[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Being made to eat your own... Great or Gross? Its both. it is the most erotic, powerful threat and also the worst.

ok. im going to be straight up on this. it is not something you want to do after its come out. I mean really don't want to.
After a BJ no problem snowballed and this straight into you own mouth is a no brainier, its in before the repulsion sets in. The licking off boobies though.. god its hard. Golden rule is : Make him promise beforehand. Of course it really helps being on boobs because well.. its boobs innit :D .
The thing is. Before you blow the idea is so incredibly erotic you blow as soon as she looks you in the eye and says "im going to make you eat this".

Creampie.... Oh God yes!

I have fought and panicked and pleaded to be let off. Especially when C deliberately makes disgusting remarks or goes "Yuck!. snotty ha ha" :(

Its a Total head fuck. strangest thing is. You cant help but crave the next time?
Last edited by Mr Pickle on Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by KHEmmi »

Mr Pickle wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 4:03 pm Golden rule is : Make him promise beforehand.
1 x
Everything's better with a locked male. Better still with a nude, locked male.
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Our daughter is back at school, eating normally, confident and happy. Like nothing ever happened. Still under watching eyes of course and a meal plan that we stick to.
After the months of 24/7 watch and care we suddenly have free time again. I can catch up with work, slow down on the knitting.
Honestly. I don't think we will ever take our eyes off her again. The thought of anything like this happening again terrifies us, but life goes on. There is talk of us staying over at our lakeside land again. Brighter days are ahead of us.

Monday C had a few days off and it was raining so I only had half a day's work to do.
So with a free morning C decided to try the old type of orgasm again. She could have multiples in a row or just come more often.
After her orgasms she said "The first one was nice, kind of like a warm up, then the next was OK, next was the same, nice. but they took the edge off so I couldn't have that super big huge one".

"But It was nice yes" ? "We can do this again".

Personally I loved giving the extra attention. It was a classic eat and Leak. Horny as fuck.

"Meh. Not as good. Maybe".

So next time we're back to the steady build to a brain explosion that wipes her out. C can have these daily but too many leaves her spaced out, fumbling and in another world. She drifts off into lah lah land and loses concentration. Not good if she has work.
Tuesday C offered to come help me work by passing things and keeping me company and for earning wages.
It was hard to concentrate. It's the first time on site I've wanted desperately to fuck the help.
What made this worse, while I'm on a roof C sends a photo of her cleavage and key.
I finished early and took her to late lunch.
C said "I'm going to help you tomorrow as well. After you've made me come properly".

Another short day then.

I made C come properly.
C decided to help me at work again by sitting in the sun and shopping on her phone with yesterday's wages added to her keyholder fees.
This was another day, Another roof.
The houses here are mainly Edwardian.
Ours is a double fronted Edwardian bay with a grand staircase and wide entrance hall and impressive chandelier.
I've built our houses in the past, but my god the Edwardians over engineered everything with English oak and built to impress. Today's houses can't compete.
The town is filled with similar. All big and beautiful and every roof top has a view of the sea.
The best view today was sat in the garden below.

I worked hard all day. In both senses of the word.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Thursday C's plans to use me were thwarted by my parents surprise visit.
On Friday morning C told me to sort her out just as the phone rang and our son needed an emergency parent taxi service.
I went to work without my sexy helper.
C decided she was missing out and that in turn prompted a summons. "Take me for lunch today, I want to discuss your future".
"Ah.. Yes of course".
I knew what that meant.

Since the beginning of the year we have been engaging in various types of denial with a theme. These have ranged from two to four weeks, and we've both had lots of fun with them.
They are usually either locked/come or play/no come.

C likes both because they either have me completely desperate and I can't get enough of her or they make my brains melt and I fall head over heals for her.

I started these 'fests' to help C out, and had only planned on there being two. January and February.

C keeps starting more. She likes them. She also likes that I have to pay a bonus on top of the weekly KH fees. An amount that increases comparatively with the length of the the ordeal.

For C it's a case of The longer, the better.

It will all go towards a good cause of course. C has been looking at family holidays.

C told me whilst out for lunch today that she intends to start another session on Sunday.
"It could be anything up to six weeks and I haven't decided what I want to do with you yet".

"I don't suppose the theme is me being the dominant one for a change? Using you and making you insanely horny would be quite interesting don't you think"?

"Ha ha. Not a chance and Not funny".

Shame. I know I could be extremely good at that.

I was used this morning. Truth is being used is a treat anyway.
I think playing guitar helps in that I can stroke pinch and play with both hands at the same as tongue, then fingers vibe and toy.
I pay attention and listen for, or notice the prompts.
In a way we make make music together. Its a very beautiful thing.
C then offered to let me out for a stroke. The cow.
I can never refuse. I'm slightly uncomfortable when being offered a choice. Sometimes I wish I had a miniature C or a guide on my shoulder telling me "Next time say "You've given me enough, please keep me locked" or beg to be kept locked" Instead I say "Yes please".
Whilst being milked like a cow C let me know I'm not allowed to come but I might be tomorrow because she intends to start a new fest.
Still no idea what she has in mind?
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

I'm still a bit disappointed in accepting C's offer to let me out yesterday, especially knowing I would be out today.
I think it was more a gesture of kindness, maybe testing the waters to see if I needed it?
How can C gain confidence if I jump at every chance.
A chastity conscience fairy would be great when faced with these choices. A stern request to say "No. Please give me another week". So I can do as I'm told.
I mentioned this to C and she replied "There's no one else you would listen to anyway. Oh hang on. Maybe you can ask your mother"?
"Yeah thanks, sorry I asked".

C let me out for a tripple edge.
I was allowed to choose again arrrgh!
"OK. A normal edge, a cow and a suck".

"A normal edge yes. Cow yes. Suck hmmmm. I'd prefer yoga again. I still want to practice my aim".

That bloody yoga. I've come what? Two times in two months and both in my own mouth.

"I'd rather come a different way?"

"Too late. Your tied in".

C edged me while letting me know what her plans were.

"Ill edge you for two weeks but you can't come, then I'll lock it up for two weeks. Maybe let you come in your cage. You'll have to eat my pussy lots of course ".

I was constantly saying "Stop. stop. stop".

"Or maybe I'll just lock it up now for two weeks then start edging you because you're going to come today. Hmmm?"

I came into my own mouth again, this time C recons she got ninety percent in. I was trying my best to catch it all simply because If she keeps missing she will keep trying.
"Oooh straight in. Open Wider, Yay. I'm getting the hang of it. More.. Oops I waggled it too much, did that go in your eye? Again aaaand Oooh soo close. Ha! Now Swallow it. Yeuuk! "

C is definitely enjoying this more than she should be.

"Wow C. You aim as bad as you throw".

"Gosh. Why is doing that to you so satisfying for me".

End result as far as my future goes. Still No idea?
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

My guess as to why she enjoys it so much is that it represents blow job revenge, for all of the times over the years that you came in her mouth and expected her to swallow. :)
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by waki86 »

It seems that a new carnival game has emerged. 8-)

Shoot the cum in his mouth without missing.
Mouth 100 points.
Lips 50 points.
Cheek 25 points.
Eyes 15 points.
With less than 45 points extra chasity time.
100 points or more a bonus round.
1 x
Lock permanently in BA-13 under the kilt :mrgreen:
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Very Funny @waki86 😂. But I really don't want to encourage it. would be nice to come normally next time I have a chance. Hope all is well 👍.

Discussions are taking place about booking holidays and getting away.
I'm a bit peed off. As a family we can't agree where to go.
I have the perfect short term solution but no one is listening.
We love (loved) camping as a family. So much in fact I (my business) bought an acre of woodland next to a lake with its own private drive and permision for a caravan or lodge. Bought a caravan, in tented to build a lodge. The land is close to a village with a cosy pub. No light pollution so the shooting stars are regular and dazzling.
A perfect retreat. A dream come true. We spent two years enjoying this.
Then lockdown came and everything changed. I cant get them to go.
We visited maybe three times last year and I just can't understand why?
OK. C discovered cruises, our daughter discovered bugs and our son discovered girls..

I have said If we're not using it I'll sell it, but the family want to keep it because they love having it.
Rant over.

On the chaste side, I've been made use of "Down you go", then I was informed I would be locked for four weeks. Nice one :)

This morning that plan changed to something worse/better. More frustrating. Edge month.
First off it starts with a slow drain so I'm empty but still horny. No orgasm and empty balls.

I will be let out regularly, taken to the brink of orgasm and re-locked.
Some might argue that this is much better than total lock down.
Afterall I get played with and that's nice. Super nice. tongue out, brains smashed holy Ed sheeran Niiiiiiice!
But with No ending time after time after time?
I can hardy tell the time by the end let alone know what day it is.
Odd thing with this type of endless pleasure is after a month of being denied that ending, you can't come without being told you can. Like it's some kind of brain washing that stop you being able to come.

Yeah. Locked is safe. You miss getting hard, but it's more like a slow smouldering than a blasting inferno.

Just an opinion of course.. One than won't alter my future.

So on Tuesday morning C milked me in the cow position, a slow steady, thin stream of come oozing out as if my penis was a honey dipper.
Feels like your soul is draining as your chances of having climax fades.

"No more please C. I'm running on air now".

"Gosh it just kept coming out didn't it? You're empty now. Down you go. Sort me out".

Thursday morning C reminded me. "You can't come. I come lots"
Then made use of me again, came too quickly for it to count, had breakfast and sent me back down to finish the job.

I expect C will start feeling sorry for me in a couple of weeks and ask what I want to do.
I will choose what I should rather than what I want.

Yes I know I said this last time, but I have a plan. 😉
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


This edge fest/game has a few simple rules.
Edged often, but not the same way twice. C settled on three times a week.
I don't come of course.

C has changed it again.
Now it's two weeks of edges to get me as submissive and docile as possible, then locked for two weeks or more.

So. Today "I'm wondering whether to suck it or just stroke it? "Just a stroke this time I think. Something different next time" .

So I was edged. After doing my bit that is. No point starting if I'm not already at boiling point.

A simple edge this time with an awful lot of verbal teasing.
Just one phrase can have me fighting it back. Any mention at all about having to clean it up, from a breast, a nipple, her shaved lips.
Holy fuck! Stop, stop stop.

No permision to let any out now so it's more difficult.
C builds it up and up and then a bit more and then some.
C loves that when she let's go. My cock twitches and bounces around looking for that hand. Looking for that final stroke that will bring relief.
"Oh god, more please".
My brain wants more, my cock wants more. so I can come.

Stroke, tease, twitch "Aaand enough. Lock it back up".


C has a few ways to encourage a more rapid deflation now so I'm back in my cage within minutes.

I'll be made use of again.
The more I'm edged and denied, the more I want to be used.

A fog starts to appear around C, like a halo. It's quite magical.
She is incredibly attractive.
Now she is more incredibly attractive.
I want her. To devour her Very very much.

So I go to work, it's a beautiful day. Not a great day to be on roof tops. Too hot.
By lunch break I'm tired hot and miserable.
A message perks me up. Gets my head out of the mud and gives me that nudge I needed.

I decided to finish and told the others to finish early too. Some happy men today.

Sliding doors or the domino effect. It's amazing how one small thing can completely change the present and the future.

I'll go to meet C and suggest reading on the beach or shopping. C's choice, I'm all hers... Let's call it 95%..I will attribute 5% to the just as important nudgers and influencers.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Wow! Another hot, hot day.
We made up yesterday's work and again a simple message had me inclined to finish early agin. Early enough to not only meet C from work. But to watch her work for a while. That lady is super hot. When C did spot me she came running over for a beautiful loving embrace.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh a friend told me it was ok to finish early, so I did".
I showed C the message.
"Well thank you to your friend then".
Just to guild the lily. I had a chat with the store owner whilst there about a refurb and bagged the contract. A pretty decent one to boot. Nice one.
Also. C was so pleased I had turned up out of the blue she offered to let me take her to dinner and then treat myself to her afterwards.
She told me "Just knowing you were there watching me work made me very wet".
I asked "Would you like to make use of all of me"?

"Nope. It's a shame to keep something so big and beautiful locked up. But I think we can both cope without it".
"I was hoping you'd say that".

We did very well without.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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