[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Never one to give up.

After C had come hard and was relaxing I lay next to her wiping her toy down. I held it where it would be if it were mine (but much bigger) to which C said "Yeah. You wish".
I continued to hold it there and said. "I really want to wear it".
"I mean just wear it, not do you with it. Its makes me feel powerful, and also like I've been out already. I really wouod like to be able to wear it"
"Hmmmm, I duno, it's scary"

So I swapped to the smaller one.

"this isn't so scary though"
"I don't know. I'll think about it".

"Thank you. Can i just pretend it's mine and stroke it for now?"

"knock yourself out"

When I got up I asked "So, where do you want to book a meal?"

"What for?"

"For when you let me wear it".

Later C noticed my excitement and said "It's nice to have this much attention. But calm down. I said I would think about it"

Step forward?
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Sat. C made use of me.

C tried to make me have a caged orgasm, couldn't get there.
C took the cage off and edged me instead, over her breasts.
C looked at me and said "If you do come, you know what you have to do."
"Stop! "
C stopped. Just held it there, looking at cock, waiting. Then it started to flow out slowly, and kept oozing out until C's breast was a cum covered mess. perfect ruined orgasm.
I wanted to carry on, I hadn't had a real orgasm yet.
C looked up at me and said " Lick it up. I'll give you to the count of ten.. One. Two"
This counting thing is a real psychological kick up the ass, like it's ingrained from childhood 'Oh fuck! She is counting, panic! Now I'm in for it'.
I dove in and literally slurped it up.
"Good boy. Get locked back up now"
I was still horny and yearning for more.
On Monday we went out for dinner. C discussed my points system. She thought I was getting it too easy so wanted to revise it.
Although it was incredibly heroic discussing this with her and I was very agreeable to her price increases. On hindsite I've been stitch up.
I'd have to earn twice as many now to get the same treats.
Eating pussy has now become double the points they were. They are not optional and will put me in the red. If I'm in the red I don't come out.
On the plus side I did get to discuss the possibility of a new toy, specifically for the harness, in Hope it would make it enjoyable for C. So we can try again.
She wasn't totally opposed to the idea.
So now I have to work out which type of dildo is an improvement or a different kind of "wow!"
I suggested a rabbit. C said no.
My dildology isn't up to speed.

Monday and Wednesday I was made use of again.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

A Step forward.

Not updated for little while. It seems C has settled into a procedure that suits her so each week was very similar.

However today C did let me use a strapon to fuck her after I had done my usual orgasm by tongue. Mote importantly she said "I was expecting it to be horrible or hurt. But it was OK"
This I hope will be a major breakthrough and happen again.

This has been a few weeks in the making for me. An idea planted and watered if you like.

Somehow? We communicated.
I sent a text. C replied.
The next day I sent another asking if she 'Got it' as in understood what I was saying.

We went for a drink that evening so I asked "So did you? Get it?"
"Get what? "
"The text" .
"Oh. Didn't know you'd sent one"
C Got her phone out and read it.i was crapping myself waiting for the disappointment that only a good dressing down can give.

"So? Do you get it? You understand what I get from this?"

"Yes. I get it."

"So you understand why my wearing a toy would mean something to me. That it's another way you could use me? Something I would enjoy on many levels? I realise it's unlikely you’ll let me actually do you with it, but just knowing it's possible" .

"Yes, I suppose I do" .

We talked about how I had improved, how life had improved.

C said "You found something that works for you" .

"Yes. But it has to work for you too" .

"It does, I love who you are now, who we are, how things are" .

Fast forward a week and it was My day, I'd earned it.
C asked "So. What little fantasy did you have in mind".
I hadn't thought a strapon was even a remote chance so didn't think of it.
I asked for edges and a suck.

The following day we went out for drinks again.
C said "I thought you would have been wearing it yesterday. I was a bit surprised you didn't".

"Ah. The idea was I could wear it when I go down on you. I'll wear one next time I do"

Later the same week I texted "Next time you send me down, I'll be wearing a toy. You don't have to do or allow anything" .

I got this reply "🙄💕"

Sun. I put it on ready.
C for some, reason woken up and passed me the keys? She doesn't usually do this until after I've done her, if I've earned an edge?
So I was at a loss.
I took it off and must have looked confused.
"what's up? Thought you'd be delighted to be out?"

"I was going to wear it while I was sorting you out, but it doesn't work if I'm unlocked, so took it off".

"ah well. So would you like a few strokes or not".

"Yes please. But next time you send me down there can you keep me locked please."


Tuesday 14th Feb. Valentines day.
Card and wine for C by the bed. We went out for a meal last night.

I woke and went to make coffee, also I put the strapon on with my underwear on top.
On my return C said "You are very romantic Mr P. Ill be sending you down again this morning. After we have our coffee" .
"I'm wearing this. I'm assuming your not letting me out".
"Your staying locked, you've been out far too much lately" .
We relaxed while drinking and C asked "So. Is it nice having a pretend cock to play with?"
"Yes, it really is" .
"C held it and said "feels odd. Move it for now, I like holding your balls"
I pulled it down. Then pulled it back on when I was sent down .
C came hard. I waited a while and asked.
"Might I be able to fuck you?"
"Hmmmm. Just the end in, and only cos I'm in a good mood" .

So I took it slow. OH MY I enjoyed that moment. On top, feeling the motions. Loved it. Very emotional for me. It lasted a few minutes.
"ok enough"

I replied "Thank you, that was very erotic, emotional and meaningful for me"

C surprised me by saying
"I expected it to be uncomfortable or painful, but it wasn't."

We then got in with the day.

I do hope this wasn't a one off.
0 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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It still blows my mind that C can quite happily tell me to get down there, have a mind blowing orgasm, with no intention of recipicating.
Unlocking me doesn't even cross her mind. It's simply a case of 'she wants to come now' , and it's my job to do that.
I also have to pay for the privalage (in points) which in turn reduces my chances of getting out.
What is normal this year isn't the same as last year.
Where I was allowed out and asked what I wanted, I'm now told what I'm getting. This will usually be edged as it is easier for C.
I get one orgasm a week (C thinks this suits my behaviour best), but it might be a ruined.

C doesn't ask me (or tell me) to swallow my own mess any more. She simply expects me to do it. Although she does enjoy reminding me that this is something I have to do.
So I have been Licking it up, being fed or sucking it out every time since early November.
Last night C was showing off her incredible breasts just because she knows I'm horny and said "you came on these at weekend"
"I did".
C had edged me and ruined me twice over them.
"And then what did you do"
"cleaned them"
"What exactly. More details please"
"I licked my own cum off your breasts. You made sure I cleaned every drop"
"Ha! Yes I did. And every last lump. Blah!"
"You didn't have to you know"
"Dont be silly, of course I did. It's fun making you do it, and it puts you off wanting to come more often".

The really incredible thing to report is C let me strapon fuck her again after giving her an orgasm. This time it lasted longer, until C was getting sore. And C gave a few signs of pleasure.
Holy fuck what a result.

For me it was spiritual, deeply emotional.
I ended up feeling much closer to C and of course wanting her, wanting out, wanting to come.
Then C reminded me it isn't about what I want by saying.

"I feel totally rogered"

"I'm Keeping you locked, making you wait".

That demonstration of your power and control over me was totally mind blowing. What's more, I felt like I had been allowed more than I could have wished for.
3 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Nightly routine is still the same in that C has me stroke her butt cheeks while she relaxes. We then spoon with my cage between her cheeks and my hand holding her breast. Eventually we nod off and at some point turn to lie on our backs. Recently C has started to rests her hand on my cage while sleeping. To me a it's a sign of acceptance. I like it.

On Sundays C chooses weather to give me choice in how I would like to come.
Last week I was told I'd be edged onto C's breasts and lick them clean, the week before I chose edges and a suck. C told me I would be fed it of course.
This week I didnt get to choose.
C wanted me inside her so was going to edge me first and then ride me, and afterwards would ride my tongue until she was cleaned out.
C edged me to the point of being delirious, let it calm down and then rode me. All the while explaining what she was going to make me do afterwards, tongue deep inside her.
She really does enjoy making me do this. I would prefer not to when it comes to the act, but it's such a mind fuck beforehand.

I seriously blew my load and then waited with dread, then awe as I watched C's cum filled pussy lips being lowered toward my face.
It is both incredibly erotic and terrifying.
"That's a good boy, get your toung right inside, now the lips. Well done"

Monday evening, obviously not sated with Sunday, C walked into my office totally out of the blue and lifted her top to show her perfect breasts and said "I need you for 10 minutes".
I jumped up and followed C to the bedroom.
C was undressing "You don't need to take any clothes off". And she lay down, shaved pussy glistening "Sort me out"
C came quickly and hard. She lay basking in her post orgasm bliss and waved me away. I was dismissed.

C did come to me later to deduct a point from my good boy app for letting me do this to her.

I pay a point for pussy eating, also one point for being edged, three points for coming. As many as she deems fit for misbehaviour or not cleaning up my own spunk, and now an extra point if I wear the strapon while eating her.

C has me eat her so often I find it difficult earning enough points for myself but by God I try.
I really do have to be carful what I ask for.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Tuesday oh my!

Nothing happens and then everything happens at once.

Today we took the kids out to the beach and arcades.
C enjoyed a penny roll game with a bingo theme. You had to roll the coin into a slot and win a measly amount of tickets.
C wasn't very good at it, her timing and aim were way off.
So I took a turn and hit most times I rolled.
C told me if I got a line she would let me out for an oil. That was a cage filler so I got the line. C said "Wow. Well done. Do you think you could get a full house?"

"How about if I get the full house you let me wear the strapon?"

"Deal and I'll give that an oily stroke "

That made my cage surge and my heart race.
I was lucky and got the full house within minutes.
C could hardly belive my luck, which I insisted was skill so followed up with "If you can get the bingo jackpot you can fuck me with it aswell".
It was worth 1500 tickets, so really good prizes for the kids.
It must have been my really lucky day. I did get the jackpot and then while waiting for the endless stream of tickets to pile out I hit the jackpot on the next machine along. Wtf?

C was beyond impressed with me, the kids were happy with their prizes and I was excited beyond belief considering the strapon has been such a No No until a week ago?

So later that evening C did wank my strapon for quite a while and then let me fuck her with it.
It was a very strange and frustrating event. C said it was OK but prefers my real dick when doing this, and toys when I'm being used the way she likes it.

I did reply "I really enjoyed the wank, it left me feeling attended to and also in a state adoration for you. I'd like to think it's another way you could use me when keeping me locked if you wanted to. Does that make sense? ".

"It does. And I will if I want to. This one was for you. "

So I have to ask why I chose being kept locked and being the subject of excruciating erotic torture rather than coming out for actual physical pleasure? And if it is something that has any future.

I honestly I don't know the answer yet? C is weary of trying new or different.
The deal breaker is if C gets pleasure from it, if she had an orgasm from this I think everything would change, but for the time being it's something different and change doesn't come easily.

For now though I will most definitely chalk it up as a big step forward.
0 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Woken by painful, but bearable morning wood.
After being ridden by C on Sunday, eating C on Monday then tuesdays strapon wank and fuck I am super horny.
So C made use of me again on Thursday in the evening (unusual because there isn't much time to do it). I wasn't dismissed straight away, neither was I unlocked.
To add to my frustration C let me lower my balls to her mouth so she could suck on them enough times for me go cross-eyed.
Holy shit my brains melted and I really thought I was going to come.
"Enough. Off you go"
I left with my cage swollen and oozing precum.
Bed time came late. C held my balls until she was tired, turned over a so I could stroke her ass while she noded off.
Horny. Very Very horny

I wake up with super hard wood and do breathing excersises, then try to think of things that upset me etc. C has caught onto this so helps by saying things like "Poor horny locked up man, I'm horny too, My pussy is so wet. Never mind. It'll pass".
Not today though. Today C turns over and says "I have a chore I need doing in the study, so if you finish early and do it today.."

Im expecting C to say she will let me out. It's been an unusually long time.

"I'll let you lower you balls onto my mouth and suck them again"

"ow, ow, ow.. Not helping C, thank you... You mean for real? "

"Yep. Gota be done today though"

"I will be back early today"

I pushed through the pain. I got up to go pee and find something to do before going to work smiling.
C. My beautiful goddess. Wow!
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

why am I so physically and mentally exhausted after a full on edging session?

C is having an orgasm free week, in fact she's scheduled weekend which will make it 10 days without an orgasm. She has had tongue and toy fucks but refused to go to the 'O'. She says she want a "reboot"?
So. Instead she edged me for her entertainment.
It was one of those edges that gives no time to breath or calm down.
C took me to the brink, I say "stop", and she stops, but with her hand still gently holding my helmet, which means I have to put extra effort into holding it back. As soon as I stop arching, but before the urge to cum has calmed down C slowly starts stroking and "Stop". Immediately I'm fighting once more not to come. No rest, no choice.
C did this even after I had asked her to "please. No more".
She kept it up until I was sensitive to the point of torturous.
C then said "Beg me for no more cock tease and to be locked"
I begged and C stopped.
I was totally exhausted, more than grafting for a day. More than a five mile run, more than a week of mental challenges in fact all the above combined.

Why is it so exhausting?
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Yesterday C text me while I was at work [I'm naked in bed, I'll touch it for you].
Not the safest thing to read when on a roof top in cold weather. I decided to stop work and go home.
I joined C in bed and was told "You can stroke my leg, Dont get any other ideas".

So, this morning after her orgasm free week, C quite happily (and quickly) came like a train.
I love being told "You're staying locked, now get down there. "

Task complete I made breakfast and served C in bed.
C has said she would let me lower my balls to her mouth for a suck again later. She hasn't yet decided if I will wear the strapon tomorrow.

In response I swell, I leak and I find lots of things to do, like a giddy child.
3 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

C has had me lick, vibe and toy fuck her a few times in the last week. In fact this is the only thing she seems to want.

Thursday was another achingly long edge from C in which I had to plead for no more.
After recovering it was still hard. It dawned on me that I couldn't remember the last time C wanted to put it in her for her own pleasure?
So I asked her "look at it, is it still impressive? "
"Yes. Very big, very impressive"
"Do you still like it. Want it?"
"Yes. I like, and want it... locked"

So I got the cage ready and asked. "You want to sit on it for a bit before it's locked away? "
"Nope. I can take it out and use it when 'I' want to. Lock it up".

I did wonder how long it would be before C wanted to feel 'me' inside her?

This morning C sent me down to sort her out again and as I was tonguing her she said "I think I'll let you put it me when you're done"
After C came hard I massage her breasts while waiting for her orgasm to pass, then asked "would you like me to put it in now?"
"Nah. That thought only lasted thirty seconds, I've had what I want now thank you"
"Oh.. Ok. But when you said it. Did you want me inside you?"
"Yep, but now I don't need it, and you get the horny frustration you asked for. You do look very swollen though. I could let you out for a little wank"
"That would be very nice thank you"
"Yes, and so will dreaming about it. I'm not letting it out"
C looked at me, with that look.
"Thank you honey"
"The pleasure was all mine. I'll take a point off you now for letting you put your tongue in me"
6 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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