[Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

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[Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

Post by Want2B_Locked »

Hi All,

Well here I am.

51yo male from England, been married for 28 years to my wife who almost 51yo, who I will refer to as Lady S or LS.

Whilst I am open minded LS isn't quite so much. We had a really good, wild and interesting sex life until 2002 but after out second offspring, when she had a few medical issues, it tailed off to a mundane one.

Fast forward to December 2018 and she came off some Meds (PPIs gastric ones) and she was like a force 5 hurricane even to the point of waking me two or three time in the night for sex. From the woman that never asked for sex she wanted it and asked to be tied up (under bed restraints bought), a new larger black vibrator bought (by me as a treat) and general wild touching days and nights. Even sending naked and semi naked photos to me while she was on business trips. About this time I began suffering with ED but the little blue pills do the trick.

I've always wanted her in charge and even wanted her to have another man and/or threesome. This, sadly, would be too far for her. She also feels unattractive with her size going form the UK 10/12 when we met to now a 18 lower half and a 22 on top. I still love her and love her body.

I've always been interested in her bing in charge in the bedroom but she can be reluctant but we have had some wild time in that way in the past. Since about May 2019 I dropped hints and I even asked her in a message abut being a keyholder.

I tried asking about her being a keyholder initially but she didn't understand. I sent her the odd photo/caption and tried to explain that I wanted her to
1. Lock me up.
2. Hold the key.
3. Be in charge of my orgasms.
4. Tease me.
5. Mild humiliation.

Now while I have not issues with others cross dressing or more extreme humiliation that's not for me.

He initial reaction was disgust. Then I asked if I could buy a device and do it on my birthday (early October)
LS: That not fair. How much are they?
ME: £20 + p&p £2.
LS: Get it then but I'm not happy about it.

Ordered a CB6KL aka The Curve (House of Denial is a brilliant company to deal with). I tried it on a few times. I chose that one as I do have a bit of girth and it seemed none of the others would fit. Initially I was pleased with it and was looking forward to my birthday and the day of being locked and teased.

I was able to get hold of a pdf of 'A Keyholder's Handbook - Woman's Guide To Male Chastity and Sexual Teasing' by Georgia Ivey Green which I printed off (yes all the pages) and showed it to her. She said she'd look at it but it's a full on book not just a booklet.

Week before my birthday and she came down with a rash (not a sexual type one) that's brought her down and says she felt disgusting. She said she'd "owe me one". I've been trying the CB6KL on and off for a few hours a day but it's just not felt right. Something didn't feel right what it was I couldn't put my finger on. Then one evening last week I was watching something arousing (who am I kidding? Porn lol) and while getting hard it occurred I wasn't feeling restricted at all!

I remeasured again, checked the House of Denial website and took the plunge by ordering CB6K.

It arrived Friday and I waited until LS was in bed asleep and tried it on. Porn loaded and immediately felt the difference. On Saturday I tried a variety of rings, spacers and pins to get a nice secure fit.

Well that is where I am as of today.

I'll need to field her questions if and when she asks them.

Hopefully the journey begins ...
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Re: [Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

Post by Want2B_Locked »

Brief update.

LS is still feeling lousy and so am I so I'm sitting back and waiting.

We've got a day off together on Nov 14th. Maybe then.
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Re: [Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

Post by Kitten »

Want2B_Locked wrote: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:41 am LS is still feeling lousy and so am I so I'm sitting back and waiting.
Hope y'all feel better soon.
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Re: [Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

Post by Want2B_Locked »

I'm ok as such just a shoulder injury.

Big step today. Made a snap decision to wear it to work.

Feel a little awkward at the moment.
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Re: [Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

Post by Excited+Scared1 »

Hi Want2B_locked, a fellow Brit!

That is the same book I bought and asked T to read. She read some and started to enjoy the fact that she really could have 100% control of my erections and orgasms.
I asked her to indulge me through April, during which time I would pleasure her wherever, whenever and however she wanted. Something I admit I’d been somewhat tardy in doing before. But no mention from you about what Lady S gets out of this??
It’s working for me and T though. I have worn it to work (and congrats for today!), but I then follow instructions and lock up as soon as I get home and shower in it at night, then unlock to shower in the morning and go 24/7 at weekends.

I’ve tried more expensive plastic and metal cages but the best fit for me are, ironically, the cheapest I found anywhere - snug, no chaffing, slightly flexible and I have clear, black and pink (T’s favourite!) I can wear them 24/7 without any discomfort at all.

An eBay search for...
“The 100% Biosourced Resin Male Bondage Cage V2 Small Chastity Device A239”.
...or part thereof should find it.

Good luck!
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Re: [Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

Post by Want2B_Locked »

Currently on the House of Denial's CB6k and it ok. Only cost £13.98 inc postage.
Just a dull ache to let me know its there.

What does Lady S get of of it?
Well the missus likes control so that one thing.
She'll be fully in control of my orgasms when she takes the key. The spare I'll have on my key ring in case of emergencies but it's something we'll have to have a talk about.

I do tend to do days out and about on the railways so it maybe that on those days I'm unlocked and on trust. Back in it when i get home.

She's not read the book fully yet but I know she has been in small stages. We do need to sit down and discuss rules, safewords and what we want to do. After all I would deprive her of PIV or anything else she wants.

If she wants me to tie her up and tease her for a few hours then I'd have no problem doing it.

It's about both of us.
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Re: [Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

Post by KittensBoyToy »

Want2B_Locked wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:14 am After all I would deprive her of PIV or anything else she wants.
Once your Lady takes possession or the keys you won't be denying or depriving her of anything. It becomes her property and if she wants PIV, she has the keys. What you get out of it is also her decision. She may allow you to climax or she may deny you that pleasure. Your only choice is obedience to her desires.
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Re: [Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

Post by Want2B_Locked »

Hit a blip. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=63432

Following on from this I've been thinking about boundaries, safety and things.

I know once Lady S locks me in she is fully in charge.

I feel that there should be certain boundaries.
1. One of my passions is travelling around by train for hours. Therefore I feel on those days due to the very limited toilet (and in some cases bad) toilet facilities I should be allowed out. After all I can't touch myself in public.

2. A set of safe words. One for removal of the CB6K due to emergencies (like pain or suchlike). One for other reasons.

Everything else is her rules.

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Re: [Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

Post by Skip »

When (if) I have a "full time" keyholder, as in an actual romantic relationship involving chastity, I feel like I would want to have a safety key with me at any "risky" time. Sealed, signed envelope for example, or a wax seal with a pattern only she has control of, something like this - that keeps me honest at all times, but is easily accessible in case of emergencies.

I would consider almost any significant discomfort to be an emergency. I don't want to be out, so when I do need to, it means it's serious. And if I consider your example - I'm on a long train ride, something starts hurting quite bad / different to usual mild discomfort, I break the seal and remove myself, inform the mistress (when and what's the reason), relock myself when safe (at my hotel or whatever), inform again, etc. I would want this to be a very clear "non-punishable" (unless in fun ways ;)) case.

I'm locked in for 17 days now, and during those days one night I woke up with really significant pain from a night time erection, and I just had to unlock myself - usually taking a piss resolves this, but that night, I felt like I could barely make it to the toilet. I feel like I could be trusted with unlocking myself for the night and just relaxing (and I was - just slept through the night). Locked myself back in in the morning. I am not really in a relationship, so it's a bit of a different case, but in one with a keyholder, I would want that ability.

You're at the beginning of your journey as I understand it, so you should always have this ability. If you settle on a device and wear it with NO emergencies for a month or two, then and only then it might be reasonable to have "no way out" during a normal day. Until then, even just going to work or being alone at home, you NEED to have a way out. Just in case. And you should not be judged for it. And even after you settle on a device that is 99% comfy, if you run into a situation (going abroad, or just several hours away) where you can't reach your SO/KH within a reasonable time, you should have an emergency key with you. And you should not be judged for using it under those circumstances.

After all, what use is a broken/disfunctional dick to your mistress?
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Re: [Want2B_Locked] - A Very British Journey

Post by _lj_ »

Perhaps I am being a bit hard-core, but I can see very very few reasons to have an emergency key.

Obviously official security scans could lead to problems, so wearing a device likely to trigger a scan would be un-necessarily awkward for all concerned, and any medical treatment you know is going to require exposure should require a release.

From my own experience, with a JailBird, the only time I have seriously regretted not having a key was when one testicle pulled slowly and very painfully through the gap when I made an inadvertant stretching movement whilst at work, but having the key wouldn't have stopped the pain though I could have re-locked with everything in the right place! As it was I spent a rather uncomfortable 100-mile drive home with "one in, one out". I subsequently closed the gap a bit with the judicious use of a vice and hammer!

A plastic device isn't secure, the careful application of force or simple tools will provide a release, though getting a device that fits accurately will dispense with most of the pain from erections etc.
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