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Re: A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 2:05 pm
by TwistedMister
Sometimes the 'back and forth' is there, sometimes it isn't. As for your wife, you already said she was 'doing fine', which to me translates as 'feeling better'- no need to 'hope' if it's already a fact, right? And you didn't want to go into details so I left it alone.

The 'teasing' comment- just poking a little good-natured fun. There's no need to get upset, that *is* part of the back and forth that you say you're looking for. I, for one, try not to hijack someone else's thread (not always successfully) with my own addition of "Well, I..." when someone is telling their own story.

Re: A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 2:49 pm
by CaptivatedCaveman
Sometimes the 'back and forth' is there, sometimes it isn't. As for your wife, you already said she was 'doing fine', which to me translates as 'feeling better'- no need to 'hope' if it's already a fact, right? And you didn't want to go into details so I left it alone.

The 'teasing' comment- just poking a little good-natured fun. There's no need to get upset, that *is* part of the back and forth that you say you're looking for. I, for one, try not to hijack someone else's thread (not always successfully) with my own addition of "Well, I..." when someone is telling their own story.
Yeah, you make good points. I think I'm dealing with more stress from my wife's operation than I realized. Even though she is doing remarkably well, it was hard seeing her in pain with nothing I could do to help. And going to sleep alone with her in the hospital recovering from surgery Friday night just felt very, very wrong.

Expect more from me soon.

Re: A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:22 pm
by Atone
I'm sorry to hear that your wife's situation is causing you so much stress. I am glad that she is doing well and hope that both of you soon recover fully. I can relate to the experience of having to leave my wife (and even kids) in the hospital. It is an amazingly empty feeling.

I cannot speak for any others but I am cautious in getting too involved with someone on an Internet forum. I am reluctant to invest too much in a deeper relationship because it may disappear at any time. I have had it happen before and try to avoid it. I am interested in your journey and will continue to follow it as long as you keep updating.

Re: A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:55 am
by CaptivatedCaveman
Atone wrote:I cannot speak for any others but I am cautious in getting too involved with someone on an Internet forum. I am reluctant to invest too much in a deeper relationship because it may disappear at any time. I have had it happen before and try to avoid it. I am interested in your journey and will continue to follow it as long as you keep updating.
Ahh. I see. This is all very new to me so I'm still learning the social conventions of internet forums. I'm going to continue posting journal-style in this thread and leave discussions to other threads.

So, here we go. Let's rewind to Monday of last week, when my wife assured me I was going to regret not having clean underwear for her that morning. She got home on the late side that night, just after I had put the kids to bed. She said, "Come with me," and led me into the bathroom. She told me to lie down in the tub.

At this point I knew what was coming but couldn't quite believe it. She dropped her pants and the uncomfortable boy-shorts she had complained about and stepped into the tub, standing over me. She placed one foot on the edge of the tub, where it met the tiled wall, and emptied her bladder.

She did it in a very casual, clinical manner. Not erotic, not emotional. Just very matter of fact. I think that is part of why I felt so affected by it. We'd played a little in this arena years before as part of our exploration of BDSM, but I hadn't expected to revisit it.

Like so many things lately, it felt different. It doesn't feel like a game. I had let her down and she was expressing her displeasure. I still can't believe I'm writing this. Maybe it's tame to some of you, but for me it was pretty humiliating. Not in a bad way, but certainly in a "shaken to my core" kind of way. I thought I had a pretty good idea of who my wife is, but I keep finding myself surprised by the changes in our relationship since getting locked up.

All good changes mind you, but surprising.

Anyway, after that I showered off and we went to bed. I wore the chastity device until Tuesday night. I think at this point I came to view my time in lock-up as bumping into "The 48 Hour Barrier."

I woke up Wednesday morning and started my daily routine, feeling a little depressed. I missed the cage. The skin felt fine down there, so I finally called my wife around noon and asked if I could go back in. She said, "Of course," and encouraged me to do so any time being out made me feel so low, provided the skin wasn't irritated.

So I locked myself back up, determined that this time I would make it past the 48 Hour Barrier. Wednesday passed without incident, as did Thursday. Yes, I thought to myself, I'm going to make it. The chastity device wasn't giving me any trouble. This wouldn't be a problem.

My wife tells me on Thursday that if I do a good job cleaning the house, she'll milk another drop of cum out of me. I clean like a madman. By the time she gets home the house is in great shape.

That night my wife and I cuddled in bed. I told her how much I missed getting to spend any time with her the past few days. She looked at me and smiled.

"Well then," she said, "aren't you glad you're going to get to make me come tonight?"

"What would you like," I asked, grabbing a towel and laying it out on the bed.

"Go down on me," she responds. Finally, I think. I've been missing the taste of her. But as I move up to her she rolls onto her belly and spreads her legs. Oh. She wants me to go down on her from this position. Okay, no problem. It's a little trickier but doable. Especially when I slide my arms under her thighs, tilting her pelvis back and exposing her clit.

I bury my face in her pussy and begin lapping at her, gently, all around her labia. I'm taking my time getting to her clit, building to it. Soon her hips are moving, making it easier to pleasure her. By sliding my tongue counter to her movements I can cover more area. Soon I have worked my to her clit and begin teasing it. I can feel her arousal build.

Then I feel her shift and hear the drawer of her nightstand open. I feel the hard surface of her magic wand bump against the side of my head.

Damn it.

I was so enjoying going down on her. I wanted my mouth on her during her orgasm. But she wants the vibrator and it's her show, so I position the magic wand in place of my tongue and switch to licking her asshole. For variety's sake I slip three of my fingers into her pussy, thrusting in an out as my face rides along her writhing ass.

She gasps as her orgasm takes her. I keep finger fucking her, shifting to just my index and ring fingers, rolling my hand palm down so I can hook her G-spot. She groans as her orgasm, which was starting to die down, crests into a second long, drawn out wave. She rides my hand through every last shred of pleasure.

Sated, she rolls onto her side and we cuddle again. We talk. She wants to know how I feel in the chastity device. I assure her it feels fine. No problems. Can I wear it longer, she wants to know. I assure her I can, and in response to her further queries, I assure her that no, I'm not upset about being denied further. Even though the house is clean to her satisfaction. She can see that I'm getting off on the denial. On the ever-shifting goal post.

Satisfied by this she kisses me goodnight and we go to sleep. Yes, I think as I drift off, I can do this.

My big mistake happens Friday morning. We awake before the kids. Normally she's the one up early to head out for work, but now that I'm awoken by denied morning wood, I get to share this time with her. Deeply hungry for her at this point, my hips involuntarily grind against her thigh as we cuddle.

"Go ahead," she tells me and I begin desperately humping her leg. In the chastity device. Big mistake. Soon everything is burning down there as my cock and balls strain to escape their prison. I have to stop. We get up and proceed with our morning routines. I'm in discomfort but think things will settle down soon. Only they don't.

As the day wears on I get progressively more uncomfortable. My wife calls and says she's going to the doctor. She's hurting and can tell something's wrong. I go walk the dog in the woods, waiting to hear back from her. It's about time to leave the woods and pick up my kids from school when my dog goes tearing off after something. I can't find him. Fuck. Of all the days to deal with this shit.

Fortunately he was just attracted to someone else's dogs. She hangs onto my dog until I finally locate them. I race for the school and end up being only five minutes late. I'm also really hurting by this point and really worried about my wife.

Finally I hear back that she's going into surgery. Once I get someone to watch the kids I can come join her. I leave the device on until my babysitters arrive and it's time to go to the hospital. I've broken the 48 Hour Barrier but there's no joy in it. Physically I'm still in pain from the dry-humping and emotionally my heart is in my throat. I know it's not a life-threatening situation, but I've known people who died during routine procedures before. It happens sometimes.

I leave for the hospital, feeling like everything is up in the air.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 8:55 pm
by imalmostalwaysright
Well, it's been an interesting few weeks. My husband, Captivated Caveman, had an epiphany. As we were discussing another attempt at chastity play, he looks me square in the eye and says, "It' not about me." Ding, ding, ding...that was the right answer. Our earlier attempts never really felt like chastity play, not that I necessarily knew what it should feel like. I just knew it didn't feel right. It was more like he was topping from below because I was never really in charge. I could do it "wrong". I felt like I had to act, and I'm not one who enjoys that. Frankly, it felt like a lot of "work".

It might sound cliche to say it's very different now, but it really is. There's no second guessing myself. I don't have to pretend. I just be me. It sounds so simple...almost too simple. What I've realized is he had to give over the control and have faith I would do the right thing. He needed to trust I know him and understand what he needs, often more than he does himself. Basically we've started a new relationship.

The hardest thing at first was all the doting. I almost didn't know what to do with all the attention. I also didn't feel like my husband was just another baby bird squawking for attention, like the kids or dog. All of a sudden, I had what I always wanted...a partner.

I will write more soon. I'm still recovering from surgery and on pain meds. They're making me loopy so I'll stop after I ask a question, which I will also repost on the keyholder's thread: How do you know you've got it right and the dynamic is working?

Bye for now...

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:15 pm
by celticqueens_sub
.......and have faith I would do the right thing. He needed to trust I know him and understand what he needs, often more than he does himself. Basically we've started a new relationship.

That is so true. Trusting another person to this extent is a massive step and opens up all sorts of relationship possibilities in terms of deeper communication and understanding.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 6:35 am
by deepj15
I have not been on the forums for a bit - work has been insanity and the exhaustion I feel when I come home is just overwhelming so I just caught up on your posts now.

I hope your wife is feeling sucks and is stressful on everyone in the family for sure.

I know that today I am going to lock my husband up - so to read your side of things and what you feel is interesting to me as my hubby not big on sharing feelings generally unless I ask. So thanks for the continued posts.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 10:06 am
by CaptivatedCaveman
deepj15 wrote:I hope your wife is feeling sucks and is stressful on everyone in the family for sure.

I know that today I am going to lock my husband up - so to read your side of things and what you feel is interesting to me as my hubby not big on sharing feelings generally unless I ask. So thanks for the continued posts.
Good to hear back from you, deepj15. Not much you can do about work sometimes. Just gotta slog through it.

I'm glad my posts are of help to you. Let us know how things go with your husband.

My wife is doing better but we're not out of the woods. We hit a speed-bump or two in the course of her recovery. I'm aiming to write another post later today to get up to date.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 8:47 pm
by CaptivatedCaveman
It's Friday evening, a little over a week ago, and I'm in the hospital looking for my wife. I'm directed to a waiting room. No one is there. No patients, no relatives, no staff. No one.

I wander around the room for a minute and notice a sign on the empty receptionist's desk informing me that I should pick up the phone and dial the displayed number. I call and explain who I am to the woman on the other end. She says my wife is out of surgery and recovering from the anesthesia. The doctor will be out shortly to speak with me.

I go back to waiting. I don't sit. I pace. I look at the uninspired paintings on the wall. The same name is listed beside each one. I wonder if he's ever come down here to admire his work on display.

I continue my circuit around the room.

Eventually the doctor comes out. Everything went extremely well. Everything that needed to be removed is out. The incision was small. My wife will need two weeks of rest, but she'll be fine. I can go in and see her shortly.

The doctor departs and I go back to waiting until a nurse comes for me and leads my to my wife's bed. She's still a little disoriented. I stay with her and hold her hand. We talk. I get her ice water to drink. I watch her vital signs on the monitor.

We wait a few hours but my wife still feels too weak and dizzy to make it home. The nurses find a room for her to stay overnight. We kiss and say our goodbyes. I go home without her and relieve my babysitters. They didn't have to do any work. My eldest child got the rest of them in their pajamas, made them brush their teeth and put them to bed.

I shower and go to my room. My bed is empty. Even when I lie in it, the bed still feels empty.

I sleep.

The next morning I get up with the kids, we eat breakfast together and then all go to the hospital together. My wife is almost her old self again. She's smiling. It's sunny outside and there's a beautiful view outside her window. It takes a while longer than I'd expected but eventually we make it back to the car and then home.

I spend the rest of the weekend taking care of everyone while my wife rests and recovers. She's doing remarkably well, even getting up and moving about on her own. I was expecting it to take longer. Sunday night as we're cuddling in bed she reaches over and starts stroking my cock.

I'm a little surprised. I didn't ask her to do this. I didn't give her any cue that I need it. I tell her I'm okay. She should get her rest. She says she's fine and that I should be quiet. I acquiesce. The only part of her body that's moving is her hand, so I'm not worried she's hurting herself. I relax and enjoy her touch.

My wife can work wonders with her hands and even this minimalist performance is remarkable. Sooner than I'd like I've lost control and I begin thrusting with my hips. My wife lets go and and I ejaculate onto my belly. Definitely a ruined orgasm this time, not just the drops she extracted before.

I have a little more to clean up this time, but it was worth it.

The week moves quickly. There's a lot to do and I have my hands full. I'm not wearing the chastity device too often this week but that's not the important part. I remember my commitment to my wife.

It feels like we're in a sort of limbo between our old life and a new one of which we've just had a brief taste. But that's okay, I can wait. After all, it's not about me.

Thursday, after nearly a week of improvement, my wife suddenly feels very tired. All her energy is gone. By evening she's running a low fever. We call her doctor and are fit in the next day. It turns out that one of her internal sutures appears to be infected. She's prescribed antibiotics. Just when things seemed to be going so well.

Now time seems to slow down as we wait for improvement. My wife keeps poking at the sore spot, trying to judge if it's getting bigger or smaller. Within 24 hours the fever is gone. Slowly her energy returns. By today things are finally looking good. The infection seems to be receding.

We get some time to talk again about our relationship and where it's going. It's been a month since that day of morning sex and my last orgasm. I can feel my body's hunger for sex, but I'm riding the hunger rather than being ridden by it, if that makes any sense.

After a hellish week we can finally start looking forward to our lives again. I hope.

Re: [Captivated Caveman] A Journey into Chastity

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:52 am
by MissyBsBitch
Well I hope your wife continues to do well.