[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Tom Allen
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Tom Allen »

As it happened I didn't get to the party because when the bus was passing the theatre and I noticed Tom Allen was performing live Tonight only. Funny man. Had to do it.
I chanced it, got tickets and watched the show, dressed like a penguin.
Wow, that was you? Looking sharp, brother.
1 x
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Yep. That was me Tom 🐧


My head hurts. I woke quite early anyway. The caged contents of this cage doesn't care about hangovers and has been quite relentless.
I did wonder if being in a smaller cage might be better for a while?
That idea lasted about two seconds.
No. The small one isn't going on unless instructed, and that would only be possible if I still owned one.

C made me take a photo of the front door when I got in last night to show I had locked it properly.
She asked to see it before leaving for work.
All was good of course. It's C's way of making sure I actually check.

"You'll be in charge of the fort, so I'll check up on you later. I don't have to be here to punish you if you're not good".

"Woah. I will be good. Where did that come from"?

"Oh nowhere. I might ask you to send another photo to prove something else is locked later".

Mid afternoon C text me "Proof please". Which I sent, but wasn't particularly happy about.

Then C replied "I'm not bothered what condition I'm in. I'm making use of you later or in the morning one way or the other".

I have been good, so C will let me take her out for a date.

So we're off for another a meal. My chance to woo this incredible woman.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Still Saturday.
So. A nice Indian restaurant, good atmosphere and nice food.
The perfect setting for a romantic evening.

C and I talked about many things, weather. Kids, holidays and eventuality it got around to my performance and future.

"About your denial".

"Yes my bright and beautiful lady. How are you feeling about that" .

"Oh I'm feeling like I need to abuse you sexually" .

"Great, I'm all yours" .

"Good. And well.. I'm afraid I'm really enjoying this" .

"Enjoying what. The meal" ?

"Not letting you come" .

"But you're always not letting me come" ?

"Yes but not for a month, and never with knowing I'm going to lock you up when you've finished. And even then not let you come".

"And that makes you really happy"?

"Yes. Kind of. I'm enjoying it because I always feel sorry for you, mean or guilty.
This time I don't".

"Oh. Erm that's good? May I ask why"?

"Because you made the choice.. Kind of. Actually No. Because I didn't" .

"OK. I understand.. That's made it easier for me too I suppose".

"Good. And you are doing very well" .

"Thankyou. So will I have done three, or four weeks tomorrow" ?

"Three weeks" .

It dawned on me at that point. I'm not even half way yet!

"Ah well Yes. It's still your choice you know. If you decided you felt bad at any point. You don't actually have to complete" .

"Oh no. This was your choice. Your told choice. I have the paper. I couldn't possibly let you down and give in" .

"Let who down? Me or"

"Yes. And don't try to guilt trip me like that again or you will be getting help deciding what can be done to make this time even harder for you".

"I'm sure that gun is already primed. I hadn't meant to make you feel guilty sorry. Another gin, more wine?

"Primed already? Very intriguing. You'd tell me if I have to enforce your time in any way?

'Yes of course' (like I'm going to ask?)

" Good. Well as long you're behaving".

Well there are lots of ways to behave. And I'm definitely doing one of them.

"Yes. Yes I am. Let's talk about something else. We have a big day coming up, dress is ready. Do you need a handbag?

"Aww poor little puppy is So sweet when you he starts to panic and sweat like that.
Lets talk about how hard I will be coming in the morning, I'm too tired for tonight".

"Mount Vesuvius"?

"Hmmm. Yes. That will do nicely".

C fell asleep as soon as we got home. I've tucked her in, made suppers. Now chilling and looking forward to tomorrow.

I Love watching this lady sleep.

Nos da.
0 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »



C gave me a Suck edge. She is rather good at this.

If you are trying to Imagine the frustration after being taken to the edge like this time after time and then being locked back up. Try again and double it.

So. Very horny and frustrated I watch C lie back and say "Vesuvius"?

Now it's my turn to play.

Women can be edged too ya know. And this is what I was allowed to do today because it's a free day and C doesn't have anything important on.

Obviously C gets to orgasm, that's the rules.

I use a vibe lightly l, hands stroking everywhere, build things up very slowly.
Hovering just below the threshold. It appears like C is having an orgasm, but she isn't.
It is just starting to erupt, body starting to tense involuntarily and I lift the vibe. But carry on the stroking, so the sensations head outward in waves, latching onto the caresses for some way of tipping over. It takes a bit of concentration reading C's body and timing this right.

Eventually everything in C went off all at once, Boom! A full body fit of sorts and the eruption was over.
Soon to be followed by the after shocks and tremors. Quite a few to start off with, then timed further apart.

When C get up to walk to the bathroom she had another orgasm and sits again while it passes. Waits and tries again.

I could touch a nipple and cause another, but I'm not allowed. These after tremor mini orgasm things were still happening thirty minutes later.

It worked so well because C hasn't come for a few days I think.

C will be in a bit of a daze for quite a while. She won't be able to function.
I'm not often allowed to do this. It's actually been a couple of years since I was.

I left C to recover and went to make breakfast.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Extremely hard through the night again, but I can sleep through most of it.
Morning frustration is more difficult to deal with.
I can't belive my 'restart' only started one week ago? Even though It's been over three weeks now, I still have four weeks to go. Im not complaining, sometimes we need pushing out of our comfort zone in order to improve and deep down I appreciate it.
Only one more week of edges, and then I can settle down into my nice comfy cage undisturbed for a few weeks.
The four weeks of edging rather than two has taken its toll. I will be randomly hard and leaking all day. More likely all month and it isn't going to get easier.

Not the best position to be in considering.

Today we are all off to a bank Holiday wedding.. It's quite a big event. Our youngest is a brides maid, and son an usher.

The venue is a beautiful hotel with views across the Conwy valley. We will be staying over.

So it's going to be a busy day.
C will be dressed to kill.

I will be suited and booted and will have to make a speach. Im hoping nerves will prevent any spontaneous erection attempts, but I'm glad at least it can't grow.

Yes. Unless something unforseen pops up. I am looking forward to being Just locked, undisturbed in my nice comfy cage.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Very tired after a very long day yesterday.

The cage just randomly fills up solid throughout the day. Fortunately not during the speaches.
Hard when going to bed, hard when I wake up and hard any other time it feels like it.
I follow C around as though she is the carrot on a stick. Constantly wanting, advancing but never reaching.
As each day goes by I want her more. I envision myself taking her so often I feel like I've become obsessive. I dream about her of course, more often I'm locked than not even when dreaming so wake up horny and frustrated.
But I can't lie. I do enjoy that feeling of being so restricted, because it always reminds me who, why and how this came about, and I can't help smile a little.

C didn't take the key along to the hotel of course, wouldn't have even considered it. Same with holidays and cruises.
She however ensure I stayed horny by letting me climb on her and rest the cage against her pussy after all the festivities had finished and we retired to our suite.
Then we settled down as usual, cage between butt cheeks and holding her breast.

We are back home now having a lazy afternoon lie down. C says I have excelled myself and have earned a treat. So she might take it out for a play later, maybe.

She has dozed off now.

I'm Just sat here hard in my cage as usual.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Hard hard hard hard hard.

Horny frustrated horny frustrated.

C recovered and took it out to play with it, because she gets a lot of pleasure from doing this.
Making me wish I could come and making sure I know it is not allowed.
I enjoy it too obviously.

C started off by saying "I'm, going to have a little play, you are not allowed to come".

She takes me to the edge and while I'm struggling to hold it back, whispers such things as "Imagine filling my soft warm pussy with come".
"Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck!.. Not fair".

To the edge again.

"Don't you dare. Only I'm allowed to come".

The last edge (there's a reason it was the last), was so so close.
C just lent forward and said
"Aww poor thing. Should I just suck it all out for you"?
That was nearly enough to make me blow.
And then.. She flicked her tongue over the head. Lightening quick, Like snake.

I felt a slight tensing inside, beyond my control, my whole body rock solid tensing with the strain of holding it back.
"Don't do it. That would be very, VERY .. "
A droplet of cum slowly apeared

This really isn't fair.

C looked at me and said "That. Is not. Allowed".

Scooped it up on her finger. "It has to go back in. Open wide.. There".

"Thank you" ?

C reached into the drawer and brought out a wooden ruler.

My first thought was 'That's my foldable nautical rule. I wondered where that had gone? "

Second thought "Ah"!

"Stand up naughty boy, hold your thing up so your balls stick out. Hmmm, yes, right there.. Hold still".


It just caught my ball.
I didn't feel much to begin with, unlike the slaps,.and then it started to Sting.
I stood straight and then my mouth blurted
"I'm so sorry.. It just came out without permission..i didn't mean to"


That ball was a full on hit. I felt that one straight away and my knees went. I could hear a slight mewing sound. How odd?
Then realised it was coming from me.

C sympathised with "Ooooh. That was a good one. Maybe you should go run that under the cold tap.

I did. It was still hurting.. It is still hurting a bit now when I walk.

I was told to lock up. No problem of course my balls and tackle were still trying frantically to retreat into my abdomen.

Then, just to top off a perfect morning.

I went to make breakfast and the bloody toaster wasn't working properly.

I had untoasted bread rather than be late with breakfast.
0 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


My edges fortnight that magically turned into four weeks (and a day or two) .. Is coming to an end.
This morning was the best and worst type of edge. PIV.
Piv doesn't sound very nice? Is there a better thing?

Vagina eating sausage? . Nope. Anyway you get the idea.

C is open for business again so has invited (told) me to come and make good use of her.

I did my bit of course and provided her much deserved orgasm with my face. Then C wanted another by using my cock? What has the world come to?
Oh my god. Try not coming while doing that and your looking into the eyes of one that is coming.
Whilst at the same time your balls are so full it comes out when you pee.

Impossible. Totally and utterly impossible and not at all fair.

I know, life isn't fair.. Suck it up.

I had to withdraw completely quite a few times, and then nearly came when thinking about putting it back in.

Fortunately, to the sound or horse hooves and horns the calvelry arrived in the shape of a nine inch dual density dildo.

Chaarrge! Oooooohhh!

Mission accomplished.

Went down to make breakfast using the new toaster.
Thanks Amazine prime next day service.

Ill probably turn the old one into a plant pot or a scifi helmet?

I'm not going to say how frustrated I feel today out of respect for a fellow members recent extra tight confinement. Can't compete with that.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


I'm tired today, maybe it's the pollen count? Maybe because I hadn't slept too good.
It had just gone six and I'd woken after another weird dream.
We had gone away on a trip to the lake district I think or Scotland?
I had forgotten to put the cage on and was starting to panic in case C realised.
Then an air stewardess came up to me, she had a key necklace. Now we were on a plane?
She just said "You have permision to wear this".
It wasn't a question, and I felt there was no option.
I couldn't move my hands, they had a rope looped around them.
I didn't even see the cage but was aware of feeling locked again, like it had just appeared in place. It felt Very locked.
It was far too small and tight, my balls were hurting and panicked even more.
I woke up. Hot and ears ringing. My balls were aching likley because the cage was super tight due to a nocturnal that must have been going for quite some time.
I felt guilty at not letting C know about the absent cage still.

Wrote this down. Hoped to get a bit more sleep. Think about it later.

Wake up!. You need to get breakfast done and get the kids ready so we can go out.

Must've drifted off again.

I took the day off today for a family day out. Tram ride up a mountain, crazy golf and walking.
A beautiful day.
C seems very confident and happy.

We got back and I'm still tired.
I asked C if it was OK for me to go upstairs and chill for a bit.

"Good idea. I'll join you and might aswell make use of you".

I was used for maybe ten minutes. As soon as C came she said "Just what I needed. I'm off now. We're going to watch a film".

C got up and as she left the room said "Fifteen minutes rest, then join us".

Now I'm off to watch a chick flick or barbie or something just as exciting.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Dreams can be weird things.
Sounds like a nice day out though :)
0 x
Full time in steel or Cobra Nub as directed by Miss Emmi.
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