[KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

A short post today.

I got back yesterday afternoon from the Middle East after a whirlwind trip. Two countries in what was essentially three days. I left the US on Monday PM, but due to time-cone changes and the flight duration, I got in to the ME on Tuesday afternoon. I had meetings on Wednesday in one country, then flew out on Wednesday PM for another country. Dinner with a partner on Wednesday night, then meetings with the client on Thursday morning, and with the partner again on Thursday PM. My flight was supposed to leave at midnight on Thursday night, but was delayed until almost 6:00 AM Friday morning. Finally got out of there and arrived back in the US on Friday PM.

I am one of those fortunate people who can sleep in economy-class seats, so the 12-hour flight over and the 13-hour return flight weren't too bad, but the sleep you get on an airplane is never the deep, restful sleep you really need to recharge your batteries. Add in the time-zone changes, and hotel rooms with really loud air conditioners, and you get the picture of how "restful" my nights were in the region. So I've been sleep-deprived to some extent for most of the week.

But I'm back stateside.

I was watching the news yesterday evening and hearing the newscasters talking about how "hot" it was - with temperatures all the way up in the 90's over much of the country, and even up to 113 in Phoenix. In the ME, it was 52 degrees C, or about 125. And that's NORMAL! Gets all the way down to 95 F at night on some nights... Step out of the hotel in the morning and it's like stepping into a convection oven. And there are MANY people who work outside in those temperatures, all day, every day.

Got home, Mama was at work. Took a shower and immediately put my Jailbird back on again. I don't even know if Mrs. KHH paid attention last night. I went to bed at a normal time, and was asleep probably within 5 minutes. My last memory before crashing was of Mrs. KHH reading her Kindle in bed next to me.

God it's good to be home.

Mama works all day today (her part-time job is part-time in total hours per week only - she might have 3 hours one day and 6 the next, followed by 2 days off). I've got a bunch of errands to take care of that'll consume most of the day.

No idea what - if anything - Mrs. KHH has planned for later. I was (frankly) too tired to "self gratify" whilst on my trip, so my last "O" was almost a week ago, even though I was uncaged. But I'm not feeling too much pressure right now as I'm still recovering from the trip. I guess we'll see if the tension builds over the course of the day today as I get back into "back home" mode.

And the numbers:
Last O - Monday, June 23, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - June 28, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 163.
Total days caged: 113.
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Various home builts for almost 2 years. Current: Jailbird since January 2013.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

I've seen it written that when you are in chastity for a while, and when you're let out, and when you are permitted to cum PIV that it can be "explosive."


Last night, I EXPECTED to be permitted to go down on my beautiful bride. I EXPECTED to spend a lot of time between her thighs giving her pleasure. I did.

Not once ...

Not twice ...

But THREE times over almost two hours.

BLISS... Heaven ... Nirvana ...

I was a very, very happy hubby.

Mrs. KHH came to bed around 9:30 to read and relax. I was already in bed doing the same. My tablet was on and I was re-reading a book that I've read before for about the 15th time. So sue me. It's a good book in the sci-fi genre that I really like.

Mama got settled, turned on her Kindle, and turned off her light. I read for a few minutes more, then turned off my tablet and set it aside.

Mama's been coming to bed topless for a few weeks, ever since it's been a bit warmer. No argument from me, to coin a phrase "I'm lovin it."

I rolled over to her, reached down, and began slipping off her panties. Without missing a beat, she lifted her hips so I could get them off more easily. I then began licking and kissing her let breast, which was positioned so conveniently, not more than a few inches from my mouth and looking just so lip-smacking good. Her nipple perked up quickly under my ministrations, and my left hand began caressing her torso gently. A few minutes spent sucking on her breast and I couldn't hold back anymore. I shoved the covers down with my feet and quickly positioned myself between her legs.

My head was drawn to her beautiful pussy like a politician to a fundraiser and I dove right in without a word. But not vigorously. I try to vary my licking technique based on what I think Mama is in the mood for. Last night - at that time - it seemed to me that rapid, gently tongue touches were in order. So that's what I did.

She got very, very aroused over the 30 minutes or so that I spent licking her. But she didn't cum. No worries on my part, that's not uncommon. And it doesn't bother me in the slightest. My goal is sustained pleasure for her, not always that rocket shot of rapid orgasm. At some point during this glorious half-hour, she turned off her Kindle and set it aside, but left the TV on with the local news station playing in the background.

So I was happy.

She pulled me up next to her and guided my head back to her breasts, rolling over a bit so I could spend some time at the right, which I did with happiness in my heart.

Ten minutes later (or so), she told me that she wanted me to lick her pussy some more. No argument there! I spent some more time giving lots of loving to her breasts, then migrated south again - less urgently this time - to the fertile delta.


Just like I left it. :lol:

Back to my joyous work between her beautiful thighs. Back to the rapid, gentle touches. All around, all over. Occasionally dipping my tongue into her, then sliding it sensuously up. No rush. No hurry. Just fun and pleasure.

She pulled me up again after a long while, then reached over and got the key to my cage. I rolled to my back and put my hands over my head as she unlocked my cage and took it off, leaving the base ring in place.

My last O was June 23, so it only took a couple strokes to get me fully aroused and twitching, my breath ragged. She then slipped down, rested her head on my belly, and sucked my penis into her mouth gently.

OMG :!: :!:

No head movements at all. Just her head resting on my belly with slow, rhythmic sucking on my penis. I thought I was going to go crazy.

For all I knew, she might have been watching the news while she absently sucked on my fully erect, fully aroused, fully READY penis.

She occasionally caressed my thighs, my balls, and my penis with her free hand, adding to both my bliss and my over-the-top horniness. This continued all the way through the weather and the sports (not that I was really paying attention, but for some reason it stuck in my subconscious mind) while I lay there in absolute Heaven, shaking uncontrollably.

OK, so you try it sometime and tell me if you don't do the same. Have your wife or SO just lay there, with her head on your belly and your penis in her mouth. Not moving at all. Just sucking gently, with the occasionally swirl of her tongue on the head of your penis. YOU try it and tell me if you don't go bonkers!

And then she stopped, slipped my penis out of her mouth, and shimmied back up next to me.

After a couple minutes, she retrieved my cage and forced it back over my erect (but no longer painfully so) cock before clicking the lock shut again.

Oh the agony.

I lay there for a few minutes, trying to recover both my breath and my wits.

She lay there, next to me while I did this, then took the TV remote from the nightstand and turned it off before rolling back over to me and telling me that she wanted me to lick her pussy some more.

OK... I can do that!

Right back down I went, now with a mission in my mind to return to her some of the pleasure she just gave me. And I did. Penis throbbing in my cage as I lay on my stomach between her thighs, laving her pussy as gently and thoroughly as I could. Enjoying every second of it. Every taste, every scent, every texture. She was very, very aroused and I could feel with my tongue that her juices were more slick and less watery at this point - a clear indication to me of her arousal.

She pulled me back up next to her before her orgasm. HUH??? Yes, it's true, she did. If I had to guess, her arousal was going up rapidly, and she was most of the way up her orgasmic slope. And she STOPPED me. Wait a minute - I'M THE ONE IN CHASTITY HERE!

I thought our playtime was over when she pulled me up next to her. But I was wrong.

She got the key to my cage again, and unlocked me.

Two strokes and I was completely erect.

She threw her leg over me and immediately impaled herself on me.

If I thought her previous play was phenomenal, this was completely over the top.

Rocking forward and back, moving up and down. Sometimes pounding herself on me. Using me for her enjoyment as I lay there looking up at her, unable to move for the sheer enjoyment of the sensations I was feeling.

My orgasm came on faster than I ever remember. One second I was fine. The next I was exploding. The world slowed down, all my extremities got numb at once, and my vision tunneled. Fireworks? Nope. Artillery? Nope. Nuclear explosion? Nope. None of them compare. Absolute, complete, utter, total joy.

When my orgasm hit, I remember how the spasms in my penis felt. Over and over and over again. I've never felt that before...

Mrs. KHH rested on top of me for several minutes as I softened and slipped out of her, then rolled over next to me. We spent the next few minutes recovering our breath (at least I did).

And back to my opening statement: I've seen it written that when you are in chastity for a while, and when you're let out, and when you are permitted to cum PIV that it can be "explosive." I am now - and will forever be - officially a believer.

I EXPECTED to be able to go down on Mrs. KHH last night. I wanted it, and I'm sure she did too. I had no idea what else she had in her mind at the time. Just when I think I've got her figured out... :shock:

GOD, I love that woman!

And the numbers:
Last O - Monday, July 1, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - July 2, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 166.
Total days caged: 116.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by locked4her55 »

KeyheldHubby wrote:My head was drawn to her beautiful pussy like a politician to a fundraiser
:lol: :lol:

Loved the teasing, relocking then being let out later for an explosive O. :D
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Has it really been a week since I've been back from my last trip?

The calendar doesn't lie, so I guess it has.

I'm sitting in my living room as I write this, enduring the heat today and just relaxing as I listen to "pop hits" on TV. Some of the hundreds of TV stations that we get with our Verizon cable TV are music channels. So I get to listen to continuous music with no commercials... Nice, that.

Mrs. KHH and my daughter left about 2-1/2 hours ago for a one-night getaway with Mama's older sister and HER daughter - who is the same age as MY daughter. Add in a female friend for each of the daughters, and there's going to be an awful lot of estrogen drifting around in their hotel suite this weekend... :lol: The 4 girls will attend a concert tonight - some boy band I've never heard of, while the two moms relax over a nice dinner. Mama, daughter, and friend should be back sometime tomorrow afternoon or early evening, but the timing is somewhat in the air right now. Doesn't matter, so long as they have some fun.

Mrs. KHH gave me a very nice going away present last night, if you could call it that. Being teased and denied mercilessly for half an hour, then being re-caged and told to go to sleep doesn't do the best things for being able to get to sleep, and I woke up this morning horny as hell. Of course, with my penis locked securely away in a Jailbird, there's absolutely nothing I can do about it either. In fact, while Mrs. KHH was getting ready to leave, and while we were alone in the kitchen for a few minutes, she reached down, fondled me through my jeans and whispered in my ear with a smile "At least I know what you WON'T be doing this weekend." My knees almost buckled right there and then.

It's been less than a week since she last let me cum, and it seems like I'm already climbing the walls, especially after her tease last night. Mama seems to be getting ever more comfortable keeping me locked up for ever longer periods. Not that 5-6 days is long by any stretch of the imagination, but I would be willing to venture a guess that it'll be a week or more before she lets me cum again. I haven't run the numbers, but I suspect that my "mean time between orgasms" has been drifting ever longer. I suspect that it's around 10 days to 2 weeks now, and that it'll get longer still. Only Mrs. KHH knows when she'll let me cum, and "she ain't sayin..."


I'm content with the decision in her hands. She gets all the pussy licking she can stand, and maybe even more. She told me last night, that sometimes I lick her so much she gets sore! :twisted: My retort? "OK, just tell me to stop."

2-1/2 hours she's been gone and I already miss her...

And the numbers:
Last O - Monday, July 1, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - July 2, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 170.
Total days caged: 120.
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Various home builts for almost 2 years. Current: Jailbird since January 2013.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Let me warn you in advance. This post is not safe for work. In fact, for those of you who are locked up in a chastity device as you read it, you should probably get some toilet paper and prepare for major drippage.

Yes, I read chastity fantasies. Yes, I actually enjoy many of them.

But last night was a chasity lover's fantasy on steroids.

Mrs. KHH had a very crazy weekend with our daughter and one of my daughter's friends. They met my SIL and HER daughter, and her daughter's friend for a "girl's only" weekend in Hershey PA. Conveniently, Hershey lies just about halfway between the two households. Mama's comment when she got home LATE Sunday night? "There were a lot of girls there." Oh... And by the way - all 6 women stayed in ONE hotel suite with one bathroom.... YIKES!

But Sunday night Mama was home and I was happy. She told me that she didn't get much sleep, and by midnight Sunday night she was ready to conk out.

Cut to Monday.

I worked at home all day (a very, very convenient thing, being able to do that). Mama was home for most of the day, but then went to work at her part-time job from 5 till close. She was home at around 9:15.

I was already in bed, cleaned up and reading when she got home. She came upstairs, got changed out of her work clothes, then disappeared back downstairs. Around 9:45, I went downstairs to plug my tablet in so it could recharge, and say her sitting at the kitchen table reading her Kindle. Daughter was in the living room watching TV. I went back upstairs and got a real book to read for a while.

At about 10:00, Mama came upstairs, closed and locked the bedroom door, put her Kindle on her nightstand, and then came over to my side of the bed. She told me to put my book down, which I did, and then told me to get out of bed and stand next to it. As I was doing this, she opened the bottom drawer of my nightstand and got out the cuffs that we keep there. As I've said before, these are kind of like small pet collars with snaps on the ends instead of buckles. She put one on each of my wrists, then got the snap ring we use to fasten the cuffs together from the drawer and clipped the snap ring to one of the cuffs. She pivoted behind me, drawing my cuffed hand with her. She then grabbed my other hand and drew it behind me, then clipped the snap ring to that one as well, effectively cuffing my hands behind me. Other than her initial commands, this was done in complete silence.

Once I was cuffed, Mrs. KHH led me over to her side of the bed, pulled down my underwear, and tossed them aside. She told me to stay where I was, and went back over to my side of the bed, where she bent down and retrieved a tether from my nightstand drawer. Returning to her side again, she pulled a decorative pillow from the bed, tossed it to the floor by the foot of the bed, and ordered me to kneel on it. By this time, I was kind of in shock. This was much, much more assertive than I had seen her before. Her demeanor was brusque, almost dominating. But not unpleasant at all.

She clipped the snap ring at the end of the tether to the bars at the end of my Jailbird, and then ran the other end of the tether around the bedpost and fastened it. The result was that I was naked and kneeling at the foot of our bed, with my hands cuffed behind me and tethered to the bedpost by my chastity cage, unable to do anything but kneel there. Could have been worse, I guess... She could have NOT given me a pillow to kneel on. :lol:

Mama didn't even take a minute to survey her work. She went immediately into the bathroom to get cleaned up for bed. She was probably in the bathroom for around 10 minutes. I heard the toilet flush, and she returned to stand beside me. She was now wearing only panties. Topless, with her nipples erect, she looked incredibly arousing to me as I knelt there. She moved a bit closer to me and pulled my head toward her torso. Kneeling up as high as I could, my face was just about the same level as her breasts, and I gently sucked one nipple into my mouth and played with it using my tongue for a minute or so before she pulled away.

She moved behind me and over to her side of the bed, then pulled back the covers and laid down. She retrieved her Kindle from her nightstand, turned off her bedside light, and began reading. The time was exactly 10:16 according to her bedside clock.

She read in the darkness, I knelt there in the darkness, feeling aroused and horny. This was really a new one for me. She had tethered me previously, but that was months ago, and only for a short time. This time it looked like I might be in it for the long haul. After about 5 minutes, my knees started getting a bit sore. Thank God for the pillow or I would have been in agony.

After 10 minutes, my knees were even more sore, and I shifted my weight so I was less erect, sort of sitting back on my heels. Nope, no relief there either.

Fortunately, the soreness didn't really get any worse. It just continued at the same level as it was at the 10 minute mark.

After 15 minutes, She was still reading comfortably in bed, and so far as I knew she hadn't even glanced at me once. Definitely different...

20 minutes - no change. I'm still there on my knees, aching, while she's reclined comfortably in bed enjoying her book.

It was darned close to 30 minutes before she sighed, turned off her Kindle, put it aside, and pushed back the covers. She retrieved something from her nightstand and got up. She came to the foot of the bed, reached down, and untethered me from the bedpost, still leaving the tether attached to my chastity cage like a leash. She helped me stand up, and used the tether to pull me over to her side of the bed.

Now I discovered what she had retrieved - it was the key to my cage. I discovered this because I saw her reach down and felt her manipulate the lock for a few seconds. I then felt her pull the cage off my penis, and then I felt her remove the base ring. OK, now I'm really starting to get into this.

She set the hardware aside, then stood right in front of e, reached down and began stroking me. In spite of the fading soreness of my knees, this felt really, really good. Being locked up in a chastity cage makes the head of my penis very sensitive after only a day or two, and her rubbing got me very erect, very quickly.

Of course, I was standing there with my hands still cuffed behind my back and my head tilted back enjoying the sensation. I remember my legs trembling - and I don't think that was because of my knees. I remember feeling like my knees were going to buckle. Never... Never did I think that something as simple as a caress could feel so good.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, she stopped stroking me, looked in my eyes with her "Mona Lisa" smile for a few seconds, then knelt down in front of me and took me into her mouth. Talk about an explosion of sensation! This was completely new, completely unexpected, and entirely erotic. Something out of my wildest chastity fantasy as I stood there with my hands cuffed behind me as the woman of my dreams knelt in front of me giving me the most incredible blowjob. And talk about teasing... Mama kept varying her technique to keep me from getting too excited. Sometimes sucking hard, sometimes gently. Sometimes running her tongue over me, sometimes not. Sometimes taking me deeply into her mouth, sometimes playing just iwth the tip of my penis. Keeping me incredibly aroused, but never getting me even close to cumming.

I really have no idea how long this lasted, because my eyes were closed and were most definitely NOT looking at any bedside clocks, and because time seemed to be standing still. After a while, she stopped and stood up again. Still standing in front of me, she reached behind me and released the snap link on one of my cuffs, completely freeing me. She then turned me slightly and pushed me back onto the bed. She silently urged me to get completely onto the bed before joining me there, kneeling just to one side as I aligned myself to the head and foot of the bed. As soon as I stopped moving, she dove back down, sucked my penis back into her mouth, and began really getting me aroused. Before it was the tease. Now it was the real McCoy. I could feel myself getting harder and harder as I took in the sight of her head at my midriff and the sensation of he mouth on me.

She stopped again, then quickly threw a leg over my and immediately guided me into her. Just when it couldn't get any better, she took it to an all new level. This was incredibly arousing for me, and it must have been for her as well - as I discovered when I felt how wet she was as I slipped into her. Uunnggghhh.

We went at it like schoolkids. Her on top, riding me cowgirl style. Sometimes leaning forward so her breasts rubbed against my chest. Sometimes sitting up and balancing herself with her hands behind her on my legs or in front of her on my chest. Sometimes she was bouncing on me as I lay there. Sometimes I was thrusting into her as hard as I could. Sometimes we were both in motion at the same time. Whenever she was moving, my hands were on her breasts, my fingers tweaking and pulling her nipples, which I know she absolutely loves.

Between her wetness and my arousal, I didn't know how long I would last, but it seemed like I lasted a long, long time.

Then she stopped. Slipping me out of her, she continued straddling me, but moved up so her knees were on either side of my head and pussy was perfectly aligned over my mouth. Without warning or sound, she leaned forward, grabbed the headboard, and squatted her hips down so her pussy dropped squarely onto my mouth. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Wet, hot, swollen, fragrant. So many thoughts exploded through my head in one instant as her pussy settled onto my tongue, which seemed to go into instand overdrive.

I licked with my tongue, I thrust with my tongue, I did everything I could possibly do with my tongue. For her part, she was rolling her hips as she balanced against the headboard, grinding her pussy against my mouth and chin. This was erotic overload for me - a fantasy lover's paradise. It was only a few minutes before I felt her impending orgasm with my tongue, and then it was there, and I felt her shuddering on top of me.

Mrs. KHH usually gets very sensitive right after she cums, but she didn't seem to this time. She shuddered through her orgasm and never really slowed down, continuing to grind her pussy on my face. No argument here! My face is in the place it loves! Seemed like a long time, but then she slowed her movement, then stopped entirely. She lifted her right leg and put it back down with the other one,so she was kneeling beside my head. She then slipped down a bit and reclined next to me. We took a few minutes to recover. I remember feeling a bit cool as the ceiling fan blew a gentle breeze over my now sweaty body. Felt so nice...

But she wasn't finished yet...

After just a couple of minutes, Mama turned sideways on the bed and moved her head back to my crotch. She immediately took my penis back into her mouth and began sucking on it again. Remember, I had come sort of close to cumking a couple of times, but never really close. My cock was still hard, but not "throbbing" hard like it has been before. This changed instantly as I felt her mouth on me.

Her blowjob was completely unlike any blowjob she's ever given me before. They've always been fantastic, but this time she seemed almost frantic with her energy. My cock responded, of course - returning to full erection and utter hardness in what seemed like seconds. There was absolutely no doubt that she was going to make me cum this time. I felt myself getting closer and closer to orgasm.

When it seemed like I was almost there, she STOPPED!!!!

Oh NO! Oh NO! Oh NO! Don't STOP now! Don't STOP now!

Very quickly, she rolled onto her back, then pulled me first onto her, the between her legs. Her hand snaked down between us and guided me back into her now sopping wet pussy. Immediately in. Immediately all the way in, as far as I could go. So incredibly horny, so incredibly aroused. So good. So good. No control. Holding myself up with my hands. Thrust. Thrust. Pound. Pound. Breathe dammit! Uuuhhhnnnngggghhh. Her face... eyes closed.... Mouth slightly open... Panting? Her hands on my back. Pulling. Urging. More... More... MORE.

I went from aroused, to extremely aroused, to cumming in about two seconds when it finally came. No slow buildup like normal. Oooohhhhhhh :shock: this almost blew my head off it felt so incredibly good.

I collapsed onto her, but only for a second before I levered my body up again and looked down at her. Her eyes were now open again, and her mouth was closed, but with that semi-smile on her lips. My heart was still racing, but was quickly slowing down below hummingbird speed... I lay there over her, still in her, feeling myself soften, feeling my breathing return to normal. And I looked at her. So beautiful. Skin glistening with sweat as I'm sure mine was. The cooling of the ceiling fan over me as I only now noticed it.

The rest of the evening was kind of a blur for me. Cleanup for both of us, putting away all the cuff and tether hardware. Collecting all the pieces for my chastity cage and putting them on my nightstand. Laying next to each other and whispering nothings... And then sleep.

I've seen it and think I've said it as well. For me, chastity is a GOOD thing. Lots fewer orgasms for me, but when Mama does let me have one.... WOW! Scenes like last night probably won't happen all the time, and for me that's OK. I had only been locked up for a week, give or take since my last orgasm. And that's fine too. Mama knows that she's in charge. And last night, she was definitely - oh yeah VERY DEFINITELY - in charge.

And the numbers:
Last O - Monday, July 8, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - July 9, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 173.
Total days caged: 122.
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Various home builts for almost 2 years. Current: Jailbird since January 2013.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

It's hard to believe that it's been over a week since my last post....

Work and "life" have definitely gotten in the way of just about everything, and I wonder where the time has gone.

Since my last post, I've been extremely busy with work, and that has taken up not just the "normal" work day, but also a lot of time outside of the normal 9-5. We're really pretty spoiled in the US in that we aren't too impacted by time zone issues. If you make a call from the east coast to the west coast, you're only talking a few hours difference. But if you have a call from the US to the Middle East? Well, a midnight call in the US could be an 8:00 AM call in Dubai... YIKES!

But I've been doing as much as I can to be "normal" as it relates to giving Mama as much pleasure as possible. She, in turn, has been griping about our east-coast heat wave, and really doesn't want to do much other than stay cool. Our house (as recounted previously) is an older one with poor insulation. Our central AC is a decent unit, but really can't keep up on really hot days. So - as I sit here, the thermostat is set at 76, but the actual temperature downstairs is 80, and probably 83 or 84 upstairs. Mama don't do hot temperatures...

My last post described an incredible NSFW session with my beautiful wife. I still remember it and fantasize to the memory. But since then, Mrs. KHH has allowed me out of the cage twice more, once on the 11th, and then again on the 14th. So I had three "O's" in a total of 7 days, with 2 days caged between each one. I think that she's done for now, because I've been caged for 3 days already since my last release.

But the cage-no cage decision is hers, not mine.

In spite of the warmer temperatures, I am having no issues whatsoever with my Jailbird. Fits very comfortably thank you very much! Daily showers and cleaning keep irritation away, and a dab of lotion really helps as well. As I sit here writing this, I hardly even know that I'm wearing it unless I move.

I think wearing a home-built for a long time before ordering my JB really helped me get the right sizes when I ultimately ordered the JB. The cage is non-restrictive unless I get aroused, then it becomes apparent pretty quickly. The base ring is barely snug, and can move back and forth, but not EASILY, so it keeps everything in place nicely, and is sized well enough to reduce the likelihood of pull-out. The base ring - cage spacing (3/8 inch) eliminates the possibility of removal - my testicles simply won't fit through the gap. No way, no how...

Mama is becoming more and more comfortable with me being caged too. When I first got the JB, she would look at it intently if I came out of our bathroom nude. She doesn't even glance over at me now. I guess it's become "part of the background scenery." But if and when she elects to "play," the cage becomes a pretty integral part of our fun.

And the numbers:
Last O - Sunday, July 14, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - July 15, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 181.
Total days caged: 128.
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Various home builts for almost 2 years. Current: Jailbird since January 2013.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Just a short post from the road today.

I'm on the road travelling for business and will be returning home tomorrow late at night. In all likelihood, Mrs. KHH will be fast asleep by the time I get home.

We had a truly wonderful time on Saturday night, with me unlocked and lots of loving, culminating with a phenomenal PIV orgasm for me. Mama is all over the map with the durations of my time locked up. Sometimes it's a couple of weeks, sometimes it's only a couple of days. I wonder if she's trying to play tricks with my head...

In any case, I'm currently unlocked due to travel. I got unlocked on Monday morning about 30 minutes before I left to go to the airport. That's the closest Mama has ever cut it.

But I'm really writing this post because a notion came to me a bit earlier today.

I've been locked up mostly (but intermittently) for quite a while. Mama hasn't denied me TOO much, but has definitely teased me without release a few times over the past month to 6 weeks. So here I am on the road, and you know... I really MISS the feeling of my cage. I get to the point where I barely even know it when I'm wearing it, but when I'm out of it for more than about a day, it really hits my head. Seems like it's all I can think about.

"Something's missing!"

Wonder if that feeling goes away after a while, or if it gets even stronger?

And the numbers:
Last O - Saturday, July 20, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - Currently uncaged.
Total days of JB Ownership: 187.
Total days caged: 131.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by locked4her55 »

KeyheldHubby wrote:So here I am on the road, and you know... I really MISS the feeling of my cage. I get to the point where I barely even know it when I'm wearing it, but when I'm out of it for more than about a day, it really hits my head. Seems like it's all I can think about.

"Something's missing!"
I know the feeling.

How about taking it with you and use one of the plastic numbered locks. Maybe even text a photo back to your wife when you put it on at your final destination and another just before you were to come home. :D
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by kpb57 »

locked4her55 wrote:
KeyheldHubby wrote:So here I am on the road, and you know... I really MISS the feeling of my cage. I get to the point where I barely even know it when I'm wearing it, but when I'm out of it for more than about a day, it really hits my head. Seems like it's all I can think about.

"Something's missing!"
I know the feeling.

How about taking it with you and use one of the plastic numbered locks. Maybe even text a photo back to your wife when you put it on at your final destination and another just before you were to come home. :D
Reminds me of a trip that I reported on in http://chastityforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=11628

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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Sitting here at lunchtime (my time) reflecting on the state of things. It's a beautiful Tuesday outside, with wonderful temperatures.

But Mrs. KHH isn't here...

On Sunday morning, Mama left with two of the kids to drive out to her mom's place in Oklahoma for a 2-week visit. She'll be back on August 9. A 2-day drive (they stopped outside Memphis after going for about 13 hours on the first day), then finished up with a 9-hour drive on Day 2. A long drive, but not too bad. Gets a bit tedious in parts of Tennessee, and then again in western Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma.

From the stats at the end of this post, you'll see that Mama let me out to play on Thursday night before she left, and the night after I got back from my business trip. I actually got home around 1 o'clock on Thursday morning after a late return flight, but it wasn't too bad.

Our play session was extremely fulfilling for me. It seems like Mama has really taken a shine to keeping me locked up. When we do engage in lovemaking these days, it seems like I spend a LOT of time with my head buried between her glorious thighs, and then at the last minute she decides to unlock me, throw a leg over me, and guide me into her. I have said many times that I absolutely love going down on her, and being able to do so whenever she wants me to makes me very happy. I only hope that she's not feeling like she has an obligation to let me cum in her after I spend so much time licking her.

I suppose the big news is that Mrs. KHH has decided that she wants me to lick her pussy again AFTER she's let me cum. The proverbial creampie. For almost 27 years we did nothing like this, then all of a sudden, the last two times we've made love and she let me cum in her, she rests for a minute and then crawls up my body and plants her pussy right over my mouth.

Kind of erotic, definitely a different taste and aroma, she's much more aroused when she does, and I don't mind it at all to tell the truth. But I have to wonder where she got the idea... Since I've been in chastity, she has definitely opened up a LOT more about what turns her on, and has become much more open about how I can give her pleasure. It's almost like having me in chastity has removed some of her inhibitions and allowed her to become a bit more kinky. I don't mind in the slightest, and am more than happy to oblige. I don't mean to say that she's become a card-carrying BDSM domme (not judging at all here!), but compared to how she USED TO BE, she's a lot more "demonstrative."

So Mama is gone until the 9th. The implication of that is that this will be my longest ever period of lockup, even if she unlocks me immediately on her return. I'm a bit anxious about that, but a bit excited at the same time. Now 15 days might seem trivial to some of the veterans out there, but for me it's new territory and I wonder how I'll really feel at the end of it when she gets home. Of course, there's no guarantee that she'll unlock me when she gets home either. :shock:

I think I wrote in my last post that it felt "weird" being unlocked while I was on my last trip. Definitely did. Definitely felt better when I got home and got locked up again. Somehow it just felt "right" if that makes any sense. The warmth of the steel a few minutes after the cage goes on. The slight feeling of "weight." The feeling of constriction of the cage around my penis. The thought of knowing that once it's on, I can't get it off again - only Mama can, and she ain't saying when...

I'll likely post again before Mama gets back from her visit, just to update y'all on how the feeling changes over time.

And one final thought... I would have never guessed when I STARTED posting here that I would be one of the more prolific contributors. I just thought I'd be posting my thoughts and feelings perhaps every week or so as a sort of written documentary about how my life and Mrs. KHH's life have changed since our chastity journey began. I'm thrilled beyond belief to have gotten some of the feedback that I've gotten. Can't say enough how much it means to me. I'm just glad that my thoughts and musings have had a positive impact on others.

... And what a journey it is!...

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, July 25, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - July 26, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 194.
Total days caged: 136.
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Various home builts for almost 2 years. Current: Jailbird since January 2013.
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