[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Monday I was treated to a beautiful edge session, C is getting rather good at keeping me right on the edge without going over, It is hard to describe the powerful erotic feelings that come with this, constant delirious bliss.
When C has had enough, she gives just that little bit more, one fingers worth. so that I ballance on the fine line between coming and not. A miniscule amount of cum makes it's way out and runs down my shaft. This marks the end of my session and I have to lie there, purple veined shafy, swollen balls, longing for attention, but not allowed to touch.
I have to lock back up.. When it calms down enough.

I don't get C's full attention in any of this. C will either be surfing the net, Reading, watching TV or online shopping.

Personally I find this very erotic, that C can do such a good job on instinct, and can keep it up for any amount of time.
I think If C had to give me her full attention it would be shorter and less often, so this works well for us.
Today (Tuesday) I am back in the extremely horny and C worship zone.
C will enjoy this for a short time, possibly play with my head, fuck it up a bit, and then slap me down.
C has given me the 'your under my thumb' sign a few times.

We are opening up more, able to talk sexualy, something we could never do.
I did ask C if I could watch her masterbate sometime, and her reply was "maybe? I think I could do that"

It may or may not happen, the step forward here was that I was able to ask without either of us feeling awkward.
5 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Tuesday, edged again while C had a breast massage.
It wasn't until C had let me out and we had started that she asked "when did I edge you last.. Was it yesterday?"

"It was yesterday"

"I didn't need to let you out for this then, ah well, bonus for you"

C came on her period on Wednesday, she toyed with the idea of edging me again an then said "Nah! I might do something in the morning"

The morning came and C gave me a choice. "Not much point in unlocking it if I cant use it, but you're probably going to get desperate soon. If you need to come real bad you can do it caged over my boobs with the vibrator, or I can let you out for an edge but your not allowed to come"

"Wow! I wasn't expecting that?"

"So, come while caged or not come while not caged?"

"that is a real messed up choice"

"Is it? Do you want to come or not? "

"Well I do now"

"OK, you're staying caged then, and I expect you to clean any mess up this time. "

And so, hovering over C's quite amazing breast, armed with the vibrator and encouraged by C's words of denial, cleaning up, asserting her ownership etc. I got sooo close to coming. It was painfully restricted.. I couldn't get there. I tossed the vibrator down in my frustration with a load of abusive language.. I give up, I really want to come, but I can't"

C took a little pity on me. "that looks very painful indeed, it isn't a healthy colour at all"

And then C offered me the other choice. Come out but don't come.

I took it of course, it was deliriously good in a way that shouldn't make sense, some cum did dribble out following a close edge and C was insistent that I clean it up. Painfully insist ant in a ball crushing way.

I was horny as fuck afterwards, C amplified it by saying "you're the only one who swallows cum now, it somehow make me feel more powerful. But it is still quite disgusting. Enough, lock up before you leave the room"

I eventually locked up again and handed the key over to a stretched out open palm. Whoosh! Keys gone.

C then let me know again, that she wasn't likley to have much use for it. So I might just have to ride it out.

C doesn't normally play once on her period, but will edge me in return for work, favours, meals new car, house etc. I've a feeling a new kitchen is on the horizon, but this morning was off the cuff with nothing being bargained for.

This was pretty mind blowing considering.

I was glad to get up and head off to work, I needed the distraction. Every cell in my body longs to be with C right now.
Does C know that the longer she keeps me like this, the more likley I am to agree to anything she wants?

Absolutely no doubt about it. And C deserves everything.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

C edged me three times this morning to reward me for the three extra tasks I had managed to do on top of my usual chores. An edge for each. It was a glorious 3 minutes worth of torment as I was being reminded by C, that she had made me eat my own cum off her breasts yesterday, and I would be made to swallow more soon.
For this reason, I was not allowed to cum. C wanted it to pile up a bit after letting some out yesterday.

"tomorrow I'm going to use my mouth on you for a change, you already know what you have to do afterwards, if I do allow you to come that is"

"Stop!" calm down, breath "Yes, I know the rules"

C then went on to explain how, when ready, she would be sending down to 'eat her pussy', toy and tongue fuck her with vibrator and that I would definitely Not be coming out.
"So, i'm going to come hard and you will be staying locked"


I mentioned that the hornier I get, and the more desperate I get. The more I want to eat her pussy rather than come myself, makes no sense, but it's true"

"Good, because you won't be getting a choice. I won't make the mistake of letting you out before hand again. You was very naughty last time"

"But maybe afterwards yes?"

"Probably not, I might have to keep sending you down there until your desperate enough to beg me to let you out"


"That's it, you've had three, don't touch, put it away, you have lots to do and I have a hair appointment."

What a great morning.
4 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


I'm looking for a pattern in behavior regarding C.

C behaves differently at different times. It confusing.

Friday afternoon.
Despite being on nows, she is being very mischievous and getting her entertainment from my locked predicament.

Today, not only has she made it clear that I will be toyed with, she has also made it clear she has me by the balls.

C had me serve coffee and French bread to her in bed. I wasn't allowed to put clothes on so had to run around the house naked apart from cage. It was.. Uncomfortable.
Later in the day, after C had had her hair done, she held her hand out palm up at one point. I was a bit clueless as to why until C looked at my crotch area and raised her eye browse.
I dropped my shorts and placed balls onto palm.

"this is staying locked until it goes in my mouth tomorrow."

At this I became instantly cage tight.

C gave me a good wincing ball squeeze and said "I have you by these, I control them, they control you."

Then she slapped one of my balls just for the hell of it. "I'll let them take me out for lunch"

"yes dear"

And again, later in the day we were sitting on the patio. Pigeons on the ground and swallows in the air.
From out of nowhere C said "I don't swallow. I'm the carrier pigeon. You're the swallow".

C also made a few comments that got me swelling and pointed out that it would be swelling and bulging inside its cage.

Saturday morning C sucked and fed me as she said she would.
A wave of tired has swept over me now the spell is broken.

But the willingness and want to please C hasn't diminished.

It's the start of the summer holidays. Lots to do.
3 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


It's been a heatwave week of too hot to romp. C is teasing regularly, edged me Tuesday, and has promised lots of action (for her) as soon as she is clear.
I came on Saturday and have been told ill not be coming again until weekend.. Or maybe not until C can have one which could be any length of time.

A new thing Wednesday is feet. C quite fancied seeing if she can get me off with them. Or at least to the edge as I've been told not to cum.

I'm not sure how this came about, I may have mentioned that I love her feet as I often do, but I don't have a fetish.

So I was unlocked, instantly hard and oiled up. C pressed the soles of her feet against either side and started foot wanking me.

C has small feet, my erections is longer. I found it amusing, but it just confirmed that I'm not foot fetish material.

Within a minute C had leg ache and gave up. So offered a no cum treat edge over boobs with lots of verbal and eye contact. I was teased a lot and unfortunately a bit of cum escaped so C stopped "naughty", Ball smacked me and, made me clean it up.

Afterwards C looked me in the eye and said, "i just made you eat your own cum" .
I was still extremely hard and horny, even more so now, purple, bulging.
"stroke my butt while I nod off, and lock it up when it calms down, I've had a thought about the morning"

That meant lots of nocturnal, which don't usually wake me, but these were fueled by my imagination and many lewed C dreams.

The following morning C said "you need to practice your self control".
I was to to edge myself for as long as she was reading her book while naked beside me.
I was to keep stroking her, and my self edge lasted over an hour.
Eventually C stopped me and asked "did you make a mess"
"No honey, close but no mess"
"good, lock it back up, I like that it's hard on demand"

I was glad to stop, I was suffering a bit of friction burn and my prostate was screaming.

So. Feet didn't work out. I wonder what C will come up with next?
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Friday. What a day so far.
C woke me up this morning. I was so hard in my cage I'd been whimpering in my sleep.
So C let it out to give it room to grow, but no more.
I was still hard an hour later, the thing was just jutting up in the air, getting the occasional stroke from C.

Imagime that.. An hour long rock hard erection naturally created by a build up of whatever C is doing to me.

Before all this, I had forgotten what this type of 'hard' felt like, and most certainly would never expect to feel it again.

I was sent to make coffee, and go the the loo so the erection finally subsided.

After coffee C said "Aww. has it gone. I wanted to sit on it"

"I think it was worn out from being hard for so long" .

"Hmmm.. Maybe I can get it hard again... How about I suck it and then sit on it.

".... "

C " OK then.. Your not allowed to come and you lock it back up"?

"yes, please. "

"Ha! I can't belive you got harder at being told you can't come than at being sucked?"

"I can't explain that. I want that suck more than anything?"

"just a small one then"

So C started to suck me, I got incredibly hard after a few seconds followed by a "pop" as it left C's mouth.
C then lowered herself onto me.

"Oh god.. Go slowly please" .

"I will, this is just a taster for you. You're not allowed to come".

C rode me very slowly until she could take the lot balls deep. I cant push when it's this far in, a bit too painful for C.
C then asked for the vibrator.

"hold it against my clit, don't come"

So C rocked gently too and fro from cock to vibe.

"squeeze my tits, I'm so close"

"God C, so am I"

"don't you dare, just breath and hold it back"

C then stopped, took the vibe off me and told me to lie back and think of whatever would distract me so I don't come, and started rocking again.

It's insanely hot watching C get herself off, especially with my cock buried deep inside her and trying not to come.
I watched C's face change as an orgasm ripped through her and then another before she climbed shakily off me.
I massaged and sucked C's breasts and stroked her pussy lips while her orgasm calmed down. C was very sensitive down there.

C "OK, go make coffee and breakfast"

We ate alfresco in the courtyard. I was still rock hard an hour after C had come.
Every time it starts to subside C said or did something and it got it hard again.
It didn't help that C said she is still feeling shaky from coming so hard and is still quite horny.

I needed to get back on with stuff. C was getting tired of my lingering and groans of frustration and that I was still too hard to cage up. She knew it was only a matter of time before I snapped and just took her.

C Asked me inside and had me stand eyes closed, shorts down.
And count to three.
On one C gave me a side swipe to the left ball.
Then another to the right

C.. "wow, that hurt my hand, I hope I haven't damaged anything.... did it help?"

"yes, thankyou, I just need to sit a moment"

I had no problem getting the cage on then, it really did calm me down.
Yes, I'm still horny, but my balls are reluctant to push it.

We went out for a chill on the beach later on, and while we were putting a beach chair away.

C "Slide it in.. All the way in" In a very sexy naughty voice.

"OK.. Can I come?"


"Can you come?"

"oh yes"

C said she would be playing with me. She kept it up all day.

After Dinner we sat outside again and C said "I'm going to empty those for you later or tomorrow, I think milking them dry onto my boobs and making you clean them will do it. "
At the same time C was making wank actions over her breasts and squishy licking noises.

And the flirting has continued.

2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
avid fan
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by avid fan »

You're a lucky man...I would be dying to lick or suck my cum off/out of her by this point...
0 x
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Friday evening C told me she would be keeping it locked until the morning.
I slept surprisingly well considering I was off my head with lust, and woke up again with a bulging cage on top of a swollen lump.

C said she wanted to milk as much out as she could. "It might calm you down for a while"

"I hadn't realised I was being annoying with it sorry"

"your not, I'm liking the attention and you've been pampering me all week, but I think it's unfair to let you keep you so horny like this"

"You can keep me like this for as long as you want, you hold all the keys as it were. I actually like being hungry for you. Yes I do get desperate to have an orgasm, it comes in waves, but it passes"

"No, I'm going to empty them, but I didn't say anything about you having an orgasm? "


So, out I came, hard, aching, desperate.
C started off by saying "I'll let you slide it in me first, would you like that?"
"Well yeah!"

So I slid it in slowly, god it felt good, I drew back ready to slide in again, and "Stop, hold it there, just rub my clit a little. Now just the head. Hold it.

I was paused with just the head inside C, what a glorious sight, I was dying to push.

" OK, enough, get the oil"

I groaned with the effort of stopping.

C then edged me over her breasts.
Each time I said stop, an amount of come would ooze out and C would steer me around to get even coverage across her breasts and nipples.

C "wow, there's a lot coming out. Ready to go again?"

"yes" and a few strokes later "stop", followed by another long oozing of cum"

This happened countless times until what came out was thick and lumpy. Then thicker still and then nothing at all, just a burning sensation. Not nice any more.

"Please stop now, it's very sensitive and it doesn't feel nice at all.

C ignored me and kept going "you used to do this to me when I asked you to stop, now you know how it feels"

The whole scenario turned from bliss to an uncomfortable torture, becoming more and more unbearable.

"Please stop C, it's horrible, I feel like I'm going to pee and it's almost painful"

"OK, but your still really hard. You can go one more, maybe a big one?"

"No, I really want a proper orgasm, but I can't stand it"

"OK then, are you going to clean this lot up, I don't think I've ever seen as much?"

C was drenched, I was quite shocked at the amount. The the idea of anything kinky, sexy or erotic now was long gone. C had spunked every urge out of me and replaced it with discomfort and an almost repulsive feeling. I would rather run away that be subject to anymore of this.

"I can't, I really can't"

"Neither would I to be honest, in fact I never will. I'll let you off, I've done what I wanted to do.
Get it locked back up then, I need you on best behaviour"

I locked up as soon as I was able. This whole thing felt really weird in a wrong sort of way. My tubes were on fire, I felt slightly sick, felt no sexual satisfaction at all, still horny like I hadn't come and absolutely no wish to deal with that. My helmet was super sensitive in the cage"

I started getting things ready for a weekend away. When done C told me "I'm not taking the key, so no point in you asking for anything at all, and when we do get back. It will be my turn to come lots"
0 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

avid fan wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:54 am You're a lucky man...I would be dying to lick or suck my cum off/out of her by this point...
And I was.. At that point.
Post ruined orgasm torture soon put a stop to that.
0 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

The rest of the weekend was very normal, non electrifying etc..
Sunday evening, when we got back from camping, C wanted some own time to read.
"I've cleared you out, so no sex talk or anything tonight. I want a break from it."

C was tired, and sometimes you just need some alone time. I respect that.
So I found things to do until bedtime and just checked on once in a while.

C surprised me by locking the door and stripping naked before getting into bed and then getting a towel which she double folded and placed under her beautiful butt.

"don't say a word, just get down there and make me come, lots. And hard"

I finger fucked C's g spot to start with while softly thumb stroking her clit. C came, a gspot orgasm.

"Oh yes yes .. Another, make me come harder, use your tongue"

So I swapped to tongue on clit, at the same time using the 'my size' dildo. I tried to minimize clot stimulation as a clit orgasm would be the end of it.

As C built to the next orgasm I stopped the clot play and concentrated on slow deep thrusts.
C came again, this time it was a tit grabber, a much more powerful deep spot vaginal orgasm. I was loving this.

"Vibe on clit, big toy, I want a bigger one"

And so I did just that. Bigger dildo and vibe on clit. C took it eventually and started chanting "I'm keeping you locked, I'm keeping you fucking locked. You can watch me come, I'm going to fucking come so hard, you'll beg to come. You really want to fuck me. your not fucking coming, stay locked and keep making me cum, I'm going to.... Fucking fuuckkkkfuckkfuckkkk...

C did a 'lot' of coming. Bucking and twisting like C was in electric shock therapy or struck by lightning... I've created a monster..

Watching C orgasm like that.. While between her thighs. I cant explain it. She has the curvy body of a porn star and the orgasms riped through her, its a mind blowing spectacle. Fucking wow, I'm so blessed.

The towel, was a good idea. I think the g spot massage opened the flood gates.

I didn't even wonder if I might be getting anything, that was everything I needed and C had already turned on her side and rolled up, eyes closed.

I stroked C's butt while she fell asleep, C muttered something about a wet patch and that I was in trouble for making her come so hard, went through the towel. Next time I do it properly.

We both slept so very well.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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