[KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by locked4her55 »


Looking for an update? I assume since I checked the news this morning that all is well.

Thoughts and prayers go out to all affected in the Oklahoma City area.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Update as of 10:00 Saturday morning.

Mama's flight diverted into DFW last night, and I was very concerned about them finding a place to stay for the night. If the divert is weather-related, then the airline isn't required to provide accommodations or meals. When I found out where they were diverting to using a flight tracker I have, I went online and found a place for them to stay. So when Mrs. KHH called me right after landing, i was able to give her the phone number of the hotel.

A recurring theme in my posts is about all my travelling. Well, now we see one of the few benefits of all that travel - you really get to KNOW hwo the transportation system works in all its detail. Rather like making sausage... Pretty ugly in process, but the output is pretty nice.

But I'm really more concerned about what happens when they land in Oklahoma City. MIL and her brother took her brother's car to the airport, and spent the night before their flight to us in a hotel just north of the airport. The hotel people told them that they could leave the car in the hotel parking lot - and thereby save about $70 in parking fees.

I was watching Oklahoma City local weather last night for a while. The main tornado tracked right down the middle of I-40, then cut a little southeast. The local weather guys were telling people what ROADS the tornado was passing over. One of them was Meridian, which is the north-south road that runs from I-40 south into the airport. When you travel south on Meridian from I-40, it's only about 3-4 miles to the airport.

Near as I can tell, the tornado split the gap between I-40 and the airport, which means it passed directly over the hotel where Mrs. KHH's uncle parked the car.

But tornados are quirky. It is very possible that the car is gone (along with the hotel). It's just as possible that the car is still there. But I'm not hopeful.

In any case, my heart still goes out to all the people of the region for their loss. All the news reports thus far have been incredulous in the low casualty count. But tears come to my eyes when I think about the poor woman and her baby who were stuck in their car on I-40 in the el Reno area, whose car was blown off the road, and who were sucked out of the car and killed. A devastating loss. Even one is too many.

But the people of Oklahoma are strong and resilient, and they'll rebound. In all the times I've been there, I've never ceased to be amazed at how they can just pick up the pieces and move on.

God bless you all Oklahoma. And God bless you all St Louis.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Mrs. KHH made it safely to Oklahoma City on Saturday after the divert to Dallas on Friday night.

She send me a text that her uncle's car was fine but that very close to where the car was parked there was a lot of debris. Took a lot longer than normal to get to her mom's house. She said there was a big mess on I-40, and it looked like they had just plowed it all to the sides of the highway for now.

Appreciate everyone's thoughts.

She called last night and told me she would have called Saturday but was completely bushed.


And so I sit here, safely locked up for at least another week (Sunday is her return date) as I write this...
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Well, things are starting to quiet down around here (whew).

I'm at home with 4 of the kids, but Mrs. KHH is out in Oklahoma at her mother's until the 9th. Then we have one more event - one of my kids graduates from high school. Then we'll be done with all the "festivities" for this year.

I've been locked up since early Saturday morning. Mrs. KHH left Thursday, but I was allowed to remain uncaged for an extra day. It felt really nice, and kind of weird to be "hanging free" but it feels good to be caged again. I just know that I would have already "abused the privilege" if I hadn't locked myself up on Saturday morning.

One thing I've found is that when Mama is gone, my mind invariably turns to ever more erotic thoughts. I find myself perusing lots of Tumblr sites and getting aroused to the pooint where I'm completely fillling my cage. Then when she comes home again, things seem to quiet down.

Maybe it's just my imagination going wild, I don't know.

In any case, it's times like these that I am really, really glad that I'm locked up.

I had to go rescue my oldest last night, a bit before Mrs. KHH was due to call. His car broke down, and I had to go do the AAA thing. Not a major issue, just a busted serpentine belt and some accessories out of alignment. Caused a loss of power steering and overheating. I got home from that a bit after 10:00 last night, and my daughter told me that Mama had called. I called her mobile and we spoke for a while, but she was in her mom's living room watching the news with her mom, so we couldn't engage in any "adult" conversation. Hopefully we can spend some time tonight.

I love talking dirty with her when we're apart, and I often fantasize about what she's doing as we chat. Of course, she's never told me - saying that it's "her secret." And of course this fuels my imagination and fantasies even more. Seems that what is unsaid can be as erotic as what IS said.

I probably won't have a good post again until she gets home.

Of course I'll be incredibly horny (as I am already). Can't wait. Miss her incredibly, and we've only been apart for 4 days!

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, May 30, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - June 1, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 138.
Total days caged: 97.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

All quiet on the home front with Mrs. KHH visiting her mother in Oklahoma. She returns tomorrow, and I'm "eagerly" awaiting her return. Horny like a goat and not able to do anything about it.

And even when Mrs. KHH gets back, there's no guarantee of relief. The way she's been talking on the phone, I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll remain locked up for at least a while longer. From her remarks and tone of voice, she seems a bit more playful than normal. For the veterans on the board who routinely remain locked up for weeks (or even months) on end, I applaud you. The (soon to be) 9 days of mama's absence have been incredibly frustrating.

While we've had several longer periods of chastity (for me anyhow) when Mama was still here, we've only had two that I recall when she was out of town. I think back to her first one, and I think back on this current one and see a common theme: When she's away with me locked-up, I find that after about a week, I start having the most vivid and intensely erotic dreams at night. My first one was two nights ago, and I had another one last night. I don't remember having had dreams like that when I wasn't wearing a chastity cage. I find that I wake up incredibly aroused. Much more so than the normal "morning wood" that I used to wake up with before chastity (BC :P ). While I like the feeling, and while I LOVE the dreams, you can only imagine the frustration.

Getting in the shower in the morning is necessary, but only makes it worse. Feeling the hot water running over me, and being able to wash the cage area thoroughly is great, but the Jailbird cage prevents any meaningful relief. Yes, the cage has bars and is not a "fully enclosed" device like a CB-XXXX. But the spacing of the bars is just enough to permit good cleansing while not allowing relief. Ah the torture.

Those of you who wear cage type devices know exactly what I'm talking about.

I've also noticed that when we talk on the phone every night that her voice sounds somehow sultrier than it normally does. Mrs. KHH and I talk on the phone all the time when we're apart, and for the first day or so, her voice sounds "normal." But after that, when I'm locked up and hear her voice it just goes right through me. Not that she's explicitly teasing me over the phone, and not that we're always "talking dirty" but even when she's recounting what she did that day with her mother. It's like her voice sounds like it has deepened and gotten smoother. Her tone and pace of speech seems like it has changed. The words she uses, and the way she uses them seem to change. This is also a change from "BC."

Perhaps it's all in my head. Perhaps it's all in my imagination. Don't know.

What I DO know is that just hearing her voice gets me aroused and I quickly "expand to fill the available space."

What I ALSO know is that - tomorrow night, whether I get released or not - Mrs. KHH is in for the tongue lashing of her life! I can reasonably foresee several HOURS spent between her thighs, coming up only periodically for air. And like a whale, I can hold my breath for a LOOOOONNNNGG time.

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, May 30, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - June 1, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 142.
Total days caged: 101.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Eight little words...

Mrs. KHH got back from Oklahoma yesterday, with her flight landing just a bit late at 2:20 PM. By the time she got from the gate to baggage claim, it was a bit before 3. My daughter and I were there to pick her up, and our 45-minute drive home from the airport was quiet except for the Top 40 radio station playing in the background.

When we got home, she went into a frenzy of unpacking and getting the house reorganized the way she likes everything to be. Seems that no matter how I try, things have to be "just so" and she'll move things until she gets them where she wants them. This is a known issue, and we all have the patience necessary to put up with it when she gets home from a trip.

Dinner was a special welcome-home meal of grilled steak, baked potatoes, sauteed squash and green peppers, my sauteed mushroom specialty that the males in the family absolutely love, and salad. Kids cleaned up so Mama could relax a bit with her laptop, doing only some map printing so we could get to the location of one kid's HS graduation in downtown DC today.

Other than that, there was absoutely no indication that anything would happen last night.

Unusually, I was cleaned-up and in bed before Mrs. KHH last night, reading comfortably with my tablet in bed at 9:00. Mama came up a bit later and got cleaned up for bed, then turned on the weather and her Kindle.

I mentioned in my last post that there would be a severe "tongue lashing." Well, my friends, it took place in spades.

Within 2 minutes of Mama laying down, I turned off my tablet, rolled over to face her, and whispered to her that I really, really wanted to lick her pussy. She smiled at me for a few seconds before whsipering back "okay." When she got in bed, I got the impression that she might want something because she took off her cami top before getting into bed. This was unusual, and even though it was just a bit warm (I've complained about our poor insulation before), it wasn't uncomfortably so.

So with her acquiesence, I began gently licking and sucking her nipples. Nothing wild, nothing assertive at all. Just gentle caresses with my tongue and gentle sucking. This never fails to get her aroused, and last night was no exception.

After a few minutes at her breasts, I slipped my hand down to the waistband of her panties and began taking them off. She was nice enough to lift her hips to ease the removal, while I continued my ministrations with her nipples.

With her panties off (a sexy pair of black panties with a lacy front but a solid back for comfort), I began working my way down her body with my tongue. No hurry, no rush. Just enjoying myself and reacquainting myself with her beautiful body. Her torso was warm and I imagined the contrast of the warmth and dryness of her skin with the cooling effect taking place as the wetness from my tongue evaporated undere the gentle breeze from our ceiling fan.

I eventually arrived at her belly, then pushed the covers the rest of the way off us and moved down toward her legs. I slipped between her legs and lay down on my stomach facing the heaven that is her pussy. Not unexpectedly, my attention to her breasts and nipples had her aroused and very wet already, and I was tempted to aggressively dive right in.

It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but I moved very, very slowly toward her pubis with my mouth, watching her as she watched me. I gently touched her pussy with my tongue and she sighed. I then began gently, ever so gently licking her pussy. I often begin by licking everywhere EXCEPT her pussy. But last night, I went right for the motherload. The difference was in the touch. Feather light. It was so tantalizing for me, and I'm sure it was very exciting for her. My excitement was evident in the swelling of my penis in its cage, and the fact that I could feel myself dripping.

She still had her Kindle in her hands, and the TV was still showing the local weather, but I was completely lost in a world of bliss, focusing all my attention on about 8 square inches of area right in front of me.

My gently attention continued for a long, long time. Mama went up the arousal slope, then when I slowed down and shifted my attention to other areas, she came back down the arousal slope. At some point, she turned off her Kindle and put it aside, then turned off the TV and put the remote aside. I don't know when, I wasn't paying attention. My entire world consisted of 8 square inches.

Her hands sometimes went to my head, with her fingers running through my hair. And sometimes they lay passively next to her. She became gradually wetter and wetter, and the flower that is her beautiful pussy opened in its arousal.

She moved her hips in such a way that I knew I should move up next to her. I stopped licking her pussy and moved up her torso, licking and kissing my way back up to her breasts. I then moved to her side, and she rolled toward me as she put her hand behind my neck and pulled my mouth back to her breast.

I've written before about how Mrs. KHH's nipples are wired directly to her pussy and how my licking, sucking, and nibbling her nipples will invariably get her incredibly aroused. Last night proved that true again.

I spent a long time giving all my loving attention to her breasts, alternating between left and right. I was laying on my side, with one arm above my head, and with my other hand caressing her body as I gave my undivided attention to her breasts. Her eyes were closed, but her unoccupied hand kept running over my chest and belly.

After a while, she opened her eyes, looked at me as I was suckling at her breast and whispered (somewhat assertively I would add) "I want you to lick my pussy some more."

As before, I worked my way down her torso until I was again between her legs.

What a difference.

Whereas she was wet before, her pussy was positively glistening with wetness in the soft light of our alarm clocks. Her arousal was evident in the puffiness of all the tissues of her labia, and I could tell that she was very ready for a biblical orgasm.

When I first began licking her pussy, I was extremely gently and caressing. Just focusing on pleasure and not trying to "force" an orgasm. This time I was a bit more firm with my tongue, but again not trying to make anything happen faster than its normal pace. There was no doubt in my mind that she was going to have one of the most powerful orgasms of our married life, and all I could think about was how I could prolong her buildup to that orgasm in the hope that it would be even MORE pleasureable for her when she exploded over the orgasmic edge.

And so I shifted my attention to more than 8 square inches and alternated between soft tongue caresses and more firm licks. I stopped and started. I licked up and down and sideways. I alternated between just the tip of my tongue and the entire flat surface, I alternated between slow licks and rapid flicks with my tongue.

For about ten minutes I built her arousal up this way, until I sensed from her ragged breathing, from the spasming of her hips, and from the pulsing in her pussy that she couldn't take much more.

Finally, I went into full-on drive-you-over-the-edge licking in all her hot spots. Not 30 seconds later, she exploded in orgasm. With a violent inhale, her back arched completely off the bed as if she had been electrocuted. Her thighs slammed together around my head, and the puffiness in her pussy got almost hard as blood flowed into it. Mrs. KHH has never been a "squirter" but with her orgasm last night she came very, very close. I swear the liquid from her pussy was flowing there was so much.

As soon as her orgasm began, and knowing how sensitive her pussy becomes as she orgasms, I immediately went back to slow, feather-light caresses with just the tip of my tongue. This was an orgasm that I wanted her to enjoy as long as possible, with just a small amount of ongoing stimulation to keep the pleasure going.

And so it did...

For a long time...

And I was happy.

Happy that Mama was back in bed with me. Happy to just be close to her. Happy to have the privilege of being able to give her such pleasure.

After what seemed like ages, her orgasm wound down, and she pulled me up next to her and rolled to face me.

And then she said it.

I know you're dying to know...

The eight words??

"I think I'll keep your cage on tonight..."

And she did.

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, May 30, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - June 1, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 143.
Total days caged: 102.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

Mrs. KHH has most definitely gotten a lot more comfortable with the "denial" aspect of having me in chastity.

As you may have concluded from reading my other posts, there are few things in life I enjoy more than being able to go down on my beautiful wife and spend lots of time licking her magnificent pussy. She has told me that my pussy-licking skills have definitely improved since I've been locked-up. Something to do with me being a lot more patient. I think that's because in the back of my mind I know that whether I lick her for a long time or a short time it will have no impact whatsoever on whether or not I get unlocked and whether or not we "go further." Regardless of the reason, it makes me happy to know that SHE thinks I'm doing a better job. Giving her pleasure gives me pleasure. Giving her MORE pleasure gives ME more pleasure.

I couldn't sleep last night, which was unusual for me. Went to bed around my normal time, and just kept tossing and turning. Mama was reading her Kindle until about 11:30 or so, and then she turned it off and went to sleep. It was warmer than normal in our bedroom, which may have had something to do with my insomnia, or the fact that one of the kids was out at a birthday party for a HS classmate (a rather fancy affair I would add - when I took him over to the community center where it was being hosted, he was all dressed up in his "Sunday-go-to-meeting-clothes"). He told us this morning that there were about 70 people at the party, and about 30 at the "after party" at the girl's house.

In any case, I couldn't sleep at all.

Went downstairs and watched some TV.

No luck.

Went back upstairs at about 1:30 and crawled back into bed.

All of a sudden, my arousal hit me like a ton of bricks. I got incredibly horny in about 60 seconds. Not "erection" horny, just "horny."

I looked over at Mrs. KHH, sleeping there so peacefully, and couldn't stop myself. She was topless due to the heat, and was completely relaxed in her sleep, laying on her side facing me with her breasts peeking out from underneath the covers.

Couldn't stop myself. I scooted over to her, latched onto one of her nipples with my mouth, and began gently sucking at her breast. She awoke fairly quickly and I felt her hand reach behind my head and pull my head more tightly to her breast. All was quiet, and I could see her face in the dim light of our alarm clocks. Her eyes were closed, her breathing was slow and relaxed, and she had a very peaceful look on her face. Her hand, which pulled my head to her breast, began caressing my chest and side, making me feel so nice.

I spent a long time at her breast, then switched over to the other one, repeating my gentle sucking as I felt her nipple harden against my tongue. As I did this, she moved her right leg over me so her knee was resting on my thigh. This allowed me to caress her further down, and my hand gradually moved further and further south.

There was no urgency at all in what I was doing. It was simply quiet, peaceful, and relaxing. I felt energized but at peace. She lay there immobile except for her hand, which continued to caress me. So nice...

My hand eventually moved behind the leg that was resting on my side and down to her pussy. I gently touched her pussy through her panties, rubbing her very gently with my fingertips as we lay there together in mutual bliss.

After a while, I slipped my fingers through the leg-band of her panties and began caressing her pussy directly. Still gently, still just with my fingertips, still without urgency. All the time continuing to suck and nibble at her nipple. She motionless except for a caressing hand, me motionless except for the fingertips of one hand. Just enjoying each other's bodies.

My caresses of her pussy became very slightly more urgent, and I slipped my fingers from outside her pussy to the inside of her lips. The difference was incredible. The outside of her pussy was warm and dry. But the instant my fingers slipped past the outside of her labia I felt her incredible wetness. I continued my caresses, up and down her pussy, reveling in how wet she was.

A few minutes of this and I rolled her onto her back so I could slip her panties off. This took only a minute, and I pulled her back to me so I could resume my ministrations at her breast while having better access to her now soaking pussy.

A bit longer, and I rolled her to her back again as I moved down between her legs so I could enjoy with my mouth what I had been enjoying with my fingertips. She spread her legs to allow me to slip my body between them, and adjusted her body to be more comfortable.

All this time, neither of us said a word.

I moved my face down to her pussy and took in the enthralling scent of her arousal. Made me even more horny! My tongue seemed to have a will of its own as it began lapping at her completely aroused pussy. So nice. So incredibly wet.

It seemed to be only a few minutes before I felt her breathing become more erratic as her hips began jerking spasmodically. She was very, very close to the edge, and I knew that her orgasm would be a big one.

It was.

I continued licking her for a long time as her orgasm exploded upon her, and I continued enjoying every second of her release. When she finally came down, I moved back up next to her and began caressing her breast again with my fingertips.

She, in turn, reached down and began caressing my chastity cage and balls through my underwear. But only for a minute or so before she slipped her fingers under the waistband and began pulling them off. I lifted my hips to help her get them off, and she resumed her teasing. But she only teased me for a few minutes before she stopped, rolled over, and got the key to my cage from her nightstand.

She unlocked my cage and removed the lock and cage, but leaving the base ring in place. For my part, I was dripping wet with my arousal. We lay there, me now on my back and her on her side facing me. She began running her hand gently up and down my penis, and my excitement was incredible. I quickly became erect, then hard, then harder still as she continued to stroke me. It felt so good.

I felt myself building toward orgasm, and I think she did too. She stopped stroking my penis and began running her hand over my chest and nippes, which were incredibly sensitive by this point. As she did, I felt myself pulling back from my orgasmic cliff. She continued running her hand over me, exciting me yet relaxing me at the same time - if that makes any sense.

Then her hand was on my penis again, and she began stroking me again. While I had calmed down a lot, and while some of my hardness had gone away, it seemed only seconds before it was back again. She lay there calmly and outwardly relaxed, and I was laying there so excited that I was trembling. Her hand moved to my thighs and balls, and I could feel her cupping them and squeezing them gently before moving back to my penis and stroking it again. My arousal began building again as I felt myself moving up toward my point of no return.

Frustratingly, she stopped again and moved her hand back to my chest and nipples. I'm not sure if I moaned softly or not, but I certainly FELT like moaning. For probably four or five minutes she let me "cool down" before taking my penis in her hand again and beginning to stroke it to full hardness one more time.

This time was different, though. When I became fully hard, she slipped down, leaned over me, and took my penis into her mouth. I could feel the wetness and warmth of her mouth over me, and the eroticism of it all almost made me explode right then. Her hand was now caressing my thighs as she began licking my wetness from my balls all the way up to the head of my penis.

At some point, she took me out of her mouth and held me with her hand, then closed her lips and pushed them against the head of my penis. As she did this, she opened her lips ever so slightly and let my penis "pop" into her mouth against some resistance. As my penis popped past her lips, she rapidly moved her head down until I was amost completely in her mouth. She did this repeatedly, and it felt so incredible.

Mama then did something that she's never done in the over 27 years that we have known each other. While holding my penis, she took just the tip into her mouth and began simultaneously sucking and running her tougue around the tip. This drove me almost insane with arousal, and it was all I could do to keep myself from orgasm. Right on the edge she had me. Right on the edge she held me. For what seemed like forever. I wanted so much to cum. I wanted so much to NOT cum. I wanted the feeling to continue - to keep going forever.

And then she stopped.

I don't know where she had put it, but she leaned back, got my cage, and began fitting it back over my penis. This was no easy task as I was fully erect and as hard as I've ever been. But my penis was very wet and slippery from a combination of her saliva and my pre-cum, and she persevered, eventually having the cage back on and everything aligned for the reinstallation of the lock. It took her a while to get the lock hasp through the holes, but then it was done.

And then the first and only words of the night...

"I don't want you to cum tonight..."


The feelings were incredible. The arousal almost indescribable. The love palpable.

I love being in chastity for her.

But I never did apologize for waking her up.

And the numbers:
Last O - Thursday, May 30, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - June 1, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 150.
Total days caged: 108.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

After a pretty long time locked-up (for me at least), Mrs. KHH not only unlocked me last night, but she also permitted me some PIV, and gave me permission to cum.

Maybe she felt sorry after the magnificent T&D session the other night.

Or not...

I'm leaving town today for the rest of the week for a domestic trip, then next Monday I'm off to the Middle East for a week. Lots of frequent flier miles, but I can also foresee plenty of aggravation in my future over the next couple of weeks.

Never ends.

It feels like I've been locked up forever, and being out of my cage as I write this feels unusual. Yesterday I was in meetings all day at work, and I could feel my cage - all nice and warm - restraining me all day long. It felt like the base ring of my MM Jailbird was nestled firmly against my body. Not tight or uncomfortable in any way, just "there."

I may have time to update sometime this week, but not sure. I'm "double booked" all week, with meetings all day every day, and with a major proposal to write at night. Then next week, I think it highly unlikely that I'll even be able to access the site from the Middle East. They commonly block erotic sites based on their titles or based on their content.

So it could be a while.

In the meanwhile, I'll be dreaming sweet - oh so sweet - dreams about Mama's loving last night. Teasing, playing, kissing, nibbling, and much more. All as a prelude to her taking my cage off and impaling herself on my fully aroused and engorged penis.

So good.... So good.... SO FREAKING GOOD!

And the numbers:
Last O - Monday, June 17, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - Not currently locked-up.
Total days of JB Ownership: 150.
Total days caged: 109.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by KeyheldHubby »

It's almost noon on the US East Coast as I write this and my mind is crazy with thoughts.

I was out of town domestically almost all last week, and was uncaged the whole time, but never masturbated - mainly because I was "burning the candle at noth ends" and was simply too tired at the end of the day to do anything other than go to bed and go to sleep when I finally crashed well after midnight each night.

Tomorrow I head out on an international trip to the Middle East - and won't be able to do any updates as erotic sites are almost always blocked. My big project in South America is ongoing, and will be for another 10 months minimum. If my Mideast trip is successful (highly likely), I'll probably have to turn South America over to another so I can pick up the Mideast effort - which will be over 2 years long with lots of travel back and forth. While I appreciate the frequent flier miles, being apart from Mrs. KHH is always a pain.

So I've got that running through my head right now.

I've also got the most incredible T&D session I've ever experienced running through my head. Last night Mrs. KHH cuffed me to our bed and then subjected me to almost an hour (I think) of the most arousing, exhilerating, frustrating, and loving torture that a man could be subjected to.

I've been caged since Saturday morning, and haven't cum for about a week (yes, I know it's not particularly long), so when she cuffed me to the bed last night, then took off my cage and began teasing me, I just about went out of my mind. I never knew she could do the things she did with her fingers and her mouth last night. And it was all so incredibly light and gentle. Arousing and calming at the same time. All the while bringing me up and down like a yo yo.

When she took me into her mouth it felt so darned exciting. I kept trying to thrust with my hips to raise the stimulation level, but every time I did, she would raise her head in time with my hips, denying me any opportunity. Then she would do the same thing with her fingers. Over and over again. I swear I was a quivering bowl of jelly.

Then, very matter-of-factly she told me that I wasn't going to cum, turned on her nightstand light, and put on my cage again.

ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH :shock: :shock:

Needless to say, it took me a long, long time to go to sleep.

And then this morning, she's up and about, getting ready to head out to the store and acting like nothing unusual is going on. While I'm sitting here trying to get some work done and going absolutely bonkers.

God I love that woman!

And the numbers:
Last O - Monday, June 17, 2013.
JB continuous wear since - June 22, 2013.
Total days of JB Ownership: 157.
Total days caged: 110.
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Re: [KeyheldHubby] My Chastity Story - A Long Time "Cumming"

Post by Shorty »

Superb thread. If I wasn't so involved with my beautiful loving wife, I would be most jealous of your relationship.

Please keep posting.
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Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
– Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)
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