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The Wet Dream As Guide

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:32 pm
by davidphd1866
It's been said that if a man doesn't interrupt his cycle by masturbation or sex, then the interval between his wet dreams would be a good guide to establishing his chastity lock up durations.

I fully agree that the body/nature will simply take care of itself and does not require us to induce an ejaculation for the sake of health.

Therefore, two questions:

Is the notion of "how long?" really something we should let Nature decide?

And, if I do not have any wet dreams--no matter how long I have gone, which has been over four months--does this mean I no longer need to be ejaculated?


Re: The Wet Dream As Guide

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:56 pm
by Atone
davidphd1866 wrote: And, if I do not have any wet dreams--no matter how long I have gone, which has been over four months--does this mean I no longer need to be ejaculated?

I was curious how your year of chastity went, I meant to post something on Tuesday but forgot. I take it from this that it got suspended at some point.

Not sure about the wet dream question. I don't think I have had more than a couple my whole life. Of course I don't think I went more than a couple of days without sex or masturbating my whole life either until a little over a year ago. I still don't get them though.


Re: The Wet Dream As Guide

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:47 pm
by davidphd1866
Thanks for asking Atone. The "Year in Chastity" wasn't quite, but I did manage to go about 4 months.

Turns out the driving factor for my wife is "you don't really need to cum, I don't really care for you to do so"

It's similar to "no need to break a plate while washing dishes, so might as well not do it"

What do you think about the interval notion?


Re: The Wet Dream As Guide

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:38 pm
by Atone
Sorry to hear the year in chastity didn't work out quite like you expected. I remember you saying that your wife was afraid that she was going accidentally allow you to cum so she didn't want to play at all. I can see how that could get old. Not really in line with what I think you were trying to achieve.

I think if I was going to let nature dictate I would look at environmental cycles.

Tides (every six hours or so would be a little much)
Rotation of the earth - daily
Lunar cycle - approx monthly
Seasonal - solstice / equinox - approx every 3 months
Orbit of earth around sun - yearly

Probably the most reasonable would be to allow ejaculation only when one's mate was ovulating so basically a lunar cycle.


Re: The Wet Dream As Guide

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:33 pm
by davidphd1866
I DO agree, the lunar cycle or menstrual cycle (similar) is something Nature wants.

My guess, and this is only intuition, is that when we men are around fertile wives, Nature wants us men to really, really want to cum once a month. When we are around infertile wives--or women we have no chance of being allowed to impregnate--Nature wants us to cum less often.....hence the wet dream interval.

Re: The Wet Dream As Guide

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:28 pm
by Dev
Interesting concept about fertile vs. less fertile wives. I had my tubes tied in 1996 and from then until 2009 my cycle was 28 days to the minute...literally. Then things started getting erratic (given that I am 56 now, not surprising). Over the past two years my cycle is all over the place...20 days then 86 days then 41 days then 93 days...I know I haven't been able to conceive for years but it less clear to me when my actual fertility ended. And how this relates to chastity....good question!


Re: The Wet Dream As Guide

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:31 am
by celticqueens_sub
I realise it's just a theory..... But how would it be reconciled with either naturally infertile men or men who had had a vasectomy? I'm just as horny as before mine.

Re: The Wet Dream As Guide

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:13 am
by kpb57
Several observations.

Since my wife already feels the onset of menopause, rather early at 39, her desire has increased by leaps and bounds. Nowadays, she actually demands to be "taken" at least once per day, which can be a challenge sometimes. It's been a little more than a year since one of her ovaries obviously stopped producing eggs, so her menstruary cycle has gone to two months or more.
So I can see why people say that a woman's best years start at 40 :)

Regarding vasectomy: if a man has the slightest feeling that the vasectomy would take away part of his "manhood" (=fathering children), he should not do it. That was the statement of all the doctors that were involved with mine.
When you clearly have settled the question of (further) fatherhood, the vasectomy can't "take away" anything, and then it should have no effects on your libido or potence.


Re: The Wet Dream As Guide

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:39 am
by celticqueens_sub
Actually thinking it through further, all a vasectomy does is interrupt the flow of sperm. It has no effect on testosterone production so libido and other such urges should remain the same. Oddly the doctor doing mine said that many years ago the procedure was thought to cure impotentence and in fact was the primary reason not contraception! Not sure I believed all that.... However by the time he had finished telling me this ha had also done the op! Anyway it doesn't appear to have worked as I am on my second sample and still not bug free. :-(

Re: The Wet Dream As Guide

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:19 am
by kpb57
CQ's: How many "shots" have you done after the op? My doctor told me to have at least twenty orgasms before doing the fertility test.