[Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Thanks for the advice. I have read Locked Love. While I enjoyed the book it is coming mostly from his view. My wife is all about her which is why I chose the book I did. It tells her what she can get out of it. And when I say about all about her I mean all about her. I can be in a room watching a movie and she will come in, pick up the remote and say let’s watch television. I saw I am watching television. She’ll then reply we should watch something we both like and then turn it to one of her shows. So when presenting an idea I have to show what she gains. And if outside her narrow comfort zone, most likely it ain’t gonna happen. So this was a long shot at best.

Sorry to hear about your divorce. Been through that once myself and absolutely no picnic.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Five weeks have passed and the wife has said nothing about the book or chastity that I may have to broach the subject again. I think Loctober is out of the question.

In the mean time. My Cherry Keeper arrived. I really like the design and could see it becoming a favorite of mine. Only issue the material it’s made of is rough and porous. I am trying to sand it down and hoping it works. Got it in green but the sanding is rubbing it to a white. But it’s the ring so not really minding it.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Mr Pickle »

Personally. I would send it back or chuck it. I've had plenty of knock offs to find a type I like, I think only two were not up to standard. I didnt even put them on. There are enough problems with decent devices as it is.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

I hear you. I have tossed about five knock offs in the trash. This one ran about $70 so gonna try to sand it before tossing. Plus it has a smaller ring at the base of the cage to prevent turtling which I want to see if that works. Tends to be an issue
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Xileh »

Mrs Xileh, who is a voracious reader and likes chastity, doesn’t really care to read FLR or chastity books. I’ve been very careful selecting a couple, but it hasn’t caught on yet. I have sent her links to a number of podcasts and she liked those. We also watched a streaming class about developing dominance. She also liked that. Maybe you can try a different format?
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Fastredcar »

My wife refuses to read any books I've purchased to introduce chastity into our lives. Could you provide some links to podcasts that you found particularly helpful? Thanks!
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

I would also like to know some of these podcasts too please. I ordered her the Stephen King book hoping she will feel the need to read the chastity book first. If not, will try the podcast. Thanks for the suggestion. Really appreciate it.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Today was a good day. Took CS out and asked her if she planned to read the book. It was a less then exciting no not really. She didn’t want to seem like she was punishing me or that we won’t be equals. So we had a good talk and she said she would give the book a read. I also mentioned several podcasts I have researched and listened too which might be helpful. Thanks for the idea.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

Have had several smaller talks with wife CS on chastity. Still has not started the book or listened to podcast. But yesterday we were at lunch. If we need anything like extra napkins or dessert, I have the habit of saying “can she have some napkins” or “she would like some dessert”. She gets perturbed at me for not using “we”. During the meal she said she needed more napkins and I asked the waitress if she could get CS some. She started in on me and I made the joke “good thing you don’t have me in chastity or you’d be adding days to my being locked”. She looked at me and said she hadn’t thought of that but liked the idea.

Later we were at a store, she made a comment which I cracked a joke over. She looked at me and said,” that would be a another couple days and at the rate I was going I wouldn’t have sex again.” I replied that it would all be within her power to do.

I think she is starting to turn the corner on the idea. My birthday is coming up and she asked what I wanted and I said for her to read the book so we could discuss it.
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Re: [Sam3655] I’ve put it out there

Post by Sam3655 »

The wife, CS seems to have taken two steps back from being my key holder. But that doesn’t stop me from experimenting. Been in my resin mamba v6 since Monday and it’s Thursday. She has yet to notice. Two micro cages I ordered came in today. Come to find out that the nub is about as small as I can go. Thinking of it as a good thing. 😂 Thinking about trying a metal cage again but was hoping CS would have been my keyholder by now and we could have picked one out together. Guess I’ll give it another couple weeks.

Tossed the Cherry Keeper in the trash. Really liked the design and over all fit. It was the rough texture that caused issues. Tried sanding it several times but within the hour it had to come off.

Tomorrow is my birthday and when asked what I wanted, told the wife to just read the book so we could discuss it. Here’s to hoping birthday wishes come true. Lol
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