[LockedDarius] Curiosity Caged the Beast

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[LockedDarius] Curiosity Caged the Beast

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I wish I could promise that my "journey" will be filled with awesome sexcapades and all that fun stuff (maybe I'll get there someday,) but this is more of a story about a newbie just getting his feet wet.

Day 1.)

Six days ago, after years of interest, I finally ordered my first chastity device. After doing a little research, I decided on a CB-6000s. I knew I could probably only afford one device, so I decided to jump right in with the "s" model. I'm definitely a grower in terms of length, so I thought it would fit well.

I've been excited about getting it ever since and today, it was waiting at my door when I got home from work.


(I would add a picture of the device itself, but I got excited and put it on right away. After that ordeal [more on that later] I've decided I'm not taking it off for the rest of the night.)

Unfortunately, I immediately became aroused when handling it and decided to take care of that first so I would have at least a small window to get it on before I'd become aroused again.

Even then, it was really difficult. While the length of the device fits my flaccid state perfectly, I underestimated the thickness of my member when ordering. (I'm not sure the other models would have been wider, but who knows...)

I needed the largest ring and the longest spacer to get started. (Hey, I was popping my chastity virginity afterall.) I decided to get those on first and then work the tube onto myself. Even the largest ring was a tight fit but it wasn't too hard to get it on.

The tube though...that was a nightmare. No matter how I "smooshed" myself or how much of the lube that came with it I used, I couldn't seem to get it on. So, I grabbed a washrag and some ice to put on myself while I placed the tube in front of my space heater for a little while (not allowing it to get too hot.)

FINALLY, after working with it for about half an hour, I was able to slide the tube on juuuuust far enough to get the lock through. Of course, I immediately pinched a bunch of my skin all around the device and had to use a q-tip to tuck it in.

After I first got it on...I wasn't really sure what to think. There I was, locked up, and...nothing seemed that different. A tad uncomfortable, but nothing I couldn't easily forget about while eating my dinner and watching TV.

One thing I've noticed is that my balls feel a bit more sensitive. They have been thrust forward more than they're used to by the ring, so that could be part of it. They go through periods of feeling a little numb, to periods where there is a slight burning sensation, and then to periods where they ache a very little bit. Again, nothing unbearable but unusual feelings nonetheless. (Pretty standard during your adjustment phase according to what I've read online.)

I haven't needed to pee yet, but I'm looking forward to that to see if I can do it while standing. Everything lines up just right, so I think I can pull it off. Wish me luck!

I've also yet to become aroused, which is unexpected. I think the foreignness of the feeling down there is preventing it, but hopefully that happens as well soon as I'm looking forward to experiencing it. (If it doesn't happen soon, I'm going to look at some of my favorite porn to force the issue.)

My goal for tonight is to wear it until bedtime. I've heard that the first few nights sleeping in it are pretty miserable as you adjust, and I still need to go to work tomorrow so I want to get a good night's rest. If all goes well, tomorrow night will be my first time sleeping in it.

After that, I plan to wear it for longer and longer periods until I'm comfortable enough in it to wear it to work. After that, I plan to try the "mail trick," where I mail the key to myself so it's out of my possession for a little while.

Once comfortable with that, well, we'll see where it goes. I have been and will continue to read stories (both real and fantasy) about people's experiences to hopefully get some other ideas of things I can do.

Someday, if I'm lucky, I'll hopefully find a nice girl willing to play along with my little game...but all in due time. Taking things slow seems to be the way to go.

Well, thanks for reading about the first step in my journey. If you have any thoughts or ideas for me, feel free to hit me up. If you've got any advice from having been in my position, I'd love to hear that too.

Thanks a ton guys and look forward to updates/Day 2 tomorrow!
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Re: [LockedDarius] Curiosity Caged the Beast

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Day 1.) Follow Up

Just updating a few things from the rest of my first night:

Was able to pee while standing. Had to angle the device just right and had to use a bit of toilet paper on the tip afterward, but I did it. Likely means that standing in public is out, but at least I can at home.

Holy crap, the precum. So much of it, all night. I always saw it frequently in pictures of chastity and wondered what those guys were doing that caused it, as unless I was actively pleasuring myself, I never just randomly leaked precum. But there was just something about being in that device that caused it to flow for me.

Took it off at night before bed. Hopefully I'll have an easier time getting it back on tonight after work than I did yesterday initially.
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Re: [LockedDarius] Curiosity Caged the Beast

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Day 2.)

Today, I decided I would put the device on right after work and wear it, if possible, until tomorrow morning.

Getting it on was still an ordeal. I wish the tube was a little bit wider. I get wanting a tight fit to increase frustration and make escape more difficult, but there is a difference between "fun tight" and "so tight it's nearly impossible to get on."

Still, with lube and a lot of pinched skin, I was able to get it on a little quicker today. Still using the largest ring, and it barely fits. I wish there was a ring a size larger. I definitely couldn't escape by pulling my balls through it, and it would make getting the device on much easier.

I also decided to try the 2nd longest spacer today after realizing I had a little slack (in terms of length) last night. I was also able to assemble it better so that there would be less pinched skin tonight.

Everything was as I remembered it yesterday. It wasn't on my mind while just going about my business as usual. I spent a little time looking at porn to arouse myself, but the feelings came and went quickly. Just as I started to feel the device tighten, it would go away. Perhaps if I'm in it longer, the feelings of arousal will become longer and more intense so I can experience that.

I felt tired after work and decided to take a quick nap in the device tonight. However, I was unable to sleep. There was an awful "burning" sensation where the ring touched the underside of my balls. I don't know what that was, but I only felt it while laying down. If you've experienced this, let me know what you did about it because it got pretty intense. I actually considered taking the device off to investigate but once I stood up, the pain went away fairly quickly. I really want to get to a point where I'm able to wear this 24 hours, but that will certainly be an issue when sleeping at night if it persists.

I spent some time working on a fetish story I've been writing and felt myself becoming turned on a few times during that, but never intense enough to make the device tighten up. One of the feelings I wanted to experience going in was the incredibly horniness I've seen other reports, where they fill the tube to it's limit and cause the device to tighten around their balls. No luck so far. Maybe once I've gone a few days without release, that will change.

I'm going to try to sleep in it tonight. If it goes as badly as that nap, it won't be good. Still, I'm hopeful that was a one time deal.

I find myself feeling a little disenchanted with it tonight due to some of the issues. I'm considering wearing it out when I go to the grocery store tomorrow, which will be my first time in public wearing the device. Maybe that will bring some excitement.

Anyway, that is all for today. Thanks for reading and if you have any feedback or tips, please let me know.
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Re: [LockedDarius] Curiosity Caged the Beast

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Day 3.)

Sleeping in the device went very poorly. I was able to fall asleep for about an hour, but I do a lot of tossing and turning, and eventually, ended up on my side where that burning sensation returned. I got up and took it off. It doesnt' look like sleeping in it is going to happen.

But, not to be discouraged, the device went right back on when I woke up in the morning. I had my first experience wearing it in public as I went out to do laundry and get groceries. Though there was no way it could be seen through my clothes, I felt really self-conscious about it the whole time. "Do people know?" I kept thinking during every conversation I had or anytime someone looked at me.

One thing I did try to do was become aroused when I was following this cute girl through the grocery store. However, there was nothing more than a slight sensation down there... I'm starting to think that there is some sort of subconscious block on becoming aroused when I'm wearing it. Perhaps if I had a girlfriend to tease me or went a lot longer without release, that would change.

Anyway, I'm not feeling well today, so I've decided to take a one day break from it.
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Re: [LockedDarius] Curiosity Caged the Beast

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Day 4.)

So I know I said I planned to take a break today, but I started feeling better in the afternoon and got a little horny, so I decided to put the device on and frustrate myself.

I even went a little further and broke out some of my crossdressing clothes as I didn't have any other plans for today. I usually don't wear anything more than a bra and a cami, but I pulled out some old panties and a skirt today as well. The skirt is kind of short, so it barely covered the device. It was fun to wear around all day as I cleaned up my apartment and made dinner.

Again, I'd love to wear the device to bed tonight, but the burning sensation around the ring is just too much to handle. I do, however, think I'm going to wear the device into work tomorrow and see how that goes. So wish me luck.
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Re: [LockedDarius] Curiosity Caged the Beast

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So as you can see, I haven't had any updates lately.

Once I've got a little spare cash to spend, I'm going to invest in a custom larger size ring to hopefully alleviate the "night burning" sensation. Once I have that, I'm going to get back into it full force. Once I've been able to get through a night without issue, I'll start going longer and longer. My eventual goal is still 7 days without unlocking.
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Currently Wearing my CB-6000s!!
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