Epididymis Swelling

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Epididymis Swelling

Post by nebman »

From the Mayo Clinic:

"Epididymitis is an inflammation of the coiled tube (epididymis) at the back of the testicle that stores and carries sperm. Males of any age can get epididymitis.

Epididymitis is most often caused by a bacterial infection, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. Sometimes, a testicle also may become inflamed — a condition called epididymo-orchitis."

I was believed to have had a bout of this when I was about 35. I'm fifty now. The most likely cause in my case was Trauma - my wife had my balls in her mouth and may have come down too hard. I also had some weight gain, and too tight clothes may have put some pressure on my balls.

Anyway, when I wear a device for a few days, it get some of the epididymis swelling described above. After my previous experience, which was painful, wearing the device can make me a bit concerned. When out of the device for a few days, everything gets back to normal.

I'm in a pretty tight 40mm (1.5 inch) ring. This seems to work best to keep the device in a good spot and avoid excessive motion, which causes hot spots under the ring at 11:00 and 1:00 o'clock positions.

Thought, experience, with your internal cords swelling up a bit?
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Re: Epididymis Swelling

Post by Thatguy »

I would love to see a reply to this. My girl and I began practicing chastity just a couple of months ago. I too wear the 40mm ring (customized to around 42/43mm), which is comfortably worn and secure enough to get the job done. However, after even a short period of excitement the epididymis above both testicles swell excessively - close to perhaps 50% the size of my testicles. At first we were super nervous, but I have found that as soon as we're done playing, if they have swollen (if doesn't happen every time, oddly) if I simply lift everything up, and stick a finger in the ring (to make space), I can literally feel & watch the swelling drain away back past the ring and everything return to normal nearly instantly. I experience little to no pain when the swelling occurrs UNLESS I don't help drain it, in which case both areas begin to feel like a bruise in short order. Again, even at that point if I simply aid the backed up fluid in escaping past the ring, all returns to normal at shocking speed.

Has no one else experienced this? From what I've read on urology related resources, given the structure of the internals in that area, this ought to be a fairly common occurrence for those of use using ball-trap devices. Particularly if you hang loose and low and thus require a smaller ring for comfort and security, which of course leaves little room for expansion when we become excited and our testes ride high and the etection swells go cut off full blood/fluid flow.

I currently use a CD6kS, with the 40'mm ring altered to be around 42.5mm. I am awaiting delivery of a custom device with oval ring which I hope against hope will be as secure and comfortable as what I have now (at least) while still allowing better circulation of all sorts down there.

If anyone else has any insight into this, or simply has experienced similar symptoms, please share! This can be disconcerting when it happens, and though having gained and understanding of what is happening has lessened my concern, not really knowing if this is causing damage has still out a damper on our chastity play.
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Re: Epididymis Swelling

Post by Alini »

Epysitimitis is painful. If anything touched your tesiticle you will scream. I have had it twice and hope I never get it again

There is a condition known as vericoseles. It's vericose veins in your scrotum. It's caused by excessive pressure in the blood vessels which cause them to expand. It can be discomforting and doesn't go away with out surgery. You can wear tight underwear to support the scroyum so your blood vessels aren't stretched. Tylenol works well for any discomfort
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Re: Epididymis Swelling

Post by Thatguy »

Alini wrote:Epysitimitis is painful. If anything touched your tesiticle you will scream. I have had it twice and hope I never get it again

There is a condition known as vericoseles. It's vericose veins in your scrotum. It's caused by excessive pressure in the blood vessels which cause them to expand. It can be discomforting and doesn't go away with out surgery. You can wear tight underwear to support the scroyum so your blood vessels aren't stretched. Tylenol works well for any discomfort

So I've hears. But epyditimitis is caused by infection if in not mistaken. What at least I am describing is not vericoseles. I can literally feel the epididymis when it is informed. From the top, sometimes all the way to the lower corner of the teste. When etection disipates that swelling generally remains, and it's quite easy to feel (and see) that it is stuck behind the ring. Pushing the ring from the other side (loosening that side up) makes some room, and you can feel with a finger the fluid drain back away. After, there is zero swelling or tenderness above the testicle where once there was a very pronounced lump - the engirged epididymis.

I've poked around and found little on the forums from others. Over at the "other", much more active if not slightly more eccentric form, I did get several replies and suggestions, however nobody seemed to have experienced the same thing.
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Re: Epididymis Swelling

Post by Alini »

What you are feeling can be the epididymis, but If it was truly infected you would not be able to touch it its that painful. I almost punched the doctor when he kept touching it and when they did the ultrasound I was crying in pain. If it's swelling and going away when you uncage it's just fluids built up. You might have too tight a ring.
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Re: Epididymis Swelling

Post by Thatguy »

Alini wrote:What you are feeling can be the epididymis, but If it was truly infected you would not be able to touch it its that painful. I almost punched the doctor when he kept touching it and when they did the ultrasound I was crying in pain. If it's swelling and going away when you uncage it's just fluids built up. You might have too tight a ring.

Agreed. The ring is probably just too small. The issue with proper fitting that I run into is that I hang particularly low. So there's not a lot toward the top of the sack, so in order to not have an unacceptable amount of space to pull out (and to keep the device well situated) I need a ring that is small enough that it seams to cause problems with circulation when erect - as things swell and the balls tighten. It's a bit of a catch 22. I'm hoping that the oval ring of the Jailbird I have coming will accomplish the snugness that's comfortable and secure while giving me a bit extra space on the sides for my plumbing to function unincumbered.

I feel for you with the infection. I've read it's pretty brutal. That's how I know it's not what I've got going on. As it's not particularly painful, and comes and goes with every etection
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Re: Epididymis Swelling

Post by sherulestherooster »

Agree with Alini about epididymitis. Pre-chastity/denial I had two cases and it was freaking painful; I was welping with each breath. I called the nurseline and they told me to go to ER immediately due to the potential of testicular torsion. In both cases for me it was epididymitis. Not sure why, but never had a problem again, even with chastity/denial.
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Re: Epididymis Swelling

Post by VinnyDee »

Same here but I am 65. My solution was to buy a ring an 1/8" larger and switch to it when I have problems. My wife likes me locked all the time and the two rings make that possible. What a difference an eight of an inch makes.
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Re: Epididymis Swelling

Post by belocked »

nebman wrote:I have found that as soon as we're done playing, if they have swollen (if doesn't happen every time, oddly) if I simply lift everything up, and stick a finger in the ring (to make space), I can literally feel & watch the swelling drain away back past the ring and everything return to normal nearly instantly. I experience little to no pain when the swelling occurrs UNLESS I don't help drain it, in which case both areas begin to feel like a bruise in short order. Again, even at that point if I simply aid the backed up fluid in escaping past the ring, all returns to normal at shocking speed.

Has no one else experienced this?
That sounds very familiar to me. Sometimes my base ring seems a bit big so I won't go bigger, and sometimes it seems too small and I have the same need to put a finger underneath to let the extra fluid out. I don't have any pain, maybe a bit of discomfort and "blue balls". I've got used to it, know when it's going to happen, and know that sliding a finger under the base ring will relieve the pressure/fluid so I don't worry about it any more.
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Re: Epididymis Swelling

Post by Thatguy »

That sounds very familiar to me. Sometimes my base ring seems a bit big so I won't go bigger, and sometimes it seems too small and I have the same need to put a finger underneath to let the extra fluid out. I don't have any pain, maybe a bit of discomfort and "blue balls". I've got used to it, know when it's going to happen, and know that sliding a finger under the base ring will relieve the pressure/fluid so I don't worry about it any more.
Well that is good to know. Thank you. I'm not terribly put off by it as there isn't undue pain, and as I described I've got a pretty good handle on remedying the situation when it occurs. But reproductive health continues to be top of mind. As we're planning on children in the not-too-distant future we're always conscious during our fetish activities of anything that could damage my ability to produce / deliver the necessary ingredients ;) I think she read somewhere that repeated or prolonged "shock" to the epididymis can lead to infertility. Hence our concern.

I'd like to apologize for my atrocious spelling in those earlier posts! I generally peruse the forums from my iPhone / iPad while in bed, and sometimes if moving quickly I forget to keep an eye on that wily autocorrect!
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