So close, but always coming up short

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So close, but always coming up short

Post by MikeInMass »

It’s a bit maddening at times. I bought two cheap metal cages to test the waters, but I end up slipping out the back when I go extremely flaccid. I’m overweight, and have lost a lot too. Because of his, I have a large pubic fat pad. I’ve got a statistically average penis length, but I’m a real grower and not a shower. But I can also get extremely flaccid to the point of m receding into the fat pad.

So, the metal cages have been a no go. I tried the urethra tubes hoping they’d prevent pullout but cannot get the thing in — my urethra is insanely narrow. I’ve been working up to the size with tapered things, but the blunt opening of the tube will not go in. Even if I do succeed in this route, I hear it can be fraught with UTI’s for some.

My latest purchase, a HT v3 nub clone, has come the closest to being “the one”, but I just wish that rear-facing extension of the sheath was an inch longer to prevent escape. To be clear, I’m not slipping out but with a little effort I can get it out. That’s fine for some, but not for me. I know I’m never going to see such a fat men’s edition of the nub because I know how expensive new molds are and the salesman wouldn’t justify the costs I presume.

I was thinking of getting a customized CherryKeeper, but they’ve put customizations on hold.

So close.
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Re: So close, but always coming up short

Post by Steve2059 »

I sympathise. I used to be morbidly obese then lost a lot of weight (though being stuck in my house for months this year has undone some of that).

I have the same problems over slipping out when I get what I can only describe as ultra flaccid.

I'm in the UK and use a site called House of Denial for my purchases, but they're generic and I'm sure you could find them wherever you are.

I understand, though I've not peronally tried one, that the HT Nub has a design issue which I hear makes it very easy to slip out.
Personally I wouldn't use anything but SS because of hygiene, so I've been looking at metal cages which might be more secure (by secure I mean I don't want to slip out, not the mythical idea of impossibility of escape).

I'm currently trying this: ... ity-device

It's very short, which helps with my super shrinkage. The lock is a modified torx screw which needs a dedicated allen key, but the advantage is that the small lock makes the gap between cage and base ring much less than other devices I've tried.

I haven't yet decided whether to swap permanently, but have worn it for a max of four days up to now, with no physical ill-effects but with some discomfort (in particular painful noctunal erections waking me up, which hasn't happened for ages) which I think is due to it just being a new thing my body isn't used to yet.

I have no financial interest in HoD :lol: , but thought I'd share my experience since it seems to be very similar to yours.
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Re: So close, but always coming up short

Post by cuyahoga »

Mikeinmass ... you said, “to be clear, I’m not slipping out, but with a little effort, I can get it out.”

I‘m almost positive you’re not going to be able to fix that. Ninety percent of people wearing a cage can easily, and I mean easily, get out the back of a ball trap device. Some will mention a little soap and water, others might use a tiny amount of spit, and honestly, I don’t even need lube to get out.

I believe most of the people on this forum will agree, realistically, without a piercing, it’s not really secure. Your brain is what makes it work. Nothing else. I think of it as suspension of disbelief, and don’t try.

Some people or companies have tried spikes in the back of the tube, and I don’t recommend. If they’re actually effective, they’re going to do damage upon excitement, or nocturnal erections. Thumper’s experience with urethral tubes is awesome. He started with the attitude of risk vs. reward is everywhere in life, so this is just a small risk I’m willing to take, and ended with nope, never again, uti’s suck.

Without a piercing, chastity security is your commitment, similar to marriage. There is nothing actually preventing you from slipping that ring off your finger and flirting with that girl when your wife isn’t around, so what stops you? Even with a piercing, orgasms in cages are still possible, and usually pretty easy.

Chastity security is suspension of disbelief and commitment. The commitment part is why I need my wife involved in the process. Without her, I just take it off way too soon. With her, I won’t violate that gift I’m giving her, and she’s giving me.
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Re: So close, but always coming up short

Post by LockedByBD »

cuyahoga wrote: Sat Sep 26, 2020 5:56 am Chastity security is suspension of disbelief and commitment. The commitment part is why I need my wife involved in the process. Without her, I just take it off way too soon. With her, I won’t violate that gift I’m giving her, and she’s giving me.
Well said.
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Re: So close, but always coming up short

Post by TwistedMister »

cuyahoga wrote: Sat Sep 26, 2020 5:56 am Thumper’s experience with urethral tubes is awesome. He started with the attitude of risk vs. reward is everywhere in life, so this is just a small risk I’m willing to take, and ended with nope, never again, uti’s suck.
UTIs do, in fact, suck. I just spent this past Friday night in the hospital. I ended up in the ER a little after midnight, throughout the evening my heart rate kept rising and my O2 level dropping. I was breathing like I had been running a marathon and couldn't keep warm. It took several hours to get a shower and get dressed because I was so nauseous that I could barely move, and to get enough control over it for the 30 minute ride to the hospital...and to get a kit together with my medications and other necessities in case they decided to keep me.

I really didn't want to go, I tend to just try to fight through stuff like this, but my rising heart rate was concerning. My normal resting rate is about 47 to 54 but at that point it had got into the high 80s and my O2 wasn't getting any better, it is normally 97/98 but it had gone down to 92 and wasn't coming back up. I have HBP, COPD and a hole between the left and right side of my heart, so these signs were pointing to something very bad happening if I couldn't get it under control.

I spent less than 5 minutes in the ER waiting room- they packed me off into a negative pressure isolation room really quickly. Yeah, everyone thought it was Covid. They punctured me in 3 or 4 spots to draw blood and get fluids in and start running tests. Let me tell you, getting one of those swabs jammed up your nose is not fun.

Eventually they figured out that it was a UTI and *not* Covid, which was somewhat of a relief...though I must admit that, a couple hours in, the thought crossed my mind that if it *was* Covid, and I lived, I would be able to go back to work (assuming no permanent lung or other damage).

They pumped me up with several bags of fluids, heavy-duty antibiotic, Tylenol and a pain killer (which I didn't think I needed but didn't really get a chance to refuse- what happened to 'informed consent'?) and held me until my blood pressure dropped out of the danger zone and the fever broke.

They finally let me go at about 7AM, they told me that I was 'lucky'- they said that if I had waited 12 more hours I wouldn't have been leaving. They asked me if I wanted a wheelchair out to the entrance and I said no, I walked in under my own power I would go out the same way. I didn't bother to correct them that it wasn't luck, it was the fact that I had the equipment and knowledge to determine that the situation had progressed to a point that I lacked the ability to control/correct the problem on my own.

As bad as that was, and the way it affected my breathing, I'm pretty well convinced that if I get Covid I'll *really* be fucked.

After I got home, the Mrs. went out to fill my script for Keflex and I spent the next 24 hours in bed. Didn't do much on Sunday either.
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Re: So close, but always coming up short

Post by Devoted2Her »

UTI"s do in fact suck, had a similar experience with chills, fever, etc, tube type cages can do the same thing if you stream is cut off in a way where you get backflow into you bladder, be careful out there folks
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Re: So close, but always coming up short

Post by SteveOD »

Go to the Koala Swimwear website and look at their metal chastity cages. My dick only shows 1" when flaccid. They have a nice and inexpensive collection of handmade chastity cages that basically are flat disk even with the ring which holds your dick inside your fat pad. I have three of them made for tiny to small dicks. I like the one that is simply a flat disk that makes it look like I have no dick at all. Take a look. Most are $59.
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