She no longer wants to be my Keyholder

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She no longer wants to be my Keyholder

Post by subbyslut »

My wife completely went off the chastity activities we were doing. She said i could keep locking myself up and could wank whenever i wanted relief, no more sex, pussy sniffing or licking on demand by her and allowed to watch her using magic wand,All household chores and service to her needs when at home.Addressing her in any form can be greeted with smiles and a kiss or a strong rebuke no reason for any different response.She has said that when she goes out i should lock myself and if i am locked on her return she ignores my condition but after several days simply says "Take it off!" then she has pleasured herself and told me to display my cock and balls promising things which she then does not provide.
Once locked i now want to squeeze my nipples or wear clamps/pegs.
Somehow i want to wait longer and after about a week without a wank i want to wear my butt plug.
She insists i ask politely for this and determines the hours before permission is granted.
My life is driven by my cage pegs and butt plug and a desire to please Her.The situation has reduced me to a servant to Her i want to stop but need the cage so very much when unlocked.
How have you coped out there please ?
Any advice or similar experience would be helpful.
Thanx for looking the road is hard but my orgasms (when they happen!) are absolutely overwhelming.
She looks down on me (i only wank to her pussy) and after i have cum She smiles and usually gives an immediate order Cup of tea! Do the washing! Run my bath!
This gives me no time to recover or discuss what is going on!!
Oh well someone else must have had a similar outcome.
She wants to do something exciting and will soon let me know!
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Re: She no longer wants to be my Keyholder

Post by slave d »

my suggestion FWIW is that you need to consider a written contract or agreement which outlines both of your desires and sets limits and specifics around duties, lockups etc etc etc. Without that you will continue to be uncertain of what to expect and your key holder the same. We started our journey with a very specific set of rules and desires AND then had an agreement to reconsider and modify that list on a weekly basis until it suited us both. Frankly if you can’t find an acceptable compromise then this lifestyle may not work for you. If you both have different expectations then i can’t see how it can ever work. All things in life are compromises and chastity is certainly a compromise !!

Good luck.

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Re: She no longer wants to be my Keyholder

Post by subbyslut »

slave d Thank you for your reply since i introduced the idea of my chastity and i have been influenced by quite a lot of web research i think you have a valid point.She clearly decided after two years or so of increasing length lock ups and my more submissive behaviour my perspective is irrelevant and she no longer has any use for my cock only my tongue and fingers and the wand.For me to stay chaste she no longer needs to hold the key i lock myself and wait for the instruction to unlock.Not daring to remove the device but carrying on with all her orders regardless we seem to have got to a place where her domination of me is almost complete.She is free to use any means for Her satisfaction whether i am present or not.This still pleases me in a way i find difficult to understand my rational head says this is all wrong but some part of my mind gets very aroused and excited by the whole situation.Is this true for a lot of men relatively new to chastity? subbyslut x
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Re: She no longer wants to be my Keyholder

Post by Tom Allen »

Since this appears to have been posted in the wrong forum, I moved this to the open forum for discussion.
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Re: She no longer wants to be my Keyholder

Post by Schnoff »

I don't know your situation so it's really hard to give you any meaningful advice. Are your needs being met? would be one question I am asking.

I recommend to everyone in this kind of power exchange relationship to read a lot. Raven Kaldera's "Building the Team" is an excellent book, because it emphasizes the collaborative model of dominance and submission, rather than an adversarial one.

What I have learned over the past half year or so is that the D-type has a job, and that job is to create a framework for the relationship and "hold" and "contain" the s-type. This is by no means hands-off on her part. If she approaches it hands-off, it's very likely that you won't get what you need. That said, what that looks like exactly is very, very individual. It also requires teasing (hurr hurr) apart what your needs are, versus what your wants are.

I really liked with Sir_Vice had to say during his class on ownership, which is that to own means also to take care of, to care for, to maintain. She owns part or all of your sexual expression, is what this sounds like to me. If I'm off on that, correct me please. That means on her part, that she has responsibility for maintaining that, in whichever way works for the two of you. Anything owned that isn't maintained and cared for will eventually fall apart, whether it be a car, a house, a pet, or a partner.
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