Humiliated at church (an original story)

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Humiliated at church (an original story)

Post by sissyjodie »

A little back story first:

So I have been talking to a online Master. Today I was supposed to go to my church and bake 5 coconut cakes, for our Saturday luncheon. My Master told me that I was to go to church locked in my pink holy trainer V2 short, and to wear my bigger plug. I would have to walk to church and back as I do not drive, a 1.2 mile trip each direction. The whole time locked and plugged with a large plug. I was not thinking about what I was wearing and just went on to church with what I had on for the day. Which was a t-shirt and a pair of girls light baby blue "sofee" shorts, which are cotton shorts that are very short and very tight. Walking to the church, the plug was rubbing my g-spot (prostate) the whole way, and several times I felt my lil balls tighten and a shot of precum shoot/ooze out into my see through panties. After getting to the church and working for a while, I noticed a lady staring at my crotch. I looked down and was horrified to realize that in my tight shorts you could fully see the outline of my chastity device, and not only that, but there was also a half dollar sized wet spot on the front of my shorts at the opening of my cage. I was so humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed. The worst thing was, I couldn't hide it. I tried to keep my hands in front of my crotch but that was no easy task.

A few days later:

Well, master has decided that he wants me to wear the same thing to church again tomorrow for our luncheon. My tiny pink cage, my butt plug, and the same tight blue short shorts. He has also instructed me to wear see through thong panties. And I am not allowed to have my hands in front of me, they must stay at my sides when I am not using them.
There will be around 80 people there, and I know it is going to be so humiliating.

He has already made me lock up and plug my sissy pussy tonight, so I will be very horny by tomorrow.

The story:

I put on what my master had told me to wear, and walked the 1.2 miles to church getting there about 8:30 am. The whole way the large plug in my sissy pussy was rubbing my prostate, keeping me incredibly hard and leaking precum like never before. You could clearly see the chastity device in the front of my shorts, I felt so embarrassed. When I finally made it to the church I went straight to the bathroom to see how bad I had leaked. I looked down at the front of my tight baby blue cotton shorts and there was a huge wet precum stain on them. The see through panties did nothing to catch what was dribbling out of my clit, and cage. Wednesday after noticing someone looking at my bulge and wet spot I tried to keep my hands in front of my crotch the rest of the time, so no one else would notice. My Master had instructed me that this time I was to keep my hands at my sides unless they were busy doing something. There would be around 80 people here today and I knew people would notice. I was feeling very humiliated, as I exited the restroom.

I finally got up the courage to go out and start helping get the lunch ready. There were about 12 church members there working to prepare the food for the community luncheon. Immediately I noticed Miller there. He was a hot 19 year old straigh boy that has been the focus of many of my masturbation fantasies. He and his just turned 18 year old brother Hunter were two of the hottest guys I had ever seen. Hunter was not there though, much to my disappointment. As I looked over Miller I felt my sissy clit (cock) throb within the confines of its cage, and felt a large burst of precum flow out. I knew he had a girl friend, as I had seen her, with her large breasts and inappropriately short dresses at church regularly.

I went about cutting and plating the 5 coconut cakes I had made on Wednesday, not paying much attention to anything and occasionally glancing at Miller and thinking how hot he was. If I didnt have on this stupid chastity cage, I likely would have went to the bathroom to jack off thinking of him. As I was doing this Millers mom Cassie came over and started talking to me, but all I could think about was Miller and how horny I was. I then noticed her look at my crotch, and kinda smile as she kept talking. I felt my face warm and turn red. A few minutes later Miller came over and joined in on our conversation. As we were talking he commented on how hot it was and said that he was sweating. He then lifted his t-shit and wiped his face with the bottom of it. When he did this I got a great view of his flat tanned stomach and six pack abs. I also got a really good view of the waistband and top part of the front of his jockstrap (I have a huge fetish for guys in jockstraps, especially straight guys in jockstraps). I felt another much strong throb in my tiny chastity device, followed by another surge of precum, as he lowered his shit back down.

We went on talking as I plated the cake, and soon he grew bored and walked away to find something better to do. I, as well as my throbbing swollen clit were so grateful for the break. Soon all 5 cakes were cut and plated. As I asked if there was anything else that needed done, I noticed an older lady named Betty looking at my crotch and wet spot with the most disgusted look on her face. Once again I flushed red.

The guy who does the cooking for our weekly luncheon has a beautiful large black dog named Bear, and he always brings Bear with him. We have an enclosed porch off the back of the kitchen where he can let him be free and not worry that he will run off. I asked Tony if Bear was outside, and he said "yes", so I said "I am going to go pet him for a few minutes." As I started out, much to my excitement, Miller said, "oh I want to pet him too" and followed me out. As we were petting Bear, Miller kept making comments about how "Massive" Bear's balls were and what a "huge knot" he must have. I just brushed it off and kept petting and talking to Bear. Then Miller looks at me and says, "I feel like I have a bug bite, or something on my back, will you take a look and tell me what it is?" I said "sure" and he turned his back to me and lifted his shirt. I was so shocked at what I saw. His shorts were riding really low, and his jock was hanging out the top of them, as well as about 4 inched of his exposed ass. Once again I felt a throb within my cage, well actually several throbs, as my clit tried in vain to get hard and my pussy sucked my large plug in tighter. I pulled myself away from checking out his ass, and looked over his back. I couldnt see anything, and asked where it was bothering him? He pointed to the spot, and I leaned in to look closer, but it looked no different than the rest of his back. I told him I didnt see anything there and he lowered his shirt back down. We continued to pet and talk to Bear for a few more minutes before going back into the churches kitchen to help out.

One of the ladies asked me to get a bowl off the top shelf of one of the cabinets for her, so I reached and stretched up and got it down for her. I heard a slight giggle behind me as I did this but thought nothing of it. Until afterwards when Millers mom Cassie came up to me and pulled me aside and said that when I stretched to reach the bowl my shirt rode up and everyone could see my pink see through thong sticking out the top of my shorts, and that I might want to try and keep that from happening again, because it "might be embarrassing for you if everyone knew you have a panty fetish" she said. I knew I turned red instantly, and tried to think of something to say. Finally I blurted out, "I dont have a panty fetish (lie), I just lost a bet with a friend. She said "oh okay, well still", and walked away.

At this point I felt like I had to pee, so I told everyone I would be right back, that I needed a restroom break. Miller who was standing right next to me said "good idea", and led the way. as we left the kitchen and went out into the hallway he started for the stairs, and I said "the bathroom is just down here", to which he replied, "yeah, but I like the one on the main level better, it nicer and newer and has that huge handicapped stall". I thought nothing of it and followed him up the steps and to the bathroom.

No one was in this part of the church on a Saturday, and the lights in the hallway were off. We went into the bathroom, and I started for the stall. Miller said "oh you must have to shit" to which I replied "no, just peeing". He asked why I was going into the stall to piss, and not using the urinal? I have to piss sitting down with this chastity device on, but there was no way I could tell Miller that. Not wanting to arouse suspicion, or answer anymore questions, I walked over to the far left of the three urinals mounted to the far wall. Miller then stepped up to the middle urinal, right next to me, which I found weird, why wouldnt he go to the far right urinal leaving the middle one between us and a lotting both of us more privacy. I nervously pulled the front of my shorts and panties down, wondering how I was going to piss in this chastity device without making a mess everywhere, and hoping that Miller wouldnt look over into my urinal and see the device. I heard his stream start and I started peeing as well, resisting the urge to look over and try and sneak a peak at his cock.

I finished peeing first, pulled up my panties and shorts, and thought, how glad I was he hadnt seen my device. Amazingly enough, I had not made a mess while pissing in my chastity device, and I headed for the sink to wash my hands. As I looked up in the mirror I noticed the precum stain on the front of my shorts was bigger than it had been when I first got to the church, and I blushed in embarrassment. I heard Miller flush the toilet as I washed my hands. With my hands still under the cool water Miller walked over to the sink, and then he did something that shocked the living hell out of me. With my hands in the cool water, and not paying any attention to anything else, Miller reached out in front of me, and grabbed the front of my shorts and my chastity device. I jumped a little and then froze, looking over at him. He had the cocky straight boy smirk on his face as he asked, "whats this". I froze and didnt know what to say, then he kinda tugged on the front of my shorts, and my chastity device and said "well". I finally realized that I would have to say something and just stammered out, "nothing, we should get back". He said, "no, its definitely something and I want to see what it is", "why dont you go into the stall". I couldnt think, and responded, with the first thing I could think of which was "no really its nothing, just my cock, we had better get back people will be arriving soon and I am sure that they need our help". He was having none of it, and said, "no, go in the stall...NOW". The sternness in his voice when he said "NOW" made me follow his order. He let go of his grip on the front of my shorts and followed me into the large handicapped stall, closing and locking the door behind him. I turned around and looked at him, and he said "well, are you going to keep me waiting all day? Show me". I said, "please Miller, its nothing lets just go back to the kitchen", but he would not relent. So reluctantly I pulled down my shorts revealing my pink see through panties. You could clearly see the pink chastity device through them.

He stared at the front of my panties as a drop of precum fell from them. Then he said "well", and I said "what"? He said, "take your panties down, all the way to your ankles". I hesitated and started to protest, but he cut me off before I could say anything. He said, "if I have to tell you a second time you are not going to like it". I let out a sigh and lowered my shorts, and then my panties, all the way to my ankles. looking down at my crotch, he said, "so it is a chastity device, I thought so". I was surprised that this hot, straight, 19 year old boy even knew what a chastity device was. I said, "can I pull my shorts back up now?", to which he responded with a simple "no". He reached out and grasped my balls, making me jump. He told me to "calm down", and rolled my balls around in his hand before giving them a light squeeze. He said, "these feel full, how long has it been since you last came"? I said a few days but that I had only been locked since last night. He then let go of my balls and bent down, inspecting my small pink prison. I again whined "can I pull my shorts back up now? We really need to get back". He responded by saying, "I will tell you when you can pull them back up", and asked why I was leaking so bad if it had only been a few days since I last came? I hesitantly told him that I had a large butt plug in my sissy pussy and that it was rubbing my prostate making me hard, and leak. He told me to turn around and show him. I turned and bent forward a little revealing the large base of my biggest plug. Without saying a word, he reached forward and grabbed the base of my plug and started pulling it out. I said "hey what are you doing, dont do that", to which he replied, "shut up faggot". He pulled the plug almost all the way out before letting my sissy pussy suck it back in. He said, "someone is hungry" and continued pulling the plug almost all the way out, before letting my pussy slurp it back in. Finally I said, "I dont think my Master would be okay with me showing my chastity to someone else, or letting them mess with my plug". He responded, "I am your Master now"! I was shocked, I didnt know what to do or say, so I did the only thing a sissy faggot could do, and simply said "yes Sir". He then told me to turn around and stand up, which I did. He took a hold of my balls again and squeezed them very hard, making me cry out in pain and beg him to let go. He asked, "are you going to be my sissy faggot from now on"? I didnt speak, so he squeezed harder and pulled down on my balls. I shouted out "yes", and he then squeezed even harder yet and said "yes what"?, "yes Sir" I responded and he said "good". The he asked if I was going to be a good sissy faggot and do everything he told me? I responded again "yes Sir", not wanting him to squeeze my balls any harder than he already was. He told me to get down on my knees in front of him. I did, and he lowered his basketball shorts to the floor, revealing his thin thread bare jockstrap, with the obviously large bulge of an erection in the front of it. My eyes went wide at the sight, and I couldnt believe this was actually happening to me. He told me to keep my hands away from my "clit cage" or else, and told me to kiss the front of his jock. I did so and he grabbed my head and shoved my face into his jock. I could smell his musky man smell as well as a little hint of piss. I was once again throbbing in my cage desperately trying to get free and bust out. He then let go and I pulled my head back. He told me to pull his jockstrap down to his knees and that if I so much as touched his cock he would give me a beating I would not soon forget. I obeyed, and reached up and grabbed the elastic of his waistband and pulled them down, making sure not to touch his cock in the process. His erect cock sprang out, as I continued to lower his jockstrap. It was huge, at least 7.5 inches, and uncut, with a huge amount of foreskin still hanging off the end of it and large low hanging balls. His balls appeared to be shaved, and he had a trimmed bush of pubes. Once his jock was around his knees, I looked up into his eyes, awaiting further instructions. He said "you like that dont you faggot"?, "I know you do, I have seen the way you stare at my brother and me, every time we are around you". I went back to staring at his hardness, feeling precum ooze out of my sissy clitty in a constant stream. He then said, "kiss it, kiss my cock, and then kiss each of my balls, show your superior the respect he deserves." I raised my hand to grab his cock, but he slapped it away and said, "put your hands down before I slap the shit out of you". I put my hands back down and leaned in, kissing his hard, thick, uncut cock, then each testicle. He the said, "I bet you want to suck it dont you faggot?", to which I eagerly replied, "yes Sir". He told me to stick my tongue under his foreskin and roll it around, licking all around the inside of it. I started to raise my hands to grab his cock again, and he quickly raised his hand as if he were about to slap me. I stopped dead in my tracks and lowered my hands back to my sides. I leaned in, but couldnt seem to get my tongue under his foreskin. He looked down and said, "here I will help you", and pulled back his foreskin lightly allowing me to slip my tongue under it, at the same time getting a taste of the precum that was obviously on the head of his cock. I followed instructions and licked greedily all around his foreskin. after about 5 minutes of that he began to speak. He said, "now you get the grand prize, I want you to suck my cock. Suck every inch of it and take it into your throat. When I cum, you are to swallow every drop of it. Waste one drop and you will wish you had never came to church dressed like a slut in your chastity, and plug, leaking all over the place. I sucked him into my mouth and began sucking, but I couldnt take him all the way down or into my throat without gagging. This seemed to make him even harder, every time I gagged, he would throb in my mouth. After a few minutes of sucking, he said, "go all the way down on it", so I tried. I got about half way and gagged and started to pull my head back. He responded by grabbing my head and pulling me into him, while at the same time harshly thrusting his hips forward. His cock went all the way down my throat, and I gagged and tried to inhale, as he held me there for a few seconds. He let go, as I continued to suck, he told me what a "good sissy" I was taking all of my Masters cock. After a few more minutes of sucking I felt him throb, and heard his breathing get harder. He announced, I am going to cum, and as soon as the words left his lips, I felt the first explosion of cum in my mouth. I swallowed as he continued to explode, it felt like a lot, and I was struggling to swallow it quickly before the next explosion came, he was obviously a heavy cummer. Then I felt it, I felt a dribble of his warm cum, escape my lips and start to slide down my chin. No, I screamed in my head, but it was already too late. He continued to pump his hot straight boy cum into my mouth for a few more seconds before pulling his cock out of my mouth. He looked down at me, and immediately noticed the stream of cum on my chin. "What did I tell you about wasting my cum faggot"? I said, "I am sorry, but there was just so much of it, and I tried to swallow it all but, I couldnt keep up", "I will do better next time I promise". He said, this cant go unpunished, but right now we had better get back". He used his cock to rub the cum on my chin into my face, and told me that I was to leave it there. Then he told me to lick his cock clean and make sure there was no cum on it anywhere. I did as I was instructed, and then he made me kiss his cock, and each ball again out of respect. The he pulled up his thread bare jock, tucking his still semi hard cock into it, and then his shorts. He told me to stand, turn around and bend over. I did as he said, and felt him pulling at my plug, then felt it plop all the way out. he told me to turn around as he held my plug. I turned to face him, and he brought the plug, fresh out of my sissy pussy to my lips. He said "open" and I did, as he slid the plug into my mouth. I was so humiliated, and tasted something nasty on my plug. He said, "I am doing this for two reasons, one, to teach you to keep that pussy hole clean at all times, and two, because I figured your plug could use some more lube after being in you for so long." I sucked on the plug and he told me that it had better be spotless when he pulls it out of my mouth. I licked and sucked it as hard as I could, still tasting what I could only assume was shit. After a few minutes of this he pulled the plug from my mouth, inspected it, and then happy with the job I had done, told me to turn around and bend over. I obeyed, and he slid the large plug into my tight sissy pussy. Once it was in, he told me to pull up my panties and shorts. I bent down, noticing a puddle on the floor below where I had been kneeling. As I pulled up my panties and shorts, I heard the stall door open and saw Miller walk out. He was gone before I got my shorts back up, and I went out into the dark hallway, and down the steps back to the kitchen. Everyone seemed to be concerned about where I had been for so long, including Miller who asked loudly and in front of everyone where I had been. I said I had had a phone call and wanted to take it in private as Miller smirked at me. They asked me to help get the bread ready to go into the oven, and then our assistant pastor looked at me and said "honey, it looks like you have spilled something on the front of your shorts" at that everyone looked at the front of my shorts and the huge cum stain, and I heard a slight laugh from Miller. I was so ashamed, and embarrassed, and humiliated, I said, yeah, its tea, and went on fixing the bread, hoping it was over with.

By the time I got the bread ready it was getting near 10:30, when we open the doors for everyone to come in for coffee for an hour before lunch. I had noticed that Miller kept drinking lots of coffee, and tea, and would announce it every time he got a new cup full. I asked the assistant pastor if she wanted me to go open the doors and she said "yes". So I made my way to the door, just as I was about to open it Miller walked up to me and said, I am going to the bathroom, and you are coming with me. I opened the door and greeted everyone, and followed Miller back to the upstairs bathroom, wondering the whole way, what he was going to do to me now. Once inside the bathroom, he told me to get into the stall, which I obediently did. He locked the door, and told me to get on my knees, and open my mouth. I did, and he pulled his cock out, and slid just the tip of it into my mouth. He said "hold it right there, just like that". Then he said, "I have to piss really badly, and you are going to drink every last drop of it". My stomach turned, and I started to pull back off his dick to tell him, that I was not into water sports, and piss play, but he grabbed my head before I could and held me still. He said that if he saw any of it go anywhere other than down my throat he would add to the harsh punishment I already had coming for not swallowing all of his cum. Then he let loose with his stream. I felt the hot liquid filling my mouth, and it tasted terrible. He stopped for a second to let me catch up, and then continued filling my mouth, and stopping, over and over, until his bladder was empty. I dont know how, but some how I managed to swallow all of it, not letting so much as a drop escape my lips. I felt sick the whole time, and tears even began to stream down my cheeks at how gross this was. When he was done, he asked if my plug needed more lube? I said no, as he put his cock back in his jockstrap and shorts, and left the bathroom, with me following close behind.

We got back to the kitchen and helped finish preparing the food, with Miller frequently lifting his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, revealing his stomach, abs, and the top of his jockstrap to me. As we served lunch I notice people looking at my crotch, and even noticed a few of them whispering and pointing.

Before we were done serving lunch and cleaning up Miller had made me follow him to the restroom 3 more time to empty his full bladder into my mouth, and he fed me one more load of cum.

I was standing at the sink, finishing up the last of the dishes and talking to Miller's mom Cassie who was drying for me, when Miller walked over. He told his mom that he had been getting to know me today and that I seemed cool, and asked her if it would be okay if I joined them at their house for lunch after church tomorrow? She said that would be great, and that she was making meatloaf and there would be plenty. I was taken by surprise, I couldnt believe he wanted me to come over to his house, or that he wanted to be seen with me around his family. I was also a little scared, I knew he was up to something, but what I was not sure of.

I finished the dishes and as Cassie dried the last one, I noticed her looking at my crotch and slightly smiling.

I told everyone goodbye and that I would see them at church in the morning. I started to leave but Miller stopped me. He asked me to walk with him to his moms mini van for a minute, and said he wanted to show me something. I followed him to the van, and he opened the back hatch. He then riffled through a gym bag for a few seconds before pulling out another jockstrap. This one was white but badly stained yellow, I could see the stains all over it. He said that this was his favorite jockstrap to wear to play sports and to the gym. He told me he had had it since he was 14, and that he only washed it once a year, because it was his good luck charm. I looked at it in disgust, wondering why he was showing it to me. He said that every time he jacked off he used it as a cum rag, and that sometimes he would even piss in it. I looked at it and said okay, thats cool, trying to hide my disgust. He then said it was getting close to the one year mark and time to wash it. Then he handed it to me and told me to take a whiff of it. I said no thanks, but he gave me a mean, stern look, so I pressed it to my nose and pretended to inhale. Miller automatically knew I was faking and said if I didnt inhale he would hold me down and make me. So I inhaled, it was rank, the smell almost gagged me. I wanted to throw up. I handed it back to him, but he said no, I want you to take it home with you. I asked why, and he said that tonight, before bed, I was to wear it on my head, with the front of the dirty jockstrap over my face. He said I was to sleep like this all night long, and take a picture and sent to him as proof that I was being a good sissy. I didnt want to but I said okay, that I would do it. He then said before you go there are a few more things. He asked for my cell phone number, which I gave to him. He asked who had the keys to my chastity device, to which I replied "me". He said I was to bring them with me to church tomorrow, all of them. He also told me that I was to be there at 9 am instead of 10, in time for Sunday school, but not to plan on attending Sunday school. He also told me to keep my chastity device on, and my pussy plugged. I said, "is that it", and he said "yes". I turned to walk away, tucking his dirty jock into my pocket for the walk home, and then he said, "oh and by the way, all those hairs around your clit and on your balls had better be gone by tomorrow, sissies dont have pubes, thats for real men". I said okay, and he said also for me to wear another see through thong tomorrow. I told him that I would, and left for home. The 1.2 mile walk home seemed to take for ever. I was hard the whole way thinking about Miller and what he had done to me today and wondering what will happen tomorrow when I get to church, and afterwords at his house for lunch.

I finally made it home at about 2:00 pm and wished so badly that I could cum. The plug had rubbed my prostate the whole way home, and I was as horny as ever.

I sat down at my computer and emailed my online Master, and told him that I could no longer be his sissy, that I had found a local Master who wanted to own me, and that I would prefer the real time training to the online training I was getting from him.

As I am typing this. I got a text from a odd number, when I opened it, it was a pic of a huge uncut cock with cum running down it. Before I could take it all in, I got another text, it said, "dont you wish you could cum, like a real man, oh this is your new Master Miller by the way". I responded that I did wish I could cum and thanked him for the picture.

I am now horny as hell, and nervous about tomorrow. I dont really know what I should do, if I should even go to church, if I should go to the lunch at his house, or what.

Let me know if you guys like the story!
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Owned by Chastitylover247
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Re: Humiliated at church (an original story)

Post by sissyjodie »

I have started writing chapter 2 of this story today. I plan to have it finished by the end of the weekend and will hopefully be posting the new chapter sometime Monday.

As a little tease, I will tell you the name of chapter two.

Humiliated at church chapter 2 is titled "Youth", and it covers everything that happens the next day at church, leading up to the sissy going home with Miller's family for Sunday lunch.

Chapter 3, which is still untitled will be written next weekend if there is enough interest, and it will cover what happens on the ride from church to Miller's house, and everything that happens once there.

I am working to make the paragraphs in chapter 2 shorter, and easier to read.

Please let me know if you are looking forward to the release of chapter 2, as it will help keep me motivated to finish it.

Stay tuned and stay chaste my friends!
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Owned by Chastitylover247
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slave d
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Re: Humiliated at church (an original story)

Post by slave d »

i am looking forward to more … much more !! Love this kind of fantasy and you write well in comparison to many !! Keep going please !!

The only thing I do wonder is if perhaps this should be in the kinks section as it may be a bit ott for some of the newbies and more vanilla crowd. Personally I’m happy with it but perhaps (maybe the mods could decide) it might be better in the kinks. Just my 2c worth.

MsM’s ld
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New Zealand
After a year post covid of “freedom” I am trialing a good old HT V3 nub modified by me to have a glans ring so no pullout. Working well so far.
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