[lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road

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Re: [lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road

Post by slave d »

lockanky wrote:
But I love my wife so much for what she is doing. She is being selfish, because she really doesn't want to be bothered with my sexual needs until her project is over.

This whole experience may actually end up being a tremendous gift to my wife. She is learning that she can put her needs first. That was not previously in her nature.

Hopefully the cat is out of the bag and will never go back in - because I think that is healthy for her.

i haven't been in chastity for very long but i feel you've really got this wrong and that most KeyHolder's would be only too happy to put you right !!! Time for a bit of discipline and humility i think !!

Statements such as "She is being selfish" "a tremendous gift to my wife" and "i think that is healthy for Her" would be reason for a fairly heavy duty discipline session with my MsM and She doesn't even like discipline !!!

Seriously, i'm not sure you're very far through this journey yet. Just my sub view though !!

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Re: [lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road

Post by lockanky »

I don't get what you're saying?

I'm reflecting on my wife's nature and the effect that my chastity seems to be having on her.

What's wrong with observing?
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Re: [lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road

Post by lockanky »

The rocky road is smoothing out...

It has been a couple months now - most of that time myself being in chastity.

The first contract was a success, although it had some problems. My wife and I just entered into a second contract that is better.

In the first contract, I was denied orgasm until I lost a prescribed amount of weight. I was required to excersize daily. It was tremendously successful in a number of ways. First, my fantasy of chastity was fulfilled! As an added boost, I got in much better shape and I lost the required weight! My wife was never too excited about the chastity part and was reluctant to agree to the contract. But in the end, she loved the results of the workout regimen. She is sold on the effectiveness of chastity.

After two weeks without chastity, we entered into a new constract. This time, my wife was enthusiastic! And, this time, knowing that strict adherence gets results, she is being very firm.

The new contract requires further weight loss. This time, I am allowed to cum up to two times per week if my wife wants. That is a major improvement from the first contract, and I think it will work out well for both of us! I have to skip a cum day if I don't do my excersize routine each day, grant all of my wife's wishes, and if asked, I have to clean her up after I cum by licking up all of my cum and swallowing it.

The last requirement I put there because I was so horny when we wrote the contract. This is something I now regret really really bad for a few minutes right after I cum. But then later it is erotic to me again. It turns out to be a very cruel trick I played on myself.

There is no way out of that one. When I ask my wife to change any of the contract, she says NO. She wants the results.

At one point I asked my wife that we just cancel the whole contract and let me out. In the past, she would have considered it if I was sincere. This time through, she flatly said NO! The thing was, I actually did want to cancel the contract - at least at that moment.

So it looks like I got what I wished for: I'm totally fucked. I can't cum until my wife wants me to. I have to do anything she asks me to do. I have to eat my cum if any drips back out of her.

What have I gotten myself into?
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Re: [lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road

Post by lockanky »

TESTIMONIAL: This really works!

My wife has had me locked up for a couple months now. She decides when I can cum. In between those times, my cock is locked and it is impossible for me to cum.

When my wife decides it is time for me to cum, she usually wants me to cum inside her. She loves that I am so excited, and I love the way she communicates that with the look on her face. She has become my release, and my body knows that is some deep way.

In between those days, I long for my wife. I yearn for her. It is so much fun for me to be thoughtful. And the physical restraint gives a sensation that she is teasing me sexually, which feeds my erotic desires. It's rather incredible how intense and persistant the effect is. It doesn't get old. It is erotic. It feeds me.

She teases me by reminding me that I can't cum. It does something to me. I love that she has that control over me. It is so intimate.

Chastity has changed everything. For one thing, we actually have sex more often. The sex that we have is better and more intense. My wife gets more oral sex, which is a win-win :).

Last but not least, our contract is written that I have to work out or I skip a cum day. That has energized me in an important way; I've been very dedicated to my workout regimen like I've never known. That is also a win-win, but I think my wife would say that is the singularly most compelling reason that she is participating.

All said, chastity has made a surprising transformation in my life. It made our strong relationship even stronger. It put a lot of spice back into our sexual relationship. It continues to surprise me in the way that it deeply affects my psychy - and that was totally unexpected.

Enforced male chastity ROCKS!
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Re: [lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road

Post by lockanky »

My wife found the most devious way to torture me. She is going to do it to me again tonight.

It is something that I thought of and we did once, but now, this is the only way she has let me cum for the last several times.

This is how it works:

When she tells me to, I tie myself up in the following way. Using leather ankle cuffs, I cuff my ankles around the leg of the bed. I put a ring gag in my mouth. The next part is tricky to explain, and tricky to do. The end result is this - my elbows are through a belt loop that goes behind my back so that my elbows are at my side, but cannot come further forward. I have locking suspension cuffs that are pulled by another belt that goes between my legs and loops around the first belt.

As I prepare, I lay on my back and place a spoon on my stomach. Once I click the lock on the last cuff, there is no escape. I am laying on the floor face up. With my mouth open and my hands at my cage.

When she feels like it, kneels with her knees locking my head in place. It also shuts out most of the sound.

She unlocks the lock on my cage, and instructs me to make myself cum. She tells me that she is going to spoon my cum into my mouth and make me swallow every drop.

It doesn't take long. Her promise to make me eat my cum is very erotic to me. After being locked up for many days, with the view I have of her from below, and with the promise she keeps saying, I usually cum explosively, leaving copious amounts of hot cum on my stomach and chest.

Suddenly, the thought of eating my own cum becomes much much less appealing. In fact, it instantly becomes something that I really do not want to do.

This is where the spoon comes in.

As I'm immobilized by her knees, and with my mouth held wide open by the ring gag, she begins spooning up the cum and feeding it to me. She often makes me lick each scoop off of the spoon. She makes me swallow each spoonful.

I am utterly helpless, and I do as she says. I lick the cum off the spoon as she says. I swallow the cum as she says. And it seems to take forever, but she keeps finding more spoonfuls to scrape up across my skin.

Then, as if that weren't humiliating enough... then she tells me that she will not let me out until I put the cage back on and lock it.

The first several times, she would just unlock it, and it would be a struggle to get me to put the cage back on after the experience.

But now, every time, she simply won't remove the cuffs until I've locked the cage back on.

I have to lay there for several minutes with the taste of cum in my open mouth while I wait for my cock to become flaccid enough to put the cage back on. No problem, she has plenty of time to wait. She can even leave and come back later until I am re-locked.

When it is re-locked, she unlocks a cuff, and then I can undo the rest.

She positively loves doing this to me. Actually all she does is squeeze my head with her knees, turn a lock, and then spoon the cum in my mouth. Her part goes really quickly and it's no work at all for her.

She is in complete control of me. She makes me do things against my (earlier) will.

I probably should have never shown this to her in the first place.

Maybe she will get bored of this, but I am not seeing any signs of this yet.

Now, every time I cum, she uses a spoon to make me swallow all of my sperm.
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Re: [lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road

Post by locked4her55 »


Let me see . . .

Leather Ankle Cuffs - check
2 Belts - of course
Ring Gag - got one
Locking Suspension Cuffs - now where did they go?
spoon - I'm gonna use the serving size

"Hey Honey, can I see you in the bedroom for a few minutes" 8-)
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Re: [lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road


You are very lucky to have such a caring KH , very jealous of the cum eating!!!!!!
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Re: [lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road

Post by lockanky »

Something has changed.

Last weekend my wife and I talked a lot. I explained to her that I feel that I could convince her to let me out. And after a week or so, that is what I usually do. I definitely have fleeting feelings that I am out of control, but somehow ultimately I feel that I could be really convincing, and she would unlock me if I wanted.

I explained to her that if I feel that I have some control, then it is a playful game and nothing more. She also complained that she feels that I really don't follow her commands, only the ones I want.

I told her that people say that chastity doesn't start until the chaste male wants it to stop.

And it all came back to that if I feel I have any control, then the whole chastity adventure is a game.

In the meantime, I fantasize about ways she could be far more devious and cruel to me. Then it becomes too hard to keep these ideas to myself, and I tell her. After all, I'm really the expert on all the locks, restraints, etc., so I feel a responsibility to let her know these things she could do with them.

So now something truly new has happened. Well, it sounds the same, but it is deeper. I've put some ideas in her head on how to use handcuffs and a locking collar. But more importantly, she is determined to keep me locked up for three weeks. It's different this time.

For one thing, the spoon thing I described in my last post is intense. It starts out that I really want it so bad. But then when I cum, it becomes humiliating. She forces me to eat my own cum, and then she will not unlock my restraints until I've put the cage back on.

Did I mention it is humiliating?


And it does something to me, because there really is no way out. I have to put the cage back on, and I really really really don't want to do it.

And afterwards I feel humiliated, and stupid. I question why I insisted getting this chastity device and making my wife participate. I feel stupid that I have it on. It's almost awful. And I definitely don't have control right then.

But then in a few days, I beg for it again. I can't help it. It becomes super fucking erotic.

And the cycle repeats.

That was all fine and dandy when I had some control and I could get myself out of the situation for the long term.

But now that has changed. ...in a deeper way than before. This time, she is not going to let me out before the agreed upon date. She may even extend it *for real* if I don't do something she's asked. I've already tested the waters with some of my best techniques, and she is really not going to budge this time. It is going to be three weeks minimum.

And a funny thing about this is that the more often I cum this way, the more torture it is for me. The worst thing she could do is FORCE me to cum this way every day or every two days.

And this cycle is going to break me. I mean, I REALLY do not want to be locked up after this, and then a day or two later I can't help but beg for it again.

It's like a flaw in a machine, that blindly keeps pushing its own button until it blows itself up.

I don't know what's going to happen to me. It is going to break my mind. I could handle a few times and then coming out of chastity, but the thought of 2 or 3 weeks in a row of this.... I cannot even imagine what is going to happen to me.

I'm going to melt.
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Re: [lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road

Post by grubber »

From what I've read about your journey, I have no doubt it's a rocky rd and I have have surmised a few things. Mind you these are my opinions and because everybody's journey is different, you should take them with a grain of salt.

First and foremost, your wife is an incredible woman. Actually amazing. You should kiss the ground she walks on. She obviously loves you more than you realize. At least while you are going through this journey. I'm sure others here would agree.

I have read how you have experienced this and that and how your wife responded and how horny you are etc. It's like you keep piling it on her. (Topping from the bottom) so to speak, instead of letting her grow into it at her on comfortable pace. It sounds like she is going through the motions solely because she loves you and wants to keep you happy. I can't see what's in it for her. I haven't read how much you love her anywhere.

You need to start letting her control the pace and make this all about her with no pressure. Don't bug her or get grumpy or grabby. Keep up a great attitude at all times o matter how horny, frustrated, depressed etc you are. Always keep your mouth shut about chastity, being locked up or horny. Go out of your way to do things to please her (out of the bedroom) no matter what it is. Be very proactive with even the little things and never seek approval for doing them. Be supportive of her. Most importantly always show your love for her anytime, anywhere you are, anyway you can. This also means in public, when with friends, with family etc.

Not trying to tell you what to do, just trying to give some constructive tips from experience. Everything you will ever want from chastity will come back tenfold when you re-adjust your attitude and make it all about her. You could have an incredible relationship like nothing you even knew was possible. Your sex lives will grow. Well hers anyway but yours will grow in a better way. You will come to love denial and the aching horny high more than the orgasm itself and your wife will love the denying you.

Try going 3 months, six months without being unlocked or orgasm without complaining and you will start to understand. She will become your everything. My wonderful, beautiful wife just graced me with a permanent orgasm denial gift recently and I couldn't be happier. I will sacrifice them gladly to have the feeling we are sharing.

remember, chastity is a lifestyle and a journey for the both of you, not a marathon.
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Re: [lockanky] Starting the journey... rocky road

Post by lockanky »

Thanks for your comments.
Yes, you are right. She is amazing.
Thanks for noticing that she loves me immensely. And to her credit, I don't make it so easy. I don't take it for granted. I think about it every day.

No, I haven't mentioned, but yes I do love her like crazy. I feel very lucky.

I missed that day in class when they explained what to say and what not to say to make your woman happy, so your comments give me lots to think about.

And they scare me.

I don't know what I want.

I don't know what that thing that comes back ten fold feels like.

And when guys talk about permanent chastity, I don't know what it means. Does your wife stroke you to tease you sometimes? How often? If so, how did your wife figure it out on her own?

I'm sure my wife would never guess that I would like that if I didn't spell it out for her. And then am I topping?

I am a big part of my rocky road... I don't know the best way for this to evolve. I don't even know how far it could evolve. And I don't know what I want it to evolve to.

It is fun, though. It is exciting. It is an adventure.

Maybe I will end up documenting the perfect example of what not to do!

Or maybe this is good enough.

Thanks again for your thoughts. It is plenty for me to think about.
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