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Re: [Cucklocked] So far so fantastic....

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:57 am
by Cucklocked
What a weekend. Sometimes things just work out oddly!
On Firday night I was late back and got into her bed when she had already gone to sleep. After half an hour of nudging into her gorgeous bum with the CB6000 there was still no response. Then her phone went ff: a text message - I looked across and could see who it was from, but would never try to read the message etc. That was me done though - I did't know his name til now, but I guessed it was from her monster cock man. What a feeling that was - laying there locked up know ing she had been texting him...
I sent her a text to say how I felt about that - yes even though I was laying next to her. When she finally woke up and saw both I ended up giving her (quite frantic) oral attention whilst she carried on the phone flirting. eventually she took a pic of me locked and up against her and sent it to him. Fantastic.
The next morning was day ten. I was to be checked and cleaned again - however I was in for a surprise - she decided that I could stay out for a while. As my record was 12 days I had very mixed feelings about this.... loved being free (and I was used several times, but obviously not allowed to come) but also sort of felt annoyed, which is sort of ironic and ridiculous!
Need to learn to meet her needs, not mine.
Was locked up again 24 hours later, during which time she had been with me constantly. After another 24 hours and more back in I'm settling again.......... this really is a learning curve

Re: [Cucklocked] So far so fantastic....

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:33 am
by Cucklocked
Two week have passed since I was locked, but for that day off. That's two weeks without coming..... not that long for many on here I guess, but new territory for me.
I waver between intense need to just empty them for Gods sake! ha ha and a real calm. Sounds like bullshit perhaps, but there is so definitely something very spiritual about all this. Real calm is hard to find in the world but waking up each morning (alone but not alone in the world....) with the reassuring feeling of the cage gripping me lightly and holding me together, as it were, is amazing.
And yes, I find myself buying gifts for the keyholder and being pretty damn nice to everyone around me, unless perhaps it's in one of those need to empty moments! Wonder how this will go now?
Two messages from keyholder this morning stand out. One was after she had sent me a picture of her chest and asked whether I wanted to come all over it. When I replied yes she replied 'maybe in a week or two'.
The other was a little later after I had told her how amazing she was and how happy I am. She liked what I said and said I should be careful as I might only be let out 'very occasionally' if this sort of behaviour and spoiling becomes the norm. I replied that as long as she feels loved and sexually fulfilled I'm happy with whatever she wants.
Sometimes I do wonder if I've found an amazing person and relationship, or an amazing way to be. Mostly I think it's both. In a good place, but not assuming that's forever.

Re: [Cucklocked] So far so fantastic....

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 10:35 am
by Cucklocked
16 days into the NO Vember marathon. All good, seem to be just getting on with life and enjoying the hot water from the showerhead on my balls more every morning!
Swapped into the spiral yesterday. This was the keyholder's request. The medieval steel sort of primal thing (or the weight and the coldness against her) make it one of her favourites.
I have a meeting on Monday though and its back in the CB6000 for being away from home purposes as this seems the best we have for longer term comfort.
Might just be turning into a gearhead gradually...... mind you Mike's Spikes have been mentioned for the weekend......... that should be interesting after the longest I have gone without coming for about 35 years! (yes, I'm that old)

Re: [Cucklocked] So far so fantastic....

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:43 pm
by Cucklocked
Back in the CB6000 and nearly at the end of day 18.
The weekend was good.... I was teased mercilessly in the spiral until it really started to bite in... I slept in it but woke early and was released for a few hours on Saturday morning. Was really pleased that I was used but managed not to come..... was just good to know I could still get a proper erection ha ha! In fact it stayed up for hours...... good fun. Really didn't like the idea of being locked again, especially without coming, but as soon as the CB6000 was back on I found myself being attentive, getting soaked, and loving it.
Today was something else. I was having to drive away to work, so we parted this morning. I messaged her from home saying I was showering before going and that the hot water would relieve my swollen balls. She told me to think about whether she had been extra wet at all lately......
Eventually messages were exchanged and it was agreed that I could try to ask one 'yes or no' question each day. She would decide whether to answer.
So today I asked whether I had ever been cuckolded by her without my knowledge (as I suspected this might be part of NO vember). She answered in one word (with some kisses of course) Yes!!!
I had promised no follow up questions so I thanked her, started to think of all the times that might have been, got in the car and drove for hours.
What a fantastic life.
Of course I don't know at all when this happened...... might be in the last 18 days, might be months ago, or both......
Wonder what I should ask tommorow?
Have thought of several possibilities ha ha.

Re: [Cucklocked] So far so fantastic....

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:18 am
by Cucklocked
Three weeks in. Twenty one days locked, with 24 hours off but no coming, for the first time ever. Still feels right and more natural all the time in some ways. Cleaning the CB6000 is not too bad - cotton buds, wipes, lots of showers......
Emotionally I'm low but that's also to do with loads of work. It's sit down at the laptop work too - not ideal with swollen balls ha ha.
I got overexcited by Sunday's revelation and pestered her by text on Monday - got myself indefinitely banned from any mention of cock, sex, etc etc...... and only cuddles are allowed when I do get to see her.
I expect this will change at the weekend but that seems a long way away.
Need to let her take proper control though, am getting there I guess

Re: [Cucklocked] So far so fantastic....

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:47 am
by Cucklocked
What a weekend. Friday was day 23 and the final day as it turned out, for now.
I had to drive somewhere for about a three hour round trip in the early evening and when I got back the keyholder had let herself in and was on my sofa, naked under a dressing gown.
After a while she moved and I noticed she had shaved. She only ever does that for her monster cock. I knew what it meant.
He had left a few minutes before I got there and they had used my bed. Wow! Of course I got over excited, was allowed to clean out anything that was left and was then encouraged to play with myself as much as I could with the CB6000 still on. Well you can guess it......... an in cage orgasm. I expect many of you have been there, but for me it sort of happens in two stages....... in the head and balls and then, once a slight relaxation of pressure takes place, a really pressured spurt that looks pretty impressive ha ha.
After that I was released and although the plan was to lock me back up again after a few hours that didn't happen. Mainly because after 23 days I'm sore but pleasingly not chafed or anything. Not convinced I've got the spacers / ring combo completely right yet but pretty pleased with how the CB6000 went - although I sort of wish I couldn't come in it. As has been said on here before it doesn't really matter as if you are going to do that then there's no point pretending to obey a keyholder. For me that's getting less of a problem all the time. And judging by the demonstrations and descriptions of what I missed on Friday night, she is quite enjoying it too!!
Weird on the energy front and the endorphins thing. Woke up today with back ache, which I get loads of because of an ancient injury. Realised that I hadn't felt any pain from it lately. I know from floatation tanks etc that if endorphins kick in the pain is reduced....... chastity as pain relief!!!! Irony in the extreme.
Have felt really tired since release though too...... happy tired, but sort of like the feeling that I've been through a fulfilling but maybe draining time.
No idea at all what is next. Probably some quiet time.

Re: [Cucklocked] So far so fantastic....

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:32 am
by Michele
Sounds like you had a really fun weekend! I agree to the pain thing... it seems hubby has less as well and doesn't complain of the normal aches and pains he used to. Well not nearly as much!

Re: [Cucklocked] So far so fantastic....

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:27 am
by Michele
Pssst, where you've been?

Re: [Cucklocked] So far so fantastic....

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:32 am
by Cucklocked
I've been busy with life.... and surviving storms that arrived from the west and put water through my house ruining some of the electrics...... and an overload of work...... and

Oh what the hell. I'm good thanks. Think a new lock up is imminent. Bought her a larger dildo for the harness at Christmas, about the size of her monster cock....... she rode it hard when it was strapped to me and said "now you have some idea what a real cock is like for me" as she dug her nails into my chest and came harder than I'd ever seen.
Good purchase!

Re: [Cucklocked] So far so fantastic....

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:38 am
by Cucklocked
Day 2 back in CB6000. No idea for how long this time. Was told yesterday by KH that I won't be the next one to be inside her though.......
My guess is it might be a fair while......... feels good.