[Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

I have the day off work cause we need to take the dog into the vet for surgery. Laying in bed the alarm goes off and she lays in bed. Snooze goes off and she lays there. Finally she says to me she needs a little something to get her going. Under the covers I go and brings her to an orgasm. I hold her while she comes back down. She pushed me on my back and bit my nipple a couple of times before getting up to start getting ready for the vet. I make the beds and start the shower. She comes in and unlocks my cage which I wash thoroughly. In the shower I wash and condition her hair, luffa her body. She washes me stroking my dick hard and I am wanting to come but she stops and locks me up after the shower.

We took the dog to the vet and after dropping CS at home go to the gym. While working out I hear this crack. In the men’s room I see the cage has broken. I take a photo and let CS know and then drive home. Was wearing a mamba v2 nub. I had a cherry keeper I had ordered but never worn. Glad I had a spare.

Update: the cherry keeper was too small cutting into circulation to my testicles. Two steel cages I ordered from China arrived in the mail. Talk about kismet. The one is the Tiger face my wife liked. I have been wearing it now for 24 hours and have to say extremely comfortable. I know people say steel cages for long term but always thought plastic was lighter and no edges unlike the steel cages I first bought getting into chastity. Knowing more about sizing definitely helps. Think I have converted to steel. The cage is secured by a screw using an Allen wrench. This I am not crazy about as I like seeing the key around CS neck. But hey, a little column A a little column B
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

12 full days locked 24/7 and that is a new record for me. Not sure if it’s the steel cage but been aroused all day. Course it started with this morning when CS came back from the bathroom, laid down and said she could use an alarm. Down I went bringing her to a wonderful orgasm followed by a little cuddling. Then it was back to work with a very snug cage.

I am liking that she is just telling me she needs an alarm. It used to be my asking until she would roll her eyes and say something like taking one for the team.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

So 13 days ends the streak but a really great end. Woke yesterday and gave her a nice breasts massage that ending with me getting her off with my fingers and then we used the vibrator for a second orgasm. In the shower she wraps her arms around me and says she can’t believe how much fun we have without me having an orgasm.

Take CS out to the movies. Afterwards we come home and she wants to play cards. Since we didn’t make bingo on Wednesday she says if I win in cards I will be unlocked. Then she has me do three shots of rum and I win the first round. She gives me three more shots of rum and I somehow win the second round so off comes the cage but I do not remember us having sex though she says I gave her several good orgasms and she was really biting my nipples and yes they are sore.

I try this morning to start again but she said I had the option of either last night or this morning but not both. If I can’t remember does that really count? I wash her in the shower and then I am told to relock. The new cage has a bolt. She takes the Allen wrench from me and tightens the bolt down. I ask when is the next release date and she says no longer my concern, pats my cage and says that will hold me.

I think I am no longer in control.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Just a quick post. Had yesterday and last night out of the cage due to a sore spot. The Tiger mouth cage looks cool but those teeth can rub a sensitive spot.

Sitting at my desk working and CS comes into my office announcing time to lock it up. She is wearing a hoodie and nothing else. I put on my mamba cage and she locks it down. She then climbs on my bed and says I can go down on her now that I am locked but be quick cause of work needing done. She has her orgasm, gets off the bed and heads for the door. I asked if I should ask when is my next release date is and she says no and goes back to her room to finish getting ready
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Yesterday was my yearly physical so the cage had to come off for the doctors appointment. I was fasting till 11:00 appointment. CS came into my office again just wearing a hoodie, laid down on the bed and said I must be hungry and could eat her. Dove between her legs. Hey, it’s like needing a crunch factor and you get a bag of chips. Going down on CS satisfied me to make it through the fasting. Go to the doctor, all goes well and I come home bringing lunch. Finished eating and was told to put back on the cage. She kneels in front of me which starts to get me hard . She locks the cage, squeezes my balls and heads back to her computer.

After work we head over to the restaurant to try to get a table for Bingo and we luck out finally. CS changes her rules. Usually if I win I get unlocked and if I don’t win I stay locked. Today is if I win I may be unlocked or I may not. Just have to wait and see. For every win she has she gets an orgasm when we get home. There are ten rounds and she wins the first game. Between each round she is teasing me cause I am not winning. Says adding in chastity to Bingo just makes it all more interesting. She evens grabs and holds my cage as we sit there. Maybe it’s the beers she is drinking or maybe she is really into teasing me. At the end of ten rounds I have not had a bingo and she says poor boy I guess you got to stay locked.

At home we get ready for bed and start making out. I go down on her and she gets her orgasm for her win. I then asked if she would like the vibrator and she says sure. Between stroking her with the vibrator and licking, she has an extremely powerful orgasm. Pulls the covers over her and says it was so good she is going right to sleep. I’m left standing there straining against the cage. I kiss her on the head goodnight and go to my room . It’s been a day.

This morning I hear her get up and go into her room to make her bed. CS grabs my balls and gives them a couple hard squeezes that make me wince. She says she may not be able to see much without her contacts but she can see my cage. Into the bathroom she goes and I make her bed and retreat back to my office to work.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Was a busy day yesterday getting stuff done so we can leave today on vacation. I cleaned the whole house then hit the gym. Took the wife out to lunch and then we hit the grocery store to stock up on some travel snacks. CS loves cheese balls but the store was sold out. After we got home and put the groceries away, the wife left to get her hair cut and take the dog to her daughter’s. I left to hit two more stores looking for her cheese balls. Found a large container of them at the second store. They were called Cheese paws but the same thing, different shape. Got home and put up the Christmas lights so the house was lit up when CS got home.

She must of been impressed because not getting a bingo on Wednesday I’m suppose to be locked for another four days. She brought out the cards and rum and said if I won she would unlock me and I would stay unlocked for the drive. She plowed me with drinks, dropped down twice to bite my testicles but I won. She said she wants to play a third round and I needed to take a viagra. If I lost then she might just keep me locked tonight. I did lose and was resigning myself for a tough night in the cage when CS came over and unlocked the cage and saying she wanted me. I took her there on the ottoman and we finished on the floor. It has been a while since we have had PIV sex and I had the most powerful orgasm.

I’m not allowed to have sex with her this morning. She is sleeping and I am cleaning up the living room and packing. CS is bringing cards and I have been instructed to bring a Viagra.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by WifeIsVanilla »

Sounds like heaven. Good for you, and her, but has she taken the ring back? (Sorry if you have mentioned that, and I missed it.)
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Past Devices: Curve & CB 6000s. Both broke, were repaired; then broke beyond repair.
Current Devices: MM Jail Bird, Cobra, MM Watchful Mistress, Holy Trainer v3, a new Curve & the dreaded Spiked Chamber.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

She did take it back. Thanks for asking.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Made the drive and safely in Prarie Eden, Minnesota just seven miles from Prince’s estate. Must be getting old cause the back was giving me a little grief. Got up to the hotel room, got organized and the wife says”don’t you need to put a little something on?” I immediately got the cage and she locked me up

In the morning I went down and got breakfast for CS. She won’t leave the room without her make up perfect and being on vacation, she likes to sleep in. If I want to eat, I need to fetch breakfast and bring it to the room. After we ate I went down on her twice. Showered we head out the door , shop a little, took CS to lunch then it was time to see Prince’s Paisley Park.

We got there and I am wearing my steel cage. On this tour there are ten people, cell phones are locked to prevent picture taking and there on the table was a wand. Made it obvious I put my keys in front pocket, and somehow despite the wand beeping over my groin I get in without having to say there is a steel cage on my penis. CS was smirking how nervous I was. I think she secretly wanted me outed in public.

The tour was good, informative and I even got to play ping pong on Prince’s table.I take CS to dinner and drinks. We visit an adult novelty store but nothing catches her eye. Liquor store was next then back to the hotel. Drinking, and she challenges me to cards. Three rounds and a viagra I have won and she unlocks me again. I go down on the wife bringing her to orgasm before entering her bring her to another orgasm. CS climbs on top of me and edges me before letting me cum inside her. She then climbed up to sit on my face and tell me to clean her. I licked with gusto till she slid off me and asked for me to vibe her to another orgasm.

Today we hit the Mall of America so can’t wait to see if she wants to bet on cards again. At least no metal detector or wands at the mall.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

No more cards were played. CS says she needs recovery time. That I have been granted a lot of sex lately so I will have to spent quite a while locked like maybe New Year’s Day. Then she turned the lock and put the key back around her neck.

Update: I think she is quite serious this time. Today was the end of vacation with a seven hour drive to get home. Told the wife seven hours sitting in a car caged would be very uncomfortable. She said, “ comfortable or not, get used to it cause it’s not coming off for awhile “.
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