[Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

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Re: [Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

Post by Lockhubbybywife »

June 24, 2022
Well, it has been six months since my last post. I have been in a 133 day locked up and I don't think it is going to end anytime soon. During my current lock down my wife wanted me to return to the urologist to see if we couldn't fix my "crooked carrot" Peyronie's condition. Well it was months again waiting for the insurance company to come through, which they did and then I had to wait a couple of months for the pharmacy to deliver and they did, then the we made the doctors' appointments to get a series of shots into my penis. The schedule is to have 2 shots given on a Thursday and then another series of shots the following Tuesday and then I would wait a month and go through it again. This was going to happen for 7 months during that time I would not be allowed to have intercourse or even masturbate. Time starting getting closer to the appointment and my wife came to me and asked if I was ready to handle it, and follow doctors' orders of not masturbating and being uncaged? I immediately said I would do what I needed to do.
Well that short conversation started to getting me thinking about her questioning the whole thing, I mean she was the one that pushed me to go back to the doctor, even commenting that I wasn't doing enough by pushing the doctor, pharmacy and insurance. So what was she thinking? So I approached her and said I was confused and didn't know if she wanted me to get the shots or not. She responded by saying she didn't know if I would handle being cageless not succumbing to masturbating to porn, etc.. I told her that I was doing this for her, she was missing the intimacy of PIV sex, and I was perfectly happy if he throw away the key. So, this conversation went on for a week and at the end of it, I canceled my doctors' appointments. I also asked if I was to stay locked, I would like to spend a little money for a custom cage. She agreed and I order my Baddassworkroom custom titanium cage modeled after my resin cherry keeper with the head lock system and has the ability to permanently lock it. On Wednesday night after happy hour, she wanted to drop by another place and to keep our happy hour going, and i suggested that she take my home and zip me up in my mummy bag and she should go and have another cocktail by herself and who knows she might get picked up. she said you mention this shit all the time and she didnt want to be "whored out" and then said you really wouldn't mind if she was with another man? I said no, but we still went home. After that she has made an appointment to see a dietician, and a plastic surgery consultation. Who knows what is going through her mind. I am enjoying being her "boy" and love her more today than in our previous 36 years together.
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Re: [Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

Post by Lockhubbybywife »

Well, it was June when I lasted posted. Today is Day 250 of my current lockdown. I am in my new Badass workroom cage, and I simply love it! This is definitely the most comfortable cage I have been in. it was a replica of the Cherry Keeper with a Headlock, that I had and liked, but because it was made of resin it was hard to keep clean. Because they are halfway around the world communication is a little slow, I write them and the respond the next day, but we got it done. I am a full-time wearer, I don't take it off, except to clean every three months or so. I have about six cages that I have spent more than a month in over the last 5 years.

The other night I was allowed to breakout the vibrator and she help and talked dirty to me, she didnt think I could make it happen, when I did, she said "Well I guess we never have to unlock you". Don't know if she meant it or she was just playing with my fantasies, either way it was music to my ears. I believe she is enjoying being my QUEEN, when I asked her to boss me around a little more, her response was that I should take the initiative and just do everything in my power to anticipate what her needs are and complete the Responsibilities that would please her. So that is what I am trying to accomplish.
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Re: [Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

Post by Lockhubbybywife »

Day 328, not sure she was going to let me make it past Xmas or the new year locked but here I am still locked. Obviously this is my longest duration my prior was 235. My new cage is titanium and doesn't hold any smell, so I have only been unlocked to change from the resin cherry keeper with a head lock to my new improved badass workroom titanium knockoff of the cherry keeper and that was well over 175 days ago. The reason for my post, in the almost 6 years we have been playing with chastity, my wife has never really punished me. Well most mornings, I get up and let the dogs out, feed them, make coffee and let her sleep in. We have a shock collar that I have around my ball sack and when she weakens she usually give me a couple of zaps ⚡️ to let me know she is awake and ready for her coffee ☕️ in bed. Lately I have been keeping it on throughout the day and she will give me a buzz when she wants to speak with me and I answer yes ma'am what can I do for you. Well today I have it on as usual and I get a zap, I may say stronger than usual but I went to her and she said follow me to the kitchen as she was zapping me, I said ok ok I coming, we got to the kitchen and she showed my the dinner I left out on the stove last night. I said I was sorry and I saw her crank up the intensity and gave me a severe shock. I don't know how high it was but it hurt. Typically she has it on 30, when she was calling me to the kitchen it was definitely higher and when she gave my last final ⚡️ zaps ⚡️ it bent me over. She was like I hope you remember that, maybe next time you will do a better job cleaning up dinner.
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Re: [Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

Post by Lockhubbybywife »

Day 367.
Well Saturday was 1 full year of Chasity, so I let her know that it has been a year. Her response was "it has already been a year?" while I was dry humping her leg. and I said "Yes Ma'am". " "We probably should let you clean, but we don't want you to clean it to good" was her response. With the fact it has been a year, I thought for sure she was going to let me out and let me cum or even have PIV. (January 15, 2022 was the last time we had PIV. She doesn't have a boyfriend, even though I mentioned a couple of time she could.)
So, the weekend has passed and NOTHING. She didnt even ask to be serviced (oral). I haven't asked to be release, because of my goal was to reach a year, now that we have, I figured she would let me out. Maybe, I wont get released until October when we go on a overseas vacation? Valentines day is tomorrow, so maybe she is waiting? Did I create a situation where she isn't interested in my penis or any penis? Maybe I am Locked permanently?
they say Chastity doesn't start until you want to be unlocked. to be continued
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Re: [Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

Post by Lockhubbybywife »

A year of Records; . Going back through my chastity Calendar and here is what I have in my 6 years of chastity.

I have been unlocked 42 days on 1 occasion (Jan 1 - Feb 11)
323 locked.
Today is Feb. 13, 2023 and still locked since Feb 11, 2022 making it 367 days locked.

of the 273 days in 2021 I have been unlocked 47 days on 2 different occasions
in the past 12 months (365 days) I have been unlocked 67 days / 298 locked.

locked 309
unlocked 56 days on 5 different occasions

locked 324
unlocked 41 days on 7 different occasions

locked 312
unlocked 53 days on 14 different occasions

started playing with chastity on May 21
longest lock up of 25 days
nothing got serious until 2018
Last edited by Lockhubbybywife on Fri Feb 17, 2023 9:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

Post by Lockhubbybywife »

[/b]Day 369[/b]
Well I was allowed to service her yesterday (valentines day) and then she allowed me to use the vibrator on my cage while she told me how useless my dick is, that all this chastity has broken it, I will never have my penis in her again and all my energy will be to serve her in anyway she requests. I asked if she was going to get someone else to give her PIV and she said " if I so desire". I came and cleaned up and she told me that she is going to give me the key tomorrow and I am to clean the cage and my penis then lock back up immediately and then put the shock collar on ( around my testicles) to keep me in line. I tend to get a little fresh after I cum. In the five years since we have started this journey she has never given me instructions like that. It just goes to show if you don't shove it in there face and just treat her like a queen, she will enjoy it and eventually start to expect it and not wanting it to stop.
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Re: [Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

Post by MiFlyboy »

"I came and cleaned up and she told me that she is going to give me the key tomorrow and I am to clean the cage and my penis then lock back up immediately and then put the shock collar on ( around my testicles) to keep me in line. "

Hello Lockhubbybywife;
We're wondering what shock collar you went with, and what type of features it has.

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Re: [Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

Post by Lockhubbybywife »

I can't find the exact version, but it was just a $50 dog shock collar that I modified the strap to fit around my penis. It has a remote that she can be in any room of the house and shock me when she needs me for anything. It has some difficulty when she is inside the house and I am outside.
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Re: [Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

Post by Lockhubbybywife »

Day 381
This more of a question to those who consider themselves permanently locked.
Do you start counting months instead of days, when it appears that your key holder isn't going to unlock you and this is your new "normal"?
If you go beyond 2 years to you start counting by years?
Last edited by Lockhubbybywife on Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Lockhubbybywife] Lockedhubby's Journey

Post by waki86 »

Permanent confinement will not work for us.
Because if we did, we wouldn't be able to do things anymore. For example, we are naturists and at naturist associations or on vacation it is not allowed to wear a cage or anything else with your private parts.
This also applies to a sauna or naked swimming hours.
But it's not so that I'm going to count down when we're going to do something, where the cage can't be carried.
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Lock permanently in BA-13 under the kilt :mrgreen:
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