The Perfect Device

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The Perfect Device

Post by wantshiny »

Open for discussion what would be your perfect device?
When I was looking at metal devices there were really only three I was considering, The looker, Steelheart and the jailbird. I ended up with the jailbird.

I actually wrote a long email to steelwerx asking him if he could do a modified steelheart but I used the web based inquiry form and I have a feeling that it got lost because I never received a reply or it was too stupid to consider.

Anyway my perfect device was basically a steelheart but a PERFORATED one, my main concern with the steelheart has always been cleanliness, not having a PA means I have to go that much tighter than those that do. My method of cleaning with the CB6K was extremely effective because i had those vents that enabled flushing of the tube.

A tube that has many small holes sort of like a rigid sieve would give the feeling of a tube (one of the things i don't like about jailbird as you can't feel the same enclosed pressure around your fella), but also be really easy to clean. Even if you left the top nice and shiny and perforated the sides might be sufficient.

My ideal device would also have a hygienic comfortable semi rigid urethral insert that would make the device inescapable, and of course a integrated lock. The screw on the jailbird is OK, but it can be bloody hard to screw in sometimes, and one has to be so careful of threading it.
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Re: The Perfect Device

Post by Atone »

The problem with the small holes is that is a place for skin to poke out. I don't know about you but when my skin would poke out of the vents on my CB-3000 it would get extremely sensitive / painful. That is not a problem on the steelheart and only on very rare occasion on the jailbird.

I never really felt that I could get much stimulation through the jailbird but the steelheart takes even that little bit away. Also takes away (changes) the visual sensation, when I think about my penis I visualize a steel tube.

I'm not sure what the perfect device would look like but it would probably be closer to the steelheart than the jailbird. If possible it would also prevent access to the scrotum.

It would also have a way to clean it without being able to put anything inside the tube. After the discussion the other day I tried using q-tips to dry the inside and then applied a little lotion (I think I might be getting a little irritation inside the tube) using another q-tips. After about 2 weeks of absolutely no stimulation I was amazed at how good that felt. I think I probably could have brought myself to orgasm with that q-tip, it felt that good. Some sort of a fitting that you could hook up to a spray bottle. I was thinking something along the lines of a zerk fitting.

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Re: The Perfect Device

Post by wantshiny »

Hi thanks for the reply, actually I had the same problem with the CB3K, I had to use bandaids or sticking plaster to cover the holes, the 6K was MUCH better because the holes were smaller, what I have in my minds eye is LOTS of even smaller the mesh that makes the water flow smoothly out of a tap, but not a floppy mesh like the sir Lancelot thingy, so that the tube is basically transparent to water and air but rigid like a tube.
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Re: The Perfect Device

Post by Tom Allen »

Mrs. Edge and I seem to be odd in that we prefer the CB3k. I bought a Fort, hoping that it would be a shiny, steel version, but unfortunately, it didn't quite measure up to expectations.

My ideal device would probably be a very close copy of the 3k, but in a lighter-weight titanium. I'd also replace the large vent slots with an array of small holes. The KSD-G3 works well for me, but I think I'd keep the plastic version, just to save on weight. Titanium is very non-reactive, so cleaning shouldn't be an issue.

I would keep similar dimensions to the existing hinged cuff rings, but make the ID more squared off, and soften the edges. I find the 6k ring very uncomfortable because the edges are too sharp.

The only thing I might want to see changed would be the padlock and locking pin. As long as I'm "wishing", I think I'd like to see an integrated lock that is more secure than simply a custom screw. But it needs to be low-profile, so it doesn't show up funny under clothes, including bathing suits and underwear.
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Re: The Perfect Device

Post by wantshiny »

Actually I would go along with all of that Tom, the main reason for moving to steel for me was simply that the 6K became cacky to look at, I got over the actual cleaning issues. Although I actually like the flared shape of the 6K a little better than the 3K, it seemed to fit me better. When I got my 6K the first thing I did was modify a KSD to fit it, later I got the G3 and found it excellent as well to the point where I was intending to make it fit in the jailbird, but as it turns out its not necessary, the anti pull out pins and the fact is a bit smaller hold things in place.

I modified the 6K ring so that the inside edge closest to the cage was beveled off severely and more rounded like a ring, I did not have to worry about the other side, that made a massive difference to its comfort.

But yes I always wanted a metal version of the 6K with better cleaning and a integrated lock. I think when I said steelheart I was thinking of existing metal devices....although the urethral sound if it were practical would be cool if it meant not more worrying about rampant pee streams, and it just has that 'total captured" appeal to it, sure would not be able to cheat by shaking the shit out of the tube
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Re: The Perfect Device

Post by kpb57 »


the only manufacturer at the moment (AFAIK) that makes titanium devices is Gerecke in Germany. And Frank makes custom devices, but be prepared to pay a hefty price, especially at the current US$/Euro exchange rates.

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Re: The Perfect Device

Post by Tom Allen »

I'm aware of the Gerecke devices, although I haven't priced them. I'm not crazy about the shape - mainly I think that they would make using a urinal difficult.

The problem with the polycarbonate is that it does tend to pick up body oil, which makes it hard to clean. I actually scrub mine with that fine scour pad that comes attached to one side of a dish sponge. And then any superglue spills show up, making it look less than pretty.
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Re: The Perfect Device

Post by Atone »

I don't know why (well maybe I do) but I was thinking about this today. I think one thing that should be relatively easy for a manufacturer to do is make a metal device with interchangeable parts. There is no reason why these should be custom at all. They should just be configurable. If I want a different size ring I should be able to just order it. Same with the tubes and everything else. While this will not make any device perfect it would make it a lot better.

It could be the AR-15 (modular platform) of chastity devices. Combine this with my McChastity idea for the plastic devices (think adult happy meal) and guys would be locked up all over the place.

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Re: The Perfect Device

Post by wantshiny »

Yes I must admit I would have liked a slightly larger ring for the jailbird, the first 4-7 days after a break is bloody torture, but after no stretching/release for a week it starts to settle down, only been off for 30 minutes in the last two weeks :( and its mothers day tomorrow...and for me that means definitely no stretching, just I wanted to order the next size up but after paying only $2 for a stainless steel ring at the boat shop, I kind of resent paying the extra $40 USD for what was already a expensive device, not that I begrudge anyone making money for something I can't do myself....still.

Gave up on trying to keep polycarbonate clean, just accepted it was icky, wife at least lets me spoon her with the jailbird, and the other night she let me tease the crap out my self while I was massaging her...before smiling and saying...."goodnight now", no way could do that with 6K, every time it touched her it was like recoil.

LOL @ order a McChastity meal with a cock lock for a toy, imagine a Ronald Mcdonald statue with a cage on...they would sell squillions.
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Re: The Perfect Device

Post by Jedi »

Atone wrote:I don't know why (well maybe I do) but I was thinking about this today. I think one thing that should be relatively easy for a manufacturer to do is make a metal device with interchangeable parts. There is no reason why these should be custom at all. They should just be configurable. If I want a different size ring I should be able to just order it. Same with the tubes and everything else. While this will not make any device perfect it would make it a lot better.

It could be the AR-15 (modular platform) of chastity devices. Combine this with my McChastity idea for the plastic devices (think adult happy meal) and guys would be locked up all over the place.

You just mentioned guns and chastity in the same post. I think I found a new favorite forum...
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