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[awildhare] Just Getting Started

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:21 pm
by awildhare
Hello, world

I'm new to chastity and this message board. I'm an engineer living in the US Midwest and have been married for 12 years, with three kids. My introduction to this concept began a couple of months ago when I came across an article on male chastity devices. I remarked to my wife that something like this might improve our intestacy. I was intreaged by the idea, and it does appeal to my nature, but it was only a half-serious suggestion. This might have gone without another thought, except that several weeks later my wife presented me with a CD as gift (however, I have an MM QK on order).

As it turns out, my wife's into it. It seems that 12 years had created a rut into which our marriage had fallen into. The joke I occasionally hear on a TV program that goes something like, "I don't have sex, I'm married", seemed all too close to home. Putting my wife into the dominate role in our relationship as sparked excitement in our lives. Since my pleasure is under her control, it focuses my thoughts on her, and forces me to give her the respect, attention and adoration she's been needing.

With strong encouragement from my wife, I'd like to write to keep a journal of my experiences, problems, and of what I have learned.

Re: [awildhare] Just Getting Started

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:24 pm
by awildhare
Hello all,

This is just a short post of a recent event related to chastity play.

Recently, my Wife informed me that I would be going to a store to buy a pair of women's panties for myself. I would pick the store, but I was going to by some new underwear. I assume this was an exercise of her authority, and a symbol of my submissiveness -- a symbol of role reversal to emphasize that she wears the pants now?

Although there was a mild bit of embarrassment as she held the lacy pink shorts to my waste and asked if I liked them, there was an odd thrill to getting a bemused smile at the checkout counter.

I was thrilled that my wife had come up such a devious plan to humiliate me. It was adventurous, and something that made me feel that she was in charge of the situation. I can only hope she will come up with even more emasculation situation for the thrill it gave me. I believe she really enjoyed putting me in that situation -- I'd gladly do it again.

Re: [awildhare] Just Getting Started

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:29 pm
by KH jetzs
Hi awildhare,
Thanks for your post. I am new to chastity and interested in understanding how the pshycology works. What was it that you enjoyed about being humiliated? Why did your Keyholder have you do this?

Re: [awildhare] Just Getting Started

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:11 pm
by awildhare
Hi KH Jetzs, the humiliation was tolerable, there was no danger of psychological distress, and it was with my wife. There's considerable confidence in being with someone you trust and you know loves you.

There is an erotic excitement in the being feminized, especially in public. In this case, the emasculation was mild -- no one I know saw it, and barely anyone noticed. There's actually a thrill to being pushed into something like this, a sense of danger. I would enjoy having this sort of activity ratcheted up, and sprung on me by surprise. In short, its uncomfortable but exciting at the same time.

I assume my Keyholder thought I would enjoy it, but I'd like to think that she enjoys it.