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MM's locking cock ring as a "proof of concept" device

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:37 am
by XKB8R
This is my first post, other than the "Hello world" post.

Thanks in advance for any and all wisdom that you may have to share.

Here's some background, and then the question.

I've been interested in a chastity device for some time now, and my wife has been willing enough to play along, to the extent that several years ago, I ordered a CB-2000. I never could get satisfactory results from it. The problems were mainly "Ball Burn", in any configuration that I couldn't just pop out of, and also that I could pretty much pull out of the back any time I wanted to. Anyway, further reading on the subject led me to seriously consider one of the Mature Metal devices.

Obviously, the price tag is a consideration, and having sunk money into the CB-2000 with unsatisfactory results has made me cautious.

I'm built kind of high and tight, a grower, not a shower. I also spend a lot of time climbing in and out of ditches, and bouncing around on the rather firm seats of various types of construction machinery.

I ordered the sizing rings, and got what I think is a configuration that'll work.

I don't have all the resources available to me that Tom Allen has, but I am sort of handy, and I was able to rig up something using a small wooden spacer, the correct sizing rings, and some zip ties, to approximate the fit of an MM locking cock ring. I still had some ball burn, after a while, and did have a ball slip out, but I think that was more a result of the device not being as structurally robust as stainless steel would be. It worked well enough to convince me that going to the real thing would be worth a try.

Another concern is that spending as much time seated as I do, "the boys" tend to take a bit of abuse between the seat and the device. I want to be sure that I can have a level of comfort that still allows me to work.

My thinking is that the LCR works on the same "trapped ball" principle as the real chastity devices, so if I could be both comfortable and secure in an LCR, transitioning to a cage would be just a formality.


(Also, apologies for what became a rather lengthy post.)

Re: MM's locking cock ring as a "proof of concept" device

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:14 pm
by RegularJoe
I started with the LCR and it was an excellent training tool for the JailBird. It gets you, and your equipment, habituated to the sensation of wearing a trapped ball device....Beth still refers to it as my 'training bra'.

Though it will give you a good idea of what gap and scrotum diameter works for you, you need to remember that you would never size the cockring of an LCR was small as your cage will be. An LCR lets you get an erection, so the ring must be large enough to not cause major constriction (and a trip to the emergency room) during erection. The cage ring diameter will be smaller, and based on your flaccid diameter, because the cage won't permit erections if it's sized get the start of a chubby, and it stops.

One potential complication in the transition from LCR to a cage; that difference in cockring diameter results in a change to the gap. You end up with a larger gap.

Having the ring kit, as you do, is a good first step, and your experiment shows you can stand to have your sack trapped between two rings is useful. I'd now advise following Mature Metal's advice on measuring for proper cage dimensions. You want it to fit your flaccid cock like a glove....with as little room to grow as possible.

Re: MM's locking cock ring as a "proof of concept" device

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:14 pm
by Locked by LRC
Welcome to the forum XKB8R.

I have a locking ring from MM. Sometimes during a week-end LRC will have a desire to be grabby. When she does the cage comes off but I will wear the cock ring. My experience isn't exactly like yours but I hope it helps.

We have a large yard and it takes me over three hours to mow on a 42" rider. There's about an acre that isn't smooth. When I mow this part with the cage I have to adjust often. The bouncing in the seat will cause parts to pinch and apply unwanted pressure. When I mow this part with the locking ring I have never had this happen. It feels more natural, from what I remember from not wearing anything ;)

I also have a lot of trees and have to use a chain saw at times. I've done this both ways. Again, there's occasional pinching when I twist just right with the cage on. With the cock ring there isn't.

I think the reason for this is not having the full metal cage resting on the sack. With the ring everything can twist and turn more naturally.

Re: MM's locking cock ring as a "proof of concept" device

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:34 am
by XKB8R
Thanks for the replies, guys. need to remember that you would never size the cockring of an LCR was small as your cage will be. An LCR lets you get an erection, so the ring must be large enough to not cause major constriction (and a trip to the emergency room) during erection.
Well, as I said above, I'm a grower, but fortunately (unfortunately?), not that much of one.

It wasn't really important enough to mention initially, but Version 2.0 of my cobbled together device had a couple of holes that would accept the pins from the CB-2000's cage, and with another zip tie, it made a serviceable chastity device for short term play. I've had an erection in it, and the only problem was that it pulled very uncomfortably on my sac, but constriction wasn't an issue. I've also had an erection with just the sizing ring around my cock, and it wasn't an issue there either. No way was I getting it off in that condition of course, but things returned to normal with no problem. I don't see any potential for a trip to the ER, but thanks for mentioning the possibility. It might be a factor for somebody else.
We have a large yard and it takes me over three hours to mow on a 42" rider. There's about an acre that isn't smooth. When I mow this part with the cage I have to adjust often. The bouncing in the seat will cause parts to pinch and apply unwanted pressure. When I mow this part with the locking ring I have never had this happen. It feels more natural, from what I remember from not wearing anything
Yeah, that's the sort of thing that concerns me. Not pinching so much, but the way I'm built, effectively trapping my balls doesn't leave much slack for them to move around. Frequent bouncing might feel more like being punched than pinched.

Re: MM's locking cock ring as a "proof of concept" device

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:52 am
by wishful4

I'm a little late to the party, but thought I'd put my 2 cents in anyway. I think you are over thinking this just a little bit. Try your best to get the cage size right the first time. The cage diameter can't be changed. It can be shortened or lengthened but it is somewhat expensive. The rest, gap, base ring size is relatively inexpensive to change. I'm about to order my third MM device so I have made all the sizing mistakes. Of all the measurements, cage diameter is the most important. That will determine gap and how well the device fits as a whole. It's really a crap shoot to get it right the first time. There is no magic bullet.

Re: MM's locking cock ring as a "proof of concept" device

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:25 am
by XKB8R
I think you are over thinking this just a little bit.
Oh, I dunno. My brain doesn't hurt yet. :)

More seriously though, I'm pretty confident I got a diameter that'll work. I've read a lot of the threads about measuring. The ring just slips past the corona, but isn't so snug on the shaft that it won't move. And the base ring fits with room to fit my index finger beneath it, as described by MM.

It's the interaction between the two rings, as they define the space that'll trap my balls that concerns me. I understand intuitively what Regular Joe was saying above about how changing diameters between an LCR and an actual cage would affect that gap, which is the reason I thought about whether the LCR would validate the measurements. I'm willing to spend a little more upfront to be sure that combination of ring sizes works comfortably and effectively before I spend a whole lot of my lunch money on a device that doesn't work, and can't be made to.

(It's a whole nother discussion, but there's also the matter of Mrs XCB8R. As is probably the case with most of the guys on this board, I'm the one driving for this, and she's only playing along. It's a matter of taking baby steps. Getting her to lock me in anything represents a HUGE step in the right direction.)

Re: MM's locking cock ring as a "proof of concept" device

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:07 pm
by locked4her55
XKB8R wrote:(It's a whole nother discussion, but there's also the matter of Mrs XCB8R. As is probably the case with most of the guys on this board, I'm the one driving for this, and she's only playing along. It's a matter of taking baby steps. Getting her to lock me in anything represents a HUGE step in the right direction.)
IMO, what you have described is true for most of the veterans on this Forum. I know it took months if not a full year before my wife really saw the benefits. Now she makes no bones about it. She is in control and tells me so when it comes to my dick. She has experienced the swing in my attitude when I'm out for any extended period of time and she prefers keeping me chaste for her pleasure both in the bedroom and out.

It's been over 4 years now for us and I can honestly say, I'm not the one driving this anymore. :D

Re: MM's locking cock ring as a "proof of concept" device

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:50 am
by Lockedchef
locked4her55 wrote:
XKB8R wrote:(It's a whole nother discussion, but there's also the matter of Mrs XCB8R. As is probably the case with most of the guys on this board, I'm the one driving for this, and she's only playing along. It's a matter of taking baby steps. Getting her to lock me in anything represents a HUGE step in the right direction.)
IMO, what you have described is true for most of the veterans on this Forum. I know it took months if not a full year before my wife really saw the benefits. Now she makes no bones about it. She is in control and tells me so when it comes to my dick. She has experienced the swing in my attitude when I'm out for any extended period of time and she prefers keeping me chaste for her pleasure both in the bedroom and out.

It's been over 4 years now for us and I can honestly say, I'm not the one driving this anymore. :D
I'm actually glad to hear that it takes some women awhile to get into it. My wife and I have only been at this for 2 months now and of course I was a kid with a new toy and wanted it all RIGHT NOW. However she seems to be slowly warming up to the whole thing and I realize this is more of a marathon kind of kink then a 100m dash. Right now my focus is more on getting her comfortable with me wearing while living normal life. I have a very comfortable combination I use with my cb6000s. I know what I would love to order from MM but am going to wait until she tells me I can order it. Good luck with your fitting XKB8R.

Re: MM's locking cock ring as a "proof of concept" device

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 6:23 pm
by XKB8R
I guess this is a good time to offer an update, both for those who replied, and for anyone else reading this for background information on the SLCR.

We got one, and I started wearing it last Wednesday night. I put in a two long days at work, and took it off Saturday (yesterday), morning, for unrelated reasons, and have had it back on since about this time yesterday.

Results are extremely encouraging. :)

Yes, there were occasional moments of discomfort while bouncing around operating equipment or driving a truck, but nothing overwhelming. As others have reported about various MM devices, sometimes I can't even tell I have it on, so in general I'd say it's quite comfortable.

A few observations, on topics I hadn't really brought up earlier--

There is noticeable discomfort when erect. Not painful per se, but no longer comfortable. This aspect provides some disincentive to pleasuring myself, despite the fact that it's still possible.

If I do try to pleasure myself (I had to try it, purely for scientific reasons, of course ;) ), it's not nearly as gratifying as when not wearing it. Your mileage may vary, but in my case, my balls are pushed forward enough that I can't really get a nice long, smooth stroke up and down the shaft. If you've ever tried to hammer in a nail, in a confined space, where you could only use short stokes, and the hammer is always banging into an obstruction on the backstroke, you'll understand the feeling of frustration.

Mrs. XKB8R has made no secret of the fact that this is a whole lot bigger turn-on for me than it is for her, but I'm encouraged by the fact that she's asked every day how I'm doing.

And now, a little off topic, but perhaps you'll appreciate the irony--

I wasn't sure how long it would take from the date of the order, until the device arrived. Knowing that MM advertises build times of 6-8 weeks for full devices, I hoped that something as simple as the SLCR might arrive more quickly. I was very pleasantly surprised to find the package in the mailbox barely a week after we'd ordered it. I brought the mail in, and handed it to my wife, and she looked at the box, obviously puzzled. She made a move to open it, with our grade school age children standing right in front of her. "Uh, I don't think you want to open that right now!", I said. She immediately understood, and told me she'd put it away. The problem was, that this happened about an hour before we were heading out the door for a week of vacation. "You're not wearing it on vacation!" And then, she still made me wait another week after we got home before we even opened the package.

But, waiting for her permission is kinda what we've all signed up for, isn't it?

Re: MM's locking cock ring as a "proof of concept" device

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:09 pm
by XKB8R
Since I came back looking for insights on sizing, and I had occasion to refer somebody else to this thread in reference to locking cock rings, and since the forum probably doesn't need yet another thread on choosing the correct size, maybe I'll just bump this thread up with my current question.

My experience with the SLCR, while initially encouraging, wasn't all that I'd hoped for.

As it turned out, after a few periods of wearing it, for anywhere from a couple of weeks, to as few as a couple of days, I'd have a ball squeeze its way out. That's a pretty uncomfortable process, at least for a minute or so, and since it always seemed to happen at a time when sticking my hands down my pants and realigning things was NOT an option, I kinda put the whole thing on the shelf.

Fast forward to now, and since I've been relatively physically inactive, I've had it on for the past week. Mostly comfortable, and no sign of either of the boys trying to make a break for it. However, the prior experience has indicated to me that once I get active again, it's not going to stay put.

Per MM's advice, as often posted here as well, one should be able to fit one's index finger , up to the first knuckle, beneath a properly fitting base ring. That was how I ordered the size initially. I find now, that I can fit two fingers, or a thumb, into that space. I'm not sure of how to account for the difference, unless my limited wear earlier stretched things out a bit where my sac meets my body.

I'm thinking that for a properly fitting cage, I need to go down one size on the base ring, but I also wondered whether going an eight smaller on the gap wouldn't be the way to go instead.

Any good advice?