[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you all well. I have borrowed my husband’s computer to share a quick hello. I am very paranoid about putting things online that could potentially be seen, and especially by my children, which is why you haven't seen me posting.

I wanted to share a bit about our journey from my perspective and navigating the complexities of this relationship with my husband. It has certainly not been an easy transition, especially given his unique blend of inventiveness and mischief. While he is undeniably intelligent, he often finds himself in challenging situations that leave me feeling a bit like a shepherd herding a horny wayward sheep.

One of the more intriguing aspects of this hobby. It feels a bit awkward to label it as a ‘fetish,’ but it stems from a deep-rooted desire on his part to assert dominance over me. I resisted this notion, firmly establishing my boundaries. However, this new found direction has helped us grow as a couple, even amidst the countless number of pickles in which he finds himself.

While I can’t access the account I once had, I wanted to take this opportunity to say that we have had a lot of fun and gained many ideas from this community. I don’t read a lot of the posts, as even my husband’s can be a bit lengthy for my attention span. However, I find it much easier when he summarizes the relevant information for me.

The insights we have received from all of you have been invaluable and, recently in one particular case, very influential in boosting my confidence.
So a special thank you to you for helping me feel more secure in our journey.

I believe you know me as C.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


So I'm a failed wanabe dom and locked go between?
This isn't what I was expecting at all?
Only joking of course. I know I'm exactly where I should be or at least on track to where I should be.
A lot of effort on C's part, she is a busy woman indeed and worries far too much.
I often say if she had nothing to worry about she would just worry about that.
I think there might be a little more coming but not for the forum. C hasn't said this exactly but some muttering about "I still have to type a message".

Last night was a very chilled time watching TV after C had borrowed my PC for a while. C was obviously nervous about adding anything here. My reasurances mean little and for good reason. C says I'm "always certain, often wrong".
Her belief is. If you hide anything at all it will most likley be found by the one you least want to see it. She is also a big believer in Murphys law and has some ocd thing. It just makes for a very exciting life I think.

We woke up to snow and ice all around and it seems despite the amber warning for the area the gritters haven't been out.
School was canceled so I am hanging about for a little while for daughters sake.

I de-iced Cs car but didn't think to run the engine to warm it up.
For this I'm told ill be getting a good whack with the paddle later. Im not sure I deserve that? And I can't see hownit can be a 'Good' one?
So into the office to check the day and choose a job for this cold horrible day.

Delighted to find an email asking for repairs to be done at C's place of work.
So will head there today. My heart flutters just knowing I will see her.

There was a post it note asking me to add her message before she changed her mind.

I do still dream about being able to handcuff C to the bed or bind and take her. Do what ever I want, and by god I would love to that still. I did promise the earth and was willing to do anything to get that.
Always the same slap in the face answer no matter how I approached it "Not going to happen". Flogging a dead horse comes to mind.
I'm willing to hold my hands up and admit I definitely lost that battle.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


School is still iced up and the weather has cause a powercut. Normally that would be great news for daughter but today there is a GCSE exam. So all the kids are off except thise doing the exam.
Our daughter and her class had to wait in the dark without heating with a adjudicator for an hour before the poer came on and they could sit the exam.
It's just bloody snow!
Anyway the exam went well so no worries.

I have been reminded today that it is only five weeks to Valentines release day. Yay! I'll get the bed warmed up then.
Also reminded that as small as this 2cm cage is. It could be a lot worse, and by worse I mean it could be bigger. Odd right?
Thing is I am not going through what Herb is going through simply because there is no room in my cage for all that tantalising furnitue and sumptuous jacuzzi etc.
I have my pictures and my imagination and that is quite enough thank you.
New motto. Tiny is the long timer. Or
If it's locked, who needs it any way.

The down side about this month of January, I dont call it January with C by the way, I have renamed the month to fit the deed but I shan't let on.
The downside is No coming out for any reason and I mean any reason. C didn't fall for my "Oh dear.. I think my penis has just popped" and that was all I had.

C even said "No" to my request for coming out to give it a really nice wishy washy scrub scrub dingly dangly shower playtime?

My privates will look like Billy Gibbons by valentines day!

On the other note C kicked me out of my office earlier to set herself an account on here with more appropriate name. I'm not sure she managed it because she came back quite frustrated that the same screen came back when she submitted.

I jokingly said "Well there's your problem. You don't submit to anyone any more".

Note to self. Don't make Jokes when C looks like her in Carrie the movie or the "Here's Johnny" scene.

What C did manage to do. Was click on a link to some cocktail lounge and join that. Just in case it was a disguised name, like being posted in plain packaging?

Currently waiting to be used by C again and then treated to my gift from her. The paddle. If I dont run away that is.

Deja vu? I think its Deja Poo. Because I feel like i have been through this same old poop before.

Im not complaining of course. This is who she needed to be for everything to work.

Anyway. Just in case you wondered "Who the feck is Billy Gibbons"?
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Well last night I gave C a new phone that is not connected to anything at all and has passwords that are kid proof. She can switch it on read what she likes and switch off before hiding the thing.

And still. She sees it as dangerous and risky. Sigh!

She has her own account now so lets just see what happens.

It seems all I have to do is write a novel and C will lose interest in reading it anyway so I wont worry too much.

Code words would be good fun. So if I say "C is being Amazing today". Translate that into C is being real pain in the neck.

Anyway. C was really Amazing last night 😁

"You just have to do this C and then this, and go on here then.. It's so simple".


Today C has gone off shopping so I will catch up on my accounts and a rather complicated quote.

Quotations are a pain. For larger jobs where thousands or tens of thousands are involved it can take days to get everything together without knowing if you will get the work. It just seems such a waste considering I can look at the job and say "About this much" and likley be within 5% of the quote amount. Experience. Trust me.

I am missing C already. This is going to be a long day.
Meal and catch up later. Maybe a chance to discuss the possibility of a little quantative easing?
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Keeping Him »

Please pass along to Miss C that as a new key holder, I would very much welcome hearing from her. I am also very private, and the KHers thread is going to be my safe place because the public can’t access it.
New KH introducing Hubs to the possibilities
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Yikes What!

Isn't there a button to stop keyholders talking to each other?

They get crazy ideas you know.
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by KHEmmi »

Mr Pickle wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:19 pm They get crazy ideas you know.
Telepathically sometimes too.
Everything's better with a locked male. Better still with a nude, locked male.
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Tongue+groove »

Telepathically sometimes too.
I can give testimony to this.
She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Kh_C »

Possibility of a little quantative easing Mr P?
That would be a hard No. This simply isn't your month.
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Kh_C wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:26 am Possibility of a little quantative easing Mr P?
That would be a hard No. This simply isn't your month.
I am sat next to you you know?
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(