The Dick of Theseus

Living the real life under lock and key
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Tom Allen
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The Dick of Theseus

Post by Tom Allen »

An interesting philosophical question came up on my Tumblr, and someone from another group asked me about it.
Tom, you were (or was it your wife) was asked a question on Tumblr about the fact that after 7 years most of your cells have regenerated. Especially skin cells. Some muscle cells are much longer.

So although you can remember, is there any part of your penis left that once did touch the inner walls of Mrs Edges pussy. If you did ever get to be inside her again, apart from some muscle inside, it would be a new penis.

That said, most of us could probably say that after a couple of weeks. Skin cells are fast at regeneration. But the longer you go the less of your original member is left. So how long before we become technically virgins? Just a random thought. Lol
My response:
To keep the blog interesting, I put the Asks in a queue to be posted, usually once a day. That was a different one!

I get the intent of the question, but when you think about it, this is "The Ship of Theseus" problem: Theseus sails his ship into the harbor, and socks for the last time. Out of respect, the people of the town maintain the ship during his retirement and after his death. Over time, they replace various boards and such as they become old, waterlogged or worm eaten. After some time, every single board and mast has been replaced. Is it still Theseus' ship, even though there's nothing original? And if not, at what point did it stop being his ship?
So, again, I get what the original question was getting at. Skin cells, nevrve endings, bone marrow, digestive bacteria, all that "replaced" every seven years. I have been locked for five. Will I be a virgin in two more?

I have an answer, but I thought I'd open this for discussion. 😅
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Re: The Dick of Theseus

Post by lockedforfun »

Well, I would say the most important thing is the mind behind the dick. After all, a dick is just a shaft, it can be replaced by a dildo. But the mind attached to it, that's the unique thing. In which case, the question that arises is, has your mind become attached to the Vikskin?
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Re: The Dick of Theseus

Post by Xileh »

After some time, every single board and mast has been replaced. Is it still Theseus' ship, even though there's nothing original?

Yet the spirit remains. Ships have personalities and I dare say a spirit due to her experiences and the people that have sailed in her.

Although she may look fresh after overhaul, due to her adventures, she will always be “experienced”.
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