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Re: Small when flacid, looking for the right purchase

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:48 am
by Shane67
Concerning the "Chinese finger" security device: the more stuff you put into the tube the harder it will be to keep clean. Especially if said stuff has plenty of nooks and crannies. Not to mention that anything you can slip on, you can slip off.

Concerning the security of the Neosteel belts, or any other full belt design: in the shower soap up, push down on the belt as hard as you can, lean over, grab the crotch piece and pull forward, slip finger underneath and pull, all the while singing the ABC song to keep yourself from getting hard.

If you want to pretend that a device is secure, then any device you can tolerate will do.

If you want true physical security + wearability, where pull out means causing physical damage to either the device or the meat, then a piercing is currently and for the foreseeable future the only option.

If you want to prevent orgasm all together, then you're completely out of luck.

Re: Small when flacid, looking for the right purchase

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:25 am
by thumper
Shane67 wrote:If you want to pretend that a device is secure, then any device you can tolerate will do.
Shane67 wrote:If you want true physical security + wearability, where pull out means causing physical damage to either the device or the meat, then a piercing is currently and for the foreseeable future the only option.
That's what I think, too.

Re: Small when flacid, looking for the right purchase

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:13 pm
by James
I'll make an attempt to answer some of Chimi's questions. First of all, I admit that I'm not nearly as experienced at chastity as many of the members of this forum, and am certainly no expert. I own, and use when traveling, a CB6X. My only other experience is in my Neosteel. So, with that in mind I'll continue.
I realize that a large part of perceived security lies in our heads. I'm sure that there are many who find a CB6X completely secure. My personal experience is that its just about one step up from the honor system. I can cum quite easily while wearing it and with some effort I can pull out, but thats just my experience.
You asked if I about my penis size. Based on all of the blogs and forums I've read, I'd say I'm about average. My experience is that size is not going to be a big factor if wearing a belt like mine.
The Neosteel belt that I wear is the Masterpiece She-Male Sport model with a hip style band. Unlike the standard Neosteel (an other brands too I believe), the Masterpiece hip band is three millimeters thick. There is virtually no flexing the hip band. The crotch shield is rigid and has no flexibility. The penis tube is shaped so that it completely encloses the entire penis (I mean completely). So, this probably sounds like a torture device, right? I can't stress enough that a proper fit is essential to being comfortable in this belt. It has taken me quite a long time to finally get it all just right. Now it fits like a second skin and is quite comfortable for long term wear. After spending all that money I wasn't going to just give up.
Another factor is hygiene. I have a ventilated penis tube, but it is still a challenge to keep clean. I'd say that this is the biggest drawback to this design. I am taking care to stay clean and so far have been successful,but regular release for cleaning is a must.
OK, as far as security goes I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I admit that I have very litt
le willpower and have tried to find ways to escape from my Neosteel. I should admit that light bondage sort of appeals to me, so this might affect my perspective on security too. Anyway, if the hip band is fitted correctly there is no way, short of enduring lots of pain (unless you're double jointed) to slip this down past the hip bones. I've tried the soap in the hot shower trick, but I had to stop when it became apparent that I'd lose some skin if I continued. I'm not into that much pain, but hey someone else might have continued.
The long and short of it is that if you're desperate enough you can get out of anything. All things considered I find my Neosteel to be escape proof short of having the key or major power tools. Your mileage may vary. This shiny full steel belt feeds my desire for both chastity and my kink for bondage. Even though the Neosteel was outrageously expensive, I have no regrets (at least not yet).
I have to admit that the Mature Metal devices that so many people on the forum are getting seem really appealing. If I'd known these existed when I was shopping I may not have went for the Neosteel.
Even though I have no experience with a piercing I'd have to agree with Thumper and Shane67 that this would be the most secure. Hmmm, the idea of a piercing actually seems kinda sexy. Oh well, too late now.
I apologize for rambling on so much and I hope this all made sense.