[secondthirty] New Rules

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[secondthirty] New Rules

Post by Secondthirty »

It was a little less than two months ago when S surprised me with our first cage. For weeks, she would have me wear it for a day or two, then she would let me out and we would have great sex. But then she read A Keyholders Handbook — she may still be reading it; she doesn’t tell me. That book seems to have changed things. Instead of our fairly frequent sex, she has now kept me locked for 13 days, letting me out only to go running for less than an hour every 2-3 days (“physical exercise is important,” S likes to say, seemingly without irony). She has teased me, but only with the cage on, which is challenging. Four days ago that teasing included tying me up and using a powerful vibrator on herself only inches from my face. I could do nothing except smell her arousal and strain against the steel bars of my cage. After she had given herself her second orgasm, she said that vibrator is so good that she may never need me again.

She gives no indication that she will release me at any time. She has seemingly abandoned the idea of out-of-cage stimulation. I still feel very new to this and the severity and duration are a lot to take. Confusingly, her newly rigorous demands excite me almost constantly, and even just writing about these experiences makes my member try so furiously to get hard that i keep having to stop writing and take a few breaths until the pain of a straining partial erection passes.

I wish i had full privileges to post here, since i could really use some feedback and would like to start a thread about my newbie conflicted emotions. At this rate, I suppose those privileges will “come” long before i ever do.

Even though this is difficult — more difficult than i ever would have guessed — and even though S has quickly become quite demanding, about extending my denial but also about requiring household service, and even though my increasingly frequent “crushed arousal” is deeply and unignoreably painful, i am forced to admit that i would not ask her to be more lenient. Even with all of the suffering — or, more likely, because of it, i feel a tremendous appreciation and deeper love, and those feelings envelope the suffering like a fine leather glove pulled over a cold hand.

In the end, i must admit, i love her so much more for putting me through this.

It does help to put down in writing this intense, constant, writhing tangle of pain, longing, gratitude, love and despair. Thanks for reading.
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Re: [secondthirty] New Rules

Post by Secondthirty »

Yesterday S added a “punishment pin” to my Jail Bird. The addition was not to punish me for anything specific; S just wanted to test it out to see how painful it would be, for future reference. It was one of the milder shapes of pin, and so its effects were gradual rather than immediate. I wore it all afternoon with only moderate sensation, but by dinnertime, when we had guests, the pin had become a dull but quite insistent ache rather like the feeling of a shoe’s high-heel being pressed moderately down into my cock. And the feeling was constant. After dinner i pulled S aside and mentioned that it was really hurting. Her response was, “Good.” Later, she decided that i would continue to wear the pin overnight.

I am still wearing it now, and i find myself contemplating the difference between discomfort that is incidental to the chastity device, and pain which is specifically and optionally induced over and above that required to wear the cage. Interestingly, i find that the deliberately caused discomfort acts as a kind of nonverbal reassurance, saying in very physical terms: Yes, I know this is hard, and that you are suffering, but it is no accident; I want you to suffer, so accept it.

As i lay here in the dark, processing the now steady pressure, that reassurance makes all the difference.
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Re: [secondthirty] New Rules

Post by LockedByBD »

I am envious of how she has taken to chastity enforcement.
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Locked when my wife wants it locked.
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