Did I break a trust?

Living the real life under lock and key
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Did I break a trust?

Post by Sam3655 »

I have been locked 24/7 for two weeks. The wife/kh is out of town this weekend and left her key on her makeup table. This morning I used the key to unlock, shower and shave down there and then immediately locked back up. I realized I didn’t ask permission just that it had been a week since my last good cleaning. Did I break a trust?
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Re: Did I break a trust?

Post by slave d »

Depends on the agreement/contract/rules you have between you. In my case the answer would be yes and MsM would arrive home to find Her “weapons” (as She calls her paddle and canes) on the bed waiting so She could discipline me for breaching the rules. i would expect Her to have a few stern words regarding the breach around trust and i would also expect very close watch being kept on me for some time. Perhaps you need to think of how to apologise before She returns, extra housework, flowers or gifts to show you’re apologetic !

MsM’s ld
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New Zealand
Still having difficulty getting back into 24/7/365 chastity since covid. Very tender old man skin under the scrotum damages easily. Trying an HT Mk5 nub now. Love the fact you can’t pull out of it, hope my skin toughens up.
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Re: Did I break a trust?

Post by Sam3655 »

I cleaned the house, did all the laundry and took care of the grocery shopping with a few treats I know she likes.
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Re: Did I break a trust?

Post by CanuckInNJ »

:) It was a bad idea for the key to be left on the makeup table, and seems like an unfair temptation. Ask her not to leave it out in future. And if she argues (sensibly) that there should be an emergency key somewhere in the house, ask her to allow you to put it in a sealed tamper-proof container. That way, you have access to it in an emergency, and she can know if you broke her trust.

All that said, you clearly feel that you were breaking her trust. And you know darn well that there are telephones in the modern world. You could easily have asked permission before doing your cleaning. I frankly suspect you did a bit more than cleaning, and now you're feeling guilty. Hm? :)
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Re: Did I break a trust?

Post by Sam3655 »

Nope. If I had done more than cleaning and shaving then no question it would be a breach of trust.
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Re: Did I break a trust?

Post by slave d »

Bended knee and pleading to be allowed to be unlocked before you reach retirement might be the final step required lol !!

MsM’s ld
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New Zealand
Still having difficulty getting back into 24/7/365 chastity since covid. Very tender old man skin under the scrotum damages easily. Trying an HT Mk5 nub now. Love the fact you can’t pull out of it, hope my skin toughens up.
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Re: Did I break a trust?

Post by inchastityat127 »

We’re a bit different. My wife likes my behavior when I’m locked for long times, but doesn’t want to see my locked penis but also likes me shaved.

I often unlock, shave, and lock back up. It depends on your relationship and your “rules”. Personally, that wouldn’t be a big deal. To others, severe consequences may follow. We can’t determine that.
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Re: Did I break a trust?

Post by Steve2059 »

No permission - yes, you did bad. Which you know, or you wouldn't have posted.

But I wonder if this was a test - which you have failed.
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Re: Did I break a trust?

Post by Sam3655 »

I actually at first thought unlocking for a shower and then relocking wasn’t a big deal. I had just finished cleaning the house and smelled of bleach and other cleaners. Maybe it’s being locked so that the wife and I can build back that intimacy we have lost but I begin to feel guilty. I posted to see if this feeling of guilt was me making more of it than it was. Clearly from the responses yes I did bad and I will admit my mistakes.

Wife/kh came back from visiting her mother and after meeting all her basic needs, dinner, beer, and then ice cream later. I confessed my transgression of using the key to unlock. She knows me and understood my using it to having a thorough cleaning. I just needed to ask first and for that I will need a punishment. She has her dental appointment this morning and then will decide my fate.

I do know she is having us play Lucky Cards this year with me allowed to have an orgasm only if I draw a king or queen. So max eight orgasms this year. But she will draw last week and this weeks cards and toss them so I will not know if I lost any orgasms.

Once I know what my punishment is I will update this post.
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Re: Did I break a trust?

Post by Sam3655 »

No update. Wife went to her dental appointment and then came home and worked. I walked her dog, made her dinner, did the dishes, took down her bed and got her water. She comes up says good night and she is still thinking of an appropriate punishment. Off to bed she goes leaving me to wonder what’s to come.
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