[Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

If a testicle can escape, ring size is not the issue. The problem is that the gap between the base ring and the bottom of the cage is too wide.
1 x
Past Devices: Curve & CB 6000s. Both broke, were repaired; then broke beyond repair.
Current Devices: MM Jail Bird, Cobra, MM Watchful Mistress, Holy Trainer v3, a new Curve & the dreaded Spiked Chamber.
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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

WifeIsVanilla wrote: Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:43 am If a testicle can escape, ring size is not the issue. The problem is that the gap between the base ring and the bottom of the cage is too wide.
OK, assuming your are correct, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, what can one do about it? I use a stainless steel cage, so modifying it is going to be a bit more than difficult. Suggestions welcome.

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

In the case of my Cobra, they (K3D) had a thicker ring available. The thicker ring reduced the gap, and that worked.

I sent my Jail Bird back, and they (Mature Metal) adjusted the gap. Handier people on this forum have carefully used a vise or some other tool to make adjustments in gap to a metal device. Perhaps one of them could chime in here.
1 x
Past Devices: Curve & CB 6000s. Both broke, were repaired; then broke beyond repair.
Current Devices: MM Jail Bird, Cobra, MM Watchful Mistress, Holy Trainer v3, a new Curve & the dreaded Spiked Chamber.
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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

Someone up-thread said this was likely to be a roller-coaster. Well, they were not wrong, but it is not a ride I am enjoying.

A bit more than a week ago she said all she is wanting now is a “companion”. A WHAT?? You have got to be kidding me, what am I, chicken feed? No, the word she used is “foul”. Not me, but “sex”. My wife is by no means a prig, not even close, she has raised far more children than any rational person would ever attempt, served in the military, been around the world and has seen both its beauty and its horror.

Yeah. OK. Whatever. Therapy. In spades. So, off we went. The therapist says that she believes that she is “not in her body”, whatever that means. Well, according to the therapist, she ignores or finds repulsive, the sensations that her body can provide to her in certain situations. Personally, I find pain repulsive, nausea, other things that people try to avoid whenever possible. Sex, while a bit “unclean”, is not repulsive. So the therapist thinks she can get he back into her body, again whatever that means, over the next 6 to 12 months. No sex during that time. Oh god, why me? Have I committed a mortal sin in another life? Have a committed one in this life? BTW, I am an agnostic, but sometimes….

Anyway, Eddie is back on the shelf again. The last priority. The end of the food chain. Sigh.

A small light has appeared just this morning, after showering and caging back up, she got her shower. She came out with her anklet with the key on it, asking that I put it on her ankle. A small concession she says, a move forward. I am not an emotional person, not in the least, but this nearly made me cry.

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

Been a bit more than a month, so I thought I’d update.

Last week sent an email to the therapist asking if we were in a place where I could suggest a “romantic weekend”. And naturally, that opened a bag of worms. Not a big bag, more like a 4 pound bag with knots tying it shut. Yay. The therapist responded with “as long as it is properly negotiated and genuine from both of you, should be OK.”. Hmmm, what to make of that!!??

Anyway, we went for our weekly appointment with the therapist, and negotiate is exactly what we did. I could get my weekend as long as she didn’t shut it down at the last minute (Sunday, 6pm was the cut off time), we both get something we want either way (I get to game if we don’t get down to business, she gets my physical labor on her flowers (Hottest day of the year so far, gee that’s fair (not)), and if at 6pm she decides we are not going to get busy then we are going back to the apartment and I get to start some computer games.

So, after 2 afternoons sweating every last extra ounce of water through my hide she makes her decision. We stay, and we get busy. Showers, outfits, toys, naked time together. I wore my cage into the bedroom under my outfit, and we lay on the bed. Did I mention that she dropped a 32 ounce bottle of booze on her foot that morning? 3 toes broken, 2 other bones, and she is walking like peg-the-one-legged-pirate. Laying down was a blessing for her. We get busy, and she discovers the cage. She asks me about it, tells me that if we are going to have as much fun as I had hoped that I would need to take it off. Nope, I tells her, gets the key I will. So I climb out of bed, get her the key, and tell her this was intended to make her interact with it. 6 months I have been working her to this point, where if she wants what’s in it she has to unlock and remove. LIKE A TROOPER, she slides that key right in, unlocks, and removes the cage (I had to give her some instructions here, she has never even looked at it real close).

After removal, things proceed as well as can be expected. Neither of us got an orgasm, but we had some really fun naked time together, and she went “hands-on” with my “equipment”, both the steel and the flesh equipment, which is a pretty solid move forward. She may have dropped that bottle, but she didnt have to use any to enjoy the evening. SUCCESS!! After our fun time she insisted that I cage back up (Another major milestone achieved), but because of the UI she didn’t want to help. We went into the bathroom and I showed her the procedure of re-caging, which seemed to interest her just a bit.

We are back home now, enjoying the day apart again (she has doctors appointments, several of them) while I work. They have her foot in a “ridged walking shoe” since they cant really splint a foot, and PT for her knee. PT is better than a knee replacement any day in my book, but she is the one that has to endure it. We talked about the evening, and came to the conclusion that this was something we could do monthly. She has made deals like that in the past and has consistently failed to follow through on them, we shall see…

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

So its been an interesting few weeks since my last update. Here’s the news, take it away Walter!!!

Life is progressing slowly, but some pretty big events have taken place in the last few weeks. About 3 weeks ago, during one of our therapy sessions, J (The therapist, remember them?) started working on the issues of abuse in her past. Her first husband was a warrant officer in the Army, a chopper pilot, and her first assignment was to Korea. A young teen, freshly married, shipped out of the country with her completely abusive husband. What could go wrong, right?

I am ex military (USAF Military Police, 13 years) and I know what its like to live on the local economy, but I never went to the far east. I was a Europe asset. Seems the rules for living on the economy in the far east are significantly different than the US or Europe. No cops for one, and everyone militantly minds their own business. He could beat her, rape her, throw her off the balcony, or even lock her in the apartment for his entire shift, and no one cared. Lock up the food, shut off the water and power, pad-lock the door, and off to fly choppers he would go. I hope I never meet this guy, the results would be… brutal.

So, we are working through all of that, slowly. But there are bright spots in this story. We have had 2 additional evenings of intimate entertainment since the famous Valentine’s day weekend, both completely enjoyable. No “O”’s for either of us, and one while caged for me, but great times. Last week she approached me with her book, the Keyholders Guide one, and said that we should read this together, she would retain more and understand better. And I could explain what I am looking for and maybe, just maybe, tip the scales for her to take this on full-time and with enthusiasm. We are reading on the weekends. Just finished the instructions about how to ruin a male orgasm (a cage bender if there ever was one). I’m thinking this weekend she may want to practice that just a bit, but knowing her she will put it off claiming that she needs to finish the book before we actually put any of it to use. I will be gently coaxing her towards practice, after all she has been hands on more in the last few months than she ever has been in any full year in the past, and some of the things she has done defy explanation. We shall see!

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

A short update:

Nothing really all that new, but there WAS an incident…

We took some family to watch a ballgame, and unknowingly they had metal detectors at the entrances to the ballpark. I was able to avoid those because of my wife’s service dog and needing to escort him through (Would never have happened at an airport, believe me this is something I know a great deal about, more than ANY airline passenger), but here was a young lady standing there waiting on me with a wand. My wife didn’t give it a thought, but I was near panic. I have never had to reveal that I am caged in public, so far it is only she and I (and our therapist) that know about this kink. I was pretty close to turning around when she wanded my ass and told me I was OK to go.

My wife saw the panic in my eyes it seems, but didn’t make the connection. I told her about the problem and she dam near fell over laughing. It was a good game, family had a great time, and she has mentioned it once or twice since, which is a bit of a turn on, well now it is, I was sweating bullets there for a while.

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

Been a while since I have updated here, and its about time I did so, plenty of events.

So, about 2 months ago, in therapy, she asked me for a divorce. Yep, way huge shock for both the therapist and I. Reason: She does not believe she can meet my needs. I just about walked out, but I didn’t let my emotions get the better of me and began to think. Fear. Given her background, its no surprise that she is scared of the things she is beginning to discover about herself. She has been taught from childhood that sex is a nasty but necessary part of marriage. Her mother told her that she wont like it, but has to do it anyway, and she told her this throughout her childhood. Emphasis on the “nasty”. Imagine the issues that might cause, and then the abuse from her first husband compounds things. Its been a challenge trying to overcome that.

Anyway, fast forward to about 3 weeks ago. Several sessions further along the therapy route she decides that what happened before is just not where she wants to be now. Yeah, lots of people say that kind of thing, but the past is very hard to bury. She is trying though.

Since the divorce request and subsequent therapy sessions she has really turned around. She is now demanding that I remain caged, and in panties. We discussed this pretty extensively and even went through both of our collections and she decided what she liked me in and what she didn’t. Interesting selections, and she took into account what I liked as well, and now my drawer is full. Go figure. We have not had an PIV time because of a small medical issue for each of us, but it does not seem to preclude other options. Last time we got naked she refused to remove my cage until we were more than an hour into things, I just about blew when she brought out the key. We have more time scheduled this weekend, barring other events and life dropping a train on us, I am seriously looking forward to what she comes up with.

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by LuckyEddie »

While life has not dropped a “train” (locomotive) on us, there really has not been an opportunity to get more intimate time together. A hazard of the holidays I suppose.

Last week I approached her with playing our game full time, at the therapists office she unloaded on me for not being willing to assist her with “projects” around the house, and to a significant extent she is correct. Its like Lays Potato Chips (aka Crisps for you UK folks), its never just one with her. I get one done, and she piles on four others that she just thought up, which of course takes the rest of the day. She never asks me if I have plans for the day, she just assumes that her plans are far more important than anything I can come up with, and honestly she is usually right. That does not mean that any plans I might have should be ignored, and I took great pains to explain that to her. Not sure if she got it. But anyway, a day or so after she unloaded, I told her that if she wants a more compliant husband, she should keep me locked full time as that tends to make a male a bit more acceptive of her work wishes.

One phrase I have gotten to really dislike coming from her over the last few months, “I don’t know”. I ask her about experimenting with things, her immediate response is “I don’t know”. WTF is “to know”, it sounds like fun for the both of us. If she wants a husband that is going to accede to her demands, then give me some incentive. “I don’t know”. Geez, I could have predicted that. So I hatched a plan.

Self lock, 30 days, show her what I mean when I say more “compliant”. She noted last night that I was locked, and I told her my plans. She was stunned to say the least. We shall see what happens!

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Re: [Eddie] A Touch Here and a Touch There

Post by Sam3655 »

Good luck dude Hope it works
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