[Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

The flat cage was a bust as could not keep my penis facing forward and then the wrong skin was pushing through the holes in the cage and swelling. Got real painful real fast. Switched it out for Richards Golden helmet and so far it’s been good.

Drove CS around yesterday. Funny how a trip to the grocery store becomes a trip to Walmart, Dollar Tree, Office Depot, the post office, Subway and finally to the grocery store. And of course that damn song played on the radio giving me yet another week so next orgasm has been pushed back to 03/21/25.

Hoping CS will allow me to pleasure her tomorrow morning as her son’s plane lands in the evening. That will mark the end of any play till the New Years. Any wonder I dislike the Christmas holidays? Lol
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Tongue+groove »

This got CS talking how she could get me drunk and slice open my sack and remove my balls.
I’ve been pondering this for several days. When I was a kid it was my job to throw the calves and hold them while dad did the surgery. These days I band all my calves. I will never forget the first time Mrs. G sucked one of my balls into her mouth. I nearly had a major meltdown. It really caused me to gain a major amount of trust in her. She only did it a few times. Despite my trusting her it was still too much for me to handle.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

I get it. First time CS bit one of my balls I had a momentary panic attack cause she was a bit drunk and from experience of her nipple biting, was worried she would crush some cords. She bites a lot harder than she realizes after a few beers.

And it was a weird conversation to have passing the time on a long drive. She has gone into detail on how she neutered cats squeezing out their testicles and snipping the cords. This became how could she do mine and if the same as a cat’s. Buzzido and elastrators for binding also entered the conversation. Found myself pushing down on the accelerator several times with worry and forcing to slow down. Lol

And it really doesn’t help when she makes comments like ,” but do you really need them?”
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

CS’s sons are in town for the holidays and she has been either gone with them or they are here. I don’t understand how her son that is staying with us goes to Harvard but can’t wash a dish. Obviously Harvard does not have a home economic class but maybe they should.

CS and I did get alone time today. Okay we went grocery shopping. Getting to the checkout, she told me to go sit on the bench. I said no I didn’t want to sit and she added another week. I said she can’t add a week cause I don’t want to go sit down. She asked if I wanted two weeks and that I needed to remember she has the control. All said in front of the cashier and bag boy. Next orgasm possibility is now 04/01/2025.

Chastity for us was a bedroom she calls the shots. In every other aspect we were equals. I have noticed over the last few months her taking more control outside the bedroom realm but today seemed to go into full FLR mode. Now is this typically where chastity play leads?

Got home and I was bringing in the groceries while “Harvard boy” sat on the couch playing on his phone. I then walked CS’s dog. Her other son showed up and while they sat watching football, I made wings and sliders for them and then cleaned the kitchen. I work tomorrow but she wants me to make my enchiladas and Spanish rice for them. Tuesday I have been told I need to make my meatballs in red wine gravy. I will be glad when these holidays end.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Tongue+groove »

If you invite the boys to learn how to make those meals by way of helping would CS take a few weeks back off?
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

If Harvard boy can’t wash a dish or help to carry in groceries or turn off a light, what chance is there that he would learn to cook a meal? No, CS’s children’s all have been spoiled and dependent on their mother. And for the twelve years we have been together, CS has kept her children in one ball and me in another and does her best not to merge them. Hence I am never invited to her grandsons sporting events. I am simply told she is going.

Usually when any of her kids are coming, they tell her what meals they want and she makes them. I don’t mind this as that is pretty much the only time she cooks. What I do mind is her then going on about how cooking for others is her love language not realizing she doesn’t cook for me.

With her taking a more FLR approach to us, I guess she is enjoying sitting with her kids while I do the cooking and “asking” me to bring this or that and would I mind refilling her drink.

And time is only added, never reduced.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

FINALlY CS’s son has left to go back to college. No open suitcases laying in the middle of the floor and clothes everywhere. I can sit on the couch again as blankets are neatly folded and put away. I can eat at the table as all his computer stuff is gone. Rooms are not littered with empty pudding cups and Diet Coke cans or used spoons laying on furniture.

On Friday CS took her son to the one daughter so she can get him to the airport. I cleaned the whole house top to bottom, took care of the animals and did all the laundry. Saturday after six days I was finally allowed to go down on her but told to make it quick as she was going to the movie. This morning she got up and out the door by 7:00 to go see her grand kids wrestle. I got her ready to leave, made her bed and again taking care of the animals. Everything back to normal.

Last orgasm was 168 days ago.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by denied_one »

Happy New Year!! 🎊

This is the first post I've made on your thread, I e been reading it for months....

I freaking love this whole thing!

My Wife/KH thinks CS is mean as heck, and loving it! Lol

I love this
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by denied_one »

Ok so the reason I have never commented or LIKED anything until now is ...
Honestly, hadn't logged in for years due to "on again/off again chastity play

When I tried to log in some months back when chastity took off for us in a big way last February, I tried to log in but couldn't regain access! No!

Couldn't get an email to reset, finally got with Tom Allen over on a post at Chastity Mansion and he got me a reset link!

Two things right off the bat for you,

First, Do you two still sleep in separate bedrooms?

And second, man we crack up when killing me softly comes on in the car or anything from TLC and now Bye Bye Bye (which my Wife loves doing the motions with that one too) and we actually live in the same market as you...so I know how often killing me softly gets played out here!
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by denied_one »

Sam3655 wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:49 am If Harvard boy can’t wash a dish or help to carry in groceries or turn off a light, what chance is there that he would learn to cook a meal?
I'm sorry this had us cracking up!!