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Virgin Chastity and devices

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:41 pm
by virginpaul
Hi all,
How many people are here for reasons of purity, at least in part.
I'm a virgin that is trying to keep away from pre-marital sex and masturbation for religious reasons and have started using and relying on chastity to help me through the worse times.
With raging hormones and all the pressure to have sex all the time I chose celibacy to try to improve myself for my future relationships and to keep away from pornography since I could not have a release.
It is very difficult at time but I manage months most of the time between giving in to temptation. I know its really sort of normal to masturbate but I often found myself viewing pornography to enhance the experience and I a bit concerned of that becoming a perfered way od expressing myself or that I might become a pre-mature ejaculator or something.
Thanks to any answer.
Thank you and what ever your reasons, good luck.

Re: Virgin Chastity and devices

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:51 am
by TwistedMister
'Purity'? LOL, not many, I think. Certainly not *me*. I think that many of us here are not religious either. I know that for myself, and likely many others, this is about *enhancing* sex, not avoiding it. I think about it all the time. When free I would just rub out a quick one and then move on to other things. Doesn't keep me away from porn either, it's like wiggling a loose tooth- you know it's gonna hurt but you just can't leave it alone.

I found freedom from religion, and freedom from guilt about sex, porn and masturbation...well, not complete freedom from guilt about masturbation- Like I just wrote, I used to just rub out a quick one whenever I felt the need, the problem was that Mrs. Twisted might be in the mood for a little affection, but having already satisfied myself I would spurn her advances (sometimes angrily) which left her feeling bad, sad, and like there was something 'wrong' with her or that I didn't care about her anymore...which doesn't make for a good, or happy, relationship.

Re: Virgin Chastity and devices

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:38 pm
by celticqueens_sub
I found freedom from religion, and freedom from guilt about sex, porn and masturbation...
I agree 100%

Re: Virgin Chastity and devices

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:07 pm
by virginpaul
I hear what you are saying and your problem with mastubating which dissappointed your mate is exactly the reason I'm trying to rid myself of the desire to masturbate or view porn.
Knowing I can not masturbate really takes me away from masturbation.

Re: Virgin Chastity and devices

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:39 pm
by HappyCamper
I dislike masturbation for non-religious reasons. It feels dishonest to my partner, which seems equiv to abstinence for religious purposes (promise to God, promise to partner) because it makes me lazy in my professional life, less attentive in my emotional one, and gives me little actual pleasure. Ideally I'd like to recreate the emotion, desire, dare I say craving of loving couples who practice the rhythm method but without the baby consequences--yet.. Damn my girlfriend's IUD and irregular period!

My device is for purity but it plays nicely into my physical, two-person sex life too. To each his own...

Re: Virgin Chastity and devices

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:30 pm
by virginpaul
I just wish there were more people that understood feelings like mine.
I think it would be nice if people were sort of 50/50 about chastity, virginity and abstinence but is more like 90/10

Re: Virgin Chastity and devices

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:03 pm
by J Random reader
You are the first. Or First to post anything. Look at the statistics. Total posts 15650 • Total topics 1449 • Total members 2460 :o Yeah. More members than total posts. Lotta lurkers. & untold guests. Who knows what up with lurkers & guests. How many members post their Hello World. And that's it? Can a moderator tell us? & that won't answer your question. Maybe your post will get someone else to post. ;)

:?: What led you here? You got somewhere unusual if posts mean anything. Does Someone avoiding porn read a sexually explicit board? I was an adult virgin by choice. & for religious reasons. & I had a bad example to avoid. I would not have lurked a forum. Not that they existed in the eighties. :!:

I guess you know "Husbands love your wives". My wife wants to meet my needs. But needs sleep more than than sex most nights. :( How can we make that work? There's my reason for orgasm denial. Or one reason.

Folks who "are not religious" and mayhaps think we shouldn't be either. Please just leave it alone. Please. :) Lots of stuff here where there's room for differences. Plastic or metal or no device. Contract or no. FLR or not. Days or weeks or months or longer. Honor system or locks or numbered plastic seals. Let's see what others post. So long a virginPaul doesn't troll or flame bait. Tom Allen has blogged on this topic. God's deputy wanna speak up? :)

Re: Virgin Chastity and devices

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:19 pm
by Sir Chaste
Hello! I'm here, or at least I will take the job until someone else comes along! virginpaul: I am certain that you must have observed by now that the majority of members here are in committed, heterosexual relationships. And those relationships include sex! Period! Intimate sexual contact is an important part of adult life, and it is essential to maintaining a loving, monogamous relationship. God gave us all sexual organs for a reason! What the MC movement is trying to do is to harness and channel that sexual energy to enhance and improve these committed relationships, by using OD to teach men to be better husbands and boyfriends. So, for the vast majority of members, it has nothing at all to do with "virginity and abstinence." In my case, I am now 60 years old, and I have not been a virgin for 37 years (I was 23!). So, if you have decided to adopt an MC lifestyle to achieve those personal goals, then I wish you good luck in reaching them. But, I hope that you will recognize and understand that the rest of us have very different reasons for being here.

Re: Virgin Chastity and devices

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:51 pm
by virginpaul
Sure that makes sense and the day I get married I expect my chastity to change based upon me and my wifes ideals.

Re: Virgin Chastity and devices

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:33 am
by TwistedMister
Folks who "are not religious" and mayhaps think we shouldn't be either. Please just leave it alone. Please. :) Lots of stuff here where there's room for differences. Plastic or metal or no device. Contract or no. FLR or not. Days or weeks or months or longer. Honor system or locks or numbered plastic seals. Let's see what others post. So long a virginPaul doesn't troll or flame bait. Tom Allen has blogged on this topic.
I don't see any baiting or flaming here, just friendly discussion of differences.