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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:22 pm
by Sam3655
Five days 24/7 locked and then Saturday night. Took CS to the movies complete with popcorn and a drink. Was full from the popcorn that a burger sufficed for dinner. CS then brought out the cards and the rum. Lost the first two rounds. Thought I was staying locked but CS wanted to keep playing cards so we played a winner take all. I was told to take a viagra. I won the round and she unlocked me. I was given the choice again either then or in the morning but not both. Took her then. Hate to waste a good viagra. In the end I came on her breast. I heard her tell me to clean it so I licked her breast clean. In the morning she told me she actually said she needed something to clean it. But, she liked that I cleaned her and giving her ideas.

Will be interesting to see where her mind goes.

Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 8:20 pm
by Sam3655
CS not feeling up to Bingo tonight. No bingo no release but then it’s been only four days 24/7. Hopefully I can convince her of cards come Saturday and then win. Otherwise I’m most likely locked till next week.

Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:26 am
by Sam3655
Seven days 24/7 which isn’t long by any means I know. But during this time think the most play I have received is a five second ball grab. CS got back from cookie making tooo tired to play cards so no chance at getting out. Did get to rub her feet so that was something. Hopefully Wednesday get to play bingo otherwise her kids fly in Saturday staying the week and CS doesn’t play when her children are here. That would mean staying locked till January. Find myself kind of hoping for that. Would be a new record for me locked.

Update: CS woke this morning needing a little help waking up so down I went bringing her to an orgasm. Got the vibrator and brought her to a second back arching orgasm. While she recovered I got the cats feds and CS her morning Power Aide. Have to get to the grocery store before football kicks off so we jumped in the shower. She squeezed my balls asking how they were doing as I washed and conditioned her hair. Now off to the store.

Oh on a fun note, CS told me while over making cookies, her two year old grandson was hugging her and pulled on the necklace with the key to my cage and asked why she had a key? Threw her for a loop but came back with it was the key to her house. Kids. Lol

Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 6:59 am
by Sam3655
Things seem to be changing. Normally when I want to do a good scrubbing I just ask, “Can you unlock me so I can do a thorough cleaning.”. It’s been a straight ten days no release for any reason. I got back from the gym and the words just came out “ May I please be unlocked to shower?”. When did I start being submissive? CS smiled took off the key and fiddled with the lock before leaning back and saying “ not working, guess you’re stuck”. She laughed and then took the lock off telling me to behave in the shower. I tell her she might want to be hands on with the cleaning of my penis. Head upstairs to shower and it feels so damn good to have my dick free. I am not one to masturbate in the shower but just soaping up I could really understand the appeal. But I only did what was needed to be really clean.

After the shower and cage cleaning I was locked back up. Only after CS turned the lock and put the key back around her neck was I allowed to go down on her and bring her to orgasm. Do I see this as her way to condition me to being locked? Absolutely but don’t care.

Tonight is bingo. My last chance to be released before her kids start showing up for the holidays and then no release till after the new year. I have been told even if I get a bingo I will have to wait two more days to be released as I got two days penalty for a joke she didn’t like while we were shopping on Sunday.

The wife has four grown children and each child gets their own wrapping paper. CS had us at the third store looking for wrapping paper that would catch her eye. How could I not say something wrong? Anyway she gave me two days. She won’t say when the next release date is so two days or a week didn’t seem to matter. But now if I win a release and those days come into play, they matter. She is evil in a delicious way.

Update: I won once at bingo. This means I get to be unlocked on Friday as I have two penalty days to get through. The wife won twice so she gets two orgasms. We get home and she says she will have an orgasm tonight and one tomorrow. Then she says we can double or nothing. I ask what she means but she tells me she’ll explain after I make her cum. My work done she explains that she wants to play cards on Friday. I can either take my bingo winnings and be unlocked Friday night or stay locked while playing her in cards. I win and I get two days unlocked. I lose and the earliest I can try for a release is January 1, 2023.

Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 11:37 pm
by Sam3655
Played cards this evening. Won the first round. Lost the next two. Locked until January 1st at the earliest

Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 12:50 pm
by Sam3655
Fifteen days locked 24/7 with one break for a thorough shower. Wife’s kids are in town so no chance to be let out for new years. Have been woken up last two nights by really strong erections that have the ring pulling hard on my testicles. Nice to know at my age still getting those but had to get up and pour cold water on it to reduce the pressure. Ouch.

Our Christmas presents to each other was our vacation but then she said she got me a little something and set a $2.00 limit. I went over the limit naturally but not by much. CS still tends to play on the being nice side and wanting to be fair. So I bought her two plush six sided dice and a plush 20 sided die. This way if she is worried about being mean or nice she can roll the dice and let them decide. And no guilt on her part.

Last month I told her about fun chastity games I read on this forum and how I added her weekly bingo to it. The gift she got me is a deck of cards to play lucky cards this next year. The rules are over in General Chastity , fun chastity game. Wife asked what I wanted to be my “lucky” cards. Told her that was her call. She said she hadn’t thought on it. (She is not wanting to be mean). So I told her she could roll one of the dice to decide. She hasn’t let me know yet so wondering what it will be.

Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:55 am
by Sam3655
Bingo is tomorrow. There are ten rounds. Up til now if I got a bingo I would get unlocked for the night. Last week I got a bingo but due to penalty days and a card game never got unlocked. This week I have been told I need two bingos to be unlocked. Thinking when I do get two bingos in one night it will get moved to three the next time for me to be unlocked. Lol. And she wants to stay in and play cards on New Years Eve. So if I get two bingo tomorrow, I am sure she will say, “I could unlock you tonight or wait till Saturday and….”

I have also been informed my “lucky” cards will be the kings and queens. That’s a potential max of eight orgasms for 2023. How did it go so fast? She just took the keys at the end of October and now I am lucky if I have eight orgasms all of next year. Clearly a case of BCWYWF.

Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:14 pm
by Sam3655
18 days straight 24/7 less two unlockings for showering. Bingo tonight and what do I notice but a sore abrasion on the underside of my penis caused by the edge of the cage. Got my wife/kh to unlock me and it was decided to go a few days without a cage to let me heal. Wife is now trying to come up with a new reward if I win two bingos and a punishment if I don’t.

Update: played bingo and I won only once. But on the other hand CS didn’t think of any rewards/punishments. I may have dodged a bullet this week but will say Bingo is a lot more fun when a release is on the line. Weird not having a cage on and being on the honor system. Hopefully come Saturday will be healed to put back on the cage for cards.

Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:52 pm
by Sam3655
Pretty sure I will be updating this post later tonight as it is New Years Eve. Happy New Years everyone.

My wife CS looked at my sore this morning and declared I can go back to being locked. She has me bolt locked into a cobra nub. But, Three days on the honor system was enough for me. And if I am being truthful, I did edge myself three times in three days. I was told I wasn’t allowed to cum so I didn’t disobey. It’s now day 21 since my last orgasm and thought with the holiday I would be allowed one last fling for 2022. Next week we start Lucky cards and I only have eight cards that will let me orgasm for the year. Nope, we are playing cards tonight and if I don’t win I stay locked another week.

I have been told to fix the food for the night while she goes to visit her kids one more time before they all head home. Making meatballs in a red wine mushroom gravy, pot roast quesadillas, mozzarella sticks, chips and queso. Also two batches of home made cookies. I have to walk her dog now and then start cooking. Everyone have a safe and wonderful night. I’ll update you on my cards tonight.

The rum flowed and the cards dealt and in the end I was victorious despite being made to play pant less and CS distracting me by biting my balls. She accepted her defeat by uncaging me and getting on all fours on the ottoman. Gave her several orgasms between the ottoman and her riding me reverse cowgirl. I was about to cum when she stopped and said she was satisfied.

Last update: this morning was still unlocked so while she slept edges myself twice. When she woke I got to go down under the covers on her. Then we had PIV sex with her pinching my nipples hard to get me to cum fast. Showered and relocked . First Lucky Card drawing is Friday.

Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:54 am
by Sam3655
Played Bingo last night and the wife CS said I needed two bingos to be unlocked. Got the first one and won a shot of Crown Royal which I gave to CS. I don’t drink if I am driving. Next two games I was one away from winning each time. I commented how close I was to getting that second bingo. CS responded that she will unlock me if I do but doesn’t mean I get to cum. Never did get the second bingo but her comment made my cage jump.

Also got a new cage in because CS wants the cage to be yellow gold in color. She is not a silver kind of person. It has sat on my desk for two days. I think she is waiting for me to ask her to unlock me to try it on but it’s in the contract once she locks my cage I can only ask to be let out for hygiene and health issues.

Friday I get to draw my first card from the deck to see if I get out or stay locked another week. Other than this, just trying to get back into the routine again now that the holidays are over.