[Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by cagedbasilisk »

I totally agree!
Please, please, please, DO NOT STOP writing your journal.
C is our "I hope my wife gets that comfortable with MC" zenith.
I love reading about her imagination.

Sincerely, d.
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Want2B_Locked »

To echo the sentiments of others Please don't stop.

I wish LadyS was as accepting as C is.
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Sam3655 »

I agree. You must keep writing so I can see what can be. You are living what I hope CS will figure out.
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by ponylady »

Mr Pickle wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:33 pm Currently I'm wondering why I log all this stuff.. It's not like I won't know I'm on this journey anyway, and I can't see how it benefits anyone even if it was read?
Has my journey generated any clicks to suggest interest?
Is it read? Do people really read this? Do they get any joy, knowledge or anything beneficial from it?
By rule we‘re not supposed to reply in here, but since you asked so nicely :P

More than 1 million views in here only can‘t be wrong. That averages out to 2K readers
Per post. That wouldn‘t happen for such a long thread if people wouldn‘t get enjoyment,
Knowledge, inspiration or determination from your journal; me included.

Keep ‚em coming; looking forward to the next entry.
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Thanks for the inspiration and wow! Really? Sorry about the spelling everyone. I don't talk like I write. I do talk though.. A lot .
I enjoy sharing, just not use to having so much emotional stimulate from the boys.
My hormone induced downer seems to have passed.

There is a lot happening right now so I've a lot of posting while it's fresh in my head. I read it and it's like I'm in another life for a short time. Most of our days are normal everyday family fun, worry and turmoil.

Thursday C gave me a cow edge again and holy fuck is she good at this. I suppose she will be with her inventing it for us.
I had to beg her to stop because Not coming would be impossible.
C really enjoyed edging me in this vulnerable position while asking me what I was expected to do on Sunday.
"I'm going to fuck you".
"And then what do you have to do".
"Lick your pussy clean.. Stop!. Oh fuck!..."
Breath. Think of dying from the plague, clench kegals.
C "I'm going to make you lick up every drop".
"Stop.. For fucks sake. Fuck fuck".
Breath. Think of the old ladies in the nursing home having a bath.. Not the hot nurse! Ah fuck.. Breath... Strain to hold it back.. Ok..

"If you die in on me now I'll be very disappointed.. What next".

"I'll finger fuck you, vibe you and toy fuck you.. Awe God.. Stop. Stop!".
I'm hardly getting two strokes from C before I'm perilously close again. The cum just wants to come out any way it can.
C slapped my balls then yanked on them. Pain blurred my come instinct a little and got me back on track.
But yanking down on my balls at the edge does make a steam of liquid come out.

"You just leaked on my hand.. I'm making you eat it. I'm going to make you lick up a whole month of this stuff on Sunday ".

"Stop.." Who is this woman?

I strained for an age. Cock bouncing around like crazy.

"I cant do it any longer, Ill come if you touch it again, I'm knackered already".

"Rest a minute, then one more. I'm not, finished".

I calmed and dropped into defcon 2 state, C started stroking and yanking again. Slow stroke cock, slow yank balls, repeat.

"After you've cleaned up. What next?".

"Going to make me come hard".

"Yay. My first orgasm in March. Maybe your only one? Did you come this month ?"

"Yes. At the beginning".

"How many times did I come?"

"Twenty five".

"Hah. That so cool. At least you know you will get another one. Ready?"


C sped up for a few seconds then let go, I was frozen to the spot, in a doggy position struggling desperately to hold it back again for quite a while.
Then my once beautiful rock hard penis collapsed very quickly.

C slapped my ass and giggled a few times then told me to lock it up and make her some coffee.

Thats February over. C wants to fill in a questionnaire and get a coupon for it. I'll post her answers to this.
She's also claiming a prize for the new "No orgasm (without blobs) " record.

I have to think of a challenge for next month, or a choice for C to choose from.

Happy 1st of March. White rabbit white rabbit white rabbits.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

Survey results

C agreed to do a tease and orgasm denial, (no cum) challenge over two weeks.
C extended it to four weeks in order to beat a record, but also because she was enjoying the control. She was a little worried she might break me.
There was a prize of course, and that's the main reason she likes doing these challenges.
C also likes filling surveys in for competitions on line. So has no problem being paid to complete a survey after a challenge. She is paid to do this.

To me it's a way, in fact the only way I have been able to get proper feedback regarding where she is at, what she wants and how she feels.

The first competition and survey was based on 24/7 lockup which gave me enough info to tailor this competition.
One thing is for sure. C has very quickly realised that making me wait is Not a bad thing.

These are C's answers for the survey:

0 totally disagree
1 disagree
2 not too sure
3 agree
4 more than just agree
5 absolutely agree, more please.

You recently completed a tease and denial offer in which He agreed to two weeks without an orgasm. You chose to increase this to 28 days to see what it did to him and he didn't break.

Do you agree:

You're impressed that he did so well. 5

Its good to know he didn't break. You won't feel guilty about denying his orgasms in future. 4

Denying his orgasm doesn't limit the type of sex you have. You can have any type of sex, any way you want and still keep his balls full. 4

When told in advance he won't be allowed to orgasm, or won't be unlocked for a few weeks. It's easier for him because he knows what is expected of him.. 4

Do you agree:

You are aware of your power and enjoy taking advantage of it. 4

Knowing you have this control turns you on. 4

His state of continual arousal is a good thing for him. 4

Its good to know you turn him on so much he started to come just from licking you. 4

Even when he hasnt come for weeks, he would still rather lick you to orgasm than orgasm himself. 4

A good Anual reward for a year locked with good behavior would a one week unlocked free willy. 0

For perspective.
28 days meant No orgasm him, whilst you will have come and come and come and come and come and come and come and come and come and come and come and come etc.

Do you agree:

He is being a good slave. You should treat him by denying him and using him more. 4

You felt guilty having so many orgasms knowing you were about to deny him again. 0

You felt sorry for him knowing he was desperate when making him lock it up. 1

You still think he has a magnificent large cock 5

He stayed hard for up to an hour after being denied. You felt bad seeing his erection go to waste. 1

Would you agree.

Sometimes you see how desperate he is and knowing you have the power to deny him even more turns you on. 4

You like to use him simply because you can and you know he can't resist you. 4

He is a better all round husband and father so everybody benefits when he is teased and denied orgasms or release. 5

You have the key, a perfect happy relationship and lots of sex. 5

You did this. You made this happen 🗝️ 10

Happiness = A husband with a locked, leaking cage and very full balls. 5

You enjoy making sure he has a locked, leaking cage and very full balls. 4

You know he wants (but doesn't need) to empty them. 4

If he asked for an orgasm, You could easily have him begging to eat you instead. 5

He is probably daydreaming about eating you right now.5

You could make him horny and leak with a few simple words or a text message. 5

He craves you. Can't resist you.5

You're wondering when you might use him next. 4

When and how is up to you. 5

Thank you for completing.

It's Sunday morning, C has gone to sort some bits out and will be coming back shortly to let me come for the first time in a month.
I'm actually quite nervous. Not about if I will rise to the occasion, this doubts went a long time ago. But nervous about losing this constant state of arousal I'm in.
I'm not sure I actually want to come now?
I will of course. And like C says, very quickly. Then I can sort her out and lock it back up.
2 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »


Aaaaand.. I fucked it up. Of course I did. I'm an expert at fucking up.

C. Came back very disappointed with me. Just one of those 'me not thinking, head in the clouds' things. I'd left something out that was sharp last night after doing a job. Normally not a problem, but at the moment a big no no.

Bottom line. Cum canceled until further notice.. Ahhh bollocks!

C has had a change of heart. Seems she was looking forward to making me cleanup a month of my own cum and then giving her an orgasm.
Why on earth would my sweet adorable wife want this?
She was especially looking forward to locking it up again afterwards, and I'd spoilt it for her.
C said "I'm doing this for me. Not for you. I'll find another way to make you realise how naughty you've been.

Honestly I don't mind. I'm more disappointed that I've upset C. Upsetting C or hurting her feelings in any way is like turning the sun off.

So the big day.
My orgasm was a bit disappointing. Not big or remarkable. The most interesting thing was after two minutes C said "I hadn't expected you to last this long?".
"I think it's waiting for permision?"
"Oh. OK. Come now."
I came immediately, but no wow or stars, just a normal not so big come.
"I don't think much came out?"
"Oh.. Well it was coming out earlier while you were waiting and looking at my boobies? Maybe it just leaked out. Anyway. Down you go".

This bit I had been looking forward to and there was no refractory down feeling to stop me.
What didn't help was C.
"Clean it up. Get your tongue in. Oh my god yuck. Can't believe I can make you do that.
" This is really not helping you know".

"Right. Yes of course. Oh my yes. Lick it up slave.. Make me.. Blah, yuck.. Sorry. But it's like salty lumpy snot yuck yuck yuck. Have you finished that bit now"?
Sigh! "Yes".
"Good boy cleaning the nasty mess up.. You can make me come now".
And so I did.
I'm not sure what else to say about this. I mean honesty is the best policy and all that, but lumpy snot? Really?

Rest of today I've felt washed out and tired.
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

In recovery this week.
I was washed out on Monday.
C offered to edge me Tuesday but I was tired.
She made use of me on Wednesday and again on Friday, I was offered another edge Friday which I very much wanted.
My head is back in the right place now.
I was quite shocked at how short my erection was and commented to C "You wouldn't be happy if my dick was always that small".
To which she replied "Doesn't matter. Don't use it anyway".

So this is a normal week with no targets or offers etc. It's nice to be normal for a bit.

I'll likley be allowed to come again on Sunday. I'm not sure I want to come so soon. I want sex obviously. I enjoyed holding C close to me whilst making that creampie. That 'holding' was the best part for me. The coming bit was meh!
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Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by strangeque »

Hi, apologies if I missed it somewhere, could I ask you to please share the details of your device? Make, type, urethral insert, locking mechanism? You seem to have found a good combo. I have tried so many so far. Thank you for sharing a wonderful adventure.
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Mr Pickle
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Re: [Mr Pickle] one step forwards, two steps back

Post by Mr Pickle »

strangeque wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:31 am Hi, apologies if I missed it somewhere, could I ask you to please share the details of your device? Make, type, urethral insert, locking mechanism? You seem to have found a good combo. I have tried so many so far. Thank you for sharing a wonderful adventure.
Hi. No problem, thanks.

From Ternence.

I have this one. Ring size not sure, but it's excacly the same inner size/shape as my erect penis circumfrance. I must have an ergonomic penis?

https://ternence.net/products/ternence- ... tsId=10186

I changed the nut for a marine grade locknut (non removable).

The urethral shape is important. Designers seem to forget that your urethral actually runs along the bottom of your penis rather than straight down the middle. Strange they haven't worked that out?

I've a post on here called transition to urethral with more info.

https://www.chastityforums.com/viewtopi ... =3&t=64812

My advice. Go smaller on length than you think. I'm 5" relaxed, the cage is 1.7" plus ring. So maybe 2.5" with ring.
All the guides put me in longer but It didn't get easy until I went to a shorter cage. Ring diameter = erect circumfrance where you wear it. Close as you can get. Not smaller. This worked for me.
Good luck.
1 x
Me. "I only got 30 seconds, that's not fair". C. "life's not fair, suck it up" :(
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