[KHEmmi] Emmie's version

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Re: [KHEmmi] Emmie's version

Post by KHEmmi »

Better and better with longer and longer sounds good to me!

Seriously, though, he did have a rough night.

The day's not so warm and sunny today, and there's nothing we have to do. Just another easy day at home to look forward to. As Herbi guessed correctly, no clothes (for him, I mean) and no touching of balls allowed. Going to break him of that habit!
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Re: [KHEmmi] Emmie's version

Post by KHEmmi »

I was surprised to find that we were already into week 7 of our adventure. It's gone quickly.

Herb is in his third “proper” stint of locked up. The first was 7 nights. The second 16. This one will be longer. He might get one more orgasm before May ends if he behaves himself properly.

He is adapting well to his cage but has difficult nights sometimes.
He is doing well at keeping me happy though. A couple of extra nights added for little mistakes but he's learning fast.
And I am happy.

Before we started out journey I had read up a lot and found out as much as I could. Much of it was about choosing our first device (which we got wrong) but I also read about a lot of different experiences from others. Gathered a lot of ideas that I wanted to try out when the time came. Herbi didn't know quite how much I had read. He got a bit of a shock when he found out.

I was positive about going into this whole thing too.
He didn't have to convince me. We had tried before, a few years ago and failed and until now hadn't really felt like trying again.
But looking online for other 'toys' (we've always been into bondage) it was impossible not to find chastity items and we found ourselves browsing.
Almost jokingly, I had said “If you don't behanve yourself, I'll buy you one of these” pointing to a random cage on the webpage.
When he didn't outright refuse or object, I knew there was something to pursue here. So I continued browsing and learning (privately without his knowledge) and returned to the subject a few days later.

That was really how we decided to try again. Perhaps I should have posted this 7 weeks ago when we started but Herbi's thread is the logical structured one. Mine is more random and sort of filling in the holes and cracks in the story.

Once the decision was made it was clear in my mind what we had to do. We had to make this a proper trial. Not a couple of days here and there and dropping the whole thing because of a few little difficulties or because he got fed up with it. I made up my mind that a year would be a sensible length of time to experiement, starting with short periods of himm being locked up but gradually increasing.

And that's where we are and what we are doing.
I am still committed to a thorough trial for a full year.
He gets frustrated and may well get bored but he's not giving up that easily. My job is to make sure of that.
Like I said at the start of this post. Here we are in week 7 already.
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Re: [KHEmmi] Emmie's version

Post by KHEmmi »

It's nice to feel that we are getting somewhere, and nice to read comments that support our view.
I feel that Herbi is adjusting well to his cage.
I feel that I am finding my role.

Looking back, when he woke me in the middle of the night, it's really quite funny but it didn't feel funny at the time. My reaction was to tell him that I was going to make him wait until June for his next orgasm. His last orgasm was on the 9th of May and I was going to allow another before the end of the month. Now that I've calmed down and thought it over, I still think the 1st June is a pretty good idea. It will mean he's worn the Nub for 23 consecutive nights, and that's a nice step up from 16, his previous record.

Looking at the first of June then, unless he messes up and earns extra nights. No excuse because he knows the rules.

I do love the texts that he sends when he's had to go into work. He is required to let me know if there's any problems with his cage, but also I ask for updates about how he's getting on with it. Today, he's sent “Nub being kept busy and is doing a fine job”
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Re: [KHEmmi] Emmie's version

Post by KHEmmi »

Herbi seemed to accept the 1st June decision without upset or annoyance. Maybe he genuinely didn't mind or perhaps just knew he had no say in the matter. A very calm "Ok, I understand".

He also took news of a new one-word command that I decided to introduce.

I keep Herbi naked at weekends, telling him that he "doesn't need clothes today". Recently, he hasn't even needed to be told.

But as of yesterday evening, he knows that on the command of "strip" he has to do just that. Immediately and without question. Whatever we happen to be doing at the time. So I tried it out as he was washing up after our dinner. I walked up behind him and issued the word. He dried his hands (allowable in the circumstances I think) and took off his clothes right there in the kitchen. Just as he knew he had to.

I waited for him in the living room then and soon as he came back from the kitchen, nicely naked and cage just as nicely on show. I like the new command ;) Thanks to the person who suggested it!

Another one-word command followed a short while after. "Kneel". I like that one too.
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Re: [KHEmmi] Emmie's version

Post by KHEmmi »

This journey is tiring, isn't it?
I feel like there's so much going on and there's so much to it, but at the same time we have achieved a lot and already 7 weeks have passed. Nearly two months into the journey, or trial, or experiment, whatever we want to call it. I decided that this stage would last a year. Long enough to know whether it was really for us or not. I don't want to quit any sooner. I see it as my job to make sure that Herbi doesn't give up either.

Writing tonight just to collect my thoughts and have a little review of my own. Sometimes we review together but this one is just for me. Herbi has a technology curfew where he's not allowed phone or computer use after a certain time in the evening. So he's having a soak in the tub instead, winding down, ready to get some sleep before work tomorrow. That gives me time for my own thoughts.

Herbi didn't expect all the rules and consequences that I've introduced. He's admitted that on the forum. I think they are sensible and useful though. Wearing his cage isn't just about controlling his cock but about me being in control of him. He's going to learn that. That's what the consequences are for. I've been called strict but I don't think it would work if I was half-hearted about it. So we have technology curfews and commands and rules to obey. With consequences for rule-breaks. Another part of my job is conditioning him to accept his new way of life.

It's tiring but I think I am on the right track. He's got to go into the office for the next three days so that will give me a bit more time to re-focus and think about how it's going. It's three days for him to be focused on work, rather than our experiment, and that might be useful. I think he's finding the weekends rather intense so it might be nice to escape to his office!

I am aware that Herbi is finding the whole lifestyle change hard going too but maybe 7 weeks is still early days and it will get easier for him. Many nights of disturbed sleep isn't good but there have been some better ones recently so perhaps he is adjusting. I know I must watch him carefully and look for tell-tale signs of trouble, emotional as well as physical, so that I can nip them in the bud and keep everything positive.

Despite being intensely frustrated (sexually) he has been remarkable in accepting and adjusting to my demands. In truth, he has little choice, but there have been no outbursts or upsets or displays of anger so far.

Yes, I think we are both on the right track.
It's been useful to use his bathtime to gather my thoughts and write this.
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Everything's better with a locked male. Better still with a nude, locked male.
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Re: [KHEmmi] Emmie's version

Post by slave d »

Emmie I for one just live reading your journal (it’s the only one I do these days). To see things from the other side is great from my perspective and honestly I’m super impressed at your understanding and insight when it comes to “learning the ropes”. I think you’re right on the button so far and would have loved to have started our journey (10 years ago) in such a positive way. Anyway, just wanted to pass that along, fwiw after 10 years skin in the game I’d be happy to help with anything if you want to pm me some time. Keep up the great work.

MsM’s ld
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New Zealand
After a year post covid of “freedom” I am trialing a good old HT V3 nub modified by me to have a glans ring so no pullout. Working well so far.
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Re: [KHEmmi] Emmie's version

Post by KHEmmi »

Not much to do with chastity but I'm feeling pretty exhausted after spending the last couple of days getting the house nice and everything ready for guests coming to see us on Friday evening. Meals planned for our next two nights as well and all there is left to do really is get the food in for a traditional but special mean for our visitors.

For now though, I need to relax and unwind. Hopefully Herbs will be happy to oblige.
I'll not tell him just yet that today doesn't count. That can wait.
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Re: [KHEmmi] Emmie's version

Post by KHEmmi »

A few days since I've written on my thread so where are we?
About to have a lovely Bank Holiday Monday with no plans and nothing urgent to do.
Maybe we'll get out for a walk or go to a pub if the weather's nice. If it turns horrid, then perhaps indoors in best.
Either way the day has got off to a pleasant enough start with a good breakfast and some fun.

Herbs is coming up to 3 weeks in his latest stint wearing his little Cobra Nub and has adjusted well.
He has exactly 7 more nights as long as he behaves himself. I wonder if the remaining nights are going to be any easier, or more challenging as his time spent locked increases.

He obeys all his rules well and has learnt the one word and two word commands.
I think the word I'd use to describe his current outlook is 'settled'.
He struggles with the no ball touching rule but we'll get there with that one.
The technology curfew frustrates him but the threat of 'another week' if I find him using his phone or computer when he's not supposed to is working well.

I think we'll have a less strict day today so perhaps he'll get more time to spend online. He was rather limited yesterday.

He's not doing too badly really if I'm honest.
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Re: [KHEmmi] Emmie's version

Post by KHEmmi »

I was going to write a little bit about Herbi's new cage but it looks like Herbi, unable to sleep because of his new cage, has beaten me to it. As he said in his post, I bought it “secretly” and gave it to him as aa surprise yesterday after work. Was worth the money just to see the expression on his face.

Reasons for purchase were 1) to try something new 2) to see if steel was easier to keep clean and hygenic 3) smaller inner diameter of cage

We had no problems at alll with the Cobra Nub and it seemed about as perfect as you could imagine. But I had wondered abaout long term hygiene and also, when he was at his most relaxed relaxed state he shrunk away from the sides of the cage a bit. Hopefully the smaller diameter will hold him a bit more tightly all of the time.

One extra reason, the one I bought has a vertical slot at the front of the cage. Supposed to be easier for peeing and Herb's has found the Nub a bit difficult and/or messy at times.

Another plus is that I like the look of it a lot. Smaller bars so I can see him inside it better.
Hope he gets used to it quickly.
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Everything's better with a locked male. Better still with a nude, locked male.
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Re: [KHEmmi] Emmie's version

Post by KHEmmi »

Looks like some milestones and records being set soon.

1st June will be two calendar months since we started on the chastity journey
3rd June Herbi will have done 25 consecutive nights, his longest so far.
25 nights is almost a month so a full month will make a nice goal for when he's relocked on the 3rd.
He will have only come once during the calendar month of May
Just once in June sounds good too.
And we've now done 24 hours in the new cage!
So much going on at the moment.
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Everything's better with a locked male. Better still with a nude, locked male.
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