[KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KHEmmi »

KnownAsHerbert wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 7:20 pm Stating the bloody obvious, I know, but there's really nothing you can do about this, is there?
In your situation, no there isn't.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by Want2B_Locked »

KnownAsHerbert wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 7:20 pm Stating the bloody obvious, I know, but there's really nothing you can do about this, is there?
Thinking of megan markle naked always deflates me lol

I usually go have a pee .. seems to help
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by Tom Allen »

Want2B_Locked wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 5:43 am
KnownAsHerbert wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 7:20 pm Stating the bloody obvious, I know, but there's really nothing you can do about this, is there?
Thinking of megan markle naked always deflates me lol
For me, it's my ex 🤔😉
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Emmie delivered on her promise of a lovely romantic evening with a wonderful meal (steak plus all the things that I like, chips, onions, mushrooms, peppers, mixed beans), candlelight and wine. While she prepared the food I had a long soak in the bath, that she had run for me. She came in to the bathroom to tell me that I should start getting out and dried off because we would be eating soon. She was wearing a gorgeous satin dress that she knows I like, more of a going out dress but who cares about going out? I said “That's great. I'll get out and be downstairs in a few minutes then. And you look beautiful tonight.” She smiled, handed me the towel that had been warming on the rail, and left.

Downstairs, I took a peek into the dining room. Dimly lit, candles alight, wine waiting, the room looked inviting and the food smelled good. She had been busy. Into the kitchen and there she was, cooking and getting things ready, in that satin dress, a treat both visually and to the touch. Without turning around she said “Aren't you going to give me a kiss and cuddle me before dinner then?” As I put my arms around her waist she turned to face me and held on to me too. As we kissed I was running my hands over her body.

Me: I can't feel any underwear under that dress you're wearing tonight
Em: I'd be very surprised if you could.

Sitting down to eat, we were as Emmi had decided that we would be, in a CFnm situation. Something she has discovered and found to enjoy since we entered the life of chastity. Her dress was fairly low cut, showing off her boobs but also, and perhaps as importantly from her point of view, the key that she wore around her neck, low enough to nestle in her cleavage. A tantalizing sight across the dinner table. Good food, a nice red wine and plenty to talk about. She'd worked at this and done well. I thanked her and she responded with “I'm glad you enjoyed it and I enjoyed doing it. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening too. You've worked hard this week and it's time to relax now.”

We cleared away the plates and everything else (washing up could wait until tomorrow) and went to sit down on the settee in the sitting room, which she had also prepared to be dimly lit and inviting. Sipping the rest of our wine, cuddling up, and continuing our talk was all very relaxing. Perfect end to the week. Well, not quite the end because I knew she would want more attention in bed before settling down for the night, but that was fine. I could handle that. Her next move was unexpected though.

Em: Kneel.
Me: What?
Em: Kneel down. On the floor.

I did. She stood in front of me, lifted her dress, and took a step closer so that her pussy was right in front of my face.

Em: Make me come now please.

I did. To her complete satisfaction too. And afterwards:

Em: Get up. Come and sit back on the settee with me.

Sitting on the settee she said: “New rule. Whenever we're in CFnm, on the word 'Kneel', wherever we are, whatever we're doing, you are to kneel and do just what you have just done. Understood?
Me: Yes, I understand.
Em: There'll be no more instructions from me. Just that one word.
Me: Ok. Got it.


It wasn't much later that we decided that it was time to go up to bed. Both tired. Both needing sleep. Not without a cuddle up first though, after which Emmi went straight off into her normal deep sleep and I waited, still holding her, from behind, one hand reaching round and holding her breast, face against her back, neck, shoulder, giving light kisses as she drifted off. What would I have given at that moment to be unlocked for some vigorous, energetic sex? Instead, I just felt my cock straining away in its tiny Nub cage as usual.

The evening, as you might have gathered already, was a wonderful one. I had been aroused through most of it, being tormented at the sight of Emmi's boobs and the key throughout the meal, her touches and our kisses as we sat and talked, and the 'kneel' event. Still aroused at bedtime. Still aroused as she went off to sleep. I wondered how my night would work out.

It turned out to be better than the previous night in fact. I remember several erections but no pain or discomfort, and the erections were somehow less intense than previous nights, but just as persistent. I was able to lie there, feel them, enjoy them almost, and then become frustrated that they weren't going away. Chastity, I have decided after our first month, really does mess with your head. As Emmi has said though, only a few more nights.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Emmi is enjoying her day, which is nice of course. I've done the washing up from last night and this morning's breakfast, tidied everything away and I'm also having a leisurely day. I think I'll be cooking lunch too, but I don't mind that and quite enjoy preparing meals.

As promised, it's a CFnm day that started with a simple enough instruction: “No clothes today, ok?” to which I just replied “Ok.”

Emmi has also made use of her new rule (details in my previous post on tis thread), as I was doing something else that I enjoy doing, which is looking after or collection of house plants. She came in behind me, put her arms around me and kissed my neck from behind, and then said in a soft void “Kneel”.

I put down the watering can, turned to face her and knelt on the floor in front of her. She was wearing her comfy fleecy hoodie and shorts again, one of her favourites for indoors. I reached up and lowered her shorts. She had nothing underneath so I pulled her close and kissed her pussy, bringing her to the climax that she wanted. Satisfied, she pulled her shorts up and left me to get on with my routine with cock straining in the Nub, knowing that she can do the same any time she wants, with just that one word. Kneel.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

If I was asked to sum up my first month of my chastity journey in one word, that word would be : Wow!

If I was asked to sum up Emmi's approach, attitude, energy, enthusiasm and determination in that same journey, again in just one word, that word would also be : Wow!

Thank you, Emmi. You are awesome.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Oh wow again.

It's been quite a day.

Emmi has kept me naked all day and I've been kept busy. Breakfast in bed and other things throughout the day. Some lovely loving moments and some teasing. Remember I told her that she is free to tease without feeling pressured to finish anything? Well, she's remembered.

She wanted to be cared for as she took a nice soak in a hot bubble bath so I washed her back for her, rinsed her hair after she'd washed it and helped her out and to get dry afterwards. Then a full body massage. I was hard the whole time.

There'll be some more attention directed her way before we settle for the night too.

She has enjoyed using her new 'kneel' command today and equally I have enjoyed providing my services to satisfy her. It was unfortunate that she said 'kneel' when I was engrossed in something else and without thinking, said 'One minute...' or similar. The first time she reminded me that I had to respond straight away. The second time, she extended my locked period by a night.

I guess I've learnt two things today.
1) 'kneel' means right now
2) Emmi can be harsh

Tomorrow, I've been told, will be much like today. CFnm and all that, do as I'm told, and obey the kneel command instantly.

I need to try to do better.

Now wondering what tonight will be like. I've been aroused most of the day, or that's how it feels anyway. Will it (my cock) relax and let me sleep? I suspect not but I can hope can't I?
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Slept surprisingly well with just a couple of wakeups for the usual reason and then finally, at about 6am, the big one that can't be ignored. As I lay there, I remembered that I was no closer to being unlocked than I was at the same time yesterday, as Emmi had added an extra 'penalty' day. Not the best thought. Overall, I think I am getting used to the Nub and its frustrations now though. And during the day, it's as comfortable as anything and I forget about it most of the time.

Another day at home and Emmi wants to choose some blinds for the conservatory before the hot summer days arrive so probably a lot of searching and browsing online ahead. Doesn't sound thrilling but I suppose it has to be done. Willingly, of course.

We had breakfast in bed again. That's a well established weekend habit already, but a lovely one. Rather luxurious to be so leisurely about waking and getting up. I love seeing her happily sitting up in bed, breasts exposed, enjoying her food.

Emmi went first for a shower and I had mine as she dried off, wrapped herself in her big towel and brushed her teeth. I turned the shower off and stepped out to grab my towel just as Emmi had finished her teeth and, still wrapped in her towel, she said simply 'Kneel'.

No 'But I dripping wet', no 'Hang on while I get my towel', no comment at all in fact. I just knelt and pulled the edges of her towel apart and got to work. I got a smile, a 'well done' (for obedience rather than the task I suspect although she was happy with the latter also), followed by a hug and kiss for my efforts. We went back to the bedroom together where I got dried and watched her put on a pair of leggings and a stretch tight vest top that didn't quite reach down to the leggings. Two, close fitting garments that outlined her body perfectly. Oh my God, Emmi, what are you doing to me?

As for me, I didn't ask. I knew the answer already. No clothes necessary.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me.
Mind screwed up by frustration maybe.

Must be going crazy anyway because I am sure I posted a message last night but can't find it this morning.
Did I imagine it?
Did I post it into someone else's thread by mistake?
Was it a dream?
I think I almost came in my cage during the night... It was so hard and tight in there. Darling Emm slept through...

One day closer to release at least, and no penalty days added yesterday. Obviously aiming for none today as well.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I am writing this again because I am absolutely certain that I wrote it yesterday. Today, however, is a new day and I can find no trace of it.

Yesterday, Emmi started a brief conversation. If I can't even remember what I did with the message, then chances are I can't remember its content very well either. My brain was in enough of a befuddle even during the conversation but it went something like this:

Em: Only a few more days until you get unlocked.
Me: Yes, I hope so.
Em: How do you want to come?
Me: What? How do you mean?
Em: Well, you will get to come. Just once. And then you'll be locked up again, so how would you like to come?
Me: I don't know, I haven't thought about it. I've just been looking forward to, you know, being unlocked and, err... coming.

Emmi spoke slowly, especially when it got to the options in her next statements

Em: Perhaps you should give it some thought then. For example, would you like to come, let's see... option (a) in my vagina?
Me: [Pulse racing] Erm..

Em: or maybe (b) ... in my mouth? Or... (c) shall I use my hand? ... Or would you like (d) to come between my tits?
Me: [brain overheating] Erm...

Em: You could choose (e) and use your own hand, sort of DIY approach.
Me: No, not (e). Erm...

Em: have a think about it anyway. But in the meantime, Kneel.
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Full time in steel or Cobra Nub as directed by Miss Emmi.
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