erections when freed?

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Re: erections when freed?

Post by Jasmic68 »

The way our guys need a bit of time before they can stand to attention is something I have read about and experienced. My Wife and I have learned that it just takes an hour or so after release before I am able to perform so, if she wants me, she has a few options. She can release me ahead of time just in case or she can release me and demand I spend some time pleasing her in other ways. It has stopped any rampant spontaneity which is a problem, as she can be a bit 'I want you and I want you now' like many women and that can also become 'and if I can't have you now then forget it.'

Quite honestly the benefits of me being in a cage far outweigh this particular issue. Everyone is different though and the only rule is there are no rules, apart from the ones that work for you. My Wife is nothing like Lady M for instance, her need for me being inside her only occurs once or so every few months so it isn't that much of an issue. Her needs are met orally.
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Re: erections when freed?

Post by VinnyDee »

I think what you are experiencing has been the same as some of us. After a month or two, my penis does not respond to stimulation like it used to. My cage is very short so I cannot get erect in it. I figure that after a while my brain knows I will only be teased and denied, so it stops the launch sequence to avoid the frustration of denial. My wife does not care because my penis has not been the source of her orgasms for the last 3 years and I can have a full orgasm without an erection. Well, a partial one but still soft.

I have decreased in length about an inch and a half since starting Chastity 3 years ago. I also gained weight and got old so I do not know what each of those things has contributed to my shrinkage. I have read an article where a Urologist stated that he would think compressing the penis for even short periods of time may affect its ability engorge as much as it used to. So there may be a reason to be cautious. If I was a young man I would not be doing this at all. Now I am 65 and do not use my penis to please anyone but me, so I do not care.

If you are concerned about this, see a urologist but I have a feeling that due to their ignorance of chastity, they will err on the side of caution and tell you it is not a good idea past a few days at a time.
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