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Re: I need some convincing

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:31 am
by Tom Allen
Hey Farmy -

Take it form somebody who's been dabbling with this since, well, a long time. Nobody will notice unless you go out of your way to make it obvious. People are generally too wrapped up in their own minds to worry about the occasional odd bulge they might espy. Besides, since most people don't even know they exist, very few people are even going to wonder about it, since they have no context for it.

Get the 6ks, it's probably the the least noticeable of the popular devices, and spend a month or so trying it out before you hand over the keys. A few hours here, a few hours there, and then after a week or so, try sleeping with it. It will take a few weeks to adapt to it, that's perfectly normal. And as you become more comfortable wearing it, you'll find that you will think less about people noticing it.

Re: I need some convincing

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:00 pm
by Atone
to add to what Tom said which is excellent advice -

Practice with your equipment and become confident with it. In this respect this is no different than learning to do anything else. You wouldn't send a kid off on a cross country trip the first day he got his learners permit. Take the time to just get comfortable at home wearing it as you do other things around the house. Practice going to the bathroom, driving, sitting, sleeping. You will probably know when it feels right to venture out. I started just wearing it at home after work until I left in the morning. Then the weekend. After a couple of weeks of this I got to where I just didn't want to take it off to go to work (the place with the most concern for me) so I didn't. There hasn't been a day since where I haven't continuously worn it except during a 'release' period. And I think that has come to an end too :) future releases are probably going to be just for a brief period (according to my wife's last remarks about it).


Re: I need some convincing

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:07 pm
by RoadWarrior
One thing I've learned with the CB6Ks is that my walking gait makes it click. So although it's not noticeable under your jeans, the sound might provoke some gawking so I'd suggest taping the lock to secure it.

Re: I need some convincing

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:09 pm
by Dev
RoadWarrior wrote:One thing I've learned with the CB6Ks is that my walking gait makes it click. So although it's not noticeable under your jeans, the sound might provoke some gawking so I'd suggest taping the lock to secure it.
The other thing to do is to put a big rubber band around the lock--the kind of rubber band they put on bunches of broccoli at the grocery store seems to work well.


Re: I need some convincing

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:04 pm
by wishful4
Welcome Farmy, Everyone's situation is a little different. As far as a device, the CB 6000s is a very good starter device. My KH/Spouse and I use a combination of the CD & the honor system. I prefer the device, she prefers the honor system. Take the time to break-in and fit to the device. In closing, said this before but it's worth repeating. The chastity lifestyle seldom works out the way you expect or happens on your timeline. Your patience(lots of it) and understanding in bringing your spouse/SO along on the journey will make it either a failure or a resounding success. Best of Luck! We look forward to hearing how it's going.

Re: I need some convincing

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:27 am
by justplaying

If you have decided to buy the CB6Ks don't be fooled by cheaper models. You want to purchase one that is manufactured by AE Enterprises. There are cheaper models being offered, that will break easily and still cost you over $100. You cannot return a plastic chastity device, for obvious reasons, so not only will you be without a CD, you will have spent all that cash for nothing. Be careful not to get ripped off on the internet.

I would also recommend reading the blog entry over at Thumpers, blog site. Right at the top he has a fairly long entry on comparing plastic to steel. Just had a funny thought from the super market "paper or plastic" at the check out, "Would you like plastic or steel Mr. Farmy?"

I will tell you from first hand experience that you should take the instruction's caution about pinching, very seriously. There are many parts that come together in a CB6Ks and wherever they are located is a potential pinch point. I am fairly sure you have never had a tiny piece of your penis pinched in this fashion before, and believe me you don't' want to experience if you can help it. So, here's my advice; before you slide the split ring together, or push the connecting rods or locking pin in place, give a quick look around and push down on the skin in that location. The one place that often still gets me is the locking pin. The head of the pin seems to always grab a piece of skin before it slides into it's depression in the ring. The little oval spacer on the locking pin has two places to get you, one on the ring side, the other on the tube side. Again just give a little poke to make sure your skin is not trapped.

Getting the right ring size and setting it in place properly is a very important part of your long term comfort as well. This is why you read so many posts about measuring and sizing. We CD wearers are almost obsessive about getting the "feel" right. When I started wearing a CD my testicles were very high and tight, like a good inside pitch, sorry I just wanted to use that baseball metaphor somewhere : ) Now they hang a little lower because the CD does pull down on them all day. I have never been keen on having a ring wrapped around my testicles, but unless you go to a full belt type of CD that's all there is....

I like the split ring of the CB6Ks because it made it easy and painless to slide the ring in place. Early on I made the mistake of using a larger ring which allowed one of my testicles to slip back through the ring and get jammed up on the other side. It was very unpleasant and I had to call my KH at work and ask her to tell me where the emergency key was located. The CB6Ks comes with 5 ring sizes and four locking pin /spacers. You should check out the gap between the tube and ring to get an idea of how small a ring you will need. Then try it on and see how it feels. Too loose? You can go to a smaller ring or a smaller locking pin /spacer combination. This is something you will have to experiment with by your self.

The last bit of advice is about hair and lubrication. I didn't want to shave my hair, but soon found that it actually feels better to be smooth around the ring. I also wound up cutting the remaining hairs above the ring short, because my KH likes it better. As for lubrication, I have tried both non greasy hand lotion and baby powder. I prefer the baby powder because I don't like the wet feel of lotion on that part of my body. I originally tried using nothing, but after a few hours the plastic will rub you pretty hard and it will feel like a rug burn. You will need to figure out what's best for you, but I would not recommend going without something.

My new friend the Q-tip....If you don't have these in the house, now is the time to get them. These little babies are the best way to make small adjustments once you are in the tube. I carry one in my pocket all the time now. They are especially helpful when you need to pee. I use mine to line things up before I go. It doesn't always work but it generally does....

My best advice is to take your time putting your CD on carefully. Get all your body parts comfortable before you slide home the bolt on that lock, because it can be a very long uncomfortable ride if you haven't....