. I like the sweet smoky taste of cherry wood when I do this.

Last night Mrs. G had internet withdrawal issues. Technology on the generator is a No in my book. But I caved and let her plug in for a few minutes. We can get the weather on the radio. I think she just needed a few minutes of screen time. I did enjoy watching her ass as she was on all fours sorting through the right plugins.

Her. I feel you staring at me. I hope you’re enjoying it.
Me. You know I love staring at you like this.
Her. But I know what you’re thinking also.
Me. You mean how much I miss doing you in this position.
Her. No, I mean the very inappropriate and very dirty things I won’t let you do! Now get down here and sort these plugs out for me! And by the way, you will be disciplined for thinking those dirty thoughts.

Not sure where that came from but it sounded encouraging to me. She’s not felt well since the weather has gotten bad. Fronts like this cause her a lot of arthritis pain. I trash talked her into a game of scrabble which she won. I usually win and when she does she lets me know it.

Her. Because I won I get treats.
Me. I didn’t know we had anything riding on this game.
Her. Since I won we do.
Me. Oh, I see your reasoning. And what treats do you want?
Her. I need you to eat my pussy, but only after you’ve had your discipline administered. And since you lost you’ll get a few extra swats. And loser turns all the tiles over too.
Me. Yes ma’am.

A little later in the bedroom.

Her. Get me the paddle you made me.

It’s a beautiful piece of walnut of appropriate size and balance. I cut three hearts in it for aerodynamics and they leave a nice impression too.

Me. Here you are I hope you enjoy this.
Her. Oh I will and since this is proper discipline we shouldn’t do it in the bedroom. I think maybe you should be bent over the arm of the couch.
Me. Whatever you say ma’am

Over the couch she truly lit my ass up like never before.

Her. Why do you have a bruise on your left hip. Have you fallen on the ice and not told me?
Me. No ma’am. I just noticed today that it was a sore spot. I’m not sure how it got there but I always have cuts and bruises from all that I do.
Her. You know how I feel about bruises, you need to be more careful. I will stay away from it and you will just have to get your discipline on the other side.

I received 80% on one cheek. Damn she let me have it. She really meant business. I think she is starting to enjoy doing this to me, it’s happening more often. And yes I had been thinking the most vile thoughts when staring at her ass.

Her. There that should be enough. You’re a nice rosey red and there should be no marks left later.
Me. Thank you ma’am.
Her. Now put this away, my pussy is wet and I need you to eat it.
Me. Yes ma’am

When I arrived in the bedroom she was already in position.

She covered from the waist up and socks on because it’s a bit cooler than normal in the house. She tells me, It’s already wet, you know what to do.

It seemed a bit odd when I arrived that all I saw was open pussy poking out from under the covers. She was right about being ready. She came fast and hard and didn’t slow down. After several orgasms.

Her. I need some cock to do me properly.
Me. Would you like me to warm up my replacement.
Her. No, I don’t like those. When I want cock I want the real thing. If I let you unlock can you fuck me proper without cumming?
Me. Yes, at least I think so. I’ll try my best.
Her. Then hurry I want it now.

I hadn’t been out for any activities in almost three weeks. I hadn’t even had an edging. Only hygiene. I have had a few midday ball squeezes and a few evening neo’s while locked but that’s it. Upon my return to her after getting unlocked and mr. Wanky growing.

Her. He hasn’t been out in so long. Will he remember how to get hard?

I nearly went soft on that, not sure why. I had to stroke myself to bring it back to life.

Her. You’re not allowed to do that. Bring it to me.

She rubbed me to a hardened state rather quickly then pulled me into her.

Her. Now fuck me good and no cumming from you.

Her pussy felt so amazing. This may be the first time I felt it on every nerve on my dick. It was more than just the head, it was my whole shaft that I savored her with. Warm, wet and squeezing me with every movement. If she felt like I was getting too close she would push me off, on a few occasions I was able to stop myself. My mind has to ponder at times how in days long gone she would have talked dirty telling me to pound her into oblivion. Now days she is willing to be spoiled with a good fucking and leaving me in need. I’m proud of how far she has come.

The evening was a success she was fucked to completion and I held back. She was content with how it all worked out so I was happy too. She didn’t ask if I was satisfied she just cleaned up and was asleep in no time. When I went to wash up I didn’t even desire to do a finishing wank, which isn’t permitted unless she directs it.

I was surprised at how quickly I was getting soft. Mr. Wanky seemed eager to get back home in his cozy nub. Maybe he’s coming to grips with being a used sex toy. I went right to sleep and slept through the night again. Odd this satisfied sex toy feeling.

Woke up horney this morning. While writing this I felt like I could have almost had an involuntary ejaculatory reaction. I’ve heard of them but never had one.

Am I getting close? Hmm. Oh we’ll probably not. After all sex toys just get used and put away for another day. They don’t get to cum, they don’t need to cum, they just make her cum.

Life is good as a sex toy. At least sex toys get to have sex.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

Rather unusual for her but she instigated a rather lengthy conversation about chastity and lifestyle after supper last night.

When she came to bed she dressed in her comfy sleeping clothes so I assumed just going to sleep. She snuggled up to me and says, I think I want to play with my cock.

Me: well it’s yours to do with as you choose. You’ve made it clear that I just carry it around for you.
Her: here’s the key take it out for me.

After its out I’m laying on my back with her next to me inside my arm.

Her: let’s just watch it naturally move around and grow. It’s so fascinating to watch. Tell me what does it feel like as it’s stretching and growing?

Me: well? This is my first unlocked erection in three weeks. It’s a bit odd and exhilarating, feeling it stretching and coming to life. I feel it filling up and swelling. Not touching it makes me realize that he likes you owning him.

Her: I want to jack my cock off. (Holding her hand to my mouth) give me some natural lube so I can stroke my cock. Isn’t that what you do when nothing else is readily available? Just spit on it.

She just kept on with talking about how good it felt to stroke her cock while she did just that, gathering saliva and stroking. In the moment it was a total mind fuck. Then she latched on to my nipple biting and sucking intensely. Sent me into a serious neo. She just kept whispering in my ear, shake for me come on shake for me.

After I settled down.

Her teasingly: awe, did you have one of your special orgasms? It appeared that you were in an out of body state. Tell me what it felt like.

Me: I lose total control and can’t control them. Sometimes the convulsiveness is difficult to overcome.

Her: sounds wonderful, let’s do it again.

And she did, several times. Always stopping her hand work.

Her: give me some more natural lube. You’ve got me worked up, I need to stroke my cock more. I can see why when you have a cock this can be so much fun. It’s hard and velvety soft at the same time. It’s difficult to stop it just feels so good to stroke.

She sent me into an intensive neo and the need to ejaculate at the same time. I’ve never been here before and didn’t know what was happening. Then the the strangest thing. My neo suddenly stopped, my body stiffened and I blew, then went back to my neo state. Wicked how that happened and suddenly it was over. At which point she started with P-O-T.

Her: oh my he squirted a lot. I haven’t seen it shoot like that in a long time. It’s so warm and slippery and fun to use to stroke with.

Me: No, please stop! Please.please.please!
Her: why stop this is fun stuff to stroke with. You always tell me what fun it is. Didn’t you play with it like this when you used to jerk off?

After a moment the numbness set in, all sensitivity was gone. I was spent.

Her: hmm, it appears he doesn’t want to play anymore. Oh well it was fun while it lasted.

I just lay there trying to gather myself. She went to wash her hand. When she returned she casually tossed a hand towel with one end soaked in warm water on my belly. She didn’t say a word just crawled in and was fast asleep before I could clean up.

Funny how she seemed spent from jerking herself off. Yep, I’m just a play toy anymore. I really can’t complain it’s quite enjoyable being used for her pleasure then put aside until next time.

She came to bed looking quite vanilla but turned out to have the spumoni zip.

Two results occurred.

1) I discovered that no I can’t have an neo and ejaculate simultaneously. But then it wouldn’t be an neo, would it.

2) she brought up a good point. Can a man diy P-O-T ? I personally don’t think it’s possible. I would be curious to know if anyone out there does.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

Woke this morning to cage shock I failed to relock last night. When she noticed she referred to me as a naughty boy. So I laid out all my cage options for her to choose from if she so desired. In our discussion time last night this was one area I encouraged her to feel free to be more assertive. She went to reviewing them.

Her: well it’s very cold out and I don’t want him getting cold so let’s eliminate the metal ones.

Me: that leaves the two plastic ones.

Her: yes and my favorite is the nub that looks like the masked avenger. But I’ve not seen this little bitty flat one on you.

Me: I’ve had it for some months but have only worn it once.

Her: I choose it. But I don’t see how you’re going to fit in there.

A little later she yells across the house. You need to be sure and come model for me before you leave out. When I did she gave it a thorough inspection and fondled my balls. She inquired as to my health and safety.

Me: my only issue is I can’t feel your penis. Only the balls.
Her: I’m sorry, now on your way. And by the way I’m a girl I don’t have a penis. I just own and control yours.

Quite confusing she can be. All she did last night was tell about jerking her cock off.

When I came in for lunch she asked. And so how is the little guy doing?

All nice and cozy, I can’t even tell he’s there.

That’s nice. I set the sex chair out that we haven’t tried yet. Your task today is to figure out the best way for it to be used later.

She is an amazing woman!
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Joined: Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:28 am

Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

Mrs. Groove has really been on a horny roll these past few days. Not sure how many o’s she had last night when she demanded cock. After a few from cock she said now lick me clean. And yes I couldn’t clean as fast as she came. It seems her previous nights hj ready had her worked up.

As she was winding down she gave me permission to cum if I so chose. It would have to be self induced on her pussy and cleaned up of course. Terrible decision to have to make so I chose to not cum. As I backed away staring and her swollen satisfied pussy I became mesmerized by its beauty. It was like a force field I couldn’t take my eyes off of. Then she started pointing to it tempting me. No turn loose eyes but I can’t my gaze is taking over my two heads.

For the first time in over a year I stroked off but it was while ogling her spent pussy. Knowing cleaning would be nearly impossible I managed to incorporate the self discipline she has been trying to teach me and I was able to ruin myself. Clean up was much easier as a result and her mixed in made it worthwhile. Now I know what she has been tasting all these years when she blows after sex.

Reminded me of (I think it was) Mary Poppins who said, “A spoon full of sugar (aka pussy) makes the medicine go down.” :lol:
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

We’ve been snowed in for a week and she has given me an unbelievable three day chastiversary celebration. Yesterevening while watching her read I commented on how I loved staring at her and basking in loving her. She replied my pussy is sore so you’re on your own. To which I said. I haven’t done that in over a year, but I could, just staring at you. With an evil grin she says you are free to do as you please as long as it’s in your chair staring at me.

I was given a hall pass all she would do is set there. I retrieved a bottle of massage oil. It didn’t take long, I lost all self control just looking her in the eyes. When I returned to reality she was grinning with delight. I felt foolish for letting go. She simply said, are you ok, did you enjoy yourself?

I have to admit that I took the advice to expect nothing and say nothing. As a result the past three days came as a complete surprise, totally initiated by her. This morning over breakfast I thanked her for a wonderful celebration. Afterwards I said I was on my way to lockup and get back to normal again. To which she replied, “Awe, I’m going to miss watching him flop around, randomly changing sizes on his own. I really do miss him at times.”

Ok, so I admit it I had to clean my bathroom to refocus in order to lockup. Back in the stubby nub. Or the flat nub as she calls it. I felt I would be better off retuning to her most recent choice of devices to indicate my respect for her.

I’ve learned more than I ever dreamed this past year. What used to be a great sex life has gone hog wild over the top bonkers crazy.
I don’t need to cum as much as I used to think I did. By not ejaculating so often the following has happened:

I focus more on her.
she no longer has obligatory or duty sex.
I can have Neo’s, but only with her driving.
We can have piv for her pleasure only.
My energy is up and my apnea machine is gone.
She has a non vanilla side that can be a bit shocking.
She can take charge.
She can be a disciplinarian.

Just to name a few.

Oh, and I can wear an apron and cage only while doing housework and she still thinks I’m a stud.

What will this look like next year? Only time will tell.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [tongue+groove] From vanilla to spumoni

Post by Tongue+groove »

Back in the stubby nub. She has given it a thorough inspection and greatly approves. Later in the day I’m hugging on her before I head back outside. She runs her hands inside my overalls and long underwear to fondle my dickless balls.

Me: Yes it’s still locked up.
Her: just checking. I like it this way it feels nice. Plus I get longer hugs.

This morning the void is setting in. As much as I enjoyed her celebration activities the return to the void is still a bit mind boggling.

It may actually be easier to not cum than to recover from cumming.

The next time she brings the chastity topic up I think I might suggest we establish some goals for year two.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)