Camping (4) A good service

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Camping (4) A good service

Post by Felere »

The next morning he woke up early. He grabbed for his watch. It was only seven o ‘clock. He touched his cage. It was tight, like every morning. But he wouldn’t dare to wake his wife. He knew he would be sorry. He climbed out of the bed and realized he had to use the caravan toilet. He hated it, it was too low, too small. Back in bed he dozed until eight. His wife woke up slowly, turned around and said ‘Hi’. ‘Hi’, he replied. She told him that he could serve her. He crawled under the blanket, hit the fridge with his elbow. It hurt. Finally he found a way to position himself between her legs. It was quite clear that there was no chance for release. Not that he wanted a release.
When she lifted the blanket she just said. ‘I ordered bread for today. You can pick it up at the shop. There’s also an extra package, don’t forget. I have already payed for it. ‘ ‘I was supposed not to leave the pitch alone.‘ ‘I know. Breakfast is an exception. Moreover, you’ll have some extra time without me today.’ She laid down as if the conversation was closed. So he stepped out of the bed, grabbed for his trousers, but then realized his new outfit would be just the cage his was wearing.

‘Hi, I am Denise’, said the women behind the desk, ‘I am the manager. You must be the new guy on 28. I see you like to stay. Enjoy your time.‘ ‘Thank you’, he said. ‘My wife already ordered the bread and some sort of package.‘ ‘Yes, and she already paid for it. Here you go. ‘
She was still in bed. So he arranged everything for breakfast. The package beside her plate.
‘We are gonna have a shower. Would you be so kind to pick up the towels, my case and your stuff?’ They had finished breakfast just chatting about the weather, the trees and more nothing special. Not a word about the package.
‘Well, will I be allowed to shower all on my own?’, he joked. ‘Oh no,’ she said, ‘they are so wonderful organized here. You will be amazed more than once today.’ He had reasons enough not to doubt.
On one side the shower room was open, on the other side the showers had a screen. He knew already which side to choose. Three man were showering on the open side, all caged. On the other side he heard the women cheerfully chatting to each other through the screens.
They returned, freshly shaven and showered. ‘So, now it’s time for your surprise’, she said, ‘I want you to sit next to me, then you can open the package.’ Her hand pointed thoughtless to the ground beside her chair. So he sat down beneath her. ‘Open up’. He opened the package. A collar. Brown. Leather. ‘You remember you asked for it?’ Her smile was as innocent as ever. He was thrilled. He liked it, he loved it, he feared for what would come.
She fixed the collar around his neck. Tight, but not too tight. ‘I know you like to be my servant. They made a perfect arrangement here. You will enjoy it. Let’s go to the office.’
‘What’s the arrangement like?’ he asked. ‘Oh it’s really fantastic. Andrea, she is the co-manager, she is a real good yoga-teacher. When I found it on their website I really was thrilled.’ ‘So, that’s nice. And what’s in for me. I hope I don’t have to attend your yoga-class.’ ‘That’s what I told you. How good they are in managing the campsite. The yoga-classes cost 45 euro, that’s about 50 dollar. But we can get them for free if I lend you for an hour. Isn’t that great!’ ‘Lend me? What you mean? What’s this all about?’ ’You said you wanted to serve me anyway I want. Didn’t you? Well I lend you to Denise and Andrea. You have to do some work for them. Cleaning or gardening. I don’t know. It’s just for the 50 bucks. Isn’t that a great way to serve me?’ ‘Cleaning?’ He felt the beat of his heart throbbing against his collar. But before he could answer they arrived at the office. A few guys were waiting. ‘Bye love, enjoy!’ A swift kiss and she was gone. The men were talking about the Tour de France, the great wheeler spectacle. They wondered whether their wives would allow them to see it. One of them boasted ‘I will be glad if she allows me to see the final part. For the rest I don’t stand a chance.’ The other men murmured something he couldn’t understand.
Denise came in and distributed the chores. With one other man he had to clean the toilet building and the showers. It took them less than an hour after which they went back to the office. ‘Ah, you’re ready. You can help unpack the boxes in the shop will you.‘ And gone she was. They were busy for quite a while before Denise called them to come out. They waited and waited with the other man until finally the women came back. They had been gone for almost two hours. ‘What took you so long?’ he asked. ‘’Oh we had an extra detox program. It’s lovely. We will continue on Wednesday. So you know what’s your chore on Wednesday.’ ‘You told me I could go cycling, you promised.’ ‘No big deal love, you can go cycling, just be back in time for breakfast. By the way, it’s time for lunch, don’t you think so.’
The afternoon was much better. They went to the river, enjoyed the sun until it became too hot. Then they laid down under the trees in the shade. This was more the vacation he had in mind. Slowly he felt lazy, his eyes closed, he didn’t hear himself snoring.
‘Hi there’. He was awake in a fragment. Automatically he covered his device. She smiled and turned to his wife. ‘Would you like to come in for a drink this afternoon?’ They chatted for a while and there she went. They had set an arrangement for four o ‘clock. At four she called him that it was time to go. He fumbled at his collar, it was sweaty.
When they arrived at the pitch he saw one man, probably the husband, he was serving the ladies. ‘Come’, the lady said. I’ll show you where you can stay.‘ They went around the caravan. There were three men. Their collars were chained to a tree. They were on their knees. Well he had fantasized about being collared, even being chained. But he was quite sure that this was not the way he had in mind.
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:30 pm

Re: Camping (4) A good service

Post by Sparkster »

I know it has been a while since this was posted, but I would still love to see the story continued.