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I'm getting a PA

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:25 pm
by MikeyLikes
Hi all,

As soon as I'm done typing this post, I'm off to get a PA. The piercer has said that they typically pierce with an 8 ga or 6 ga piercing, and same size jewelry to follow. I'm thinking I'm going to bite the bullet and go for the 6 ga.

I'll follow up later and let you know how it went. Wish me luck!

Re: I'm getting a PA

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:48 pm
by MikeyLikes
Done! Wasn't too bad; the actual piercing hurt for a very short amount of time, and it really didn't hurt that bad. Within seconds after piercing, she had the jewelry inserted. I chose a captive bead ring for my jewelry, and the only problem we ran into was that she couldn't get the ring to close onto the bead. She had to get her boss (a guy with stronger hands) to close the ring. That took a good extra ten minutes as even he was having a hard time with it. But it was hardly bleeding as I was laying there, so that was good.

I went to the bathroom right before I got called into the room, but of course, I no sooner got home afterwards, and had to go really bad. Was bleeding a fair bit then, but not horribly. Wrapped it up in some paper towel, as they suggested, and I shouldn't have to look at it again until later this evening.

Re: I'm getting a PA

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:47 pm
by MikeyLikes
Ok, another update, 7 hours post piercing. It was not painful in the least, in fact, barely even noticable all evening. I just went to the bathroom about 1/2 hrs ago; hopefully the last time until the morning. This time, it was bleeding quite profusely; I'd liken it to a bad nosebleed; the kind you get sometimes when you have a shower in the middle of a mid-western winter when it's 20 below outside. Yeah, that kind. Anyway, after my business, I wrapped it back up with paper towel and hoped for the best. It has since started soaking through the towel and even into my underwear; but I'm just going to leave it until the morning. I've read others' accounts reporting that the bleeding peaked about this far into it.

Still cannot believe that it doesn't hurt more. Like it really doesn't hurt at all. Just a slight, very slight, tingling sensation.

Can't wait till it heals tho ;-)

Re: I'm getting a PA

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 6:17 am
by TwistedMister
MikeyLikes wrote:This time, it was bleeding quite profusely; I'd liken it to a bad nosebleed; the kind you get sometimes when you have a shower in the middle of a mid-western winter when it's 20 below outside...I wrapped it back up with paper towel and hoped for the best. It has since started soaking through the towel and even into my underwear; but I'm just going to leave it until the morning. I've read others' accounts reporting that the bleeding peaked about this far into it.
Keep this up, and I'm going to start heaving... :cry:

Re: I'm getting a PA

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:14 am
by beheld
I've been considering a PA for many years. I'm watching this thread to get a first hand account. Thanks.

Re: I'm getting a PA

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:38 pm
by MikeyLikes
Ok, 10 days post-piercing, and I'm happy to report that my piercing is healing up quite nicely. Within four days of the piercing, there was no more (or very little) spotting, nor discomfort when peeing. It's a little itchy now, but not too bad, and not all the time. It's also still a little tender if I move it around much, so still trying to "handle it with kid gloves."

Overall, my experience seemed pretty tame; although I wasn't working the week I had it done. For someone who does have to work, I'd recommend getting it done on a Friday (assuming you have Saturday and Sunday off). By Monday, (assuming your experience is similar to mine), you'll only have some light spotting and very little discomfort.

I'll also mention that, while on a recent vacation to an "Lifestyle Resort", the guy in the suite next to us was sporting a PA. We asked him about his experience, and it was way worse than mine. He experienced a lot of pain, had a lot more bleeding, and he reported that pretty much his whole dick turned black and blue afterwards. Also, the healing time was quite long (I don't remember the specifics, but seems to me he was still bleeding a week out). Bottom line is, it depends on the piercer, so do your homework before-hand.