Jailbird padlock or security screw

For the gearheads in the audience
go where i am told
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Re: Jailbird padlock or security screw

Post by go where i am told »

We ordered with two holes, nice to have options.

For us, I just put a stainless allen screw in sometime after she installs the lock to stop what little movement there is. And then I take it out on the occasions I think I might get lucky so she doesn't have to mess with it.
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Re: Jailbird padlock or security screw

Post by MikeyLikes »

I think that is the best option.
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Re: Jailbird padlock or security screw

Post by Len51 »

Good choice. I had discussed the two hole option with MM but since my wife wants me unlocked during sex and the lock does not cause a bulge in my loose fitting pants, we went with the padlock as it was easier for both of us. We are senior citizens and I have little feeling in my finger tips so I cannot handle buttons and screws and my wife has arthritis in her fingers so she is also not so great with dealing with little things, my penis included. :) I think you took the best route as I would I have if we could have dealt with a screw.

I just canceled my order with MM because last night my scrotum was bleeding under the ring. Seems that I got a fungal infection, cracked skin and my Eczema made it up to my scrotum. I knew it was flaring up in the general area but did not know it could appear on my scrotum. A search of the internet proved me wrong. Enjoy and if it were not for the solid ring which is very difficult for me to put on for physical reasons, I would have bought it but now it appears that I am going to have to remove the ring often to let my skin dry out, stretch and be treated with creams. That is not something I want to do with a solid ring. I envy you.

P.S. I was also springing for the 2-3 week build time. Figured what the heck if I was going to spend that kind of money, I might as well have it in time for Valentine's day.
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