After you are allowed to ejaculate?

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After you are allowed to ejaculate?

Post by Nikki6 »

How do you feel after an orgasm?

This week I let J have an orgasm after four weeks in chastity. I noticed he seemed even more attentive and lustful for the next few days. We discussed it and he said anytime he’s gone 2+ weeks, a single orgasm doesn’t reset or “bottom” him out.

I’ve never let him reach bottom in the five months of this.

So J actually finds the days right after he cums to be the hardest. He really, really wants another orgasm and he struggles the most.

Any of you guys experience this? My inclination is to keep doing what I’m doing. I don’t think “bottoming” is something he needs, and it certainly does nothing for me.
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Re: After you are allowed to ejaculate?

Post by slave d »

At my age (69) ….. from what i remember (i haven’t had an full orgasm in over 4 years) …. just 1 cum was enough to put me into a downward spiral, that’s why it was stopped ! Must say i’m much happier being aroused over and over with no chance of actual orgasm.

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Re: After you are allowed to ejaculate?

Post by mrrigid »

Nikki6 wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 12:50 pm This week I let J have an orgasm after four weeks in chastity. I noticed he seemed even more attentive and lustful for the next few days. We discussed it and he said anytime he’s gone 2+ weeks, a single orgasm doesn’t reset or “bottom” him out.
So J actually finds the days right after he cums to be the hardest. He really, really wants another orgasm and he struggles the most.
I think this is accurate for us as well. After an orgasm my feeling of being 'drained' - or probably what your husband calls 'bottomed' - why am I even doing this? - really may only last an hour or so until the 'submissive craving' kicks back in. Particularly if I've been denied 2+weeks, or longer, that's usually the case.

At the same time, the fresh memory of orgasm and ejaculation can kick the horniness into high gear.

I may feel some disappointment we didn't 'go longer', but as a practical result I don't think it changes my attitude for very long at all.
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Re: After you are allowed to ejaculate?

Post by Tom Allen »

We discussed it and he said anytime he’s gone 2+ weeks, a single orgasm doesn’t reset or “bottom” him out.
I would absolutely agree with this.

Mrs Edge occasionally allows me to have an orgasm in my cage. They used to feel like 50% to 75% of a "normal" orgasm: good but never fully or deeply satisfying enough..They could take the edge off, but hours later {or the next day) I'd be climbing the walls.

Now that we've settled into this permanent thing, my brain has been rewired to enjoy them more. That is, they're more like 80% to 95% of a "regular" orgasm. I'm slightly more drained, but still, the next morning I wake up all aroused again.

Naturally the longer Mrs Edge makes me go between them, the more enjoyable they feel at the time, but also, the more quickly I bounce back because it's never quite enough to "bottom out" as you put it.
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Re: After you are allowed to ejaculate?

Post by TwistedMister »

Nikki6 wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 12:50 pm How do you feel after an orgasm?

This week I let J have an orgasm after four weeks in chastity. I noticed he seemed even more attentive and lustful for the next few days. We discussed it and he said anytime he’s gone 2+ weeks, a single orgasm doesn’t reset or “bottom” him out.

I’ve never let him reach bottom in the five months of this.

So J actually finds the days right after he cums to be the hardest. He really, really wants another orgasm and he struggles the most.

Any of you guys experience this? My inclination is to keep doing what I’m doing. I don’t think “bottoming” is something he needs, and it certainly does nothing for me.
If the orgasm is 'ruined', within about an hour I am just as horny, or even more, than I was before, especially if the cage goes back on *immediately* after orgasm (or if it never came off).

During long-term lock-ups with restricted orgasms, 30 to 90 days between orgasms, in addition to being on a 'hair-trigger' it seems that every orgasm is at least partially 'ruined', even if full orgasm was intended/allowed. I think that, like all other muscles, the lack of use of the muscles responsible for the contractions of orgasm become weaker. Weaker contractions result in orgasms that are at least somewhat 'ruined', decreasing or eliminating the 'drop' that would have been experienced after a 'normal' orgasm, and I am just as horny or even hornier than I was before, especially if the cage goes back on immediately after.

I get the desire for another orgasm after, and it can, at times, be very...intense. Being somewhat of a masochist, having this intense desire for another orgasm, which is denied, winds me up even more and increases the 'horniness'. Since my wife (keyholder) controls my orgasms, the increased horniness increases her power.

In my opinion, this is exactly the condition a keyholder should be striving for in order to attain maximum power and control. I would say that your inclination to keep doing what you're doing is right on the money, you've got him right where you want him and that's good for you. (And, being the evil little bastard that I am :twisted: , if I were you I would be having even more fun with that, periodically teasing/edging him, letting him think he *might* get another orgasm but not giving it to him {until you're ready to}, keeping him at the peak of desire and using it to further increase power and control. If there is something you want him to do, which he has been resisting, or some behavior that you want to change, this can be a tool to help you get [him] there. If you have studied Psychology at a college level, you should be aware of Pavlov's experiments with behavior modification, some of his techniques can be applicable here. If you haven't studied him,you might want to read up on him and see if there is anything you want to use.)
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Re: After you are allowed to ejaculate?

Post by Keyholder_V »

My man's reaction to a full orgasm has been an immediate state of regression or depression, almost to the point that I worry about him and I do often wonder whether "permanent" chastity would in fact be the healthiest lifestyle for him, fetishes aside.

It seems that different men can react very differently, and if you've come to understand the way your man reacts then you are in a good position to keep control of your situation.

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Re: After you are allowed to ejaculate?

Post by Luv2belocked »

After my wife unlocks me and lets me finally ejaculate my hormones go crazy! I want more and more! I usually end up asking her too much and she will just end up locking me back up. I think that’s the biggest tease and the hardest to manage. She won’t ever let me bottom out… I don’t remember the last time that she did.
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Re: After you are allowed to ejaculate?

Post by Critter228 »

After a streak and she lets me cum, I usually give myself a bunch of orgasms. Fortunately haven’t had to do back to back streaks yet but I know it would be extremely difficult for me.
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Re: After you are allowed to ejaculate?

Post by trijack3 »

Nikki6 wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 12:50 pm How do you feel after an orgasm?

This week I let J have an orgasm after four weeks in chastity. I noticed he seemed even more attentive and lustful for the next few days. We discussed it and he said anytime he’s gone 2+ weeks, a single orgasm doesn’t reset or “bottom” him out.
This actually sounds like having your cake and eating it too! I'm 5 months into chastity with only 3 full orgasms and 1 ruined. I'm one week away from completely a 90 day reboot. We went 4 weeks before my wife gave me my first full orgasm and then 2.5 weeks each before the next 2 orgasms. Each of these were mind-bending orgasms unlike anything I had ever experienced. I was so horny after the 3rd one that I was compelled to cheat with a vibrator on my cage and gave myself a RO. This is when we decided on a 90 day reboot. I was so horny after those 3 FO''s that I became more focused on my next orgasm and less on my spouse / KH. Once we finish this reboot, I'm hoping we can figure out what the new rythym should be. At least 2 weeks but maybe more like 4 weeks. There must be some reason why 10 O's per year seemed like the right number to some who practice long-term chastity. We value the benefits of tease & orgasm denial too much and don't want to go backwards.
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Re: After you are allowed to ejaculate?

Post by Nikki6 »

trijack3 wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:55 am There must be some reason why 10 O's per year seemed like the right number to some who practice long-term chastity. We value the benefits of tease & orgasm denial too much and don't want to go backwards.
Ten might be OK for J, I definitely feel like he'd probably be happiest around once every three weeks or even more like a month. But I like to make him cum, so I don't usually want to wait so long. I'm the keyholder and I get to decide.
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