[KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

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Mr Pickle
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by Mr Pickle »

What a great start you are both having.
Thank you for sharing.
It sounds like you've got it just right.
You will still be aware of erection attempts at night, and to be honest you'll find comfort in them eventually. A pleasant nightly reminder rather than something to dread.
The bulge behind the cage when aroused is normal, and you'll not stop that bit.
Bear in mind that you penis actually starts near your anus, and what sticks out is only part of it. Some of that is now pushed back also.
All this swells up and the result is a bulge behind the base ring.
The bulge is a sign of a well fitted ring and cage.
Yes. You will miss erections as much if not more than orgasms.
All part of the frustration that eventually make this so rewarding.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Thanks you for your comments, Mr. Pickle.

It does feel that we've got it right. The CB6000S was useful to experiment with but you were right, even their shortest offering, the 'S' model, was too long for me. The 3D Cobra seems to fit perfectly. If there is a way that it could be better then I am not aware of how.

The CB was useful in another way too. It made Emmie realise that, "Hey, maybe there is something in this after all". For both of us. She had been through the failed experiment a few years ago and thought it was just a waste of time and money. The 6000S changed her mind and she decided in a short space of time to make sure I stuck with it long enough to be certain, making sure that I didn't give up at the first sign of trouble or difficulty. And she could, because from the word go, she had the keys. Then she was equally keen to be involved in selecting the CB's replacement. Looking at your suggestion of the 3D Cobra, I initially said that the 'Nano' might be “about right” and she replied without missing a beat, “No. Go for the 'Nub'.”

From reading various threads here, I realise that many wives/partners aren't fully on board with these things and being a keyholder doesn't appeal. I can see that I am fortunate in having someone that is not only willing, but is keen and has gone beyond just taking on the keyholder role. She now wants to be in the driving seat. She is in the driving seat. This week I have been lucky to be working from home but next week, at least for some of the days, I have to go into the office. Emmie has said that I will be wearing the 3D when I go. She has made up her mind that as the 3D is so comfortable, there's no need to worry about taking it off except when she wants it off. That change in her whole outlook has been so swift.

Since around lunchtime yesterday, when the 3D had arrived and I'd been released from the CB, we'd had sex and I was cleaned up, I've been wearing the new 3D. So only 24 hours so far and apart from those stirrings during arousals, nothing has moved in the slightest. This device really does keep it all so tightly under control. Emmie has plans to give this a try for 'at least a week' as I've said. I know she means it and will be determined to succeed so I will need to put up with these new feelings and frustrations, but I guess that's what I asked for. Yesterday's orgasm brought my total to 3 for the month, and today is the 17th. Something in my head makes me think she intends to make 4 the final total for the month. Perhaps that's just my over-active imagination though. I could be wrong. I might have already reached the month's limit...
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

My post earlier was a lot about Emmie, and that's fine of course.
But now the evening's here I'll give a little update on the 3D.
Actually there's not much to say. It's been my first full day wearing it and I honestly have hardly noticed it apart from (a) when peeing, which I have to do sitting down and (b) a few times when some mild arousals have happened and been stopped in their tracks. Other than that, there's been no movement, no real feelings or sensations and no inconvenience or discomfort. I really have been able to forget it was there. Everything still held tightly in place with no visual clues either.

I am anticipating another visual inspection but I don't think that Emmie will want or need to remove the 3D for that. I am expecting that she will want some attention as she has become rather demanding over the past few days so I'll probably be aroused when the time comes to settle down to sleep. Hopefully I'll actually get some quality sleep though. Next report tomorrow...
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

My expectations were correct. A visual inspection without removing the Nub showed nothing to worry about, so Emmie stuck to her plan of leaving it in place. She enjoyed the attention that she got before we settled for sleep, and had a peaceful night. I took longer to get to sleep as I was still aroused from servicing her needs.

I woke twice in the night, at about 1am and again at 5am, both times hard in my cage but without the intense discomfort and burning sensation that I used to get from the old device. However, the second time I did end up having to get up (I made coffee) because the pressure and feelings got a bit too much and showed no sign of going away. This time I felt the ring pulling tight around under my balls. I took at look and my penis was bulging through the holes in the cage but was very securely contained and restricted. Tight but manageable.

Hard to believe that it's not even 48 hours with the Nub (which is what we now call it) and it has been such an easy transition. I am now (thanks to Emmie's determination) in full time wear. Being honest, I should admit that there has been a couple of instances already where I would have taken it off and got relief if I had access to the key.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by Tongue+groove »

Just a thought. I work outside more than not. Sitting to pee is an issue in the woods. I use a cobra at times and I used a dremal tool to slightly enlarge the slot in the end of the cobra tube. It made standing to pee possible.
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She says ‘it’s cute’ in the nub. ;)
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

A good idea but I'm not sure I'd be allowed!
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

Decided that I'm getting used to it. We were both tired, both settled down to sleep quite early. I think I got some good sleep too and then, sometime after 1am, I woke up with the inevitable prevented erection. I was aware of ongoing arousals right up until around 4am, one after another but unlike previous nights, none caused pain or excessive discomfort and I didn't need to get up out of bed. I still couldn't just ignore it completely and it became frustrating, but at least I coped with it. Three nights into Emmi's 'about a week' that she promised as the first trial of the Nub.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I was told this morning that I was doing really well with the Nub. Emmi thinks it's been a great success so far and likes it a lot. She misses the clear plastic of the CB device because she enjoyed being able to see my entire cock through it but overall still prefers the Nub.

On waking this morning she cuddled me from behind, stroked my chest and then just said "Make me come".

I already woken straining against the cage of the Nub but now had to satisfy Emmi. She also loves having her neck kissed so I worked slowly to please her as much as possible, kissing her mouth, neck, nipples and belly as she became more and more aroused. Hands massaging her breasts and body. Tongue working on her clit, she moaned and moaned finally letting out the telltale sound as her body tensed in a massive orgasm. I felt like I was bursting.

We lay there together, she smiling at me, thanking me and telling me that she loved me, kissed me, kissed my nipples hard and then told me to go and fetch breakfast.

I returned with a tray with coffee and eggs on toast. She watched as I set it down and got back into bed to eat. She had a big smile on her face as she said what a lovely way to wake up on a Saturday this was. I had to agree.

Breakfast finished and some more snuggling in the warm before I was sent to shower. Once dried, she did her now routine quick inspection and said "All fine. I'm going to keep you naked today so I can watch you in your little Nub. My turn for a shower now." She cupped my balls in her hand while giving me another kiss before heading to the bathroom.

So that was the start of our day. No mention of release of course.
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Full time in steel or Cobra Nub as directed by Miss Emmi.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I was unlocked this evening and allowed to have a real hot and soapy shower without the cage on. Emmi gave it a good clean of its own while I was in the shower. I dried off and was handed "the Nub" and told to put it back on. I was hoping for some free time and maybe some fun but there was none.

Maybe seeing my disappointment Emmi said "Don't worry. The week's trial of the Nub is going well and you're doing fine. You'll get your fun soon. A few more nights."

I think she'll unlock me on Tuesday as that will make up her 'about a week' that she originally planned. That's the day that I'm planning to go into the office instead of working from home too and I know I'll be 'Nubbed' (Emmi's term) when I go. Special treat for when I get home, do you think? Let out for a real fuck inside her? I'm sure she wants that but she's already shown remarkable determination to stick to her plans. And she can come whenever she wants to anyway of course, whether with dick or without.
I don't want to get any hopes up if I'm wrong but that thought keeps coming into my mind.

We'll be going up to bed soon and Emmi has said that if I get the breakfast things ready now then it will save me time in the morning. I guess I'm making breakfast in bed again tomorrow then. I wonder what she'll want me to do for her tonight before we settle down for the night
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Full time in steel or Cobra Nub as directed by Miss Emmi.
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Re: [KnownAsHerbert] New chapter

Post by KnownAsHerbert »

I obviously knew that as soon as I was locked away then orgasms were going to be controlled, denied, generally in short supply going forwards. I anticipated looking forward to the next one and being frustrated at having to wait. What I didn't expect at all was that same longing just to be allowed to grow into a full erection even if the relief of an orgasm didn't happen at the end of it all. Now after five consecutive nights (Yes, I know, only five!) I find that every arousal has me wanting out, just to feel the relief of being allowed to expand.

Most of the arousals are at night but today I have already found myself getting hard several times. The first couple of days after being locked, I spent hours without really feeling anything during the day, certainly not a strong and determined attempt to get hard. Perhaps those daytime attempts get more frequent and persistent the longer you're locked following a release? I don't know. I'm still a newbie to these things.

This morning, like yesterday, began with me aroused, giving pleasure to Emmie as I knew she liked and wanted, and making our breakfast, which now seems to be my job at the weekends. I don't mind making breakfast. It's nice to sit in bed to eat it, drink hot strong coffee, and be leisurely about it all. Emmie is very loving, touchy feely at these times too. Whether that's because she just wants more physical contact herself or wants to tease me, I've not worked out yet, but I do end up pressing tightly against the cage.

Me: Ughh, I can't wait until you let me out of this.
Emmie: I know. But you have to. Wait, I mean.
Me: I know too.
Emmie chuckles.
3 x
Full time in steel or Cobra Nub as directed by Miss Emmi.
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