Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

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Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

Post by jsmith12 » ... g-included

Has anyone tried this Soulock?

I can't figure out what the (optional?) piece is in the middle of the 1st image below.

The overall look is interesting, especially the pieces designed to bend smoothly at the top and bottom of the ring.


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Re: Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

Post by LuckyEddie »

Looks like it might be an anti-pullout device.

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Re: Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

Post by BWiley »

On their website they say it is an anti-cheat device. This looks like a very interesting device. And on sale for only $45.
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Re: Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

Post by Fastredcar »

After seeing it here I took a chance and ordered one to try it out. Its been 2 1/2 weeks and I'm still waiting for it to arrive.
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Re: Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

Post by BWiley »

Fastredcar, please let us know what you think about it when you get it. I like the two "wings" on the top and bottom. Should make it harder to pull out from the back.
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Re: Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

Post by BlackoutDevices »

There's lots of red flags about the design and site but it does look like a very interesting concept.
I imagine its only going to be comfortable for a select few who's anatomy actually match the shaping of it and those holes at the bottom of the ring are going to cause more issues than the "benefit" of providing airflow.
I'm also very skeptical of the material if they are only charging $55 for it.
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Re: Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

Post by mikel2411 »

I saw your post and was intrigued with the design, the middle is a anti pullout, I just got mine today, for 35 bucks, couldn't resist LOL
I put it on about two hours ago. It was a bit fiddly to get on but after some struggling I got it on and locked.
I have been wearing a stainless steel glans ring unit recently, longest so far 42 days straight, before and during locktober. So having to "assemble" a unit is not new to me.
This is first true resin unit so I have nothing to compare it too, It's very snug, I got 46mm ring slightly bigger than normal 45 I wear but fits tighter?
Medium cage with anti pull out ring, I scrubbed unit completely before putting it on MUST HAVE PATIENCE. With it on it went together with a little play in the joints but locked fine. Surface of entire unit rougher than I'm used to but no issues yet.
The wider ring with the "wings" is new sensation but not uncomfortable... yet.
I pulled on the unit, snagged by underwear when went to bathroom, and was made aware of the anti pull out ring very quickly.
I had aligned myself so peeing wasn't an issue but again I accustomed to remaining aligned with glans ring unit so we'll see how it works later.
I'm going to wear it to bed tonight, If everything looks okay before bed.
See how it does in shower in the morning and afterwards if I can wiggle out or not.
I got a white one because I had read about alergic reactions to the black dye.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention so far I'm having fun with it..
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Re: Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

Post by UltraWhiteStar »

I can see the reasoning for the crests on top of the base ring and below. They should keep the cage in a downward-angled position and may make pullout harder by restricting the movement of the device. However, I do not think this will be very comfortable to wear long term especially if you do sports. I can imagine that you cannot sit on a bicycle saddle in a forward position like on a mountain bike or road bike. The upper crest will at the very least chaff against the body.
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Re: Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

Post by mikel2411 »

Well, made it through the night, I did remove anti pull out last night before bedtime, after about seven hours, it had been "pinching" me.
When I took it out noticed a couple of areas where it had square edges so I filed them roundish and will put in before going to work this morning.
So far other than normal new "unit adjusting" it has worn ok.
I expect more issues when I get to moving and bending at work and will keep key with me in case it gets too uncomfortable.
The wings are really different and this unit crushes me down tighter onto my testicles more than my daily units so I'll have to get accustomed to that again. Going to the bathroom has been a non issue so far and no real concerns with morning erections so we'll see how shower and long day at work goes.
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Re: Soulock: tried it? whats the middle piece

Post by mikel2411 »

Put anti pull out ring back in this morning, apparently the edges were the culprit of the pinching feelings.
I spent 8 hours at work bending and twisting quite a bit no issues, got a little ball burn after about 4 hours but I adjusted myself and it went away.
So far 24 hours in it seems to be wearable, I did lube up this morning something I haven't had to do in a while but needed to after shower.
I tried to pull out without anti pull out ring installed and it was possible.
I think even with the anti pull out ring I could have pulled out, I didn't force the issue this time, but I do not believe I could get back in without opening unit.
The real surprise was with the upper wing being so tall even if you managed to get it pulled out there's not much room to do anything with it once it's out.
The wing is in the way and with the shape and width of the base ring with the wing on the bottom makes twisting the unit (for me) IMPOSSIBLE.
I'm going to try sleeping in whole unit tonight and see what happens with morning erections with the anti pull out ring, expecting it to be at least uncomfortable hoping not painful. Without the ring it was restricting but comfortable didn't really even wake me up.
It's definately made it further than some other units I have tried. I'll remove in the morning for inspection to make sure nothing is wrong but so far color and temp is all good.
So Far so good, depending on how someone looks at it. LOL
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Currently locked in custom BA 34R, also use Ba-20 with triple base ring occasionally switched for BA 25 with double base ring.
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